registerTypes(array('entity')); } /** * Implementation of MigrateDestinationHandler::fields(). */ public function fields($entity_type, $bundle, $migration = NULL) { $fields = array(); $field_instance_info = field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle); foreach ($field_instance_info as $machine_name => $instance) { $field_info = field_info_field($machine_name); $type = $field_info['type']; if (user_access(MIGRATE_ACCESS_ADVANCED)) { $fields[$machine_name] = $instance['label'] . ' (' . $field_info['type'] . ')'; } else { $fields[$machine_name] = $instance['label']; } // Look for subfields $class_list = _migrate_class_list('MigrateFieldHandler'); $disabled = unserialize(variable_get('migrate_disabled_handlers', serialize(array()))); $fields_found = FALSE; foreach ($class_list as $class_name => $handler) { if (!in_array($class_name, $disabled) && $handler->handlesType($type) && method_exists($handler, 'fields')) { migrate_instrument_start($class_name . '->fields'); $subfields = call_user_func(array($handler, 'fields'), $type, $instance, $migration); migrate_instrument_stop($class_name . '->fields'); foreach ($subfields as $subfield_name => $subfield_label) { $fields[$machine_name . ':' . $subfield_name] = $subfield_label; } $fields_found = TRUE; } } if (!$fields_found) { // Check the default field handler last. migrate_instrument_start('MigrateDefaultFieldHandler->fields'); $subfields = call_user_func( array(new MigrateDefaultFieldHandler, 'fields'), $type, $instance, $migration); migrate_instrument_stop('MigrateDefaultFieldHandler->fields'); foreach ($subfields as $subfield_name => $subfield_label) { $fields[$machine_name . ':' . $subfield_name] = $subfield_label; } } } return $fields; } public function prepare($entity, stdClass $row) { migrate_instrument_start('MigrateDestinationEntity->prepareFields'); // Look for Field API fields attached to this destination and handle appropriately $migration = Migration::currentMigration(); $destination = $migration->getDestination(); $entity_type = $destination->getEntityType(); $bundle = $destination->getBundle(); $instances = field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle); foreach ($instances as $machine_name => $instance) { if (property_exists($entity, $machine_name)) { // Normalize to an array if (!is_array($entity->$machine_name)) { $entity->$machine_name = array($entity->$machine_name); } $field_info = field_info_field($machine_name); $entity->$machine_name = migrate_field_handler_invoke_all($entity, $field_info, $instance, $entity->$machine_name); } } migrate_instrument_stop('MigrateDestinationEntity->prepareFields'); } public function complete($entity, stdClass $row) { migrate_instrument_start('MigrateDestinationEntity->completeFields'); // Look for Field API fields attached to this destination and handle appropriately $migration = Migration::currentMigration(); $destination = $migration->getDestination(); $entity_type = $destination->getEntityType(); $bundle = $destination->getBundle(); $instances = field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle); foreach ($instances as $machine_name => $instance) { if (property_exists($entity, $machine_name)) { // Normalize to an array if (!is_array($entity->$machine_name)) { $entity->$machine_name = array($entity->$machine_name); } $field_info = field_info_field($machine_name); migrate_field_handler_invoke_all($entity, $field_info, $instance, $entity->$machine_name, 'complete'); } } migrate_instrument_stop('MigrateDestinationEntity->completeFields'); } } abstract class MigrateFieldHandler extends MigrateHandler { // Derived classes are expected to implement one or both of the prepare/complete // handlers. // abstract public function prepare($entity, array $field_info, array $instance, array $values); // abstract public function complete($entity, array $field_info, array $instance, array $values); /** * Determine the language of the field * * @param $entity * @param $field_info * @param $arguments * @return string language code */ function getFieldLanguage($entity, $field_info, array $arguments) { $migration = Migration::currentMigration(); switch (TRUE) { case !field_is_translatable($migration->getDestination()->getEntityType(), $field_info): return LANGUAGE_NONE; case isset($arguments['language']): return $arguments['language']; case !empty($entity->language) && $entity->language != LANGUAGE_NONE: return $entity->language; break; default: return $migration->getDestination()->getLanguage(); } } } /** * A fallback field handler to do basic copying of field data. */ class MigrateDefaultFieldHandler extends MigrateFieldHandler { public function __construct() {} /** * Implements MigrateFieldHandler::fields(). * * @param $field_type * @param $field_instance * * @return array */ public function fields($field_type, $field_instance) { $field_info = field_info_field($field_instance['field_name']); $fields = array(); $first = TRUE; foreach ($field_info['columns'] as $column_name => $column_info) { // The first column is the primary value, which is mapped directly to // the field name - so, don't include it here among the subfields. if ($first) { $first = FALSE; } else { $fields[$column_name] = empty($column_info['description']) ? $column_name : $column_info['description']; } } return $fields; } /** * Implements MigrateFieldHandler::prepare(). * * @param $entity * @param array $field_info * @param array $instance * @param array $values * * @return null */ public function prepare($entity, array $field_info, array $instance, array $values) { $arguments = array(); if (isset($values['arguments'])) { $arguments = array_filter($values['arguments']); unset($values['arguments']); } $language = $this->getFieldLanguage($entity, $field_info, $arguments); // Get the name of the primary (first) column, which is mapped separately. reset($field_info['columns']); $primary_column = key($field_info['columns']); // Setup the standard Field API array for saving. $delta = 0; foreach ($values as $value) { // Handle multivalue arguments (especially for subfields). $delta_arguments = array(); foreach ($arguments as $name => $argument) { if (is_array($argument) && array_key_exists($delta, $argument)) { $delta_arguments[$name] = $argument[$delta]; } else { $delta_arguments[$name] = $argument; } } $return[$language][$delta] = array($primary_column => $value) + array_intersect_key($delta_arguments, $field_info['columns']); $delta++; } return isset($return) ? $return : NULL; } /** * Overrides MigrateHandler::handlesType(). * * @param string $type * * @return bool */ public function handlesType($type) { // We claim to handle any type. return TRUE; } } /** * Base class for creating field handlers for fields with a single value. * * To use this class just extend it and pass key where the field's value should * be stored to the constructor, then register the type(s): * @code * class MigrateLinkFieldHandler extends MigrateSimpleFieldHandler { * public function __construct() { * parent::__construct('url'); * $this->registerTypes(array('link')); * } * } * @endcode */ abstract class MigrateSimpleFieldHandler extends MigrateFieldHandler { protected $fieldValueKey = 'value'; protected $skipEmpty = FALSE; /** * Construct a simple field handler. * * @param $options * Array of options (rather than unamed parameters so you don't have to * what TRUE or FALSE means). The following keys are used: * - 'value_key' string with the name of the key in the fields value array. * - 'skip_empty' Boolean indicating that empty values should not be saved. */ public function __construct($options = array()) { if (isset($options['value_key'])) { $this->fieldValueKey = $options['value_key']; } if (isset($options['skip_empty'])) { $this->skipEmpty = $options['skip_empty']; } } public function prepare($entity, array $field_info, array $instance, array $values) { $arguments = array(); if (isset($values['arguments'])) { $arguments = $values['arguments']; unset($values['arguments']); } $language = $this->getFieldLanguage($entity, $field_info, $arguments); // Let the derived class skip empty values. if ($this->skipEmpty) { $values = array_filter($values, array($this, 'notNull')); } // Setup the Field API array for saving. $delta = 0; foreach ($values as $value) { if (is_array($language)) { $current_language = $language[$delta]; } else { $current_language = $language; } $return[$current_language][] = array($this->fieldValueKey => $value); $delta++; } return isset($return) ? $return : NULL; } /** * Returns TRUE only for values which are not NULL. * * @param $value * @return bool */ protected function notNull($value) { return !is_null($value); } } class MigrateTextFieldHandler extends MigrateFieldHandler { public function __construct() { $this->registerTypes(array('text', 'text_long', 'text_with_summary')); } static function arguments($summary = NULL, $format = NULL, $language = NULL) { $arguments = array(); if (!is_null($summary)) { $arguments['summary'] = $summary; } if (!is_null($format)) { $arguments['format'] = $format; } if (!is_null($language)) { $arguments['language'] = $language; } return $arguments; } /** * Implementation of MigrateFieldHandler::fields(). * * @param $type * The field type. * @param $instance * Instance info for the field. * @param Migration $migration * The migration context for the parent field. We can look at the mappings * and determine which subfields are relevant. * @return array */ public function fields($type, $instance, $migration = NULL) { $fields = array(); if ($type == 'text_with_summary') { $fields['summary'] = t('Subfield: Summary of field contents', array('@doc' => '')); } if ($instance['settings']['text_processing']) { $fields['format'] = t('Subfield: Text format for the field', array('@doc' => '')); } $field = field_info_field($instance['field_name']); if (field_is_translatable($instance['entity_type'], $field)) { $fields['language'] = t('Subfield: Language for the field', array('@doc' => '')); } return $fields; } public function prepare($entity, array $field_info, array $instance, array $values) { if (isset($values['arguments'])) { $arguments = $values['arguments']; unset($values['arguments']); } else { $arguments = array(); } $migration = Migration::currentMigration(); $destination = $migration->getDestination(); $language = $this->getFieldLanguage($entity, $field_info, $arguments); $max_length = isset($field_info['settings']['max_length']) ? $field_info['settings']['max_length'] : 0; // Setup the standard Field API array for saving. $delta = 0; foreach ($values as $value) { $item = array(); if (isset($arguments['summary'])) { if (is_array($arguments['summary'])) { $item['summary'] = $arguments['summary'][$delta]; } else { $item['summary'] = $arguments['summary']; } } if (isset($arguments['format'])) { if (is_array($arguments['format'])) { $format = $arguments['format'][$delta]; } else{ $format = $arguments['format']; } } elseif (!empty($instance['settings']['text_processing'])) { $format = $destination->getTextFormat(); } else { $format = NULL; } $item['format'] = $item['value_format'] = $format; // Make sure the value will fit if ($max_length) { $item['value'] = drupal_substr($value, 0, $max_length); if (!empty($arguments['track_overflow'])) { $value_length = drupal_strlen($value); if ($value_length > $max_length) { $migration->saveMessage( t('Value for field !field exceeds max length of !max_length, actual length is !length', array('!field' => $instance['field_name'], '!max_length' => $max_length, '!length' => $value_length)), Migration::MESSAGE_INFORMATIONAL); } } } else { $item['value'] = $value; } if (is_array($language)) { $current_language = $language[$delta]; } else { $current_language = $language; } $return[$current_language][] = $item; $delta++; } return isset($return) ? $return : NULL; } } class MigrateValueFieldHandler extends MigrateSimpleFieldHandler { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(array( 'value_key' => 'value', 'skip_empty' => FALSE, )); $this->registerTypes(array('value', 'list', 'list_boolean', 'list_integer', 'list_float', 'list_text', 'number_integer', 'number_decimal', 'number_float')); } } class MigrateTaxonomyTermReferenceFieldHandler extends MigrateFieldHandler { public function __construct() { $this->registerTypes(array('taxonomy_term_reference')); } /** * Implementation of MigrateFieldHandler::fields(). * * @param $type * The field type. * @param $instance * Instance info for the field. * @param Migration $migration * The migration context for the parent field. We can look at the mappings * and determine which subfields are relevant. * @return array */ public function fields($type, $instance, $migration = NULL) { return array( 'source_type' => t('Option: Set to \'tid\' when the value is a source ID', array('@doc' => '')), 'create_term' => t('Option: Set to TRUE to create referenced terms when necessary', array('@doc' => '')), 'ignore_case' => t('Option: Set to TRUE to ignore case differences between source data and existing term names', array('@doc' => '')), ); } public function prepare($entity, array $field_info, array $instance, array $values) { if (isset($values['arguments'])) { $arguments = $values['arguments']; unset($values['arguments']); } else { $arguments = array(); } if (count($values) == 1 && empty($values[0])) { $values = array(); } $tids = array(); if (isset($arguments['source_type']) && $arguments['source_type'] == 'tid') { // Nothing to do. We have tids already. $tids = $values; } elseif ($values) { $vocab_name = $field_info['settings']['allowed_values'][0]['vocabulary']; $names = taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names(); // Get the vocabulary for this term if (isset($field_info['settings']['allowed_values'][0]['vid'])) { $vid = $field_info['settings']['allowed_values'][0]['vid']; } else { $vid = $names[$vocab_name]->vid; } // Remove leading and trailing spaces in term names $values = array_map('trim', $values); // Cannot use taxonomy_term_load_multiple() since we have an array of names. // It wants a singular value. This query may return case-insensitive // matches. $existing_terms = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 'td') ->fields('td', array('tid', 'name')) ->condition('', $values, 'IN') ->condition('td.vid', $vid) ->execute() ->fetchAllKeyed(1, 0); // If we're ignoring case, change both the matched term name keys and the // source values to lowercase. if (isset($arguments['ignore_case']) && $arguments['ignore_case']) { $ignore_case = TRUE; $existing_terms = array_change_key_case($existing_terms); foreach ($values as $value) { $lower_values[$value] = strtolower($value); } } else { $ignore_case = FALSE; } foreach ($values as $value) { if (isset($existing_terms[$value])) { $tids[] = $existing_terms[$value]; } elseif ($ignore_case && isset($existing_terms[$lower_values[$value]])) { $tids[] = $existing_terms[$lower_values[$value]]; } elseif (!empty($arguments['create_term'])) { $new_term = new stdClass(); $new_term->vid = $vid; $new_term->name = $value; $new_term->vocabulary_machine_name = $vocab_name; // This term is being created with no fields, but we should still call // field_attach_validate() before saving, as that invokes // hook_field_attach_validate(). MigrateDestinationEntity::fieldAttachValidate('taxonomy_term', $new_term); taxonomy_term_save($new_term); $tids[] = $new_term->tid; // Add newly created term to existing array. $existing_terms[$value] = $new_term->tid; } else { // No term is found for the source value and none is set to be // created: warn that data has not been imported. $migration = Migration::currentMigration(); $migration->saveMessage(t("No matching taxonomy term found for source value '@value' in vocabulary %vocab.", array( '@value' => $value, '%vocab' => $names[$vocab_name]->name, )), MigrationBase::MESSAGE_INFORMATIONAL); } } } $language = $this->getFieldLanguage($entity, $field_info, $arguments); $result = array(); $delta = 0; foreach ($tids as $tid) { if (is_array($language)) { $current_language = $language[$delta]; } else { $current_language = $language; } $result[$current_language][] = array('tid' => $tid); $delta++; } return $result; } } /** * The next generation of file field handler. This class focuses on the file * field itself, and offloads understanding of obtaining the actual file and * dealing with the file entity to an embedded MigrateFileInterface instance. */ abstract class MigrateFileFieldBaseHandler extends MigrateFieldHandler { /** * Implementation of MigrateFieldHandler::fields(). * * @param $type * The file field type - 'file', 'image', etc. * @param $instance * Instance info for the field. * @param Migration $migration * The migration context for the parent field. We can look at the mappings * and determine which subfields are relevant. * @return array */ public function fields($type, $instance, $migration = NULL) { $fields = array( 'file_class' => t('Option: Implementation of MigrateFile to use', array('@doc' => '')), ); $field = field_info_field($instance['field_name']); if (field_is_translatable($instance['entity_type'], $field)) { $fields['language'] = t('Subfield: Language for the field'); } // If we can identify the file class mapped to this field, pick up the // subfields specific to that class. if ($migration) { $field_mappings = $migration->getFieldMappings(); $class_mapping = $instance['field_name'] . ':file_class'; if (isset($field_mappings[$class_mapping])) { $mapping = $field_mappings[$class_mapping]; $file_class = $mapping->getDefaultValue(); } } if (empty($file_class)) { $file_class = 'MigrateFileUri'; } $fields += call_user_func(array($file_class, 'fields')); return $fields; } /** * Implementation of MigrateFieldHandler::prepare(). * * Prepare file data for saving as a Field API file field. * * @return array * Field API array suitable for inserting in the destination object. */ public function prepare($entity, array $field_info, array $instance, array $values) { if (isset($values['arguments'])) { $arguments = $values['arguments']; unset($values['arguments']); } else { $arguments = array(); } $default_language = $this->getFieldLanguage($entity, $field_info, $arguments); $migration = Migration::currentMigration(); // One can override the source class via CLI or drushrc.php (the // option is named file_function for historical reasons) if ($migration->getOption('file_function')) { $file_class = $migration->getOption('file_function'); } elseif (!empty($arguments['file_class'])) { $file_class = $arguments['file_class']; } else { $file_class = 'MigrateFileUri'; } // If a destination directory (relative to the Drupal public files directory) // is not explicitly provided, use the default for the field. if (empty($arguments['destination_dir'])) { $arguments['destination_dir'] = $this->destinationDir($field_info, $instance); } $return = array(); // Note that what $value represents depends on the file class - // MigrateFileUri expects a filespec/URI, MigrateFileFid expects a file ID, // etc. foreach ($values as $delta => $value) { if ($value) { // Handle potentially multiple arguments $instance_arguments = array(); foreach ($arguments as $key => $argument) { // For a scalar argument, pass it directly if (!is_array($argument)) { $instance_arguments[$key] = $argument; } else { if (isset($argument[$delta])) { $instance_arguments[$key] = $argument[$delta]; } else { $migration->saveMessage( t('No data for subfield %key at row %delta for field %field', array('%key' => $key, '%delta' => $delta, '%field' => $field_info['field_name'])), Migration::MESSAGE_WARNING); } } } // If the parent entity doesn't have an explicit uid, give ownership // to the anonymous account $owner = isset($entity->uid) ? $entity->uid : 0; // Call the MigrateFileInterface implementation to do the real work $source = new $file_class($instance_arguments); $file = $source->processFile($value, $owner); // Assuming we got back a valid file ID, build the proper field // array out of it. We assume that if we did not get back a fid, the // MigrateFile class has saved a message indicating why. if ($file) { $field_array = array('fid' => $file->fid); $language = isset($instance_arguments['language']) ? $instance_arguments['language'] : $default_language; if (is_array($language)) { $language = $language[$delta]; } $return[$language][] = $this->buildFieldArray($field_array, $instance_arguments, $delta); } } } return $return; } /** * Determine where the migrated file should go. * * @param $field_info * Field API info on the general field. * @param $instance * Field API info on the field instance for this entity type. * @return string * Directory relative to the Drupal public files directory. */ protected function destinationDir($field_info, $instance) { // Only apply for file/image types if (isset($instance['settings']['file_directory'])) { $destination_dir = file_field_widget_uri($field_info, $instance); } else { $destination_dir = 'public://'; } return $destination_dir; } /** * Add any type-specific subfields to a file field array. * * @param $field_array * The field array so far (generally will just contain a fid). * @param $arguments * Array of arguments passed to the field handler, from which we'll extract * our own subfields. * @param $delta * Index of field values being worked on, for pulling the corresponding * subfield values if we have an array of them. */ abstract protected function buildFieldArray($field_array, $arguments, $delta); } /** * Handle for file fields. */ class MigrateFileFieldHandler extends MigrateFileFieldBaseHandler { public function __construct() { $this->registerTypes(array('file')); } /** * Implementation of MigrateFieldHandler::fields(). * Note that file and image fields support slightly different field lists. * * @param $type * The file field type - 'file' or 'image' * @param $instance * Instance info for the field. * @param Migration $migration * The migration context for the parent field. We can look at the mappings * and determine which subfields are relevant. * @return array */ public function fields($type, $instance, $migration = NULL) { $fields = parent::fields($type, $instance, $migration); $fields += array( 'description' => t('Subfield: String to be used as the description value', array('@doc' => '')), 'display' => t('Subfield: String to be used as the display value', array('@doc' => '')), ); return $fields; } /** * Implementation of MigrateFileFieldBaseHandler::buildFieldArray(). */ protected function buildFieldArray($field_array, $arguments, $delta) { if (isset($arguments['description'])) { if (is_array($arguments['description'])) { $field_array['description'] = $arguments['description'][$delta]; } else { $field_array['description'] = $arguments['description']; } } else { $field_array['description'] = ''; } if (isset($arguments['display'])) { if (is_array($arguments['display'])) { $field_array['display'] = $arguments['display'][$delta]; } else { $field_array['display'] = $arguments['display']; } } else { $field_array['display'] = 1; } return $field_array; } } /** * Handle for image fields; */ class MigrateImageFieldHandler extends MigrateFileFieldBaseHandler { public function __construct() { $this->registerTypes(array('image')); } /** * Implementation of MigrateFieldHandler::fields(). * Note that file and image fields support slightly different field lists. * * @param $type * The file field type - 'file' or 'image' * @param $instance * Instance info for the field. * @param Migration $migration * The migration context for the parent field. We can look at the mappings * and determine which subfields are relevant. * @return array */ public function fields($type, $instance, $migration = NULL) { $fields = parent::fields($type, $instance, $migration); $fields += array( 'alt' => t('Subfield: String to be used as the alt value', array('@doc' => '')), 'title' => t('Subfield: String to be used as the title value', array('@doc' => '')), ); return $fields; } /** * Implementation of MigrateFileFieldBaseHandler::buildFieldArray(). */ protected function buildFieldArray($field_array, $arguments, $delta) { if (isset($arguments['alt'])) { if (is_array($arguments['alt'])) { $field_array['alt'] = $arguments['alt'][$delta]; } else { $field_array['alt'] = $arguments['alt']; } } if (isset($arguments['title'])) { if (is_array($arguments['title'])) { $field_array['title'] = $arguments['title'][$delta]; } else { $field_array['title'] = $arguments['title']; } } return $field_array; } } class MigrateNodeReferenceFieldHandler extends MigrateSimpleFieldHandler { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(array( 'value_key' => 'nid', 'skip_empty' => TRUE, )); $this->registerTypes(array('node_reference')); } protected function notNull($value) { return !is_null($value) && $value !== FALSE; } } class MigrateUserReferenceFieldHandler extends MigrateSimpleFieldHandler { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(array( 'value_key' => 'uid', 'skip_empty' => TRUE, )); $this->registerTypes(array('user_reference')); } protected function notNull($value) { return !is_null($value) && $value !== FALSE; } }