fields[$only_indexed][$get_additional]. * * @var array */ protected $fields = array(); /** * An array containing two arrays. * * At index 0, all fulltext fields of this index. At index 1, all indexed * fulltext fields of this index. * * @var array */ protected $fulltext_fields = array(); // Database values that will be set when object is loaded. /** * An integer identifying the index. * Immutable. * * @var integer */ public $id; /** * A name to be displayed for the index. * * @var string */ public $name; /** * The machine name of the index. * Immutable. * * @var string */ public $machine_name; /** * A string describing the index' use to users. * * @var string */ public $description; /** * The machine_name of the server with which data should be indexed. * * @var string */ public $server; /** * The type of items stored in this index. * Immutable. * * @var string */ public $item_type; /** * An array of options for configuring this index. The layout is as follows: * - cron_limit: The maximum number of items to be indexed per cron batch. * - index_directly: Boolean setting whether entities are indexed immediately * after they are created or updated. * - fields: An array of all indexed fields for this index. Keys are the field * identifiers, the values are arrays for specifying the field settings. The * structure of those arrays looks like this: * - type: The type set for this field. One of the types returned by * search_api_default_field_types(). * - real_type: (optional) If a custom data type was selected for this * field, this type will be stored here, and "type" contain the fallback * default data type. * - boost: (optional) A boost value for terms found in this field during * searches. Usually only relevant for fulltext fields. Defaults to 1.0. * - entity_type (optional): If set, the type of this field is really an * entity. The "type" key will then just contain the primitive data type * of the ID field, meaning that servers will ignore this and merely index * the entity's ID. Components displaying this field, though, are advised * to use the entity label instead of the ID. * - additional fields: An associative array with keys and values being the * field identifiers of related entities whose fields should be displayed. * - data_alter_callbacks: An array of all data alterations available. Keys * are the alteration identifiers, the values are arrays containing the * settings for that data alteration. The inner structure looks like this: * - status: Boolean indicating whether the data alteration is enabled. * - weight: Used for sorting the data alterations. * - settings: Alteration-specific settings, configured via the alteration's * configuration form. * - processors: An array of all processors available for the index. The keys * are the processor identifiers, the values are arrays containing the * settings for that processor. The inner structure looks like this: * - status: Boolean indicating whether the processor is enabled. * - weight: Used for sorting the processors. * - settings: Processor-specific settings, configured via the processor's * configuration form. * * @var array */ public $options = array(); /** * A flag indicating whether this index is enabled. * * @var integer */ public $enabled = 1; /** * A flag indicating whether to write to this index. * * @var integer */ public $read_only = 0; /** * Constructor as a helper to the parent constructor. */ public function __construct(array $values = array(), $entity_type = 'search_api_index') { parent::__construct($values, $entity_type); } /** * Execute necessary tasks for a newly created index. */ public function postCreate() { try { if ($server = $this->server()) { // Tell the server about the new index. $server->addIndex($this); if ($this->enabled) { $this->queueItems(); } } } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); } } /** * Execute necessary tasks when the index is removed from the database. */ public function postDelete() { try { if ($server = $this->server()) { $server->removeIndex($this); } } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); } // Stop tracking entities for indexing. $this->dequeueItems(); } /** * Record entities to index. */ public function queueItems() { if (!$this->read_only) { try { $this->datasource()->startTracking(array($this)); } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); } } } /** * Remove all records of entities to index. */ public function dequeueItems() { try { $this->datasource()->stopTracking(array($this)); } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); } } /** * Saves this index to the database. * * Either creates a new record or updates the existing one with the same ID. * * @return int|false * Failure to save the index will return FALSE. Otherwise, SAVED_NEW or * SAVED_UPDATED is returned depending on the operation performed. $this->id * will be set if a new index was inserted. */ public function save() { if (empty($this->description)) { $this->description = NULL; } $server = FALSE; if (!empty($this->server)) { $server = search_api_server_load($this->server); if (!$server) { $vars['%server'] = $this->server; $vars['%index'] = $this->name; watchdog('search_api', 'Unknown server %server specified for index %index.', $vars, WATCHDOG_ERROR); } } if (!$server) { $this->server = NULL; $this->enabled = FALSE; } if (!empty($this->options['fields'])) { ksort($this->options['fields']); } $this->resetCaches(); return parent::save(); } /** * Helper method for updating entity properties. * * NOTE: You shouldn't change any properties of this object before calling * this method, as this might lead to the fields not being saved correctly. * * @param array $fields * The new field values. * * @return int|false * SAVE_UPDATED on success, FALSE on failure, 0 if the fields already had * the specified values. */ public function update(array $fields) { $changeable = array('name' => 1, 'enabled' => 1, 'description' => 1, 'server' => 1, 'options' => 1, 'read_only' => 1); $changed = FALSE; foreach ($fields as $field => $value) { if (isset($changeable[$field]) && $value !== $this->$field) { $this->$field = $value; $changed = TRUE; } } // If there are no new values, just return 0. if (!$changed) { return 0; } // Reset the index's internal property cache to correctly incorporate new // settings. $this->resetCaches(); return $this->save(); } /** * Schedules this search index for re-indexing. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ public function reindex() { if (!$this->server || $this->read_only) { return TRUE; } _search_api_index_reindex($this); module_invoke_all('search_api_index_reindex', $this, FALSE); return TRUE; } /** * Clears this search index and schedules all of its items for re-indexing. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ public function clear() { if (!$this->server || $this->read_only) { return TRUE; } try { $this->server()->deleteItems('all', $this); } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); } _search_api_index_reindex($this); module_invoke_all('search_api_index_reindex', $this, TRUE); return TRUE; } /** * Magic method for determining which fields should be serialized. * * Don't serialize properties that are basically only caches. * * @return array * An array of properties to be serialized. */ public function __sleep() { $ret = get_object_vars($this); unset($ret['server_object'], $ret['datasource'], $ret['processors'], $ret['added_properties'], $ret['fulltext_fields']); return array_keys($ret); } /** * Get the controller object of the data source used by this index. * * @throws SearchApiException * If the specified item type or data source doesn't exist or is invalid. * * @return SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface * The data source controller for this index. */ public function datasource() { if (!isset($this->datasource)) { $this->datasource = search_api_get_datasource_controller($this->item_type); } return $this->datasource; } /** * Get the entity type of items in this index. * * @return string|null * An entity type string if the items in this index are entities; NULL * otherwise. */ public function getEntityType() { try { return $this->datasource()->getEntityType(); } catch (SearchApiException $e) { return NULL; } } /** * Get the server this index lies on. * * @param $reset * Whether to reset the internal cache. Set to TRUE when the index' $server * property has just changed. * * @throws SearchApiException * If $this->server is set, but no server with that machine name exists. * * @return SearchApiServer * The server associated with this index, or NULL if this index currently * doesn't lie on a server. */ public function server($reset = FALSE) { if (!isset($this->server_object) || $reset) { $this->server_object = $this->server ? search_api_server_load($this->server) : FALSE; if ($this->server && !$this->server_object) { throw new SearchApiException(t('Unknown server @server specified for index @name.', array('@server' => $this->server, '@name' => $this->machine_name))); } } return $this->server_object ? $this->server_object : NULL; } /** * Create a query object for this index. * * @param $options * Associative array of options configuring this query. See * SearchApiQueryInterface::__construct(). * * @throws SearchApiException * If the index is currently disabled or its server doesn't exist. * * @return SearchApiQueryInterface * A query object for searching this index. */ public function query($options = array()) { if (!$this->enabled) { throw new SearchApiException(t('Cannot search on a disabled index.')); } return $this->server()->query($this, $options); } /** * Indexes items on this index. * * Will return an array of IDs of items that should be marked as indexed – * i.e., items that were either rejected by a data-alter callback or were * successfully indexed. * * @param array $items * An array of items to index, of this index's item type. * * @return array * An array of the IDs of all items that should be marked as indexed. * * @throws SearchApiException * If an error occurred during indexing. */ public function index(array $items) { if ($this->read_only) { return array(); } if (!$this->enabled) { throw new SearchApiException(t("Couldn't index values on '@name' index (index is disabled)", array('@name' => $this->name))); } if (empty($this->options['fields'])) { throw new SearchApiException(t("Couldn't index values on '@name' index (no fields selected)", array('@name' => $this->name))); } $fields = $this->options['fields']; $custom_type_fields = array(); foreach ($fields as $field => $info) { if (isset($info['real_type'])) { $custom_type = search_api_extract_inner_type($info['real_type']); if ($this->server()->supportsFeature('search_api_data_type_' . $custom_type)) { $fields[$field]['type'] = $info['real_type']; $custom_type_fields[$custom_type][$field] = search_api_list_nesting_level($info['real_type']); } } } if (empty($fields)) { throw new SearchApiException(t("Couldn't index values on '@name' index (no fields selected)", array('@name' => $this->name))); } // Mark all items that are rejected as indexed. $ret = array_keys($items); drupal_alter('search_api_index_items', $items, $this); if ($items) { $this->dataAlter($items); } $ret = array_diff($ret, array_keys($items)); // Items that are rejected should also be deleted from the server. if ($ret) { $this->server()->deleteItems($ret, $this); } if (!$items) { return $ret; } $data = array(); foreach ($items as $id => $item) { $data[$id] = search_api_extract_fields($this->entityWrapper($item), $fields); unset($items[$id]); foreach ($custom_type_fields as $type => $type_fields) { $info = search_api_get_data_type_info($type); if (isset($info['conversion callback']) && is_callable($info['conversion callback'])) { $callback = $info['conversion callback']; foreach ($type_fields as $field => $nesting_level) { if (isset($data[$id][$field]['value'])) { $value = $data[$id][$field]['value']; $original_type = $data[$id][$field]['original_type']; $data[$id][$field]['value'] = _search_api_convert_custom_type($callback, $value, $original_type, $type, $nesting_level); } } } } } $this->preprocessIndexItems($data); return array_merge($ret, $this->server()->indexItems($this, $data)); } /** * Calls data alteration hooks for a set of items, according to the index * options. * * @param array $items * An array of items to be altered. * * @return SearchApiIndex * The called object. */ public function dataAlter(array &$items) { // First, execute our own search_api_language data alteration. foreach ($items as &$item) { $item->search_api_language = isset($item->language) ? $item->language : LANGUAGE_NONE; } foreach ($this->getAlterCallbacks() as $callback) { $callback->alterItems($items); } return $this; } /** * Property info alter callback that adds the infos of the properties added by * data alter callbacks. * * @param EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper * The wrapped data. * @param $property_info * The original property info. * * @return array * The altered property info. */ public function propertyInfoAlter(EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper, array $property_info) { if (entity_get_property_info($wrapper->type())) { // Overwrite the existing properties with the list of properties including // all fields regardless of the used bundle. $property_info['properties'] = entity_get_all_property_info($wrapper->type()); } if (!isset($this->added_properties)) { $this->added_properties = array( 'search_api_language' => array( 'label' => t('Item language'), 'description' => t("A field added by the search framework to let components determine an item's language. Is always indexed."), 'type' => 'token', 'options list' => 'entity_metadata_language_list', ), ); // We use the reverse order here so the hierarchy for overwriting property // infos is the same as for actually overwriting the properties. foreach (array_reverse($this->getAlterCallbacks()) as $callback) { $props = $callback->propertyInfo(); if ($props) { $this->added_properties += $props; } } } // Let fields added by data-alter callbacks override default fields. $property_info['properties'] = array_merge($property_info['properties'], $this->added_properties); return $property_info; } /** * Loads all enabled data alterations for this index in proper order. * * @return array * All enabled callbacks for this index, as SearchApiAlterCallbackInterface * objects. */ public function getAlterCallbacks() { if (isset($this->callbacks)) { return $this->callbacks; } $this->callbacks = array(); if (empty($this->options['data_alter_callbacks'])) { return $this->callbacks; } $callback_settings = $this->options['data_alter_callbacks']; $infos = search_api_get_alter_callbacks(); foreach ($callback_settings as $id => $settings) { if (empty($settings['status'])) { continue; } if (empty($infos[$id]) || !class_exists($infos[$id]['class'])) { watchdog('search_api', t('Undefined data alteration @class specified in index @name', array('@class' => $id, '@name' => $this->name)), NULL, WATCHDOG_WARNING); continue; } $class = $infos[$id]['class']; $callback = new $class($this, empty($settings['settings']) ? array() : $settings['settings']); if (!($callback instanceof SearchApiAlterCallbackInterface)) { watchdog('search_api', t('Unknown callback class @class specified for data alteration @name', array('@class' => $class, '@name' => $id)), NULL, WATCHDOG_WARNING); continue; } $this->callbacks[$id] = $callback; } return $this->callbacks; } /** * Loads all enabled processors for this index in proper order. * * @return array * All enabled processors for this index, as SearchApiProcessorInterface * objects. */ public function getProcessors() { if (isset($this->processors)) { return $this->processors; } $this->processors = array(); if (empty($this->options['processors'])) { return $this->processors; } $processor_settings = $this->options['processors']; $infos = search_api_get_processors(); foreach ($processor_settings as $id => $settings) { if (empty($settings['status'])) { continue; } if (empty($infos[$id]) || !class_exists($infos[$id]['class'])) { watchdog('search_api', t('Undefined processor @class specified in index @name', array('@class' => $id, '@name' => $this->name)), NULL, WATCHDOG_WARNING); continue; } $class = $infos[$id]['class']; $processor = new $class($this, isset($settings['settings']) ? $settings['settings'] : array()); if (!($processor instanceof SearchApiProcessorInterface)) { watchdog('search_api', t('Unknown processor class @class specified for processor @name', array('@class' => $class, '@name' => $id)), NULL, WATCHDOG_WARNING); continue; } $this->processors[$id] = $processor; } return $this->processors; } /** * Preprocess data items for indexing. Data added by data alter callbacks will * be available on the items. * * Typically, a preprocessor will execute its preprocessing (e.g. stemming, * n-grams, word splitting, stripping stop words, etc.) only on the items' * fulltext fields. Other fields should usually be left untouched. * * @param array $items * An array of items to be preprocessed for indexing. * * @return SearchApiIndex * The called object. */ public function preprocessIndexItems(array &$items) { foreach ($this->getProcessors() as $processor) { $processor->preprocessIndexItems($items); } return $this; } /** * Preprocess a search query. * * The same applies as when preprocessing indexed items: typically, only the * fulltext search keys should be processed, queries on specific fields should * usually not be altered. * * @param SearchApiQuery $query * The object representing the query to be executed. * * @return SearchApiIndex * The called object. */ public function preprocessSearchQuery(SearchApiQuery $query) { foreach ($this->getProcessors() as $processor) { $processor->preprocessSearchQuery($query); } return $this; } /** * Postprocess search results before display. * * If a class is used for both pre- and post-processing a search query, the * same object will be used for both calls (so preserving some data or state * locally is possible). * * @param array $response * An array containing the search results. See * SearchApiServiceInterface->search() for the detailed format. * @param SearchApiQuery $query * The object representing the executed query. * * @return SearchApiIndex * The called object. */ public function postprocessSearchResults(array &$response, SearchApiQuery $query) { // Postprocessing is done in exactly the opposite direction than preprocessing. foreach (array_reverse($this->getProcessors()) as $processor) { $processor->postprocessSearchResults($response, $query); } return $this; } /** * Returns a list of all known fields for this index. * * @param $only_indexed (optional) * Return only indexed fields, not all known fields. Defaults to TRUE. * @param $get_additional (optional) * Return not only known/indexed fields, but also related entities whose * fields could additionally be added to the index. * * @return array * An array of all known fields for this index. Keys are the field * identifiers, the values are arrays for specifying the field settings. The * structure of those arrays looks like this: * - name: The human-readable name for the field. * - description: A description of the field, if available. * - indexed: Boolean indicating whether the field is indexed or not. * - type: The type set for this field. One of the types returned by * search_api_default_field_types(). * - real_type: (optional) If a custom data type was selected for this * field, this type will be stored here, and "type" contain the fallback * default data type. * - boost: A boost value for terms found in this field during searches. * Usually only relevant for fulltext fields. * - entity_type (optional): If set, the type of this field is really an * entity. The "type" key will then contain "integer", meaning that * servers will ignore this and merely index the entity's ID. Components * displaying this field, though, are advised to use the entity label * instead of the ID. * If $get_additional is TRUE, this array is encapsulated in another * associative array, which contains the above array under the "fields" key, * and a list of related entities (field keys mapped to names) under the * "additional fields" key. */ public function getFields($only_indexed = TRUE, $get_additional = FALSE) { $only_indexed = $only_indexed ? 1 : 0; $get_additional = $get_additional ? 1 : 0; // First, try the static cache and the persistent cache bin. if (empty($this->fields[$only_indexed][$get_additional])) { $cid = $this->getCacheId() . "-$only_indexed-$get_additional"; $cache = cache_get($cid); if ($cache) { $this->fields[$only_indexed][$get_additional] = $cache->data; } } // Otherwise, we have to compute the result. if (empty($this->fields[$only_indexed][$get_additional])) { $fields = empty($this->options['fields']) ? array() : $this->options['fields']; $wrapper = $this->entityWrapper(); $additional = array(); $entity_types = entity_get_info(); // First we need all already added prefixes. $added = ($only_indexed || empty($this->options['additional fields'])) ? array() : $this->options['additional fields']; foreach (array_keys($fields) as $key) { $len = strlen($key) + 1; $pos = $len; // The third parameter ($offset) to strrpos has rather weird behaviour, // necessitating this rather awkward code. It will iterate over all // prefixes of each field, beginning with the longest, adding all of them // to $added until one is encountered that was already added (which means // all shorter ones will have already been added, too). while ($pos = strrpos($key, ':', $pos - $len)) { $prefix = substr($key, 0, $pos); if (isset($added[$prefix])) { break; } $added[$prefix] = $prefix; } } // Then we walk through all properties and look if they are already // contained in one of the arrays. // Since this uses an iterative instead of a recursive approach, it is a bit // complicated, with three arrays tracking the current depth. // A wrapper for a specific field name prefix, e.g. 'user:' mapped to the user wrapper $wrappers = array('' => $wrapper); // Display names for the prefixes $prefix_names = array('' => ''); // The list nesting level for entities with a certain prefix $nesting_levels = array('' => 0); $types = search_api_default_field_types(); $flat = array(); while ($wrappers) { foreach ($wrappers as $prefix => $wrapper) { $prefix_name = $prefix_names[$prefix]; // Deal with lists of entities. $nesting_level = $nesting_levels[$prefix]; $type_prefix = str_repeat('list<', $nesting_level); $type_suffix = str_repeat('>', $nesting_level); if ($nesting_level) { $info = $wrapper->info(); // The real nesting level of the wrapper, not the accumulated one. $level = search_api_list_nesting_level($info['type']); for ($i = 0; $i < $level; ++$i) { $wrapper = $wrapper[0]; } } // Now look at all properties. foreach ($wrapper as $property => $value) { $info = $value->info(); // We hide the complexity of multi-valued types from the user here. $type = search_api_extract_inner_type($info['type']); // Treat Entity API type "token" as our "string" type. // Also let text fields with limited options be of type "string" by default. if ($type == 'token' || ($type == 'text' && !empty($info['options list']))) { // Inner type is changed to "string". $type = 'string'; // Set the field type accordingly. $info['type'] = search_api_nest_type('string', $info['type']); } $info['type'] = $type_prefix . $info['type'] . $type_suffix; $key = $prefix . $property; if ((isset($types[$type]) || isset($entity_types[$type])) && (!$only_indexed || !empty($fields[$key]))) { if (!empty($fields[$key])) { // This field is already known in the index configuration. $flat[$key] = $fields[$key] + array( 'name' => $prefix_name . $info['label'], 'description' => empty($info['description']) ? NULL : $info['description'], 'boost' => '1.0', 'indexed' => TRUE, ); // Update the type and its nesting level for non-entity properties. if (!isset($entity_types[$type])) { $flat[$key]['type'] = search_api_nest_type(search_api_extract_inner_type($flat[$key]['type']), $info['type']); if (isset($flat[$key]['real_type'])) { $real_type = search_api_extract_inner_type($flat[$key]['real_type']); $flat[$key]['real_type'] = search_api_nest_type($real_type, $info['type']); } } } else { $flat[$key] = array( 'name' => $prefix_name . $info['label'], 'description' => empty($info['description']) ? NULL : $info['description'], 'type' => $info['type'], 'boost' => '1.0', 'indexed' => FALSE, ); } if (isset($entity_types[$type])) { $base_type = isset($entity_types[$type]['entity keys']['name']) ? 'string' : 'integer'; $flat[$key]['type'] = search_api_nest_type($base_type, $info['type']); $flat[$key]['entity_type'] = $type; } } if (empty($types[$type])) { if (isset($added[$key])) { // Visit this entity/struct in a later iteration. $wrappers[$key . ':'] = $value; $prefix_names[$key . ':'] = $prefix_name . $info['label'] . ' » '; $nesting_levels[$key . ':'] = search_api_list_nesting_level($info['type']); } else { $name = $prefix_name . $info['label']; // Add machine names to discern fields with identical labels. if (isset($used_names[$name])) { if ($used_names[$name] !== FALSE) { $additional[$used_names[$name]] .= ' [' . $used_names[$name] . ']'; $used_names[$name] = FALSE; } $name .= ' [' . $key . ']'; } $additional[$key] = $name; $used_names[$name] = $key; } } } unset($wrappers[$prefix]); } } if (!$get_additional) { $this->fields[$only_indexed][$get_additional] = $flat; } else { $options = array(); $options['fields'] = $flat; $options['additional fields'] = $additional; $this->fields[$only_indexed][$get_additional] = $options; } cache_set($cid, $this->fields[$only_indexed][$get_additional]); } return $this->fields[$only_indexed][$get_additional]; } /** * Convenience method for getting all of this index's fulltext fields. * * @param boolean $only_indexed * If set to TRUE, only the indexed fulltext fields will be returned. * * @return array * An array containing all (or all indexed) fulltext fields defined for this * index. */ public function getFulltextFields($only_indexed = TRUE) { $i = $only_indexed ? 1 : 0; if (!isset($this->fulltext_fields[$i])) { $this->fulltext_fields[$i] = array(); $fields = $only_indexed ? $this->options['fields'] : $this->getFields(FALSE); foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { if (search_api_is_text_type($field['type'])) { $this->fulltext_fields[$i][] = $key; } } } return $this->fulltext_fields[$i]; } /** * Get the cache ID prefix used for this index's caches. * * @param $type * The type of cache. Currently only "fields" is used. * * @return * The cache ID (prefix) for this index's caches. */ public function getCacheId($type = 'fields') { return 'search_api:index-' . $this->machine_name . '--' . $type; } /** * Helper function for creating an entity metadata wrapper appropriate for * this index. * * @param $item * Unless NULL, an item of this index's item type which should be wrapped. * @param $alter * Whether to apply the index's active data alterations on the property * information used. To also apply the data alteration to the wrapped item, * execute SearchApiIndex::dataAlter() on it before calling this method. * * @return EntityMetadataWrapper * A wrapper for the item type of this index, optionally loaded with the * given data and having additional fields according to the data alterations * of this index (if $alter wasn't set to FALSE). */ public function entityWrapper($item = NULL, $alter = TRUE) { try { $info['property info alter'] = $alter ? array($this, 'propertyInfoAlter') : '_search_api_wrapper_add_all_properties'; $info['property defaults']['property info alter'] = '_search_api_wrapper_add_all_properties'; return $this->datasource()->getMetadataWrapper($item, $info); } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); return entity_metadata_wrapper($this->item_type); } } /** * Helper method to load items from the type lying on this index. * * @param array $ids * The IDs of the items to load. * * @return array * The requested items, as loaded by the data source. * * @see SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::loadItems() */ public function loadItems(array $ids) { try { return $this->datasource()->loadItems($ids); } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); return array(); } } /** * Reset internal caches. * * Should be used when things like fields or data alterations change to avoid * using stale data. */ public function resetCaches() { cache_clear_all($this->getCacheId(''), 'cache', TRUE); $this->datasource = NULL; $this->server_object = NULL; $this->callbacks = NULL; $this->processors = NULL; $this->added_properties = NULL; $this->fields = array(); $this->fulltext_fields = array(); } }