'Autocomplete of nodes', 'page callback' => 'uc_termsofservice_node_autocomplete', 'access callback' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); // modalframe callback items if (module_exists('modalframe')) { $items['uc_termsofservice/show/%node'] = array( 'title' => 'Show Terms of Service', 'title callback' => 'uc_termsofservice_title_callback', 'title arguments' => array(2), 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('uc_termsofservice_general_form'), 'access callback' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, // 'file' => 'uc_termsofservice.admin.inc', ); } return $items; } /** * Implements hook_theme(). */ function uc_termsofservice_theme() { return array( 'uc_termsofservice_agreement_form' => array( 'variables' => array( 'form' => NULL ), 'template' => 'uc_termsofservice_agreement_form', ), ); } /** * Ubercart hooks. */ /** * Implements hook_uc_cart_pane(). */ function uc_termsofservice_uc_cart_pane($items) { $node = uc_termsofservice_get_node('cart'); $title = t('Terms of Service'); if (isset($node->title)) { $title = $node->title; } $panes[] = array( 'id' => 'uc_termsofservice_agreement_cart', 'title' => t('@title', array('@title' => $title)), 'desc' => t("Please confirm if you agree with our terms and conditions that apply on all our purchases."), 'weight' => 6, 'body' => !is_null($items) ? drupal_get_form('uc_termsofservice_agreement_cart_callback', $items) : '', ); return $panes; } /** * Implements hook_uc_checkout_pane(). */ function uc_termsofservice_uc_checkout_pane() { $node = uc_termsofservice_get_node('checkout'); $title = t('Terms of Service'); if (isset($node->title)) { $title = $node->title; } $panes[] = array( 'id' => 'uc_termsofservice_agreement_checkout', 'callback' => 'uc_termsofservice_checkout_pane_callback', 'title' => t('@title', array('@title' => $title)), 'desc' => t("Please confirm if you agree with our terms and conditions that apply on all our purchases."), 'weight' => 6, 'collapsible' => TRUE, ); return $panes; } /** * Callback form for cart pane. */ function uc_termsofservice_agreement_cart_callback($items) { if (module_exists('modalframe') && variable_get('uc_termsofservice_cart_popup', 0)) { // If the modalframe module is enabled and the config for popups is // then the ToS is shown in a popup. modalframe_parent_js(); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'uc_termsofservice') . '/uc_termsofservice.js'); $node = uc_termsofservice_get_node('cart'); $width = variable_get('uc_termsofservice_cart_popup_width', 500); $height = variable_get('uc_termsofservice_cart_popup_height', 300); $form = uc_termsofservice_get_item('cart', $node->title, 'uc_termsofservice/show/' . $node->nid, "$width,$height"); } else { $form = uc_termsofservice_general_form(array(), 'cart'); } return $form; } /** * General form for both checkout & cart modes. * * @see uc_termsofservice_general_form_submit() */ function uc_termsofservice_general_form($form_state, $type = NULL) { $form = array(); if (!$type) { $type = arg(2); } $node = uc_termsofservice_get_node($type); if ($node) { $display_mode = variable_get('uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_display', 'teaser'); $display_title = variable_get('uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_title', TRUE); if (! $display_title) { $node->title = ''; } $view = node_view($node, $display_mode); $form['tos_text'] = array( '#markup' => drupal_render($view), ); $form['tos_agree'] = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#options' => array('agreed' => t('I agree with the terms above')), ); //$form['#theme'] = 'uc_termsofservice_agreement_form'; if (module_exists('modalframe') && variable_get('uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_popup', 0)) { // Send the Modal Frame javascript for child windows to the page. modalframe_child_js(); $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Submit'), ); $form['tos_agree']['#attributes'] = array('onclick' => 'this.form.submit();'); } return $form; } return; } /** * Submit handler for uc_termsofservice_general_form(). * * @see uc_termsofservice_general_form() */ function uc_termsofservice_general_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { modalframe_close_dialog(array('tos_selected' => $form_state['values']['tos_agree'])); } /** * Callback form for checkout pane. */ function uc_termsofservice_checkout_pane_callback($op) { switch ($op) { case 'view': if (module_exists('modalframe') && variable_get('uc_termsofservice_checkout_popup', 0)) { // If the modalframe module is enabled and the config for popups is // then the ToS is shown in a popup. modalframe_parent_js(); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'uc_termsofservice') . '/uc_termsofservice.js'); $node = uc_termsofservice_get_node('checkout'); $width = variable_get('uc_termsofservice_checkout_popup_width', 500); $height = variable_get('uc_termsofservice_checkout_popup_height', 300); $form = uc_termsofservice_get_item('checkout', $node->title, 'uc_termsofservice/show/' . $node->nid, "$width,$height"); } else { $form = uc_termsofservice_general_form(array(), 'checkout'); } return array('contents' => $form); case 'settings': $form = uc_termsofservice_admin_form('checkout'); return $form; break; } } /** * Function that filters the node nid from the autocomplete string. */ function uc_termsofservice_get_nid_from_variable($type = NULL) { $nid = 0; $tos_node = variable_get('uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_node', $nid); $preg_matches = array(); $match = preg_match('/\[nid: (\d+)\]/', $tos_node, $preg_matches); if ($match) { $nid = $preg_matches[1]; } return $nid; } /** * Retrieves the ToS node from database. */ function uc_termsofservice_get_node($type = NULL, $nid = NULL) { if (!$nid) { $nid = uc_termsofservice_get_nid_from_variable($type); } if ($nid) { if (module_exists('translation')) { global $language; $translations = translation_node_get_translations($nid); if (isset($translations[$language->language])) { $nid = $translations[$language->language]->nid; } } $node = node_load($nid); return $node; } return; } /** * Helper function for ModalFrame to build links to popup page. */ function uc_termsofservice_get_item($type = NULL, $title, $path, $size = NULL) { $options = array('attributes' => array('class' => 'uc_termsofservice-child' . (!empty($size) ? ' uc_termsofservice-size[' . $size . ']' : ''))); $form['tos_agree_popup'] = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#options' => array('agreed' => t('I agree with the !tos', array('!tos' => l($title, $path . '/' . $type, $options)))), ); return $form; } /** * Settings form for checkout & cart panes. */ function uc_termsofservice_admin_form($type = NULL) { if ($type) { $form = array(); // Required option only for checkout by the moment. if ($type == 'checkout') { $form['uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_required'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('ToS agreement is required'), '#default_value' => variable_get('uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_required', 0), '#weight' => 1, ); } // Autocomplete textfield for selecting the ToS node. $form['uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_node'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Select the node that corresponds to the Terms of Service. Note that this node will be shown regardless of node access permissions.'), '#autocomplete_path' => 'uc_termsofservice/node/autocomplete', '#default_value' => variable_get('uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_node', NULL), '#weight' => 0, ); // Hide node title $form['uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_title'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Show the node title?'), '#description' => t('Showing the node title will render it as a link.'), '#options' => array(1 => t('Yes'), 0 => t('No')), '#default_value' => variable_get('uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_title', 1), ); // ToS node display mode $entity_info = entity_get_info(); $display_types = array(); foreach ($entity_info['node']['view modes'] as $key => $val) { $display_types[$key] = $val['label']; } $form['uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_display'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Node display'), '#description' => t('Display type to use to display the node (usually Teaser or Full content).'), '#options' => $display_types, '#default_value' => variable_get('uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_display', 'teaser'), ); // Container for advanced settings. $form['uc_termsofservice_advanced_settings'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Advanced settings'), '#weight' => 2, '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, ); // Checkbox to enable Rules. $form['uc_termsofservice_advanced_settings']['uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_rules'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Enable Rules'), '#description' => t('You can set the conditions under which the pane will be displayed with Rules', array('@url' => url('admin/workflow/rules/uc_termsofservice_display_pane/edit/conditions'))), '#default_value' => variable_get('uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_rules', 0), ); // Handle ToS in a popup window. if (module_exists('modalframe')) { $form['uc_termsofservice_advanced_settings']['uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_popup'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Open ToS in a popup modal window.'), '#default_value' => variable_get('uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_popup', 0), ); $form['uc_termsofservice_advanced_settings']['uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_popup_width'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Width of the popup window'), '#default_value' => variable_get('uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_popup_width', NULL), '#size' => 4, ); $form['uc_termsofservice_advanced_settings']['uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_popup_height'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Height of the popup window'), '#default_value' => variable_get('uc_termsofservice_' . $type . '_popup_height', NULL), '#size' => 4, ); } return $form; } } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for uc_cart_cart_panes_form. */ function uc_termsofservice_form_uc_cart_cart_panes_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) { $form['uc_termsofservice'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Terms of Service settings'), '#weight' => 98, '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, ); $form['uc_termsofservice'] += uc_termsofservice_admin_form('cart'); $form['buttons']['#weight'] = 99; } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for uc_cart_checkout_form. * * Adds validation function to check required agreement. */ function uc_termsofservice_form_uc_cart_checkout_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) { $form['#validate'][] = 'uc_termsofservice_checkout_form_validate'; } /** * Validate function for checkout, if required by our configuration. * * This way, we can display a better 'required' message than the default * Form API message for a required element. */ function uc_termsofservice_checkout_form_validate($form, &$form_state) { // Only check for validation when the pane really exists. if (isset($form_state['values']['panes']['uc_termsofservice_agreement_checkout'])) { $required = variable_get('uc_termsofservice_checkout_required', 0); if ($required) { $popup = variable_get('uc_termsofservice_checkout_popup', 0); if (!$popup) { $agreed = $form_state['values']['panes']['uc_termsofservice_agreement_checkout']['tos_agree']['agreed']; } else { $agreed = $form_state['values']['panes']['uc_termsofservice_agreement_checkout']['tos_agree_popup']['agreed']; } if (!$agreed) { $node = uc_termsofservice_get_node('checkout'); // Issue #1818992 : the ID used in form_set_error is not a typo form_set_error('panes][uc_termsofservice_agreement_checkout][tos_agree', t("In order to continue with the checkout process you must first accept the !tos", array('!tos' => $node->title))); } } } } /** * Autocomplete callback, taken from panels module. */ function uc_termsofservice_node_autocomplete($string) { // If there are node_types passed, we'll use those in a MySQL IN query. if ($string != '') { $query = db_select('node', 'n') ->fields('n', array('nid', 'title')) ->addTag('node_access'); $query->join('users', 'u', 'u.uid = n.uid'); $query->fields('u', array('name')); // Build query conditions. $preg_matches = array(); $match = preg_match('/\[nid: (\d+)\]/', $string, $preg_matches); if (!$match) { $match = preg_match('/^nid: (\d+)/', $string, $preg_matches); } if ($match) { $query->condition('n.nid', $preg_matches[1]); } else { $query->condition('n.title', '%' . db_like($string) . '%', 'LIKE'); } if (!user_access('administer nodes')) { $query->condition('n.status', 1); } // Execute the query. $result = $query->execute(); $matches = array(); foreach ($result as $node) { $name = empty($node->name) ? variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous')) : check_plain($node->name); $matches[$node->title . " [nid: $node->nid]"] = '' . check_plain($node->title) . ' (' . t('by @user', array('@user' => $name)) . ')'; } // Return the results to the form in json. drupal_json_output($matches); } } /** * Menu title callback. */ function uc_termsofservice_title_callback($node = NULL) { $title = t('Terms of Service'); if ($node->title) { $title = $node->title; } return t('@title', array('@title' => $title)); }