(function($) { /** * Drupal FieldGroup object. */ Drupal.FieldGroup = Drupal.FieldGroup || {}; Drupal.FieldGroup.Effects = Drupal.FieldGroup.Effects || {}; Drupal.FieldGroup.groupWithfocus = null; Drupal.FieldGroup.setGroupWithfocus = function(element) { element.css({display: 'block'}); Drupal.FieldGroup.groupWithfocus = element; } /** * Implements Drupal.FieldGroup.processHook(). */ Drupal.FieldGroup.Effects.processFieldset = { execute: function (context, settings, type) { if (type == 'form') { // Add required fields mark to any fieldsets containing required fields $('fieldset.fieldset', context).once('fieldgroup-effects', function(i) { if ($(this).is('.required-fields') && $(this).find('.form-required').length > 0) { $('legend span.fieldset-legend', $(this)).eq(0).append(' ').append($('.form-required').eq(0).clone()); } if ($('.error', $(this)).length) { $('legend span.fieldset-legend', $(this)).eq(0).addClass('error'); Drupal.FieldGroup.setGroupWithfocus($(this)); } }); } } } /** * Implements Drupal.FieldGroup.processHook(). */ Drupal.FieldGroup.Effects.processAccordion = { execute: function (context, settings, type) { $('div.field-group-accordion-wrapper', context).once('fieldgroup-effects', function () { var wrapper = $(this); wrapper.accordion({ autoHeight: false, active: '.field-group-accordion-active', collapsible: true, changestart: function(event, ui) { if ($(this).hasClass('effect-none')) { ui.options.animated = false; } else { ui.options.animated = 'slide'; } } }); if (type == 'form') { var $firstErrorItem = false; // Add required fields mark to any element containing required fields wrapper.find('div.field-group-accordion-item').each(function(i) { if ($(this).is('.required-fields') && $(this).find('.form-required').length > 0) { $('h3.ui-accordion-header a').eq(i).append(' ').append($('.form-required').eq(0).clone()); } if ($('.error', $(this)).length) { // Save first error item, for focussing it. if (!$firstErrorItem) { $firstErrorItem = $(this).parent().accordion("activate" , i); } $('h3.ui-accordion-header').eq(i).addClass('error'); } }); // Save first error item, for focussing it. if (!$firstErrorItem) { $('.ui-accordion-content-active', $firstErrorItem).css({height: 'auto', width: 'auto', display: 'block'}); } } }); } } /** * Implements Drupal.FieldGroup.processHook(). */ Drupal.FieldGroup.Effects.processHtabs = { execute: function (context, settings, type) { if (type == 'form') { // Add required fields mark to any element containing required fields $('fieldset.horizontal-tabs-pane', context).once('fieldgroup-effects', function(i) { if ($(this).is('.required-fields') && $(this).find('.form-required').length > 0) { $(this).data('horizontalTab').link.find('strong:first').after($('.form-required').eq(0).clone()).after(' '); } if ($('.error', $(this)).length) { $(this).data('horizontalTab').link.parent().addClass('error'); Drupal.FieldGroup.setGroupWithfocus($(this)); $(this).data('horizontalTab').focus(); } }); } } } /** * Implements Drupal.FieldGroup.processHook(). */ Drupal.FieldGroup.Effects.processTabs = { execute: function (context, settings, type) { if (type == 'form') { // Add required fields mark to any fieldsets containing required fields $('fieldset.vertical-tabs-pane', context).once('fieldgroup-effects', function(i) { if ($(this).is('.required-fields') && $(this).find('.form-required').length > 0) { $(this).data('verticalTab').link.find('strong:first').after($('.form-required').eq(0).clone()).after(' '); } if ($('.error', $(this)).length) { $(this).data('verticalTab').link.parent().addClass('error'); Drupal.FieldGroup.setGroupWithfocus($(this)); $(this).data('verticalTab').focus(); } }); } } } /** * Implements Drupal.FieldGroup.processHook(). * * TODO clean this up meaning check if this is really * necessary. */ Drupal.FieldGroup.Effects.processDiv = { execute: function (context, settings, type) { $('div.collapsible', context).once('fieldgroup-effects', function() { var $wrapper = $(this); // Turn the legend into a clickable link, but retain span.field-group-format-toggler // for CSS positioning. var $toggler = $('span.field-group-format-toggler:first', $wrapper); var $link = $(''); $link.prepend($toggler.contents()); // Add required field markers if needed if ($(this).is('.required-fields') && $(this).find('.form-required').length > 0) { $link.append(' ').append($('.form-required').eq(0).clone()); } $link.appendTo($toggler); // .wrapInner() does not retain bound events. $link.click(function () { var wrapper = $wrapper.get(0); // Don't animate multiple times. if (!wrapper.animating) { wrapper.animating = true; var speed = $wrapper.hasClass('speed-fast') ? 300 : 1000; if ($wrapper.hasClass('effect-none') && $wrapper.hasClass('speed-none')) { $('> .field-group-format-wrapper', wrapper).toggle(); } else if ($wrapper.hasClass('effect-blind')) { $('> .field-group-format-wrapper', wrapper).toggle('blind', {}, speed); } else { $('> .field-group-format-wrapper', wrapper).toggle(speed); } wrapper.animating = false; } $wrapper.toggleClass('collapsed'); return false; }); }); } }; /** * Behaviors. */ Drupal.behaviors.fieldGroup = { attach: function (context, settings) { if (settings.field_group == undefined) { return; } // Execute all of them. $.each(Drupal.FieldGroup.Effects, function (func) { // We check for a wrapper function in Drupal.field_group as // alternative for dynamic string function calls. var type = func.toLowerCase().replace("process", ""); if (settings.field_group[type] != undefined && $.isFunction(this.execute)) { this.execute(context, settings, settings.field_group[type]); } }); // Fixes css for fieldgroups under vertical tabs. $('.fieldset-wrapper .fieldset > legend').css({display: 'block'}); $('.vertical-tabs fieldset.fieldset').addClass('default-fallback'); // Add a new ID to each fieldset. $('.group-wrapper fieldset').each(function() { // Tats bad, but we have to keep the actual id to prevent layouts to break. var fieldgorupID = 'field_group-' + $(this).attr('id') + ' ' + $(this).attr('id'); $(this).attr('id', fieldgorupID); }) // Set the hash in url to remember last userselection. $('.group-wrapper ul li').each(function() { var fieldGroupNavigationListIndex = $(this).index(); $(this).children('a').click(function() { var fieldset = $('.group-wrapper fieldset').get(fieldGroupNavigationListIndex); // Grab the first id, holding the wanted hashurl. var hashUrl = $(fieldset).attr('id').replace(/^field_group-/, '').split(' ')[0]; window.location.hash = hashUrl; }); }); } }; })(jQuery);