array('vocimp'), 'callback' => 'drush_taxonomy_csv_import', 'description' => 'Import taxonomies and hierarchical structures with CSV file.', 'examples' => array( 'drush taxocsv-import my_file flat' => 'Import my_file using the default settings.', 'drush taxocsv-import my_file tree --keep_order --delimiter=";" --check_line --vocabulary_target=existing --vocabulary_id=3 --update_or_ignore=update --result_terms' => 'Import my_file as a tree structure into vocabulary with vid 2, a semicolon for delimiter and default settings for other options, and display imported terms after process.', ), 'arguments' => array( 'file_path' => 'Required. The full path or url to CSV file to import', 'import_format' => "Optional. CSV format: 'flat' (default), 'tree', 'polyhierarchy', 'fields', 'translate'", ), 'options' => array( 'fields_format' => "List of comma separated fields (default: 'name')", 'translate_by' => "First item ('name' or 'tid') of a translation import (default: 'name')", 'translate_languages' => "List of comma separated languages of terms (default: '')", 'keep_order' => 'Keep order of imported terms', 'delimiter' => 'CSV delimiter (default: ",")', 'enclosure' => "CSV enclosure (default: none or '\"')", 'filter_format' => 'Default format of the description (default: "plain_text")', 'filter_format_custom' => 'Default format of custom fields (default: "none", as fixed plain text)', 'language' => 'Default language of terms (default: "und" (undefined))', 'check_line' => 'Check format of lines', 'check_utf8' => 'Check utf8 format', 'locale_custom' => 'Specific locale of imported file', 'vocabulary_target' => "'autocreate' (default), 'duplicate' or 'existing'", 'vocabulary_id' => 'vid or machine_name of the vocabulary to duplicate or to import into', 'i18n_mode' => 'Internationalization mode of autocreated voc (default: 0 (none))', 'vocabulary_language' => 'Language of autocreated voc (default: "und" (undefined))', 'fields_custom' => 'Custom comma separated fields to add or create', 'delete_terms' => 'Delete all terms before import', 'check_hierarchy' => 'Check vocabulary hierarchy', 'set_hierarchy' => "If hierarchy isn't checked, set it (0, 1 or 2 (default))", 'update_or_ignore' => "What to do with existing items: 'update' (default) or 'ignore'", // Level of result process infos. 'result_stats' => 'Display import stats', 'result_terms' => 'Display list of imported terms', 'result_level' => "Level of displayed messages: 'first' (default), 'warnings', 'notices' or 'infos'", 'result_type' => "Group infos 'by_message' (default) or 'by_line'", ), ); $items['taxocsv-export'] = array( 'aliases' => array('vocexp'), 'callback' => 'drush_taxonomy_csv_export', 'description' => 'Export terms and properties to a CSV file.', 'examples' => array( 'drush taxocsv-export 2 flat' => "Export all terms names of the vocabulary with vid 2, using the default settings.", 'drush taxocsv-export 2 tree --delimiter=";" --order=name' => 'Export vocabulary with vid 2 as a CSV tree structure ordered by name, with a semicolon for delimiter, and default settings for other options.', ), 'arguments' => array( 'vocabulary_id' => 'Required. vid or machine_name of the vocabulary to export (0 means all)', 'export_format' => "Optional. CSV format: 'flat' (default), 'tree', 'fields', 'fields_first'", 'file_path' => "Optional. Full path or filename of exported csv file (default: [current directory]/taxocsv.csv)", ), 'options' => array( 'fields_format' => "List of comma separated fields (default: 'name')", 'delimiter' => 'One character csv delimiter (default: ",")', 'enclosure' => "Zero or one character csv enclosure (default: '\"')", 'line_ending' => "'Unix' (default), 'Mac' or 'MS-DOS'", 'order' => "Order of terms: 'name' (default), 'tid' or 'weight'", // Level of result process infos. 'result_duplicates' => "Display duplicate terms", ), ); return $items; } /** * Implements hook_drush_help(). */ function taxonomy_csv_drush_help($section) { switch ($section) { case 'drush:taxocsv-import': return dt('Import taxonomies and hierarchical structures with CSV file.'); case 'drush:taxocsv-export': return dt('Export terms and properties to a CSV file.'); } } /** * Process the import of an input. * * @see drush_invoke() * @see drush.api.php */ function drush_taxonomy_csv_import($file_path, $import_format = 'alone_terms') { // Start process. drush_print('Checking options...'); if (!$file_path || !file_exists($file_path)) { drush_log('You need to set the correct path or url of the file to import.', 'error'); return; } require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_csv') . '/import/'); // Set arguments. $options = array(); $options['url'] = $file_path; $options['import_format'] = $import_format; // Get the defaults options and update them with user ones. $options += _taxonomy_csv_values('import_default_api'); // Set simple options. foreach (array( 'delimiter', 'enclosure', 'locale_custom', 'vocabulary_target', 'vocabulary_id', 'set_hierarchy', 'update_or_ignore', // Level of result process infos. 'result_level', 'result_type', ) as $value) { $option = drush_get_option($value); if ($option !== NULL) { $options[$value] = $option; } } // Set boolean options. foreach (array( 'keep_order', 'check_line', 'check_utf8', 'delete_terms', 'check_hierarchy', 'set_hierarchy', // Level of result process infos. 'result_stats', 'result_terms', ) as $value) { $options[$value] = (drush_get_option($value) === NULL) ? FALSE : TRUE; } // Set array options. foreach (array( 'translate_languages', 'fields_format', 'fields_custom', ) as $value) { $option = drush_get_option_list($value); if ($option !== array()) { $options[$value] = $option; } } // Set general options. $options['check_options'] = TRUE; $options['result_display'] = TRUE; // Prepare import. $messages = taxonomy_csv_import($options); // Last check: unknown options. $other_options = array_diff(array_keys(drush_get_merged_options()), array_keys($options)); // Compatibility with drush 4.5. See if (($i = array_search('drush-make-update-default-url', $other_options)) !== FALSE) { unset($other_options[$i]); } if ($other_options) { $messages[] = 'Unknown options:' . ' ' . implode(', ', $other_options) . '.'; } if (count($messages)) { foreach ($messages as $message) { $msg = str_replace('
', " \n", $message); drush_log('- ' . $msg, 'error'); } return; } // Process the batch. drush_log('Options are good.', 'status'); drush_print('Launch import process. Please wait...'); $batch =& batch_get(); $batch['progressive'] = FALSE; drush_backend_batch_process(); // End of drush process. drush_print('End of drush import batch.'); } /** * Process the export of a vocabulary. * * @see drush_invoke() * @see drush.api.php */ function drush_taxonomy_csv_export($vocabulary_id, $export_format = 'alone_terms', $file_path = '') { // Start process. drush_print('Checking options...'); if ($vocabulary_id === NULL) { drush_log('You need to set a vocabulary id (0 means all).', 'error'); return; } // Set the destination file path. if ($file_path == '') { $file_path = getcwd() . '/taxocsv.csv'; } require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_csv') . '/export/'); // Set arguments. $options = array(); $options['vocabulary_id'] = $vocabulary_id; $options['export_format'] = $export_format; // Get the defaults options and update them with user ones. $options += _taxonomy_csv_values('export_default_api'); // Set simple options. foreach (array( 'delimiter', 'enclosure', 'line_ending', 'order', // Level of result process infos. ) as $value) { $option = drush_get_option($value); if ($option !== NULL) { $options[$value] = $option; } } // Set boolean options. foreach (array( 'result_duplicates', ) as $value) { $options[$value] = (drush_get_option($value) === NULL) ? FALSE : TRUE; } // Set array options. foreach (array( ) as $value) { $option = drush_get_option_list($value); if ($option !== array()) { $options[$value] = $option; } } // Set general options. $options['check_options'] = TRUE; $options['result_display'] = TRUE; // Prepare export. $messages = taxonomy_csv_export($options); $file = ''; if (is_object($messages)) { $file = $messages; $messages = array(); } // Last check: unknown options. $other_options = array_diff(array_keys(drush_get_merged_options()), array_keys($options)); // Compatibility with drush 4.5. See if (($i = array_search('drush-make-update-default-url', $other_options)) !== FALSE) { unset($other_options[$i]); } if ($other_options) { $messages[] = 'Unknown options:' . ' ' . implode(', ', $other_options) . '.'; } if (count($messages)) { foreach ($messages as $message) { $msg = str_replace('
', " \n", $message); drush_log('- ' . $msg, 'error'); } return; } // Process the batch. drush_log('Options are good.', 'status'); drush_print('Launch export process. Please wait...'); $batch =& batch_get(); $batch['progressive'] = FALSE; drush_backend_batch_process(); // Move file to chosen directory if needed. if (file_exists($file->filepath)) { rename($file->filepath, $file_path); drush_log("The vocabulary has been exported to $file_path.", 'status'); } // End of drush process. drush_print('End of drush export batch.'); }