features DRUPAL-7--1-0

#1647894 by tim.plunkett: Fixed Features with page manager components are perpetually overridden.
#1635662 by donquixote: Fixed Undefined index: feature in features_get_info().
Add missing taxonomy test file

features DRUPAL-7--1-0-RC3

#1429262 by joelcollinsdc, neochief: Added Allow component level reverting (without needing to go to interactive mode) in drush fr.
#1272586 by alexweber | stevector: Added Increment or directly set version number directly with drush features-update.
#1532422 by nadavoid: Fixed If the custom sort order of 'format_handlers()' is not maintained, some things can break.
#1564864 by jeffschuler: Fixed Mixup in hook_features_export_render() example.
#1567506 by Dave Reid: Fixed Unable to properly export or provide a locked field in a feature.
#1597792 by jessehs: Make sure all comments in created features end period.
#1599188 by jessehs: Move inline comment for empty feature .module file to @file doc block.
#1587200 by ericduran: Fixed Test module should be hidden.
#1574716 by bojanz: Fixed Avoid unnecessary cache rebuilds when creating and updating fields.
#1530386 by exratione, bojanz, kotnik: Avoid unnecessary cache rebuilds and improve installation performance.
#1489480 by Xen | dema502: Fixed drush:features-export Ambiguous component.
#1159390 by hefox | brad.bulger: Fixed incorrect revert hook name in features.api.php?.
#1493274 by hefox, neochief: Fixed Feature installed before Strongarm blocks all other variable imports.
#1537838 by hefox, JvE | Gisle: Fixed Upgrading to 7.x-1.0-rc2 (from rc1) breaks taxonomy creation.
#1447656 by bcmiller0, smk-ka: Added drush features-revert-all performance improvement.

features DRUPAL-7--1-0-RC2

#1529202 by mpotter, mstrelan: Fixed Unable to revert overrides because clear-block is now clearfix.
#1505044 by neochief: Fixed features_var_export() adds additional prefix to multiline strings contained in objects.
#1510710 by neochief: Fixed Incorrect key in features_include_defaults() with reset parameters.
#1402262 by hefox: Fixed features.api.php mentions 'features_source()' key, but the actual key in use is 'feature_source()'.
#939254 by hefox, fago: Added Return the () to hook_features_pipe_component_alter().
#894572 by pearcec, eporama, Grayside, andrewlevine: Added Features with only module dependencies not recognized as features.
#1231118 by tim.plunkett, jhedstrom, nielsonm, arnested: Fixed Generate code according to coding standards.
#1493274 by neochief, hefox: Fixed Feature installed before Strongarm blocks all other variable imports.
#1287594 by tim.plunkett: Don't wrap .info file values in double quotes.
#1437388 by hefox: Fixed check if file exists before including it in features_include().
#1496322 by hefox, dajjen: Added Make package autocomplete search string case insensitive .
#1279938 by derhasi, helmo: Added Features support for languages.
#1305048 by mongolito404: Fixed Undefined index error in user_permission_features_export_render().
#1063204 by careernerd, davidwhthomas, hefox | mrfree: Fixed Adding a new permission causes integrity constraint violation.
#1432264 by ezra-g, tim.plunkett | samhassell: Fixed Changes to hook_views_api() cause Views plugins to be undefined.
Revert "Issue #1432264 by ezra-g, tim.plunkett | samhassell: Fixed Changes to hook_views_api() cause Views plugins to be undefined."

features DRUPAL-7--1-0-RC1

#1331278 by Xen, tim.plunkett, joelcollinsdc, mpotter: Drush features-add and features-export are confusingly simi
#1475780 by rggoode: Added Prevent starting features machine name starting with numeric.
#1402826 by mpotter: Added Make 'Checking...' a link.
#1478808 by mpotter: Added Why is Description field required?.
#1279938 by derhasi, helmo: Added Features support for languages.
#1009900 by DamienMcKenna: Check if a variable is empty before comparing it to a known value.
#1426452 by mpotter, rypit: Added Conflicts with disabled modules should be colored differently.
#984472 by hefox, goron, Sarenc, mpotter: Added hook_node_info_alter(), and alter_type(), alter_hook() to features
#1478808 by mpotter: Added Why is Description field required?.
#1479068 by mpotter: Added Allow exportable code written to different files.
#1058778 by dajjen | nymo: Added ability to edit package of feature when creating/editing features via the UI.
#1429408 by joelcollinsdc: Fixed Diff page does not show component titles.
#1264826 by Volx, hefox | mortendk: Fixed revert views calls views delete() & throws a fatal error .
#1432264 by ezra-g, tim.plunkett | samhassell: Fixed Changes to hook_views_api() cause Views plugins to be undefin
#1479068 by mpotter: Added Allow exportable code written to different files.
#1437370 by hefox: Fixed . is being mapped to ord(',') instead of ord('.') in features_dom_encode_options()/featur
Added a README section about security concerns
Updated some docs, specifically the maintainers
#1231118 by jhedstrom: Generate code according to coding standards when using include_once.
#1305194 by hefox,Xen,mpotter: Provide support for exporting of altering of components
#1305194 by smk-ka,jief: Taxonomy reference field export recursion
#1390848: Fixing a slight bug from the previous patch that lead to wrong components being shown as being able to b
#1390848 by hefox: Centralize the call to hook_features_api()
Updated the features_test Feature
#1399440 by hefox: Fixed Feature tests failure on image against drupal 7.10.

features DRUPAL-7--1-0-BETA6

#1382156 by tim.plunkett | davidn: Fixed PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function ctools_features_declare_funct

features DRUPAL-7--1-0-BETA5

#1363284 by tim.plunkett, mpotter: Fixed Drush --force option is declared wrong.
#1079440 by mpotter, mrf, tobby, acrollet, donquixote: Fixed Module name check prevents panels custom content pane
#1152908 by greg.1.anderson, msonnabaum, smk-ka, rbayliss: Fixed Remove calls to drush_backend_invoke()
#813760 by galooph, tim.plunkett, Volx, raphaelhuefner | greg.harvey: Fixed CTools Page manager pages do not rever
#904558 by hefox, voxpelli, Raines37 | loze: Fixed Multiple features and strongarm conflicts.
#1170846 by Ravi.J: Fixed Disabling a feature does not disable dependent modules.
#1313744 by TravisCarden: Fixed Sort 'Edit components' SELECT alphabetically.
Made the Features Test not hidden, b/c if it is hidden it wont enable/install the content type
#1300780 by Dave Reid: Added Provide an actual hook_features_pipe_alter() for general altering.
#1178884 by YaderV | altfuns: Fixed Wrong  word (with) in a description text.
#893360 by Xen, Raines37, Grayside, franz: Added Drush update/recreate (add components).
#913890 by Grayside, joshuajabbour, tim.plunkett | webchick: Added Generate .info file properties in order consist
#1288028 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed D7 branch refers to D6 CCK hook.
#1187232 by Ravi.J, rickvug: Fixed Hidden and disabled features should not be displayed in UI and should not be co

features DRUPAL-7--1-0-BETA4

Fixing naming conflict b/w hook_enable and hook_disable
#1187858 by smk-ka, febbraro: Fixed Node permissions fail to import.
#1191558 by clemens.tolboom, Raines37: Allow for drush --destination while exporting a feature.
#1188066 by smk-ka, febbraro: Fixed Excessive rebuilding if installing more than one feature at a time.
#1260040 by tim.plunkett | hefox: Fixed features.css does not follow coding standards.
#1195432: Fixing admin screen regression
#1195432 by smk-ka: Use dependency information when importing
#1186874 by dixon_: Better support for switching field storage types
#1175684 by sagannotcarl, rocket.nova: Add legend/help to features-diff
#1210604 by catch: drush features-revert-all does not respect --force argument
#954062 by irakli, hefox: Incorrect Component Labels in the Components Dropdown
#1186694 by tunic, fearlsgroove: Features orders exportes recursivally; fields allowed_values array alphabetized,
#935152 by adamdicarlo, hadsie, hefox: Menu Items missing from Menu Links due to access callback user_is_anonymous
#1258072 by hefox: Add suggestion for vocabulary when exporting a taxonomy field
#1279212: add Features Breadcrumb
Fixed the display of conflicting features. It was borked big time.
#1219932 bu acrollet, t-dub, Nico Heulsen: Problems when dependencies have version numbers in them
#1055460 by nedjo, hefox, fabsor, others...: Disabling a feature does not allow user to delete content type
#994602 by franz: Misleading example on hook_features_export_alter() documentation
#1264462 by Dave Reid, skwashd: template_preprocess_features_admin_components() calls D6-style theme() arguments
#1131062: scripts/stylesheets manually added to info file have the path broken
#946068 by rvilar, hefox: The machine name isn't updating correctly
#1079440 by mrf, DamienMcKenna, dereine: Allow export of Custom Content Panes
#1231118 by arnested, tim.plunkett: Coder fixes

features DRUPAL-7--1-0-BETA3

#1177582 by paulsheldrake: Missing ctools plugin include
#1191670: Undefined FEATURES_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND in features.drush.inc
#1157048 by dixon_: Features appear overridden
#1124422 by anantagati: Wrong links in README
#932104 by aaronbauman, hefox, etc.: Improve help for feature export drush command
#1094940 by webflo: Features unit test are broken
#1134202: Overridden views not reverting
#1097560 by nedjo: Features incompatible with latest version of views

features DRUPAL-7--1-0-BETA2

#1111714 by paranojik: _features_restore() does not properly revert components.
#1070912 by bdragon: features_get_info() hands back original objects, can get corrupted.
#1073988 by mikewink: File formats should be labeled text formats for consistency.
removing unnecessary and typo-including check on plugin_api_hook_name
removed duplicate ctools_plugin_api_get_hook function since new ctools is now released and it's unnecessary
#1097560 by floretan, quartsize, merlinofchaos: Features incompatible with the latest version of views.
Fixing unit test for permissions that broke as a result of #1063204
Fixed the sanitize as it was incorrectly misidentifying a one item associative array as non-associative.
Merge branch '7.x-1.x' of git.drupal.org:project/features into 7.x-1.x
#1063204 by mrfree, careernerd, hadsie, irakli: Adding a new user role causes integrity constraing violation.
Fixed E_STRICT warnings
Merge branch '7.x-1.x' of git.drupal.org:project/features into 7.x-1.x
#973836 by fmitchell, Grayside: Add @file to the generated files
#1078972 by bdragon: Quoting problems on key side.
Removing translation directories
Stripping CVS keywords

features DRUPAL-7--1-0-BETA1

#993314 by das-peter: Notice 'undefined index' in features_export_build_form_populate.
adding warning @TODO to note an edge case that is not covered by existing code when checking if .module includes feature
#1053336 by tema: Translatables are not exported for fields.
#970788 by mori, das_peter, steinmb: Notice: Undefined index: api in _ctools_features_get_info() // error from featu
#1062526 by fago, dasjo: components appear always overriden if the default hook makes use of hook-group.
#954536 by klausi: Unsetting ids on vocabulary object breaks Entity Cache.
#1014066 by brenk28: Improper use of t().
#994122 by hadsie: Feature conflicts report displays conflicting features as Array instead of proper feature name.
#953236 by isolesen, grobot : Make the Manage Features page more descriptive when there are no features.
cleaning up previous somewhat extraneous commit and making first attempt towards fixing: #986118. Full fix of that one s
#944584 by  Rok Žlender, pcambra: Features diff in drush is broken.
#1056422 by EclipseGc: Attribute Classes are Arrays in D7.
Follow up to previous commit, actually ordering array correctly.
Fix tab rendering on admin/build/features.
Updated the filter test
Utilize filter format machine names which core now provides.

features DRUPAL-7--1-0-ALPHA3

Update filter component to make use of machine names if available.
PHP declaration.
Update features_test field export to match changes in core.
Several test fixes.
Use features_get_default() rather than module_invoke().
Remove old schema check.
#925628 by thill_: Fix example version strings.
#925332 by joshuajabbour: Cleaner export render for ctools components.

features DRUPAL-7--1-0-ALPHA2

Update features.api.php.
#919500 by fago: Enable generic feature implementations. Introduces 'base' key in hook_features_api().
#912132 by das-peter, fago: Implement hook_hook_info() entry for 'features_api'.
Properly support 'hidden' key in D7.
Fix function signature of features_export_prepare().
Fix for menu links export options.
Exclude bundles info from field config.
Exclude 'module' key from image style export.
Prevent features from going haywire when attempting to detect conflict with components it doesn't know about.
Sorting field definitions before exporting.
Removing non-class files from files[] in fino.
Revert addition of files array to features.
#912018 by das-peter: Fix for duplicate files[] entries.
Remove unneeded context features hooks.
Fix features_get_orphans().
#908390: Generate files[] array for features.

features DRUPAL-7--1-0-ALPHA1

D7: Update image styles component.
D7: Update hook_permission().
D7: Remove _features_get_roles().
D7: user_role and user_permission component upgrades.
D7: Update list of component includes.
D7: Filter format API updates.
D7: Fix for diff integration.
D7 fixes for menu_custom and menu_links components.