D7 upgrade path. * * @var boolean */ protected $md5Passwords = FALSE; static public function getKeySchema() { return array( 'uid' => array( 'type' => 'int', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'description' => 'ID of destination user', ), ); } /** * Return an options array for user destinations. * * @param string $language * Default language for usrs created via this destination class. * @param string $text_format * Default text format for users created via this destination class. * @param boolean $md5_passwords * Set TRUE to indicate incoming passwords are md5-encrypted. */ static public function options($language, $text_format, $md5_passwords) { return compact('language', 'text_format', 'md5_passwords'); } /** * Basic initialization * * @param array $options * Options applied to comments. */ public function __construct(array $options = array()) { parent::__construct('user', 'user', $options); if (!empty($options['md5_passwords'])) { $this->md5Passwords = $options['md5_passwords']; } // Reduce hash count so import runs in a reasonable time (use same value as // the standard Drupal 6=>Drupal 7 upgrade path). global $conf; $conf['password_count_log2'] = 11; } /** * Returns a list of fields available to be mapped for users * * @param Migration $migration * Optionally, the migration containing this destination. * @return array * Keys: machine names of the fields (to be passed to addFieldMapping) * Values: Human-friendly descriptions of the fields. */ public function fields($migration = NULL) { $fields = array(); // First the core (users table) properties $fields['uid'] = t('Existing user ID', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#uid')); $fields['mail'] = t('Email address', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#mail')); $fields['name'] = t('Username', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#name')); $fields['pass'] = t('Password', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#pass')); $fields['status'] = t('Status', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#status')); $fields['created'] = t('Registered timestamp', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#created')); $fields['access'] = t('Last access timestamp', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#access')); $fields['login'] = t('Last login timestamp', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#login')); $fields['roles'] = t('Role IDs', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#roles')); $fields['role_names'] = t('Role Names', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#role_names')); $fields['picture'] = t('Picture', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#picture')); $fields['signature'] = t('Signature', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#signature')); $fields['signature_format'] = t('Signature format', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#signature_format')); $fields['timezone'] = t('Timezone', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#timezone')); $fields['language'] = t('Language', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#language')); $fields['theme'] = t('Default theme', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#theme')); $fields['init'] = t('Init', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#init')); $fields['data'] = t('Data', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#init')); $fields['is_new'] = t('Option: Indicates a new user with the specified uid should be created', array('@doc' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1349632#is_new')); // Then add in anything provided by handlers $fields += migrate_handler_invoke_all('Entity', 'fields', $this->entityType, $this->bundle, $migration); $fields += migrate_handler_invoke_all('User', 'fields', $this->entityType, $this->bundle, $migration); return $fields; } /** * Delete a batch of users at once. * * @param $uids * Array of user IDs to be deleted. */ public function bulkRollback(array $uids) { migrate_instrument_start('user_delete_multiple'); $this->prepareRollback($uids); user_delete_multiple($uids); $this->completeRollback($uids); migrate_instrument_stop('user_delete_multiple'); } /** * Import a single user. * * @param $account * Account object to build. Prefilled with any fields mapped in the Migration. * @param $row * Raw source data object - passed through to prepare/complete handlers. * @return array * Array of key fields (uid only in this case) of the user that was saved if * successful. FALSE on failure. */ public function import(stdClass $account, stdClass $row) { $migration = Migration::currentMigration(); // Updating previously-migrated content? if (isset($row->migrate_map_destid1)) { // Make sure is_new is off $account->is_new = FALSE; if (isset($account->uid)) { if ($account->uid != $row->migrate_map_destid1) { throw new MigrateException(t("Incoming uid !uid and map destination uid !destid1 don't match", array('!uid' => $account->uid, '!destid1' => $row->migrate_map_destid1))); } } else { $account->uid = $row->migrate_map_destid1; } } if ($migration->getSystemOfRecord() == Migration::DESTINATION) { if (!isset($account->uid)) { throw new MigrateException(t('System-of-record is DESTINATION, but no destination uid provided')); } $old_account = user_load($account->uid, TRUE); if (empty($old_account)) { throw new MigrateException(t('System-of-record is DESTINATION, but user !uid does not exist', array('!uid' => $account->uid))); } } else { $old_account = $account; } // Roles must be arrays keyed by the role id, which isn't how the data // naturally comes in. Fix them up. // First, if names instead of IDs are presented, translate them if (!empty($account->role_names)) { $role_names = is_array($account->role_names) ? $account->role_names : array($account->role_names); foreach ($role_names as $role_name) { $role = user_role_load_by_name($role_name); if ($role) { $account->roles[] = $role->rid; } } } if (!empty($account->roles)) { if (!is_array($account->roles)) { $account->roles = array($account->roles); } $account->roles = drupal_map_assoc($account->roles); } if (empty($account->roles) && empty($old_account->roles)) { $account->roles = array(); } $this->prepare($account, $row); if (isset($account->uid) && !(isset($account->is_new) && $account->is_new)) { $updating = TRUE; } else { $updating = FALSE; } // While user_save is happy to see a fid in $account->picture on insert, // when updating an existing account it wants a file object. if ($updating && isset($account->picture) && ($fid = $account->picture)) { $account->picture = file_load($fid); } // Normalize MD5 passwords to lowercase, as generated by Drupal 6 and previous if ($this->md5Passwords) { $account->pass = drupal_strtolower($account->pass); } // If any datetime values were included, ensure that they're in timestamp format. if (isset($account->created)) { $account->created = MigrationBase::timestamp($account->created); } if (isset($account->access)) { $account->access = MigrationBase::timestamp($account->access); } if (isset($account->login)) { $account->login = MigrationBase::timestamp($account->login); } // Validate field data prior to saving. MigrateDestinationEntity::fieldAttachValidate('user', $account); migrate_instrument_start('user_save'); $newaccount = user_save($old_account, (array)$account); migrate_instrument_stop('user_save'); if ($newaccount) { if ($this->md5Passwords && !empty($account->pass)) { // Ape the Drupal 6 -> Drupal 7 upgrade, which encrypts the MD5 text in the // modern way, and marks it with a prepended U so it recognizes and fixes it // up at login time. $password = 'U' . $newaccount->pass; db_update('users') ->fields(array('pass' => $password)) ->condition('uid', $newaccount->uid) ->execute(); } // Unlike nodes and taxonomy terms, core does not automatically save an // alias in a user entity, we must do it ourselves. if (module_exists('path')) { if (!empty($account->path['alias'])) { $path = array( 'source' => 'user/' . $account->uid, 'alias' => $account->path['alias'], ); migrate_instrument_start('path_save'); path_save($path); migrate_instrument_stop('path_save'); } } if ($updating) { $this->numUpdated++; } else { $this->numCreated++; // user_save() doesn't update file_usage on account creation, we have // to do it ourselves. if (!empty($newaccount->picture)) { $file = file_load($newaccount->picture); if (is_object($file)) { file_usage_add($file, 'user', 'user', $newaccount->uid); } } } $this->complete($newaccount, $row); $return = array($newaccount->uid); } else { $return = FALSE; } return $return; } } class MigrateDestinationRole extends MigrateDestinationTable { public function __construct() { parent::__construct('role'); } /** * Get the key definition for the role table. * * @param $dummy * PHP is picky - it throws E_STRICT notices if we don't have a parameter * because MigrateDestinationTable has one. */ static public function getKeySchema($dummy = NULL) { return MigrateDestinationTable::getKeySchema('role'); } /** * Delete a single row. * * @param $id * Primary key values. */ public function rollback(array $id) { migrate_instrument_start('role rollback'); $rid = reset($id); user_role_delete((int)$rid); migrate_instrument_stop('role rollback'); } /** * Import a single row. * * @param $entity * Object object to build. Prefilled with any fields mapped in the Migration. * @param $row * Raw source data object - passed through to prepare/complete handlers. * @return array * Array of key fields of the object that was saved if * successful. FALSE on failure. */ public function import(stdClass $entity, stdClass $row) { $migration = Migration::currentMigration(); $updating = FALSE; // Updating previously-migrated content? if (isset($row->migrate_map_destid1)) { $updating = TRUE; if (isset($entity->rid)) { if ($entity->rid != $row->migrate_map_destid1) { throw new MigrateException(t("Incoming id !id and map destination id !destid don't match", array('!id' => $entity->rid, '!destid' => $row->migrate_map_destid1))); } } else { $entity->rid = $row->migrate_map_destid1; } } if ($migration->getSystemOfRecord() == Migration::DESTINATION) { $updating = TRUE; if (!isset($entity->rid)) { throw new MigrateException(t('System-of-record is DESTINATION, but no destination id provided')); } $old_entity = user_role_load($entity->rid); foreach ($entity as $field => $value) { $old_entity->$field = $entity->$field; } $entity = $old_entity; } $this->prepare($entity, $row); user_role_save($entity); $this->complete($entity, $row); if (!empty($entity->rid)) { $id = array($entity->rid); if ($updating) { $this->numUpdated++; } else { $this->numCreated++; } } else { $id = FALSE; } return $id; } }