/** * Twiddle the province autocomplete whenever the user changes the country. */ (function ($) { Drupal.behaviors.location = { attach: function(context) { $('select.location_auto_country:not(.location-processed)', context).change(function(e) { var obj = this; var input = null; var result = this.className.match(/(location_auto_join_[^ ]*)/); if (result) { input = $('.location_auto_province.' + result) } else { // No joining class found, fallback to searching the immediate area. input = $('.location_auto_province', $(this).parents('fieldset:first, .views-exposed-form:first')) } if (input && input.length) { //Unbind events on province field and empty its value input.unbind().val(''); input.each(function(i) { //Get the (hidden) *-autocomplete input element var input_autocomplete = $('#' + this.id + '-autocomplete'); // Update autocomplete url input_autocomplete.val(input_autocomplete.val().substr(0, input_autocomplete.val().lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + $(obj).val()); // Mark as not processed. input_autocomplete.removeClass('autocomplete-processed'); }); // Reprocess. Drupal.behaviors.autocomplete.attach(document); } }).addClass('location-processed'); } }; })(jQuery);