TRUE, 'message' => ''); $libpath = elfinder_lib_path(); $badfiles = array('connectors/php/connector.php', 'php/connector.php', 'php/connector.minimal.php'); $badpaths = array(); foreach ($badfiles as $badfile) { $path = $libpath . '/' . $badfile; if (file_exists($path)) { $badpaths[] = $path; } } if (count($badpaths) > 0) { $message = t('elFinder library directory containing features test files :files. Please remove these files to avoid security hole.', array(':files' => implode(', ', $badpaths))); watchdog('elfinder', $message, array(), WATCHDOG_ALERT); drupal_set_message($message, 'error'); $ret['result'] = FALSE; $ret['message'] = $message; } return $ret; } function elfinder_init() { elfinder_check_badpaths(); } /** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function elfinder_menu() { $items = array(); $access = array('use file manager'); $items['admin/content/files'] = array( 'title' => 'Files', 'page callback' => 'elfinder_file_browser', 'page arguments' => array('backend'), 'description' => 'Manage media files.', 'access arguments' => array('administer file manager'), ); $items['admin/content/files']['type'] = MENU_LOCAL_TASK; $items['elfinder'] = array( 'title' => 'File browser', 'page callback' => 'elfinder_file_browser', 'page arguments' => array('default'), 'access arguments' => $access, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items['elfinder/connector'] = array( 'title' => 'File browser', 'page callback' => 'elfinder_filesystemconnector', 'page arguments' => array(NULL), 'access arguments' => $access, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); // Forced connector relative url mode. For filefield_sources support. $items['elfinder/connector/relative'] = array( 'title' => 'File browser', 'page callback' => 'elfinder_filesystemconnector', 'page arguments' => array('relative'), 'access arguments' => $access, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $settings_page = array( 'title' => 'elFinder', 'description' => 'elFinder file manager settings', 'page callback' => 'elfinder_admin', 'access arguments' => array('administer file manager'), 'file' => 'inc/', ); $items['admin/config/elfinder'] = $items['admin/config/media/elfinder'] = $settings_page; $items['admin/config/elfinder']['type'] = MENU_CALLBACK; $items['admin/config/media/elfinder/profile'] = array( 'title' => 'Add Profile', 'page callback' => 'elfinder_admin_profiles', 'page arguments' => array('profile_add'), 'access arguments' => array('administer file manager'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'inc/', ); $items['admin/config/media/elfinder/profile/%/delete'] = array( 'title' => 'Delete Profile', 'page callback' => 'elfinder_admin_profiles', 'page arguments' => array('profile_delete', 5), 'access arguments' => array('administer file manager'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'inc/', ); $items['admin/config/media/elfinder/profile/%/edit'] = array( 'title' => 'Edit Profile', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('elfinder_admin_profile', 'profile_edit', 5), 'access arguments' => array('administer file manager'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'inc/', ); $items['elfinder/ahah/dir'] = array( 'title' => 'JavaScript Volume Add Item', 'page callback' => 'elfinder_admin_form_dir_js', 'page arguments' => array('item_add'), 'access arguments' => array('administer file manager'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'inc/', ); $items['elfinder/ahah/rmdir/%'] = array( 'title' => 'JavaScript Volume Remove Item', 'page callback' => 'elfinder_admin_form_dir_js', 'page arguments' => array('item_remove', 3), 'access arguments' => array('administer file manager'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'inc/', ); $items['elfinder/upload/fckeditor'] = array( 'title' => 'FCKeditor Quick Upload', 'page callback' => 'elfinder_editor_upload_fckeditor', 'access arguments' => array('access content'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'editors/fckeditor/', ); $items['elfinder/upload/ckeditor'] = array( 'title' => 'CKeditor Quick Upload', 'page callback' => 'elfinder_editor_upload_ckeditor', 'access arguments' => array('access content'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'editors/ckeditor/', ); /* Getting updated menu items from hook_elfinder_menu */ $newitems = module_invoke_all('elfinder_menu', $items); return ($newitems) ? $newitems : $items; } function elfinder_js_alter(&$javascript) { //$javascript['misc/jquery.js']['data'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'elfinder') . '/js/elfinder.jquery.min.js'; } /** * File browser render */ function elfinder_file_browser($browser_mode = 'default') { $libpath = elfinder_lib_path() . '/'; $p = elfinder_get_user_profile(); if (is_readable(elfinder_connector_path())) { global $language; $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'elfinder'); $editorApp = ''; $langCode = isset($language->language) ? $language->language : 'en'; if (isset($_GET['app'])) { if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]+$/", $_GET['app'])) { $editorApp = $_GET['app']; } elseif (preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z]+)|/", $_GET['app'], $m)) { $editorApp = $m[1]; } } if (isset($_GET['langCode'])) { if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-z]{2}$/", $_GET['langCode'])) { $langCode = $_GET['langCode']; } } /* Initial frontend settings */ $elfinder_js_settings = array( 'connectorUrl' => url('elfinder/connector'), 'moduleUrl' => url('elfinder'), 'editorApp' => $editorApp, 'langCode' => $langCode, 'rememberLastDir' => variable_get('elfinder_settings_misc_rememberlastdir', 'true') == 'true' ? TRUE : FALSE, // remember last opened directory 'disabledCommands' => elfinder_get_disabled_commands(), 'requestType' => variable_get('elfinder_settings_misc_requesttype', 'get') == 'get' ? 'get' : 'post', 'browserMode' => $browser_mode, 'token' => drupal_get_token('elFinder'), 'soundPath' => base_path() . elfinder_lib_path() . '/sounds', 'commandsOptions' => array('dummy' => array()), ); if (variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_external_preview', 'disabled') != 'disabled') { $elfinder_js_settings['commandsOptions']['quicklook'] = array( 'sharecadMimes' => array('image/vnd.dwg', 'image/vnd.dxf', 'model/vnd.dwf', 'application/vnd.hp-hpgl', 'application/plt', 'application/step', 'model/iges', 'application/', 'application/sat', 'image/cgm', 'application/x-msmetafile'), 'googleDocsMimes' => array('application/pdf', 'image/tiff', 'application/', 'application/msword', 'application/', 'application/', 'application/', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', 'application/postscript', 'application/rtf'), 'officeOnlineMimes' => array('application/msword', 'application/', 'application/', 'application/', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'), ); } if ($browser_mode == 'backend') { //$elfinder_js_settings['commandsOptions']['help'] = array('view' => array('about', 'shortcuts', 'integrations')); } if (($mheight = variable_get('elfinder_settings_misc_manager_height', '')) != '') { $elfinder_js_settings['height'] = (int)$mheight; } $elfinder_js_settings['resizable'] = ($browser_mode == 'backend'); if ($editorApp) { $elfinder_js_settings['editorCallback'] = 'elfinder_' . $editorApp . '_callback'; } $options = array( 'group' => CSS_DEFAULT, 'every_page' => FALSE, ); $sysjqver = '1.4.4'; $sysuiver = '1.8.7'; $sys_ui_lib = drupal_get_library('system','ui'); $sys_jq_lib = drupal_get_library('system','jquery'); if ($sys_jq_lib != false) { $sysjqver = $sys_jq_lib['version']; } if ($sys_ui_lib != false) { $sysuiver = $sys_ui_lib['version']; } if (preg_match('/1\.(4|5|6|8|9|10|11|12)\.?/', $sysjqver) || preg_match('/1\.(8|9|10)\.?/', $sysuiver)) { if (property_exists('elFinder', 'ApiVersion')) { drupal_add_js($path . '/js/elfinder.jquery.min.js'); drupal_add_js($path . '/js/elfinder.jquery-ui.min.js'); } else { drupal_add_js($path . '/js/elfinder.jquery.legacy.min.js'); drupal_add_js($path . '/js/elfinder.jquery-ui.legacy.min.js'); } } else { drupal_add_library('system', 'ui.button'); drupal_add_library('system', 'ui.dialog'); drupal_add_library('system', 'ui.draggable'); drupal_add_library('system', 'ui.droppable'); drupal_add_library('system', 'ui.resizable'); drupal_add_library('system', 'ui.selectable'); drupal_add_library('system', 'ui.slider'); } elfinder_add_css($path . '/css/ui-themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css', $options); elfinder_add_css($path . '/css/elfinder.common.css', $options); if (is_readable($libpath . 'css/elfinder.min.css') && is_readable($libpath . 'js/elfinder.min.js')) { elfinder_add_css($libpath . 'css/elfinder.min.css'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/elfinder.min.js'); } else if (is_readable($libpath . 'css/elfinder.full.css') && is_readable($libpath . 'js/elfinder.full.js')) { elfinder_add_css($libpath . 'css/elfinder.full.css'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/elfinder.full.js'); } else if (is_readable($libpath . 'css/common.css') && is_readable($libpath . 'js/elFinder.js')) { elfinder_add_css($libpath . 'css/common.css'); elfinder_add_css($libpath . 'css/dialog.css'); elfinder_add_css($libpath . 'css/toolbar.css'); elfinder_add_css($libpath . 'css/navbar.css'); elfinder_add_css($libpath . 'css/statusbar.css'); elfinder_add_css($libpath . 'css/cwd.css'); elfinder_add_css($libpath . 'css/quicklook.css'); elfinder_add_css($libpath . 'css/commands.css'); elfinder_add_css($libpath . 'css/contextmenu.css'); elfinder_add_css($libpath . 'css/theme.css'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/elFinder.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/elFinder.version.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/jquery.elfinder.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/elFinder.resources.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/elFinder.options.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/elFinder.history.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/elFinder.command.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/overlay.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/workzone.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/navbar.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/dialog.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/tree.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/cwd.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/toolbar.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/button.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/uploadButton.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/viewbutton.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/searchbutton.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/panel.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/contextmenu.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/path.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/stat.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/ui/places.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/back.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/forward.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/reload.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/up.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/home.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/copy.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/cut.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/paste.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/open.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/rm.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/duplicate.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/rename.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/help.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/getfile.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/mkdir.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/mkfile.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/upload.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/download.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/edit.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/quicklook.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/quicklook.plugins.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/extract.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/archive.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/search.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/view.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/resize.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/info.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/sort.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/commands/netmount.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/proxy/elFinderSupportVer1.js'); drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/jquery.dialogelfinder.js'); } else { watchdog('Failed Requirement', 'elFinder unable to load required JS and CSS files', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } $langfile = $libpath . 'js/i18n/elfinder.' . $langCode . '.js'; if (is_readable($libpath . 'css/theme.css')) { elfinder_add_css($libpath . 'css/theme.css'); } // thumbnail size hack /* $tmbSize = (int)variable_get('elfinder_settings_thumbnail_size', '48'); $tmbSizeFinal = $tmbSize . 'px'; $tmbWrapperSize = $tmbSize + 4; $tmbWrapperSizeFinal = $tmbWrapperSize . 'px'; drupal_add_css(".elfinder-cwd-icon { width: $tmbSizeFinal; height: $tmbSizeFinal;} .elfinder-cwd-view-icons .elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper { width: $tmbWrapperSizeFinal; height: $tmbWrapperSizeFinal; }", array('type' => 'inline')); */ /* Adding localization */ if (is_readable($langfile)) { drupal_add_js($langfile); } if (is_readable($libpath . 'js/extras/editors.default.min.js')) { drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/extras/editors.default.min.js'); } if (is_readable($libpath . 'js/extras/quicklook.googledocs.min.js')) { drupal_add_js($libpath . 'js/extras/quicklook.googledocs.min.js'); } //drupal_add_js(''); /* Getting updated frontend settings from hook_elfinder_js_settings */ $newjssettings = module_invoke_all('elfinder_js_settings', $elfinder_js_settings); if (isset($newjssettings['all'])) { $elfinder_js_settings = array_merge($elfinder_js_settings, (array)$newjssettings['all']); } if (isset($newjssettings[$editorApp])) { $elfinder_js_settings = array_merge($elfinder_js_settings, (array)$newjssettings[$editorApp]); } /* Loading callbacks for returning url from file manager to caller */ $editor_plugins = elfinder_system_listing("$editorApp\.callback\.js\$", $path . '/editors', 'name', 0); $callback_file = ''; if (isset($editorApp)) { if (isset($editorApp) && isset($editor_plugins[$editorApp . '.callback'])) { $callback_file = $editor_plugins[$editorApp . '.callback']->uri; if (isset($callback_file)) { drupal_add_js($callback_file); } } if (isset($elfinder_js_settings['browserscripts'])) { foreach ((array)$elfinder_js_settings['browserscripts'] as $script) { drupal_add_js($script, array('weight' => 999)); } unset($elfinder_js_settings['browserscripts']); } } if (property_exists('elFinder', 'ApiVersion')) { $elfinder_js_settings['api21'] = true; } else { drupal_add_js($path . '/js/info.js'); } // drupal_add_js($path . '/js/mouseover.js'); drupal_add_js(array('elfinder' => $elfinder_js_settings), 'setting'); drupal_add_js($path . '/js/elfinder.callback.js'); //drupal_add_js(array('elfinder' => $elfinder_js_settings), 'setting'); $libs = elfinder_get_libraries('tinymce'); if (count($libs) > 0 && !empty($libs['tinymce'])) { $path = $libs['tinymce'] . '/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_popup.js'; $abspath = base_path() . "/$path"; drupal_add_js($path); } } else { drupal_set_message(t('elFinder library was not found. Please download it from @url and install to @libpath.', array('@url' => elfinder_download_url(), '@libpath' => $libpath)), 'error'); } if ($browser_mode && $browser_mode == 'backend') { return theme('elfinder_page_backend'); } else { print theme('elfinder_page'); } module_invoke_all('exit'); exit(); } function elfinder_get_disabled_commands() { $disabled_commands = array(); $permissions = elfinder_permission(); $commands = elfinder_cmd_permissions(); // Disable not allowed commands foreach ($permissions as $perm_name => $perm_data) { if (array_key_exists($perm_name, $commands) && !user_access($perm_name)) { array_push($disabled_commands, $commands[$perm_name]); } } /* if (!user_access('download own uploaded files') && !user_access('download all uploaded files')) { $disabled_commands[] = 'getfile'; }*/ return $disabled_commands; } function elfinder_user_roles() { global $user; return array_reverse(array_keys($user->roles)); } function elfinder_get_user_profile() { /* Get role id list sorted by weight descending */ $profiles = elfinder_admin_profile_get(); if (!is_array($profiles)) { $profiles = array($profiles); } $first_profile = NULL; $rids = elfinder_user_roles(); $rids[] = 1; // anonymous user /* Get first matching profile for higest weight user role */ foreach ($rids as $rid) { foreach ($profiles as $profile) { if (isset($profile->settings['profile_role']) && in_array($rid, $profile->settings['profile_role'])) { if (is_null($first_profile)) { $first_profile = $profile; } else if (isset($profile->settings['volume'])) { /* Adding all available to current user volumes from other profiles */ $found = FALSE; foreach ($profile->settings['volume'] as $volume) { foreach ($first_profile->settings['volume'] as $fp_volume) { if ($volume['path'] == $fp_volume['path'] && $volume['label'] == $fp_volume['label']) { $found = TRUE; } } if (!$found) { $first_profile->settings['volume'][] = $volume; } } } } } } return $first_profile; } /** * File browser to filesystem php connector callback */ function elfinder_filesystemconnector($mode = 'default') { global $base_root, $user; $p = elfinder_get_user_profile(); $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'elfinder'); include_once dirname(elfinder_connector_path()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'elFinderConnector.class.php'; include_once dirname(elfinder_connector_path()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'elFinderVolumeDriver.class.php'; include_once dirname(elfinder_connector_path()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'elFinderVolumeLocalFileSystem.class.php'; include_once $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'inc' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; include_once $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'inc' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; include_once $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'inc' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; if (is_readable(dirname(elfinder_connector_path()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'elFinderPlugin.php')) { include_once dirname(elfinder_connector_path()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'elFinderPlugin.php'; } if (is_readable(dirname(elfinder_connector_path()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'editors' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'editor.php')) { include_once dirname(elfinder_connector_path()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'editors' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'editor.php'; } /** * Emulate json_encode required by filesystem connector for old php without JSON support */ if (!function_exists('json_encode')) { function json_encode($arg) { return drupal_json($arg); } } /* Disabling incompartible devel module features */ if (module_exists('devel')) { $devel_incompat = array('dev_timer', 'devel_query_display', 'dev_mem', 'devel_redirect_page'); $flag = FALSE; foreach ($devel_incompat as $di) { if (variable_get($di, 0)) { $flag = TRUE; variable_set($di, 0); } } if ($flag) { drupal_set_message(t('elFinder disabled incompatible devel module features.'), 'warning'); } } // Set absolute/relative url variable. if (!isset($mode) && variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_fileurl', 'true') == 'false') { $mode = 'relative'; } $disabled_commands = elfinder_get_disabled_commands(); $acl = new elFinderDrupalACL(); $pubFiles = file_stream_wrapper_get_instance_by_uri('public://'); $pvtFiles = file_stream_wrapper_get_instance_by_uri('private://'); $roots = array(); if ($p) { $profile = $p->settings; } else { $profile = array(); } $options_defs = array( 'disabled' => $disabled_commands, // list of not allowed commands 'debug' => FALSE, 'dirSize' => FALSE, 'tmbSize' => isset($profile['tmbsize']) ? (int)$profile['tmbsize'] : (int)variable_get('elfinder_settings_thumbnail_size', '48'), // thumbnail image size 'tmbPath' => variable_get('elfinder_settings_thumbnail_dirname', 'tmb'), // thumbnail images directory (tmbPath in 2.x) 'tmbCrop' => variable_get('elfinder_settings_thumbnail_tmbcrop', 'true') == 'true' ? TRUE : FALSE, // crop thumbnail image 'dateFormat' => variable_get('date_format_long', 'j M Y H:i'), // file modification date format 'mimeDetect' => isset($profile['mime_detect']) ? $profile['mime_detect'] : variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_mimedetect', 'auto'), // file type detection method 'imgLib' => isset($profile['imglib']) ? $profile['imglib'] : variable_get('elfinder_settings_thumbnail_imglib', 'auto'), // image manipulation library 'fileMode' => isset($profile['file_perm']) ? octdec($profile['file_perm']) : octdec(variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_fileperm', '0666')), // created file permissions 'dirMode' => isset($profile['dir_perm']) ? octdec($profile['dir_perm']) : octdec(variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_dirperm', '0777')), // created directory permissions 'accessControlData' => array('uid' => $user->uid), 'acceptedName' => '/^[^\.]+/', 'uploadMaxSize' => parse_size(variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_maxfilesize', '')), 'userProfile' => $p, 'jpgQuality' => variable_get('image_jpeg_quality', 75), 'dispInlineRegex' => variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_inlinepreviewregex', '^$'), 'statCorrector' => 'elFinderVolumeDrupal::stat_corrector', ); if (is_object($pubFiles) && user_access('access public files')) { $roots[] = array_merge($options_defs, array( 'driver' => 'Drupal', 'path' => drupal_realpath('public://'), // path to root directory (named 'path' in elFinder 2.0) 'URL' => $mode == 'relative' ? base_path() . $pubFiles->getDirectoryPath() : $pubFiles->getExternalUrl(), // root directory URL 'alias' => variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_public_root_label', '') != '' ? variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_public_root_label', '') : t('Public Files'), // display this instead of root directory name (named 'alias' in elFinder 2.0) 'accessControl' => array($acl, 'fsAccessPublic'), )); } if (is_object($pvtFiles) && user_access('access private files')) { $roots[] = array_merge($options_defs, array( 'driver' => 'Drupal', 'path' => drupal_realpath('private://'), // path to root directory (named 'path' in elFinder 2.0) 'URL' => $mode == 'relative' ? base_path() . $pvtFiles->getDirectoryPath() : $pvtFiles->getExternalUrl(), // root directory URL 'alias' => variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_private_root_label', '') != '' ? variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_private_root_label', '') : t('Private Files'), // display this instead of root directory name (named 'alias' in elFinder 2.0) 'accessControl' => array($acl, 'fsAccessPrivate'), )); } if (user_access('access unmanaged files')) { $roots[] = array_merge($options_defs, array( 'driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'path' => elfinder_file_directory_path(TRUE), // path to root directory (named 'path' in elFinder 2.0) 'URL' => elfinder_file_directory_url($mode == 'relative' ? TRUE : FALSE), // root directory URL 'alias' => variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_unmanaged_root_label', '') != '' ? variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_unmanaged_root_label', '') : t('Unmanaged Files'), // display this instead of root directory name (named 'alias' in elFinder 2.0) 'accessControl' => array($acl, 'fsAccessUnmanaged'), )); } if (isset($profile['volume'])) { foreach ($profile['volume'] as $volume) { $root = array( 'alias' => $volume['label'], ); $rootpath = ''; if (isset($volume['path']) && substr($volume['path'], 0, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $root['driver'] = 'Drupal'; $scheme = file_uri_scheme($volume['path']); if ($scheme == FALSE) { if (is_object(file_stream_wrapper_get_instance_by_uri('private://'))) { $scheme = 'private'; } else { $scheme = 'public'; } } $rootpath = $volume['path']; $rootpath = elfinder_parse_path_tokens($rootpath); $relpath = ''; if ($pos = strpos($rootpath, '://')) { $relpath = substr($rootpath, $pos + 3); } else { $relpath = $rootpath; } $streamWrapper = file_stream_wrapper_get_instance_by_scheme($scheme); $volpath = ''; if (is_object($streamWrapper)) { $streamWrapper->setUri($streamWrapper->getUri() . $relpath); $volpath = $streamWrapper->realpath(); $volurl = $mode == 'relative' ? base_path() . $streamWrapper->getDirectoryPath() : $streamWrapper->getExternalUrl(); $url = isset($volume['url']) && $volume['url'] != '' ? elfinder_parse_path_tokens($volume['url']) : $volurl; } $rootpath = $volpath; $url = rtrim($url, '/'); if (!file_prepare_directory($rootpath, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) { drupal_set_message(t('Error. Cannot initialize directory %dir', array('%dir' => $rootpath)), 'error'); } $root['path'] = drupal_realpath($rootpath); $root['URL'] = $url; $root['tmbPath'] = $volpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . variable_get('elfinder_settings_thumbnail_dirname', 'tmb'); $root['tmbURL'] = $volurl . '/' . variable_get('elfinder_settings_thumbnail_dirname', 'tmb'); } else { $rootpath = elfinder_parse_path_tokens($volume['path']); $root['driver'] = 'LocalFileSystem'; $root['path'] = $rootpath; if (isset($volume['url'])) { $root['URL'] = elfinder_parse_path_tokens($volume['url']); } } $root = array_merge($options_defs, $root); $roots[] = $root; } } $opts = array( 'roots' => $roots, 'driver_defaults' => $options_defs, ); $newopts = module_invoke_all('elfinder_connector_config', $opts); if ($newopts) { $opts = $newopts; } class elFinderConnectorDrupal extends elFinderConnector { public function test() { } } try { $elFinderObj = new elFinderDrupal($opts); } catch (Exception $e) { module_invoke_all('exit'); exit(drupal_json_encode(array('error' => array(t('Unable to initialize elFinder object. :msg', array(':msg' => basename($e->getFile()) . ": " . $e->getMessage())))))); } $bindcmds = module_invoke_all('elfinder_bind'); foreach ($bindcmds as $cmd => $cmdfunc) { $elFinderObj->bind($cmd, $cmdfunc); } try { $elFinderConnectorObj = new elFinderConnectorDrupal($elFinderObj); } catch (Exception $e) { module_invoke_all('exit'); exit(drupal_json_encode(array('error' => array(t('Unable to initialize elFinder connector object. :msg', array(':msg' => basename($e->getFile()) . ": " . $e->getMessage())))))); } module_invoke_all('elfinder_connector_init', $elFinderConnectorObj); if (!drupal_valid_token($_REQUEST['token'], 'elFinder', TRUE)) { module_invoke_all('exit'); exit(drupal_json_encode(array('error' => array(t('Access denied'))))); } else { try { $elFinderConnectorObj->run(); } catch (Exception $e) { module_invoke_all('exit'); exit(drupal_json_encode(array('error' => array(t('Unable to run elFinder connector. :msg', array(':msg' => basename($e->getFile()) . ": " . $e->getMessage())))))); } module_invoke_all('exit'); exit(); } } function elfinder_elfinder_bind() { return array('test' => 'test2'); } /** * Implements hook_theme(). */ function elfinder_theme() { $theme = array(); $theme['elfinder_page'] = array( 'template' => 'elfinder-page', 'arguments' => array('libPath' => '/' . elfinder_lib_path()), 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'elfinder') . '/tpl', ); $theme['elfinder_page_backend'] = array( 'template' => 'elfinder-page-backend', 'arguments' => array('libPath' => '/' . elfinder_lib_path()), 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'elfinder') . '/tpl', ); return $theme; } /** * Implements hook_permission(), D7 */ function elfinder_permission() { $perm = array( 'use file manager' => array( 'title' => t('Use elFinder file manager'), 'description' => t('Allow accessing elFinder file manager module'), ), 'administer file manager' => array( 'title' => t('Administer file manager'), 'description' => t('Allow users to administer file manager'), ), 'create new directories' => array( 'title' => t('Create new directories'), 'description' => t('Allow users to create new directories'), ), 'create new files' => array( 'title' => t('Create new files'), 'description' => t('Allow users to create new files'), ), 'rename files and directories' => array( 'title' => t('Rename files and directories'), 'description' => t('Allow users to rename files and directories'), ), 'file uploads' => array( 'title' => t('File uploads'), 'description' => t('Allow users to upload files'), ), 'paste from clipboard' => array( 'title' => t('Paste from clipboard'), 'description' => t('Allow users to paste files from clipboard'), ), 'copy to clipboard' => array( 'title' => t('Copy to clipboard'), 'description' => t('Allow users to copy files to clipboard'), ), 'cut to clipboard' => array( 'title' => t('Cut to clipboard'), 'description' => t('Allow users to cut files to clipboard'), ), 'view file info' => array( 'title' => t('View file info'), 'description' => t('Allow users to view file info'), ), 'preview files' => array( 'title' => t('Preview files'), 'description' => t('Allow users to preview files'), ), 'delete files and directories' => array( 'title' => t('Delete files and directories'), 'description' => t('Allow users to delete files and directories'), ), 'duplicate files' => array( 'title' => t('Duplicate files'), 'description' => t('Allow users to duplicate files'), ), 'edit files' => array( 'title' => t('Edit files'), 'description' => t('Allow users to edit files'), ), 'add files to archive' => array( 'title' => t('Add files to archive'), 'description' => t('Allow users add files to archive'), ), 'extract files from archive' => array( 'title' => t('Extract files from archive'), 'description' => t('Allow users to extract files from archive'), ), 'resize images' => array( 'title' => t('Resize images'), 'description' => t('Allow users to resize images'), ), 'download own uploaded files' => array( 'title' => t('Download own uploaded files'), 'description' => t('Allow users to download own uploaded files'), ), 'download all uploaded files' => array( 'title' => t('Download all uploaded files'), 'description' => t('Allow users to download all uploaded files'), ), 'access public files' => array( 'title' => t('Access public files'), 'description' => t('Allow users to access public files directory'), ), 'access private files' => array( 'title' => t('Access private files'), 'description' => t('Allow users to access private files directory'), ), 'access unmanaged files' => array( 'title' => t('Access unmanaged files'), 'description' => t('Allow users to access unmanaged files in custom directory'), ), 'write public files' => array( 'title' => t('Write public files'), 'description' => t('Allow users write access to public files directory'), ), 'write private files' => array( 'title' => t('Write private files'), 'description' => t('Allow users write access to private files directory'), ), 'access unmanaged files' => array( 'title' => t('Access unmanaged files'), 'description' => t('Allow users write access to unmanaged files in custom directory'), ), 'view file description' => array( 'title' => t('View file descriptions'), 'description' => t('Allow users to view file descriptions'), ), 'edit file description' => array( 'title' => t('Edit file descriptions'), 'description' => t('Allow users to edit file descriptions'), ), 'view file owner' => array( 'title' => t('View file owner'), 'description' => t('Allow users to view file owner'), ), 'view file downloads' => array( 'title' => t('View file downloads'), 'description' => t('Allow users to view file downloads'), ), 'mount network volumes' => array( 'title' => t('Mount network volumes'), 'description' => t('Allow users to mount remote network volumes'), ), ); $newperms = module_invoke_all('elfinder_perms', $perm); return ($newperms) ? $newperms : $perm; } /** * elFider commandsto permissions assignment */ function elfinder_cmd_permissions() { $perm = array( 'create new directories' => 'mkdir', 'create new files' => 'mkfile', 'rename files and directories' => 'rename', 'file uploads' => 'upload', 'copy to clipboard' => 'copy', 'cut to clipboard' => 'cut', 'paste from clipboard' => 'paste', 'preview files' => 'quicklook', 'view file info' => 'info', 'delete files and directories' => 'rm', 'duplicate files' => 'duplicate', 'edit files' => 'edit', 'add files to archive' => 'archive', 'extract files from archive' => 'extract', 'resize images' => 'resize', 'download own uploaded files' => 'download', 'view file description' => 'desc', 'edit file description' => 'editdesc', 'view file owner' => 'owner', 'view file downloads' => 'downloadcount', 'mount network volumes' => 'netmount', ); $newcperms = module_invoke_all('elfinder_cmd_perms', $perm); return ($newcperms) ? $newcperms : $perm; } /** * Implements hook_wysiwyg_plugin(). */ function elfinder_wysiwyg_plugin($editor, $version) { $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'elfinder'); drupal_add_js($path . '/js/elfinder.wysiwyg.init.js', array('group' => JS_LIBRARY)); $options = array( 'elfinder_url' => url('elfinder', array('query' => array('app' => $editor))), 'homepage_url' => elfinder_homepage_url(), 'path' => $path, ); /* bueditor hack */ if (preg_match('/^(bueditor|bue)/', $editor)) { $editor = 'bueditor'; } $editor_plugins = elfinder_system_listing("$editor\.inc\$", $path . '/editors', 'name', 0); /* loading editor plugin */ $plugin_file = ''; if (isset($editor_plugins[$editor])) { $plugin_file = $editor_plugins[$editor]->uri; if ($plugin_file) { $options['plugin_url_base'] = "$path/editors/$editor"; require_once $plugin_file; } } /* hook for adding another editor support */ //module_invoke_all('elfinder_editor_plugin'); /* wysiwyg plugin generation func for selected editor */ $pluginfunc = 'elfinder_' . $editor . '_elfinder_editor_plugin'; /* returning elFinder wysiwyg editor plugin for selected editor */ if (function_exists($pluginfunc)) { return call_user_func_array($pluginfunc, array($options)); } } /** * library homepage url */ function elfinder_homepage_url() { return ''; } /** * library download url */ function elfinder_download_url() { return ''; } /** * library files path */ function elfinder_lib_path($name = 'elfinder') { $libraries = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($libraries)) { $libraries = elfinder_get_libraries(); } $path = ''; if (!isset($libraries[$name])) { return FALSE; } else { $path .= $libraries[$name]; } return $path; } function elfinder_get_libraries() { $directory = 'libraries'; $searchdir = array(); $profile = drupal_get_profile(); $config = conf_path(); // Similar to 'modules' and 'themes' directories in the root directory, // certain distributions may want to place libraries into a 'libraries' // directory in Drupal's root directory. $searchdir[] = $directory; // The 'profiles' directory contains pristine collections of modules and // themes as organized by a distribution. It is pristine in the same way // that /modules is pristine for core; users should avoid changing anything // there in favor of sites/all or sites/ directories. if (file_exists("profiles/$profile/$directory")) { $searchdir[] = "profiles/$profile/$directory"; } // Always search sites/all/*. $searchdir[] = 'sites/all/' . $directory; // Also search sites//*. if (file_exists("$config/$directory")) { $searchdir[] = "$config/$directory"; } // Retrieve list of directories. // @todo Core: Allow to scan for directories. $directories = array(); $nomask = array('CVS'); foreach ($searchdir as $dir) { if (is_dir($dir) && $handle = opendir($dir)) { while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (!in_array($file, $nomask) && $file[0] != '.') { if (is_dir("$dir/$file")) { $directories[$file] = "$dir/$file"; } } } closedir($handle); } } return $directories; } /** * library to filesystem connector path */ function elfinder_connector_path() { return elfinder_lib_path() . '/php/elFinder.class.php'; } /** * path to files directory */ function elfinder_file_directory_path($absolute = FALSE) { $path = variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_root_custom', ''); $path = elfinder_parse_path_tokens($path); return $path; } /** * Returning site document root */ function elfinder_document_root() { return realpath(''); } /** * replace path tokens to its values (%uid, %user, etc) */ function elfinder_parse_path_tokens($unparsed_path) { global $user, $language; $path = $unparsed_path; $uname = isset($user->name) ? preg_replace('/[[:^alnum:]]+/', '', $user->name) : ''; $langCode = isset($language->language) ? $language->language : 'en'; $path_tokens = array( '%uid' => $user->uid, '%name' => $uname, '%user' => $uname, '%files' => elfinder_default_directory_path(), '%lang' => $langCode, ); $path = strtr($path, $path_tokens); if (function_exists('token_replace')) { $node = null; if (module_exists('og_context') AND isset($_SESSION['og_context']['gid'])) { $gid = $_SESSION['og_context']['gid']; $node = node_load($gid); } $path = token_replace($path, array('node' => $node, 'user' => $user)); } return $path; } /** * default path to files directory */ function elfinder_default_directory_path() { $filepath = ''; $scheme = file_default_scheme(); if ($scheme == 'public') { $filepath = variable_get('file_public_path', conf_path() . '/files'); } else { $filepath = variable_get('file_private_path', conf_path()); } return $filepath; } /** * files directory url */ function elfinder_file_directory_url($force_relative = FALSE) { global $base_root; $fileurl = ''; $fileurl = variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_url_custom', '') . '/'; if ($fileurl) { $fileurl = elfinder_parse_path_tokens($fileurl); } // Cutting off absolute url prefix if ($force_relative) { $fileurl = str_replace($base_root, '', $fileurl); } return $fileurl; } /** * prepare directory for files */ function elfinder_prepare_directory($directory) { $rc = file_prepare_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY); return $rc; } /** * Add css */ function elfinder_add_css($path, $options = array()) { return drupal_add_css($path, $options); } /** * Removing unwanted css */ function elfinder_browser_css() { $css = drupal_add_css(); $rms = array(); if (module_exists('admin_menu')) { $apath = drupal_get_path('module', 'admin_menu'); $atpath = drupal_get_path('module', 'admin_menu_toolbar'); $rms[] = isset($apath) ? $apath : ''; $rms[] = isset($atpath) ? $atpath : ''; foreach (array_keys($css) as $k) { foreach ($rms as $rm) { if (preg_match('|' . $rm . '|', $k) && $rm != '') { unset($css[$k]); } } } } return drupal_get_css($css); } /** * Removing unwanted js */ function elfinder_browser_js() { $js = drupal_add_js(NULL, array('scope' => 'header')); if (module_exists('admin_menu')) { $apath = drupal_get_path('module', 'admin_menu'); $atpath = drupal_get_path('module', 'admin_menu_toolbar'); $rms[] = isset($apath) ? $apath : ''; $rms[] = isset($atpath) ? $atpath : ''; foreach (array_keys($js) as $k) { foreach ($rms as $rm) { if (preg_match('|' . $rm . '|', $k) && $rm != '') { unset($js[$k]); } } } } return drupal_get_js('header', $js); } function elfinder_system_listing($matchexpr, $path, $arg1, $arg2) { return drupal_system_listing("/$matchexpr/", $path, $arg1, $arg2); } function elfinder_get_drupal_file_obj($uri) { global $user; $file = NULL; $fid = db_select('file_managed', 'f') ->condition('uri', rawurldecode($uri)) ->fields('f', array('fid')) ->execute() ->fetchField(); if ($fid) { $file = file_load($fid); } else { $file = new StdClass; $file->uid = $user->uid; $file->filename = basename($uri); $file->uri = $uri; $file->filemime = file_get_mimetype($uri); if (is_file(drupal_realpath($uri))) { $file->filesize = filesize($uri); // Use the file_entity module's mimetype to entity type // functionality if we have that method available. if (function_exists('file_entity_file_type')) { $types = file_entity_file_type($file); if (count($types) > 0) { $file->type = $types[0]; } else { $file->type = 'default'; } } else { list($type) = explode("/", $file->filemime); switch($type) { case 'image': case 'video': $file->type = $type; break; default: $file->type = 'default'; break; } } } $file->timestamp = REQUEST_TIME; $file->status = FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT; } return $file; } function elfinder_file_download($uri) { if (variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_handleprivate', 'true') == 'true') { global $user; $accessown = 'download own uploaded files'; $accessall = 'download all uploaded files'; $info = elfinder_get_drupal_file_obj($uri); if (($info->uid == $user->uid && user_access($accessown)) || user_access($accessall)) { $disposition = preg_match("/^(text|image)\//", $info->filemime) ? 'inline' : 'attachment'; return array( 'Content-Type' => $info->filemime, 'Content-Length' => $info->filesize, 'Content-Disposition' => elFinderDrupal::GetContentDisposition($info->filename, $info->filemime, FALSE), ); } return NULL; } } function elfinder_admin_profile_get($name = '') { $q = db_select('elfinder_profile', 'p')->fields('p', array('pid', 'name', 'description', 'settings')); if ($name) { $q->condition('', $name); } $result = $q->execute(); $profile = array(); foreach ($result as $record) { $row = $record; $row->settings = unserialize($row->settings); $profile[] = $row; } if (count($profile) == 1) { $profile = $profile[0]; } return $profile; } function elfinder_block_info() { // Makes it show up on /admin/build/block page. $blocks = array(); $blocks[0]['info'] = t('File Manager'); return $blocks; } function elfinder_block_view() { // Show the block. $block = array(); $block['subject'] = t('File Manager'); $block['content'] = elfinder_file_browser('backend'); return $block; } /** * Implements hook_ckeditor_settings_alter(). */ function elfinder_ckeditor_settings_alter(&$settings, $conf) { $width = variable_get('elfinder_settings_misc_manager_width', ''); if (!$width) { $width = ELFINDER_POPUP_WIDTH; } $height = variable_get('elfinder_settings_misc_manager_height', ''); if (!$height) { $height = ELFINDER_POPUP_HEIGHT; } $settings['js_conf']['filebrowserWindowWidth'] = $width; $settings['js_conf']['filebrowserWindowHeight'] = $height; } function elfinder_libraries_info() { $libraries['elfinder'] = array( 'name' => 'elFinder File Manager', 'vendor url' => elfinder_homepage_url(), 'download url' => '', 'version arguments' => array( 'file' => 'js/elfinder.min.js', 'pattern' => '@ \* Version\s+([0-9\.]+)@', 'lines' => 5, ), 'files' => array( 'js' => array( 'js/elfinder.min.js', ), 'css' => array( 'css/elfinder.min.css', ) ), ); return $libraries; } function elfinder_get_installed_version() { if (module_exists('libraries')) { $library = libraries_detect('elfinder'); return $library['installed'] ? $library['version'] : FALSE; } else { $js_file = elfinder_lib_path() . '/js/elfinder.min.js'; $js_contents = @file_get_contents($js_file); if (!$js_contents) { return FALSE; } if (preg_match('@ \* Version\s+([0-9\.]+)@', $js_contents, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } return 'unknown'; } }