'item', '#title' => t('Image mask'), '#description' => t('

This effect will add (or replace) a transparency channel to your image, thereby converting it to a 32 bit PNG. The mask file should be a grayscale image where black is fully transparent and white is fully opaque. The referenced mask will be applied to the top left of the image.

'), ); $form['path'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Mask file name'), '#default_value' => isset($data['path']) ? $data['path'] : '', '#description' => imagecache_actions_file_field_description(), '#element_validate' => array('imagecache_actions_validate_file'), ); return $form; } /** * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module */ function theme_canvasactions_imagemask_summary($variables) { $data = $variables['data']; return 'file: ' . $data['path']; } /** * Apply the given image file to the canvas as a mask * * Implementation of hook_image() * * @param $image * @param $data */ function canvasactions_imagemask_image(&$image, $data = array()) { $mask = imagecache_actions_image_load($data['path'], $image->toolkit); if ($mask) { // TODO: (sydneyshan) Consider best way to add offset support - I assume we // would position the mask somewhere (top/left/offset px etc) and choose if // the surrounding area is white or black (opaque or transparent) using an // extra form element (radio). Assess exsiting positioning code first to // reduce duplication of code. Pass the results to the following function as // array($mask, $data). Perhaps add a 'scale mask to fit image'/'scale image // to fit mask'/'no scale' radio group? return image_toolkit_invoke('imagemask', $image, array($mask)); } return FALSE; } /** * Apply an image-based transparency mask using GD. * * &$image is an array expected to contain the details of the image to be masked * $mask is an array expected to contain the details of the mask image */ function image_gd_imagemask($image, $mask = array()) { $newPicture = imagecreatetruecolor( $image->info['width'], $image->info['height'] ); imagesavealpha( $newPicture, true ); imagealphablending( $newPicture, true); $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha( $newPicture, 0, 0, 0, 127 ); imagefill( $newPicture, 0, 0, $transparent); // Perform pixel-based alpha map application for( $x = 0; $x < $image->info['width']; $x++ ) { for( $y = 0; $y < $image->info['height']; $y++ ) { // Deal with images with mismatched sizes if ($x >= $mask->info['width'] || $y >= $mask->info['height'] ) { imagesetpixel( $newPicture, $x, $y, $transparent ); } else { $alpha = imagecolorsforindex( $mask->resource, imagecolorat( $mask->resource, $x, $y ) ); $alpha = 127 - floor( $alpha[ 'red' ] / 2 ); $color = imagecolorsforindex( $image->resource, imagecolorat( $image->resource, $x, $y ) ); imagesetpixel( $newPicture, $x, $y, imagecolorallocatealpha( $newPicture, $color[ 'red' ], $color[ 'green' ], $color[ 'blue' ], $alpha ) ); } } } // Copy back to original picture imagedestroy( $image->resource ); $image->resource = $newPicture; return TRUE; } /** * Apply an image-based transparency mask using ImageMagick. * * &$image is an array expected to contain the details of the image to be masked * $mask is an array expected to contain the details of the mask image */ function image_imagemagick_imagemask($image, $mask = NULL) { $image->ops[] = escapeshellarg($mask->source) . ' -alpha Off -compose CopyOpacity -composite'; return TRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form() * * Settings for preparing a canvas. * * @param $data array of settings for this action * @return a form definition */ function canvasactions_definecanvas_form($data) { module_load_include('inc', 'imagecache_actions', 'utility-color'); $defaults = array( 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '#333333', ), 'under' => TRUE, 'exact' => array( 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'xpos' => 'center', 'ypos' => 'center', ), 'relative' => array( 'leftdiff' => '', 'rightdiff' => '', 'topdiff' => '', 'bottomdiff' => '', ), ); $data = array_merge($defaults, (array) $data); $form = array( 'RGB' => imagecache_rgb_form($data['RGB']), 'help' => array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => t('Enter no color value for transparent. This will have the effect of adding clear margins around the image.'), '#prefix' => '

', '#suffix' => '

', ), 'under' => array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Resize canvas under image (possibly cropping)'), '#default_value' => $data['under'], '#description' => t('If not set, this will create a solid flat layer, probably totally obscuring the source image'), ), ); $form['info'] = array('#value' => t('Enter values in ONLY ONE of the below options. Either exact or relative. Most values are optional - you can adjust only one dimension as needed. If no useful values are set, the current base image size will be used.')); $form['exact'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#title' => 'Exact size', 'help' => array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => t('Set the canvas to a precise size, possibly cropping the image. Use to start with a known size.'), '#prefix' => '

', '#suffix' => '

', ), 'width' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Width'), '#default_value' => $data['exact']['width'], '#description' => t('Enter a value in pixels or percent'), '#size' => 5, ), 'height' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Height'), '#default_value' => $data['exact']['height'], '#description' => t('Enter a value in pixels or percent'), '#size' => 5, ), ); $form['exact'] = array_merge($form['exact'], imagecache_actions_pos_form($data['exact'])); if (! $data['exact']['width'] && !$data['exact']['height']) { $form['exact']['#collapsed'] = TRUE; } $form['relative'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#title' => t('Relative size'), 'help' => array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => '

' . t('Set the canvas to a relative size, based on the current image dimensions. Use to add simple borders or expand by a fixed amount. Negative values may crop the image.') . '

', ), 'leftdiff' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('left difference'), '#default_value' => $data['relative']['leftdiff'], '#size' => 6, '#description' => t('Enter an offset in pixels.'), ), 'rightdiff' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('right difference'), '#default_value' => $data['relative']['rightdiff'], '#size' => 6, '#description' => t('Enter an offset in pixels.'), ), 'topdiff' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('top difference'), '#default_value' => $data['relative']['topdiff'], '#size' => 6, '#description' => t('Enter an offset in pixels.'), ), 'bottomdiff' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('bottom difference'), '#default_value' => $data['relative']['bottomdiff'], '#size' => 6, '#description' => t('Enter an offset in pixels.'), ), ); if (! $data['relative']['leftdiff'] && !$data['relative']['rightdiff'] && !$data['relative']['topdiff'] && !$data['relative']['bottomdiff']) { $form['relative']['#collapsed'] = TRUE; } $form['#submit'][] = 'canvasactions_definecanvas_form_submit'; return $form; } /** * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module */ function theme_canvasactions_definecanvas_summary($variables) { $data = $variables['data']; if ($data['exact']['width'] || $data['exact']['height']) { $w = !empty($data['exact']['width']) ? $data['exact']['width'] : '100%'; $h = !empty($data['exact']['height']) ? $data['exact']['height'] : '100%'; $x = !empty($data['exact']['xpos']) ? $data['exact']['xpos'] : '0'; $y = !empty($data['exact']['ypos']) ? $data['exact']['ypos'] : '0'; $output = "{$w}x{$h} ($x, $y)"; } else { $output = ' left:' . $data['relative']['leftdiff']; $output .= ' right:' . $data['relative']['rightdiff']; $output .= ' top:' . $data['relative']['topdiff']; $output .= ' bottom:' . $data['relative']['bottomdiff']; } $output .= theme('imagecacheactions_rgb', array('RGB' => $data['RGB'])); $output .= ($data['under']) ? t(" under image ") : t(" over image "); return $output; } /** * Implementation of hook_image() * * Creates a solid background canvas * * Process the imagecache action on the passed image * * @param $image * array defining an image file, including : * * $image- >source as the filename, * * $image->info array * * $image->resource handle on the image object */ function canvasactions_definecanvas_effect($image, $data) { // May be given either exact or relative dimensions. if ($data['exact']['width'] || $data['exact']['height']) { // Allows only one dimension to be used if the other is unset. if (!$data['exact']['width']) { $data['exact']['width'] = $image->info['width']; } if (!$data['exact']['height']) { $data['exact']['height'] = $image->info['height']; } $targetsize['width'] = imagecache_actions_percent_filter($data['exact']['width'], $image->info['width']); $targetsize['height'] = imagecache_actions_percent_filter($data['exact']['height'], $image->info['height']); $targetsize['left'] = image_filter_keyword($data['exact']['xpos'], $targetsize['width'], $image->info['width']); $targetsize['top'] = image_filter_keyword($data['exact']['ypos'], $targetsize['height'], $image->info['height']); } else { // calculate relative size $targetsize['width'] = $image->info['width'] + $data['relative']['leftdiff'] + $data['relative']['rightdiff']; $targetsize['height'] = $image->info['height'] + $data['relative']['topdiff'] + $data['relative']['bottomdiff']; $targetsize['left'] = $data['relative']['leftdiff']; $targetsize['top'] = $data['relative']['topdiff']; } // convert from hex (as it is stored in the UI) if ($data['RGB']['HEX'] && $deduced = imagecache_actions_hex2rgba($data['RGB']['HEX'])) { $data['RGB'] = array_merge($data['RGB'], $deduced); } // All the maths is done, now defer to the api toolkits; $data['targetsize'] = $targetsize; $success = image_toolkit_invoke('definecanvas', $image, array($data)); if ($success) { $image->info['width'] = $targetsize['width']; $image->info['height'] = $targetsize['height']; } return $success; } function canvasactions_definecanvas_dimensions(array &$dimensions, array $data) { // May be given either exact or relative dimensions. if ($data['exact']['width'] || $data['exact']['height']) { // Allows only one dimension to be used if the other is unset. if (!$data['exact']['width']) { $data['exact']['width'] = $dimensions['width']; } if (!$data['exact']['height']) { $data['exact']['height'] = $dimensions['height']; } $dimensions['width'] = imagecache_actions_percent_filter($data['exact']['width'], $dimensions['width']); $dimensions['height'] = imagecache_actions_percent_filter($data['exact']['height'], $dimensions['height']); } else { // calculate relative size $dimensions['width'] = $dimensions['width'] + $data['relative']['leftdiff'] + $data['relative']['rightdiff']; $dimensions['height'] = $dimensions['height'] + $data['relative']['topdiff'] + $data['relative']['bottomdiff']; } } /** * Draw a color (or transparency) behind an image * * $targetsize is an array expected to contain a width,height and a left,top * offset. */ function image_gd_definecanvas($image, $data = array()) { $targetsize = $data['targetsize']; $RGB = $data['RGB']; $newcanvas = imagecreatetruecolor($targetsize['width'], $targetsize['height']); imagesavealpha($newcanvas, TRUE); imagealphablending($newcanvas, FALSE); imagesavealpha($image->resource, TRUE); if ($RGB['HEX']) { // Set color, allow it to define transparency, or assume opaque. $background = imagecolorallocatealpha($newcanvas, $RGB['red'], $RGB['green'], $RGB['blue'], $RGB['alpha']); } else { // No color, attempt transparency, assume white $background = imagecolorallocatealpha($newcanvas, 255, 255, 255, 127); } imagefilledrectangle($newcanvas, 0, 0, $targetsize['width'], $targetsize['height'], $background); # imagealphablending($newcanvas, TRUE); if ($data['under']) { $canvas_object = (object) array( 'resource' => $newcanvas, 'info' => array( 'width' => $targetsize['width'], 'height' => $targetsize['height'], 'mime_type' => $image->info['mime_type'], 'extension' => $image->info['extension'], ), 'toolkit' => $image->toolkit, ); image_overlay($image, $canvas_object, $targetsize['left'], $targetsize['top'], 100, TRUE); } else { $image->resource = $newcanvas; } return TRUE; } /** * Draw a color (or transparency) behind an image * $targetsize is an array expected to contain a width,height and a left,top * offset. * * See http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-options.php#extent * @todo: reset gravity? */ function image_imagemagick_definecanvas($image, $data = array()) { $backgroundcolor = $data['RGB']['HEX'] != '' ? '#'. $data['RGB']['HEX'] : 'None'; $image->ops[] = '-background '. escapeshellarg($backgroundcolor); $compose_operator = $data['under'] ? 'src-over' : 'dst-over'; $image->ops[] = "-compose $compose_operator"; $targetsize = $data['targetsize']; $geometry = sprintf('%dx%d', $targetsize['width'], $targetsize['height']); if ($targetsize['left'] || $targetsize['top']) { $geometry .= sprintf('%+d%+d', -$targetsize['left'], -$targetsize['top']); } $image->ops[] = "-extent $geometry"; return TRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Place a given image under the current canvas * * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form() * * @param $data array of settings for this action * @return a form definition */ function canvasactions_canvas2file_form($data) { // if (image_get_toolkit() != 'gd') { // drupal_set_message('Overlays are not currently supported by using imagemagick. This effect requires GD image toolkit only.', 'warning'); // } $defaults = array( 'xpos' => '0', 'ypos' => '0', 'alpha' => '100', 'path' => '', 'dimensions' => 'original', ); $data = array_merge($defaults, (array) $data); $form = imagecache_actions_pos_form($data); $form['alpha'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('opacity'), '#default_value' => $data['alpha'], '#size' => 6, '#description' => t('Opacity: 0-100. Be aware that values other than 100% may be slow to process.'), ); $form['path'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('file name'), '#default_value' => $data['path'], '#description' => imagecache_actions_file_field_description(), '#element_validate' => array('imagecache_actions_validate_file'), ); $form['dimensions'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('final dimensions'), '#default_value' => $data['dimensions'], '#options' => array( 'original' => 'original (dimensions are retained)', 'background' => 'background (image will be forced to match the size of the background)', 'minimum' => 'minimum (image may be cropped)', 'maximum' => 'maximum (image may end up with gaps)', ), '#description' => t('What to do when the background image is a different size from the source image. Backgrounds are not tiled, but may be arbitrarily large.'), ); return $form; } /** * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module */ function theme_canvasactions_canvas2file_summary($variables) { $data = $variables['data']; $file = $data['path']; return "xpos:{$data['xpos']} , ypos:{$data['ypos']} alpha:{$data['alpha']}%. file: $file, dimensions:{$data['dimensions']}"; } /** * Place the source image on the current background * * Implementation of hook_image() * * Note - this is currently incompatable with imagemagick, due to the way it * addresses $image->resource directly - a gd only thing. * * @param $image * @param $data */ function canvasactions_canvas2file_image(&$image, $data = array()) { $underlay = imagecache_actions_image_load($data['path'], $image->toolkit); if ($underlay) { // To handle odd sizes, we will resize/crop the background image to the // desired dimensions before starting the merge. The built-in // imagecopymerge, and the watermark library both do not allow overlays to // be bigger than the target. // Adjust size $crop_rules = array( 'xoffset' => 0, 'yoffset' => 0, ); if (empty($data['dimensions'])) { $data['dimensions'] = 'original'; } switch ($data['dimensions']) { case 'original': // If the underlay is smaller than the target size, // then when preparing the underlay by cropping it, // the offsets may need to be negative // which will produce a 'cropped' image larger than the original. // In this case, we need to calculate the position of the bg image // in relation to the space it will occupy under the top layer #$crop_rules['xoffset'] = $underlay->info['width'] - $image->info['width'] ; $crop_rules['width'] = $image->info['width']; $crop_rules['height'] = $image->info['height']; break; case 'background': $crop_rules['width'] = $underlay->info['width']; $crop_rules['height'] = $underlay->info['height']; break; case 'minimum': $crop_rules['width'] = min($underlay->info['width'], $image->info['width']); $crop_rules['height'] = min($underlay->info['height'], $image->info['height']); break; case 'maximum': $crop_rules['width'] = max($underlay->info['width'], $image->info['width']); $crop_rules['height'] = max($underlay->info['height'], $image->info['height']); break; } // imageapi crop assumes upsize is legal. // Crop both before processing to avoid unwanted processing. image_crop_effect($underlay, $crop_rules); # BUG - this doesn't position either // Actually this fails because imagecache_crop fills it with solid color when 'cropping' to a larger size. #imagecache_crop_image($image, $crop_rules); #dpm(get_defined_vars()); // This func modifies the underlay image by ref, placing the current canvas on it if (image_overlay($image, $underlay, $data['xpos'], $data['ypos'], $data['alpha'], TRUE)) { #$image->resource = $underlay->resource; $image = $underlay; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Image dimensions callback; canvas2file (underlay/background). * * @param array $dimensions * Dimensions to be modified - an associative array containing the items * 'width' and 'height' (in pixels). * @param $data * An associative array containing the effect data. */ function canvasactions_canvas2file_dimensions(array &$dimensions, array $data) { if ($data['dimensions'] !== 'original') { $underlay = imagecache_actions_image_load($data['path']); if ($underlay) { switch ($data['dimensions']) { case 'background': $dimensions['width'] = $underlay->info['width']; $dimensions['height'] = $underlay->info['height']; break; case 'minimum': $dimensions['width'] = min($underlay->info['width'], $dimensions['width']); $dimensions['height'] = min($underlay->info['height'], $dimensions['height']); break; case 'maximum': $dimensions['width'] = max($underlay->info['width'], $dimensions['width']); $dimensions['height'] = max($underlay->info['height'], $dimensions['height']); break; } } } } /** * Place a given image on top of the current canvas * * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form() * * @param $data array of settings for this action * @return a form definition */ function canvasactions_file2canvas_form($data) { $defaults = array( 'xpos' => '', 'ypos' => '', 'alpha' => '100', 'path' => '', ); $data = array_merge($defaults, (array) $data); $form = array( 'help' => array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => t('Note that using a transparent overlay that is larger than the source image may result in unwanted results - a solid background.'), ), ); $form += imagecache_actions_pos_form($data); $form['alpha'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('opacity'), '#default_value' => $data['alpha'], '#size' => 6, '#description' => t('Opacity: 0-100. Warning: Due to a limitation in the GD toolkit, using an opacity other than 100% requires the system to use an algorithm that\'s much slower than the built-in functions. If you want partial transparency, you are better to use an already-transparent png as the overlay source image.'), ); $form['path'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('file name'), '#default_value' => $data['path'], '#description' => imagecache_actions_file_field_description(), '#element_validate' => array('imagecache_actions_validate_file'), ); return $form; } /** * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module */ function theme_canvasactions_file2canvas_summary($variables) { $data = $variables['data']; return '' . $data['path'] . ' x:' . $data['xpos'] . ', y:' . $data['ypos'] . ' alpha:' . (@$data['alpha'] ? $data['alpha'] : 100) . '%'; } /** * Place the source image on the current background * * Implementation of hook_image() * * * @param $image * @param $data */ function canvasactions_file2canvas_image($image, $data = array()) { $overlay = imagecache_actions_image_load($data['path']); if ($overlay) { if (!isset($data['alpha']) ) { $data['alpha'] = 100; } return image_overlay($image, $overlay, $data['xpos'], $data['ypos'], $data['alpha']); } return FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Place the source image on top of the current canvas * * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form() * * * * @param $data array of settings for this action * @return a form definition */ function canvasactions_source2canvas_form($data) { $defaults = array( 'xpos' => '', 'ypos' => '', 'alpha' => '100', 'path' => '', ); $data = array_merge($defaults, (array) $data); $form = imagecache_actions_pos_form($data); $form['alpha'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('opacity'), '#default_value' => $data['alpha'], '#size' => 6, '#description' => t('Opacity: 0-100.'), ); return $form; } /** * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module */ function theme_canvasactions_source2canvas_summary($variables) { $data = $variables['data']; return 'xpos:' . $data['xpos'] . ', ypos:' . $data['ypos'] . ' alpha:' . $data['alpha'] . '%'; } /** * Place the source image on the current background * * Implementation of hook_image() * * * @param $image * @param $data */ function canvasactions_source2canvas_image($image, $data = array()) { $overlay = image_load($image->source, $image->toolkit); return image_overlay($image, $overlay, $data['xpos'], $data['ypos'], $data['alpha']); } /** * Switch between presets depending on logic * * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form() * * @param $data array of settings for this action * @return a form definition */ function canvasactions_aspect_form($data) { $defaults = array( 'ratio_adjustment' => 1, 'portrait' => NULL, 'landscape' => NULL, ); $data = array_merge($defaults, (array)$data); $form = array( 'help' => array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => t('You must create the two presets to use before enabling this process.'), ) ); $styles = image_style_options(TRUE); $form['portrait'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Style to use if the image is portrait (vertical)'), '#default_value' => $data['portrait'], '#options' => $styles, ); $form['landscape'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Style to use if the image is landscape (horizontal)'), '#default_value' => $data['landscape'], '#options' => $styles, ); $form['ratio_adjustment'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Ratio Adjustment (advanced)'), '#size' => 3, '#default_value' => $data['ratio_adjustment'], '#description' => t(" This allows you to bend the rules for how different the proportions need to be to trigger the switch.
If the (width/height)*n is greater than 1, use 'landscape', otherwise use 'portrait'.
When n = 1 (the default) it will switch between portrait and landscape modes.
If n > 1, images that are slightly wide will still be treated as portraits. If n < 1 then blunt portraits will be treated as landscape. "), ); return $form; } /** * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module */ function theme_canvasactions_aspect_summary($variables) { $data = $variables['data']; $ratio_adjustment = ''; if ($data['ratio_adjustment'] != 1) { $ratio_adjustment = " (switch at 1:{$data['ratio_adjustment']})"; } return 'Portrait size: '. $data['portrait'] . '. Landscape size: '. $data['landscape'] .''. $ratio_adjustment ; } /** * Choose the action and trigger that. * * Implementation of hook_image() * * @param $image * @param $data */ function canvasactions_aspect_image($image, $data = array()) { $ratio_adjustment = 0 + $data['ratio_adjustment']; if (!$ratio_adjustment) { $ratio_adjustment = 1; } $aspect = $image->info['width'] / $image->info['height']; // width / height * adjustment. If > 1, it's wide. $style_name = (($aspect * $ratio_adjustment) > 1) ? $data['landscape'] : $data['portrait']; $style = image_style_load($style_name); if (empty($style_name)) { // Required preset has gone missing? watchdog('imagecache_canvasactions', "When running 'aspect' action, I was unable to load sub-action %style_name. Either it's been deleted or the DB needs an update", array('%style_name' => $style_name), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return FALSE; } // Run the preset actions ourself. // Cannot invoke a preset from the top as it handles filenames, not image objects. // Ripped from imagecache_build_derivative() foreach ($style['effects'] as $sub_effect) { // These actions really should interpret the parameters themselves. foreach (array('height', 'width') as $param) { if (isset($sub_effect['data'][$param])) { $sub_effect['data'][$param] = imagecache_actions_percent_filter($sub_effect['data'][$param], $image->info[$param]); } } foreach (array( 'xoffset' => 'width', 'yoffset' => 'height', ) as $param => $direction) { if (isset($sub_effect['data'][$param])) { $sub_effect['data'][$param] = image_filter_keyword($sub_effect['data'][$param], $image->info[$direction], $sub_effect['data'][$direction]); } } image_effect_apply($image, $sub_effect); } return TRUE; } /** * Image dimensions callback; Aspect. * * @param array $dimensions * Dimensions to be modified - an associative array containing the items * 'width' and 'height' (in pixels). * @param $data * An associative array containing the effect data. */ function canvasactions_aspect_dimensions(array &$dimensions, array $data) { // @todo: use callbacks or passthrough setting from the styles themselves? $dimensions['width'] = NULL; $dimensions['height'] = NULL; }