-- SUMMARY -- This is a Mime Mail component module (for use by other modules). * It permits users to recieve HTML email and can be used by other modules. The mail functionality accepts an HTML message body, mime-endcodes it and sends it. * If the HTML has embedded graphics, these graphics are MIME-encoded and included as a message attachment. * Adopts your site's style by automatically including your theme's stylesheet files in a themeable HTML message format * If the recipient's preference is available and they prefer plaintext, the HTML will be converted to plain text and sent as-is. Otherwise, the email will be sent in themeable HTML with a plaintext alternative. For a full description of the module, visit the project page: http://drupal.org/project/mimemail To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes: http://drupal.org/project/issues/mimemail -- REQUIREMENTS -- Mail System module - http://drupal.org/project/mailsystem -- INSTALLATION -- Hopefully, you know the drill by now :) 1. Download the module and extract the files. 2. Upload the entire mimemail folder into your Drupal sites/all/modules/ or sites/my.site.folder/modules/ directory if you are running a multi-site installation of Drupal and you want this module to be specific to a particular site in your installation. 3. Enable the Mime Mail module by navigating to: Administration > Modules 4. Adjust settings by navigating to: Administration > Configuration > Mime Mail -- USAGE -- This module may be required by other modules, but in favor of the recently added system actions and Rules integration, it can be useful by itself too. Once installed, any module can send MIME-encoded messages by specifing MimeMailSystem as the responsible mail system for a particular message or all mail sent by one module. This can be done through the web by visiting admin/config/system/mailsystem or in a program as follows: mailsystem_set(array( '{$module}_{$key}' => 'MimeMailSystem', // Just messages with $key sent by $module. '{$module}' => 'MimeMailSystem', // All messages sent by $module. )); You can use the following optional parameters to build the e-mail: 'plain': Boolean, whether to send messages in plaintext-only (optional, default is FALSE). 'plaintext': Plaintext portion of a multipart e-mail (optional). 'attachments': Array of arrays with the path or content, name and MIME type of the file (optional). 'headers': A keyed array with headers (optional). You can set these in $params either before calling drupal_mail() or in hook_mail() and of course hook_mail_alter(). Normally, Mime Mail uses email addresses in the form of "name" , but PHP running on Windows servers requires extra SMTP handling to use this format. If you are running your site on a Windows server and don't have an SMTP solution such as the SMTP module installed, you may need to set the 'Use the simple format of user@example.com for all email addresses' option on the configuration settings page. This module creates a user preference for receiving plaintext-only messages. This preference will be honored by all messages if the format is not explicitly set and the user has access to edit this preference (allowed by default). Email messages are formatted using the mimemail-message.tpl.php template. This includes a CSS style sheet and uses an HTML version of the text. The included CSS is either: the mail.css file found anywhere in your theme folder or the combined CSS style sheets of your theme if enabled. To create a custom mail template copy the mimemail-message.tpl.php file from the mimemail/theme directory into your default theme's folder. Both general and by-mailkey theming can be performed: mimemail-message--[module]--[key].tpl.php (for messages with a specific module and key) mimemail-message--[module].tpl.php (for messages with a specific module) mimemail-message--[key].tpl.php (for messages with a specific key) mimemail-message.tpl.php (for all messages) Messages can be rendered using different themes. You can choose the following settings to render the e-mail: 'current': Theme currently used by the user who runs drupal_mail(). 'default': Default theme, obtained via variable theme_default. 'domain': Theme obtained via Domain Theme module. or any other active theme. Images with absolute URL will be available as remote content. To embed images into emails you have to use a relative URL or an internal path. For example: instead of http://www.mysite.com/sites/default/files/mypicture.jpg use /home/www/public_html/drupal/sites/default/files/mypicture.jpg or /sites/default/files/mypicture.jpg Since some email clients (namely Outlook 2007 and GMail) is tend to only regard inline CSS, you can use the Compressor to convert CSS styles into inline style attributes. It transmogrifies the HTML source by parsing the CSS and inserting the CSS definitions into tags within the HTML based on the CSS selectors. To use the Compressor, just enable it. The 'send arbitrary files' permission allows you to attach or embed files located outside Drupal's public files directory. Note that this has security implications: arbitrary means even your settings.php! Give to trusted roles only! -- CREDITS -- MAINTAINER: Allie Micka < allie at pajunas dot com > * Allie Micka Mime enhancements and HTML mail code * Gerhard Killesreiter Original mail and mime code * Robert Castelo HTML to Text and other functionality