error)) { // Log a message with the watchdog. watchdog('browscap', "Couldn't check version: %error", array('%error' => $current_version->error), WATCHDOG_ERROR); // Display a message to user if the update process was triggered manually. if ($cron == FALSE) { drupal_set_message(t("Couldn't check version: %error", array('%error' => $current_version->error)), 'error'); } return; } // Sanitize the returned version number. $current_version = check_plain(trim($current_version->data)); // Compare the current and local version numbers to determine if the browscap // data requires updating. if ($current_version == $local_version) { // Log a message with the watchdog. watchdog('browscap', 'No new version of browscap to import'); // Display a message to user if the update process was triggered manually. if ($cron == FALSE) { drupal_set_message(t('No new version of browscap to import')); } return; } // Set options for downloading data with or without compression. if (function_exists('gzdecode')) { $options = array( 'headers' => array('Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip'), ); } else { // The download takes over ten times longer without gzip, and may exceed // the default timeout of 30 seconds, so we increase the timeout. $options = array('timeout' => 600); } // Retrieve the browscap data using HTTP. $browscap_data = drupal_http_request('', $options); // Log an error if the browscap data could not be retrieved. if (isset($browscap_data->error) || empty($browscap_data)) { // Log a message with the watchdog. watchdog('browscap', "Couldn't retrieve updated browscap: %error", array('%error' => $browscap_data->error), WATCHDOG_ERROR); // Display a message to user if the update process was triggered manually. if ($cron == FALSE) { drupal_set_message(t("Couldn't retrieve updated browscap: %error", array('%error' => $browscap_data->error)), 'error'); } return; } // Decompress the downloaded data if it is compressed. if (function_exists('gzdecode')) { $browscap_data->data = gzdecode($browscap_data->data); } // Parse the returned browscap data. // The parse_ini_string function is preferred but only available in PHP 5.3.0. if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) { // Retrieve the browscap data. $browscap_data = $browscap_data->data; // Replace 'true' and 'false' with '1' and '0' $browscap_data = preg_replace( array( "/=\s*true\s*\n/", "/=\s*false\s*\n/", ), array( "=1\n", "=0\n", ), $browscap_data ); // Parse the browscap data as a string. $browscap_data = parse_ini_string($browscap_data, TRUE, INI_SCANNER_RAW); } else { // Create a path and filename. $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $path = variable_get('file_temporary_path', '/tmp'); $file = "$path/browscap_$server.ini"; // Write the browscap data to a file. $browscap_file = fopen($file, "w"); fwrite($browscap_file, $browscap_data->data); fclose($browscap_file); // Parse the browscap data as a file. $browscap_data = parse_ini_file($file, TRUE); } if ($browscap_data) { // Find the version information. // The version information is the first entry in the array. $version = array_shift($browscap_data); // Store the data available for each user agent. foreach ($browscap_data as $key => $values) { // Store the current value. $e = $values; // Create an array to hold the last parent. $last_parent = array(); // Recurse through the available user agent information. while (isset($values['Parent']) && $values['Parent'] !== $last_parent) { $values = isset($browscap_data[$values['Parent']]) ? $browscap_data[$values['Parent']] : array(); $e = array_merge($values, $e); $last_parent = $values; } // Replace '*?' with '%_'. $user_agent = strtr($key, '*?', '%_'); // Change all array keys to lowercase. $e = array_change_key_case($e); // Delete all data about the current user agent from the database. db_delete('browscap') ->condition('useragent', $user_agent) ->execute(); // Insert all data about the current user agent into the database. db_insert('browscap') ->fields(array( 'useragent' => $user_agent, 'data' => serialize($e), )) ->execute(); } // Clear the browscap data cache. cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_browscap', TRUE); // Update the browscap version. variable_set('browscap_version', $current_version); // Log a message with the watchdog. watchdog('browscap', 'New version of browscap imported: %version', array('%version' => $current_version)); // Display a message to user if the update process was triggered manually. if ($cron == FALSE) { drupal_set_message(t('New version of browscap imported: %version', array('%version' => $current_version))); } } }