$status) { $rows[] = array( array( 'data' => isset($modules[$dependency]->info['name']) ? $modules[$dependency]->info['name'] : $dependency, 'class' => 'component' ), theme('features_module_status', array('status' => $status)), ); } $vars['dependencies'] = theme('table', array('header' => array(t('Dependency'), t('Status')), 'rows' => $rows)); // Components $rows = array(); $components = features_get_components(); // Display key for conflicting elements. if (!empty($form['#conflicts'])) { $vars['key'][] = array( 'title' => theme('features_storage_link', array('storage' => FEATURES_CONFLICT, 'text' => t('Conflicts with another feature'))), 'html' => TRUE, ); } if (!empty($form['#info']['features'])) { foreach ($form['#info']['features'] as $component => $items) { if (!empty($items)) { $conflicts = array_key_exists($component, $form['#conflicts']) ? $form['#conflicts'][$component] : NULL; $header = $data = array(); if (element_children($form['revert'])) { $header[] = array( 'data' => isset($form['revert'][$component]) ? drupal_render($form['revert'][$component]) : '', 'header' => TRUE ); } $header[] = array( 'data' => isset($components[$component]['name']) ? $components[$component]['name'] : $component, 'header' => TRUE ); $header[] = array( 'data' => drupal_render($form['components'][$component]), 'header' => TRUE ); $rows[] = $header; if (element_children($form['revert'])) { $data[] = ''; } $data[] = array( 'data' => theme('features_component_list', array('components' => $items, 'source' => $items, 'conflicts' => $conflicts)), 'colspan' => 2, 'class' => 'component' ); $rows[] = $data; } } } $vars['components'] = theme('table', array('header' => array(), 'rows' => $rows)); // Other elements $vars['buttons'] = drupal_render($form['buttons']); $vars['form'] = $form; $vars['lock_feature'] = theme('features_lock_link', array('feature' => $form['#feature']->name)); } /** * Themes a module status display. */ function theme_features_module_status($vars) { switch ($vars['status']) { case FEATURES_MODULE_ENABLED: $text_status = t('Enabled'); $class = 'admin-enabled'; break; case FEATURES_MODULE_DISABLED: $text_status = t('Disabled'); $class = 'admin-disabled'; break; case FEATURES_MODULE_MISSING: $text_status = t('Missing'); $class = 'admin-missing'; break; case FEATURES_MODULE_CONFLICT: $text_status = t('Enabled'); $class = 'admin-conflict'; break; } $text = !empty($vars['module']) ? $vars['module'] . ' (' . $text_status . ')' : $text_status; return "$text"; } /** * Themes a lock link */ function theme_features_lock_link($vars) { drupal_add_library('system', 'ui'); drupal_add_library('system', 'drupal.ajax'); $component = $vars['component'] ? $vars['component'] : ''; if ($component && features_component_is_locked($component)) { return l(t('Component locked'), 'admin/structure/features/settings', array( 'attributes' => array( 'class' => 'features-lock-icon ui-icon ui-icon-locked', 'title' => t('This component is locked on a global level.'), ), 'fragment' => 'edit-lock-components', )); } $feature = $vars['feature']; $is_locked = features_feature_is_locked($feature, $component); $options = array( 'attributes' => array( 'class' => array('use-ajax features-lock-icon ui-icon ' . ($is_locked ? ' ui-icon-locked' : ' ui-icon-unlocked')), 'id' => 'features-lock-link-' . $feature . ($component ? '-' . $component : ''), 'title' => $is_locked ? t('This item is locked and features will not be rebuilt or reverted.') : t('This item is unlocked and will be rebuilt/reverted as normal.'), ), 'query' => array('token' => drupal_get_token('features/' . $feature . '/' . $component)), ); $path = "admin/structure/features/" . $feature . "/lock/nojs" . ($component ? '/' . $component: ''); return l($is_locked ? t('UnLock') : t('Lock'), $path, $options); } /** * Themes a module status display. */ function theme_features_storage_link($vars) { $classes = array( FEATURES_OVERRIDDEN => 'admin-overridden', FEATURES_DEFAULT => 'admin-default', FEATURES_NEEDS_REVIEW => 'admin-needs-review', FEATURES_REBUILDING => 'admin-rebuilding', FEATURES_REBUILDABLE => 'admin-rebuilding', FEATURES_CONFLICT => 'admin-conflict', FEATURES_DISABLED => 'admin-disabled', FEATURES_CHECKING => 'admin-loading', ); $default_text = array( FEATURES_OVERRIDDEN => t('Overridden'), FEATURES_DEFAULT => t('Default'), FEATURES_NEEDS_REVIEW => t('Needs review'), FEATURES_REBUILDING => t('Rebuilding'), FEATURES_REBUILDABLE => t('Rebuilding'), FEATURES_CONFLICT => t('Conflict'), FEATURES_DISABLED => t('Disabled'), FEATURES_CHECKING => t('Checking...'), ); $text = isset($vars['text']) ? $vars['text'] : $default_text[$vars['storage']]; if ($vars['path']) { $vars['options']['attributes']['class'][] = $classes[$vars['storage']]; $vars['options']['attributes']['class'][] = 'features-storage'; return l($text, $vars['path'], $vars['options']); } else { return "{$text}"; } } /** * Theme function for displaying form buttons */ function theme_features_form_buttons(&$vars) { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'features') . '/features.css'); $output = drupal_render_children($vars['element']); return !empty($output) ? "
" : ''; } /** * Theme for features management form. */ function theme_features_form_package(&$vars) { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'features') . '/features.css'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'features') . '/features.js'); $output = ''; $header = array('', t('Feature'), t('Signature')); if (isset($vars['form']['state'])) { $header[] = t('State'); } if (isset($vars['form']['actions'])) { $header[] = t('Actions'); } $rows = array(); foreach (element_children($vars['form']['status']) as $element) { // Yank title & description fields off the form element for // rendering in their own cells. $name = "
"; $name .= "{$vars['form']['status'][$element]['#title']}"; $name .= "
"; $name .= "
"; unset($vars['form']['status'][$element]['#title']); unset($vars['form']['status'][$element]['#description']); // Determine row & cell classes $class = $vars['form']['status'][$element]['#default_value'] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'; $row = array(); $row['status'] = array('data' => drupal_render($vars['form']['status'][$element]), 'class' => array('status')); $row['name'] = array('data' => $name, 'class' => 'name'); $row['sign'] = array('data' => drupal_render($vars['form']['sign'][$element]), 'class' => array('sign')); if (isset($vars['form']['state'])) { $row['state'] = array('data' => drupal_render($vars['form']['state'][$element]), 'class' => array('state')); } if (isset($vars['form']['actions'])) { $row['actions'] = array('data' => drupal_render($vars['form']['actions'][$element]), 'class' => array('actions')); } $rows[] = array('data' => $row, 'class' => array($class)); } if (empty($rows)) { $rows[] = array('', array('data' => t('No features available.'), 'colspan' => count($header))); } $class = count($header) > 3 ? 'features features-admin' : 'features features-manage'; $output .= theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, 'attributes' => array('id' => 'features-form-table', 'class' => array($class)))); // Prevent section from being rendered by drupal_render(). $output .= drupal_render($vars['form']['buttons']); $output .= drupal_render_children($vars['form']); return $output; } /** * Theme functions ==================================================== */ /** * Export selection / display for features export form. */ function theme_features_form_export(&$vars) { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'features') . '/features.css'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'features') . '/features.js'); $output = ''; $output .= "
"; $output .= "
" . drupal_render($vars['form']['components']) . drupal_render($vars['form']['sources']) . "
"; $output .= "
" . drupal_render($vars['form']['preview']) . drupal_render($vars['form']['features']) . "
"; $output .= "
"; $output .= drupal_render_children($vars['form']); return $output; } /** * Theme a set of features export components. */ function theme_features_form_components(&$vars) { $output = ''; foreach (element_children($vars['form']) as $key) { unset($vars['form'][$key]['#title']); $output .= "
" . drupal_render($vars['form'][$key]) . "
"; } $output .= drupal_render_children($vars['form']); return $output; } /** * Theme a set of features export components. */ function theme_features_components($vars) { $info = $vars['info']; $sources = $vars['sources']; $output = ''; $rows = array(); $components = features_get_components(); if (!empty($info['features']) || !empty($info['dependencies']) || !empty($sources)) { $export = array_unique(array_merge( array_keys($info['features']), array_keys($sources), array('dependencies') )); foreach ($export as $component) { if ($component === 'dependencies') { $feature_items = isset($info[$component]) ? $info[$component] : array(); } else { $feature_items = isset($info['features'][$component]) ? $info['features'][$component] : array(); } $source_items = isset($sources[$component]) ? $sources[$component] : array(); if (!empty($feature_items) || !empty($source_items)) { $rows[] = array(array( 'data' => isset($components[$component]['name']) ? $components[$component]['name'] : $component, 'header' => TRUE )); $rows[] = array(array( 'data' => theme('features_component_list', array('components' => $feature_items, 'source' => $source_items)), 'class' => 'component' )); } } $output .= theme('table', array('header' => array(), 'rows' => $rows)); $output .= theme('features_component_key', array()); } return $output; } /** * Theme individual components in a component list. */ function theme_features_component_list($vars) { $components = $vars['components']; $source = $vars['source']; $conflicts = $vars['conflicts']; $list = array(); foreach ($components as $component) { // If component is not in source list, it was autodetected if (!in_array($component, $source)) { $list[] = "". check_plain($component) .""; } elseif (is_array($conflicts) && in_array($component, $conflicts)) { $list[] = "". check_plain($component) .""; } else { $list[] = "". check_plain($component) .""; } } foreach ($source as $component) { // If a source component is no longer in the items, it was removed because // it is provided by a dependency. if (!in_array($component, $components)) { $list[] = "". check_plain($component) .""; } } return "". implode(' ', $list) .""; } /** * Provide a themed key for a component list. */ function theme_features_component_key($vars) { $list = array(); $list[] = "" . t('Normal') . ""; $list[] = "" . t('Auto-detected') . ""; $list[] = "" . t('Provided by dependency') . ""; return "" . implode(' ', $list) . ""; }