array( 'title' => t('Access to materio database'), 'description' => t('Access to materio database.'), ), 'use materio search api' => array( 'title' => t('Use materio search api'), 'description' => t('Use materio search api.'), ), 'use materio search api for breves' => array( 'title' => t('Use materio search api for breves'), 'description' => t('Use materio search api for breves.'), ), 'use materio search api autocomplete' => array( 'title' => t('Use materio search api autocomplete'), 'description' => t('Use materio search api autocomplete.'), ), 'use materio search api viewmode selection' => array( 'title' => t('Use materio search api viewmode selection'), 'description' => t('Use materio search api viewmode selection.'), ), 'administer materio_search_api' => array( 'title' => t('administer Materio search api'), 'description' => t('Administer materio search api.'), ), 'use materio search api filters' => array( 'title' => t('use Materio search api filters'), 'description' => t('Use materio search api filters.'), ), 'use materio advanced search' => array( 'title' => t('Use materio advanced search'), 'description' => t('Use materio advanced search.'), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function materio_search_api_menu() { $items = array(); $base = array( 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => '', ); $items['admin/config/search/search_api/materiosearchapi'] = array( 'title' => 'Materio Search Api', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('materio_search_api_settings'), 'access arguments' => array('administer materio_search_api'), 'file' => '', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, ); $items['materiosearchapi/autocomplete/dbselect'] = $base+array( 'access arguments' => array('use materio search api autocomplete'), 'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_autocomplete_dbselect', ); $items['materiosearchapi/autocomplete/searchapi'] = $base+array( 'access arguments' => array('use materio search api autocomplete'), 'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_autocomplete_searchapi', ); $items['explore'] = $base+array( // 'access arguments' => array('use materio search api'), 'access callback' => 'materio_search_api_access_search', 'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_results_search', 'title' => t('Explore'), //'page argument' => array(1,2,3), ); $items['actuality'] = $base+array( // 'access arguments' => array(), 'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_actuality', // 'page argument' => array(), 'access callback' => TRUE, ); $items['materiosearchapi/viewmode/change'] = $base+array( 'access arguments' => array('use materio search api viewmode selection'), 'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_viewmode_change', 'page argument' => array(3), ); return $items; } function materio_search_api_access_search(){ return true; // return user_access('use materio search api for breves') || user_access('use materio search api'); } /** * - - - - - - - - - - - - SOLR - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /** * Implements hook_search_api_data_type_info(). * * Declare our new type to Search API so it can be selected for a field. */ function materio_search_api_search_api_data_type_info() { return array( 'edge_n2_kw_text' => array( 'name' => t('Fulltext (partial matching)'), 'fallback' => 'text', 'prefix' => 'tem', 'always multiValued' => TRUE, ), 'edge_n2_kw_mapped_text' => array( 'name' => t('Fulltext without accents (partial matching)'), 'fallback' => 'text', 'prefix' => 'temmap', 'always multiValued' => TRUE, ), // 'term_tid' => array( // 'name' => t('Taxonomy term tid'), // 'fallback' => 'integer', // 'prefix' => 'im', // 'always multiValued' => TRUE, // ), ); } /** * Implements hook_search_api_solr_dynamic_field_info(). * * Tell Search API Solr how to index our new data type. */ function materio_search_api_search_api_solr_dynamic_field_info() { return array( 'edge_n2_kw_text' => array( 'prefix' => 'tem', 'always multiValued' => TRUE, ), 'edge_n2_kw_mapped_text' => array( 'prefix' => 'temmap', 'always multiValued' => TRUE, ), // 'term_tid' => array( // 'prefix' => 'im', // 'always multiValued' => TRUE, // ), ); } /** * hook_entity_property_info_alter(). * * define own fields * - main taxonomy terms, the purpose is to be able to attribute differente boost on serach api depending on term order * - companies infos (address) : retrieve for materiau content type the companie info from the tode node * */ function materio_search_api_entity_property_info_alter(&$info){ // dsm($info, 'hook_entity_property_info_alter | info'); // watchdog('materio solr', 'materio_search_api_entity_property_info_alter', array()); // NODE PROPERTIES $node_props = &$info['node']['properties']; $fields = msa_get_custom_onto_taxo_searchable_fields(); foreach ($fields['termname'] as $field) { $node_props[$field['name']] = array( 'type'=>$field['type'], 'label'=> $field['label'], 'getter callback'=>$field['getter'] ); } foreach ($fields['tid'] as $field) { $node_props[$field['name']] = array( 'type'=>$field['type'], 'label'=> $field['label'], 'getter callback'=>$field['getter'] ); } // for ($i=1; $i <= 5 ; $i++) { // $node_props['materio_search_api_onthologie_term_'.$i.'_text'] = array( // 'type'=>'text', // 'label'=> t('Main onthologie term '.$i. ' as text (+ synonyms)'), // 'getter callback'=>'materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_'.$i.'_text', // ); // $node_props['materio_search_api_onthologie_term_'.$i.'_tid'] = array( // 'type'=>'text', // 'label'=> t('Main onthologie term '.$i. ' as tid'), // 'getter callback'=>'materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_'.$i.'_tid', // ); // } // // $node_props['materio_search_api_onthologie_term_others_text'] = array( // 'type'=>'list', // 'label'=> t('Others onthologie terms as text (+ synonyms)'), // 'getter callback'=>'materio_search_api_get_taxonomy_terms_others_text', // ); // $node_props['materio_search_api_onthologie_term_others_tid'] = array( // 'type'=>'list', // 'label'=> t('Others onthologie terms as tid'), // 'getter callback'=>'materio_search_api_get_taxonomy_terms_others_tid', // ); $node_props['materio_search_api_taglibres_text'] = array( 'type'=>'list', 'label'=> t('Tag libres terms as text (+ synonyms)'), 'getter callback'=>'materio_search_api_get_taglibres_terms_text', ); $node_materiau_props = &$info['node']['bundles']['materiau']['properties']; $node_materiau_props['materio_search_api_node_propertie_companie'] = array( 'type'=>'list', 'label'=> t('Manufacturers and distributors companies localised (dont addresse)'), 'getter callback'=>'materio_search_api_get_node_propertie_companie', ); // TAXONOMIE TERMS PROPERTIES $term_props = &$info['taxonomy_term']['properties']; $term_props['materio_search_api_term_property_dup_name'] = array( 'label' => t("Term name field dup"), 'description' => t("Duplicate the term name field to apply different filter in solr (remove accents for instance)"), 'type' => 'text', 'getter callback' => 'materio_search_api_term_property_dup_name', ); // $term_props['materio_search_api_term_property_name_translated'] = array( // 'label' => t("Term name translated"), // 'description' => t(""), // 'type' => 'text', // 'getter callback' => 'materio_search_api_term_property_name_translated', // ); } function msa_get_custom_onto_taxo_searchable_fields(){ for ($i=1; $i <= 5 ; $i++) { $fields_name['termname'][] = array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'materio_search_api_onthologie_term_'.$i.'_text', 'label' => t('Main onthologie term '.$i. ' as text (+ synonyms)'), 'getter' => 'materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_'.$i.'_text' ); $fields_name['tid'][] = array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'materio_search_api_onthologie_term_'.$i.'_tid', 'label' => t('Main onthologie term '.$i. ' as tid'), 'getter' => 'materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_'.$i.'_tid' ); } $fields_name['termname'][] = array( 'type'=>'list', 'name' => 'materio_search_api_onthologie_term_others_text', 'label' => t('Others onthologie terms as text (+ synonyms)'), 'getter' => 'materio_search_api_get_taxonomy_terms_others_text' ); $fields_name['tid'][] = array( 'type'=>'list', 'name' => 'materio_search_api_onthologie_term_others_tid', 'label' => t('Others onthologie terms as tid'), 'getter' => 'materio_search_api_get_taxonomy_terms_others_tid' ); return $fields_name; } /** * taxonomy propoerties as text + synonymes */ function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_1_text($item){ // dsm($item, 'item'); return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_onthologie", 0); } function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_2_text($item){ // dsm($item, 'item'); return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_onthologie", 1); } function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_3_text($item){ // dsm($item, 'item'); return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_onthologie", 2); } function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_4_text($item){ // dsm($item, 'item'); return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_onthologie", 3); } function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_5_text($item){ // dsm($item, 'item'); return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_onthologie", 4); } function materio_search_api_get_taxonomy_terms_others_text($item){ // dsm($item, 'item'); $delta = 5; $terms = array(); while( isset($item->field_onthologie['und'][$delta]) ){ $terms[] = materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_onthologie", $delta); $delta++; } return $terms; } function materio_search_api_get_taglibres_terms_text($item){ // dsm($item, 'item'); $delta = 0; $terms = array(); while( isset($item->field_tags_libres['und'][$delta]) ){ $terms[] = materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_tags_libres", $delta); $delta++; } return $terms; } function materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, $field_name, $delta){ // dsm($item, 'item'); // dsm($delta, 'delta'); if(isset($item->{$field_name}['und'][$delta])){ // print '** item **'."\n"; // print_r($item); $term = taxonomy_term_load($item->{$field_name}['und'][$delta]['tid']); // use entity metadata wrappers as they are SMART $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('taxonomy_term', $term); // print '** wrapper **'."\n"; // print_r($wrapper); // print "\n"; $keywords[] = $wrapper->language($item->language)->name_field->raw(); // print '** term_name **'."\n"; // print_r($term->name); // print "\n"; // print_r($term_name); // print "\n"; $synonymes = array(); foreach ($wrapper->language($item->language)->synonyms_synonym->value() as $index => $synonym) { // print '** synonym **'."\n"; // print_r($synonym); // print "\n"; $keywords[] = $synonym; } return implode(" ", $keywords); } return null; } /** * taxonomy properties as tid */ function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_1_tid($item){ // dsm($item, 'item'); return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, "field_onthologie", 0); } function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_2_tid($item){ // dsm($item, 'item'); return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, "field_onthologie", 1); } function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_3_tid($item){ // dsm($item, 'item'); return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, "field_onthologie", 2); } function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_4_tid($item){ // dsm($item, 'item'); return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, "field_onthologie", 3); } function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_5_tid($item){ // dsm($item, 'item'); return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, "field_onthologie", 4); } function materio_search_api_get_taxonomy_terms_others_tid($item){ // dsm($item, 'item'); $delta = 5; $terms = array(); while( isset($item->field_onthologie['und'][$delta]) ){ $terms[] = materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, "field_onthologie", $delta); $delta++; } return $terms; } function materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, $field_name, $delta){ // dsm($item, 'item'); // dsm($delta, 'delta'); $tid = null; if(isset($item->{$field_name}['und'][$delta])) $tid = $item->{$field_name}['und'][$delta]['tid']; // print 'tid = '.$tid."\n"; return $tid; } /** * */ function materio_search_api_get_node_propertie_companie($item){ // dsm($item, '$item'); $lang = "fr";//$item->language; $languages = language_list(); global $language; $language = $languages[$lang]; $cies = array(); $cie_fields = array("field_company_fab", "field_company_distrib"); foreach ($cie_fields as $cie_field_name) { $delta = 0; while( isset($item->{$cie_field_name}['und'][$delta]) ){ $tid = $item->{$cie_field_name}['und'][$delta]['tid']; $cie_term = taxonomy_term_load($tid); if($cie_node = company_get_tode_node($cie_term)){ $cie_node->language = $lang; $cie_view = node_view($cie_node, "full", $lang); $cie_rendered = rip_tags(drupal_render($cie_view)); // dsm($cie_rendered, 'cie_rendered'); $cies[] = $cie_rendered; } $delta++; } } return $cies; } function company_get_tode_node($term){ if(module_exists('tode')) if( $entitys = tode_get_nids_from_term($term)) if(isset($entitys['node'])) foreach ($entitys['node'] as $nid => $n) return node_load($nid); return false; } function rip_tags($string) { // ----- remove HTML TAGs ----- $string = preg_replace ('/<[^>]*>/', ' ', $string); // ----- remove control characters ----- $string = str_replace("\r", '', $string); // --- replace with empty space $string = str_replace("\n", ' ', $string); // --- replace with space $string = str_replace("\t", ' ', $string); // --- replace with space // $string = str_replace(" ", ' ', $string); // --- replace with space // $string = str_replace("'", '\'', $string); // --- replace with space // ----- remove multiple spaces ----- $string = trim(preg_replace('/ {2,}/', ' ', $string)); // ----- remove html entities preg_match_all('/&[^;]+;/', $string, $entities); foreach ($entities[0] as $entity) { $string = str_replace($entity, mb_convert_encoding($entity, 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES'), $string); } return $string; } /** * Taxonomy terms properties */ function materio_search_api_term_property_dup_name($term){ $lang = $term->language; return $term->name_field[$lang][0]['value']; } // function materio_search_api_term_property_name_translated($term){ // if($term->vid == 4){ // print_r(get_defined_vars()); // // // print_r($term); // // $trans = module_exists('i18n_taxonomy') // ? i18n_taxonomy_term_name($term, 'fr') // : $term->name; // // print_r($trans); // print "\n"; // } // } // ____ __ __ // / __ )/ /___ _____/ /_______ // / __ / / __ \/ ___/ //_/ ___/ // / /_/ / / /_/ / /__/ ,< (__ ) // /_____/_/\____/\___/_/|_/____/ /** * Implements hook_block_info(). */ function materio_search_api_block_info() { $blocks['materio_search_api_search'] = array( 'info' => t('Materio search api search'), 'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE ); $blocks['mo_searchapi_advanced_search'] = array( 'info' => t('Materio search api advanced search'), 'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE ); # NOT USED $blocks['materio_search_api_viewmode'] = array( 'info' => t('Materio search api view mode selection'), 'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE ); // $blocks['materio_search_api_filters'] = array( // 'info' => t('Materio search api filters'), // 'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE // ); return $blocks; } /** * Implements hook_block_view(). */ function materio_search_api_block_view($delta = '') { // This example comes from node.module. Note that you can also return a // renderable array rather than rendered HTML for 'content'. $block = array(); switch ($delta) { case 'materio_search_api_search': if (user_access('use materio search api') && user_access('use materio advanced search')) { $block['subject'] = t('Search'); $block['content'] = theme('materio_search_api_double_search_block', array()); }else if (user_access('use materio search api') || user_access('use materio search api for breves')) { $block['subject'] = t('Search'); $block['content'] = theme('materio_search_api_search_block', array()); } break; case 'mo_searchapi_advanced_search': if (user_access('use materio advanced search')) { $block['subject'] = t('Advanced Search'); $block['content'] = theme('materio_search_api_advanced_search_block', array()); } break; case 'materio_search_api_viewmode': // restrict display on node page for materiau and breve $block_is_visible = true; $q = parse_url($_GET['q']); $parts = explode('/', $q['path']); if($parts[0] == "node"){ $node = node_load($parts[1]); $block_is_visible = in_array($node->type, array('materiau','breve')) ? true : false; } if (user_access('use materio search api viewmode selection') && $block_is_visible) { $block['subject'] = t('View mode'); $block['content'] = theme('materio_search_api_select_viewmode_block', array()); } break; // case 'materio_search_api_filters': // if (user_access('use materio search api filters')) { // $block['subject'] = t('Filters'); // $block['content'] = theme('materio_search_api_filters_block', array()); // } // break; } return $block; } /** * Implements hook_entity_info_alter(). */ function materio_search_api_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info) { $entity_info['node']['view modes']['cardsmall'] = array( 'label' => t('Small cards'), 'custom settings' => TRUE, ); $entity_info['node']['view modes']['cardmedium'] = array( 'label' => t('Medium cards'), 'custom settings' => TRUE, ); $entity_info['node']['view modes']['cardbig'] = array( 'label' => t('Big cards'), 'custom settings' => TRUE, ); $entity_info['node']['view modes']['cardfull'] = array( 'label' => t('Full cards'), 'custom settings' => TRUE, ); } /** * Implements hook_node_view_alter(). */ function materio_search_api_node_view_alter(&$build) { $node = $build['#node']; if (arg(0) == 'node' && arg(1) == $node->nid) { // dsm($build, 'build'); global $user; $viewmode = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode']) ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode'] : variable_get('defaultviewmode', 'full'); // dsm($viewmode, 'viewmode'); $node = $build['#node']; if($build['#view_mode'] != $viewmode && $build['#view_mode'] != "bookmark" & in_array($node->type, array('breve', 'materiau'))){ $build = node_view($node, $viewmode); } } } /** * Implements hook_node_view(). */ function materio_search_api_node_view($node, $view_mode, $langcode) { if (in_array($view_mode, array('cardsmall','cardmedium', 'cardbig', 'cardfull'))) { # PRINT 7.1 // print_node_view($node, 'full'); // print_pdf_node_view($node, 'full'); # PRINT 7.2-beta // call for hook_node_view of print module to insert link print_ui_node_view($node, 'full'); // dsm($node, 'node'); } } // _____ __ ______ // / ___/___ ____ ___________/ /_ / ____/___ _________ ___ // \__ \/ _ \/ __ `/ ___/ ___/ __ \ / /_ / __ \/ ___/ __ `__ \ // ___/ / __/ /_/ / / / /__/ / / / / __/ / /_/ / / / / / / / / // /____/\___/\__,_/_/ \___/_/ /_/ /_/ \____/_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /** * materiobase_search_form() */ function materio_search_api_search_form($form, &$form_state){ // dsm($form_state, 'form_state'); // dsm($form, 'form'); global $user; $form = array(); $args = arg(); $path = array_shift($args); if (isset($args[0]) && $args[0] == "filters") { $path .= '/'.array_shift($args); } $is_explore = $path == 'explore' || $path == 'explore/filters'; $keys = implode('/', $args); if(user_access('use materio search api autocomplete')){ // use materio search api autocomplete | use materio search api filters $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node') ->entityCondition('bundle', 'materiau') ->propertyCondition('status', 1); $count = $query->count()->execute(); $default_value = t("search among our !fiches cards", array("!fiches"=>$count)); }else{ $default_value = ''; } $form['searchfield'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => $is_explore ? $keys : $default_value, // TODO: set the search page path global or a variable in settings '#autocomplete_path' => 'materiosearchapi/autocomplete/searchapi', //'#autocomplete_path' => 'materiosearchapi/autocomplete/dbselect', '#size' => 30, '#maxlength' => 1024, '#attributes' => array("default"=>$default_value), ); if(user_access('use materio search api filters')){ $index = search_api_index_load(variable_get('mainsearchindex', -1)); $indexed_bundles = $index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles']; foreach ($indexed_bundles as $bundle) { $bundles_options[$bundle] = $bundle; $default_bundles[] = $bundle; } $user_bundles_filter = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter']) ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter'] : $default_bundles; $form['bundles_filter'] = array( '#type'=>'checkboxes', '#options' => $bundles_options, '#default_value' => $user_bundles_filter, // '#attributes' => array('class'=>array('btn-group')), ); } $form['create'] = array( '#type' => 'image_button', '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api') . '/images/search.png', '#value' => t('Search'), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix'=> '
' ); // add a back to search/base home bouton if on explore/foo if ($path == 'explore' || $path == 'explore/filters' || $path == 'bookmarks' || $path == 'lists' ) { // buttons form container $form['rightcol'] = array( '#type' => 'container', ); $link = l('', base_path().'actuality', array( 'html'=>true, 'attributes'=>array('class'=>'back-search-home') )); $form['rightcol']['actu'] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => $link, //'' ); } return $form; } function materio_search_api_search_form_validate($form, &$form_state){ // dsm($form, '$form'); // dsm($form_state, '$form_state'); // dsm(strlen($form_state['values']['searchfield'])); if (strlen(trim($form_state['values']['searchfield'])) <= 1) { form_set_error('searchfield', 'Please enter at least 2 characters keyword.'); } } function materio_search_api_search_form_submit($form, &$form_state){ // dsm($form_state, 'form_state'); global $user; if(user_access('use materio search api filters')){ foreach($form_state['values']['bundles_filter'] as $bundle => $value) if($value) $bundles[] = $bundle; # if no filter checked we checked them all by default if(!isset($bundles)) foreach($form_state['values']['bundles_filter'] as $bundle => $value) $bundles[] = $bundle; }else{ # if user have no access to filters $index = search_api_index_load(variable_get('mainsearchindex', -1)); $indexed_bundles = $index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles']; foreach ($indexed_bundles as $bundle) { $bundles[] = $bundle; } } user_save($user, array("data"=>array('materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter' => $bundles))); $form_state['redirect'] = 'explore/'.$form_state['values']['searchfield']; } // ___ __ __ _____ __ // / | ____/ / ______ _____ ________ ____/ / / ___/___ ____ ___________/ /_ // / /| |/ __ / | / / __ `/ __ \/ ___/ _ \/ __ / \__ \/ _ \/ __ `/ ___/ ___/ __ \ // / ___ / /_/ /| |/ / /_/ / / / / /__/ __/ /_/ / ___/ / __/ /_/ / / / /__/ / / / // /_/ |_\__,_/ |___/\__,_/_/ /_/\___/\___/\__,_/ /____/\___/\__,_/_/ \___/_/ /_/ /** * materio_search_api_advanced_search_form() */ function materio_search_api_advanced_search_form($form, &$form_state){ // dsm($form_state, 'form_state'); // dsm($form, 'form'); // get vid from settings $vid = variable_get('msa-advancedsearchvocabulary', null); if($vid){ $voc = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid); $voc_machinename = $voc->machine_name; // dsm($voc, "voc"); $hidden_terms = variable_get('msa-hiddentaxoterms', array()); // dsm($hidden_terms, 'hidden_terms'); $values = isset($form_state['values']) ? $form_state['values'] : null; // dsm($values, "values"); $args = arg(); // dsm($args, 'args'); // get the first elemt of url args $path = array_shift($args); if (isset($args[0]) && $args[0] == "filters") { $path .= '/'.array_shift($args); } // get the keywords from args and reconstruct the filter lines with default values $args_values = array(); if($path == 'explore/filters' && $args[0] !== "ajax"){ // WORKING WITH TIDS instead of term name $tids = explode("+", $args[0]); foreach ($tids as $key => $tid) { $term = taxonomy_term_load($tid); // dsm($term, $term->tid.' : '.$term->name); // get parents if(isset($term->tid)){ $parents = taxonomy_get_parents_all($tid); // dsm($parents, 'parents'); // build default values for ($p=count($parents)-1; $p >=0 ; $p--) { $args_values[$key][] = $parents[$p]->tid; } } } } // dsm($args_values, 'args_values'); // TODO: show result count live // TODO: filter next select form item // define number of lines, // 1 by default // or from url arguments // or let it as it is if already chanched by ajax if(!isset($form_state['filterlines'])){ if(count($args_values)){ $form_state['filterlines'] = count($args_values); }else{ $form_state['filterlines'] = 1; } } // dsm($form_state['filterlines'], "form_state['filterlines']"); // filters form container $form['filters'] = array( '#type' => 'container', '#attributes' => array('class' => array("advancedsearch-filters")), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); $form['filters']['filters-table'] = array( '#type' => 'container', '#attributes' => array('class' => array("advanced-search-form-table")) ); // form headers // $form['filters']['filters-table']['headers'] = array( // '#type' => 'container', // '#attributes' => array('class' => array("advanced-search-form-headers")), // 'category' => array( // '#markup' => t("Category"), // '#prefix' => '
','#suffix' => '
', // ), // 'main' => array( // '#markup' => t("Main Filter"), // '#prefix' => '
','#suffix' => '
', // ), // 'child' => array( // '#markup' => t("Child Filter"), // '#prefix' => '
','#suffix' => '
', // ) // ); $trigger = FALSE; if (!empty($form_state['triggering_element']['#name'])) { $trigger = $form_state['triggering_element']; } $rmline = false; if ($trigger) { // dsm($form_state['triggering_element'], $form_state['triggering_element']['#name']); // dsm($values, 'form state values'); // add a line if needed if($trigger['#name'] == 'addfilters'){ $form_state['filterlines'] = $form_state['filterlines']+1; } // remove a line if needed if(strpos($trigger['#name'], 'rm-filter-') === 0){ // $form_state['filterlines'] = $form_state['filterlines']+1; $rmline = $trigger['#return_value']; // dsm($rmline, "rmline"); } } // build first level taxonomy tree and select options $taxotree = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, 0, 1, true); // $taxotree = msa_get_taxo_tree($vid, 0, 1); // dsm($taxotree, "taxotree"); // return $form; foreach ($taxotree as $index => $term) { // TODO: get translated tag name if(!in_array($term->tid, $hidden_terms)){ $level_0_ops[$term->tid] = $term->name; } } // build filters lines (ajax enabled) for ($l=0; $l < $form_state['filterlines']; $l++) { // if rmline this line, // continue the loop without creating the line if($l === $rmline){ continue; } // if we are after the removed line, // create a second counter ($ll) to keep a continuous order for form items // and keep the current counter ($l) to retrieve de current values // if before removed line or no removed line at all, $l = $ll if($rmline !== false && $l >= $rmline){ $ll = $l-1; }else{ $ll = $l; } // dsm("l : ".$l." | ll : ".$ll); $form['filters']['filters-table']['filterline-'.$ll] = array( '#type' => 'container', '#attributes' => array('class' => array("filter-line")) ); // get the default value // from from_state values if ajax // or from url args // or 0 $default0 = null; if(isset($values['filter-'.$l.'-0']) && $values['filter-'.$l.'-0']){ $default0 = $values['filter-'.$l.'-0']; }elseif(isset($args_values[$l][0])){ $default0 = $args_values[$l][0]; } // dsm($default0, "default 0"); // form select element for first level $form['filters']['filters-table']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-0'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $level_0_ops, '#name' => 'filter-'.$ll.'-0', '#empty_option' => t("Choose a category"), // '#empty_values' => 0, '#default_value' => $default0, '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'materio_search_api_advanced_search_select_callback', 'wrapper' => 'advancedsearch-filters-wrapper', // 'progress'=>array('message'=>''), ), ); // without this line, form api will mess with default values $form_state["input"]['filter-'.$ll.'-0'] = $default0; // add level 1 filter if level 0 chosen if(is_null($default0)){ // $form['filters']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-1'] $form['filters']['filters-table']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-1'] = array( '#markup' => t("Main Filter"), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); // the definition of this markup appears twice, i may avoid that ... $form['filters']['filters-table']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-2'] = array( '#markup' => t("Child Filter"), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); }else{ // build second level taxonomy tree and select options $taxotree1 = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, $default0, 1, true); // dsm($taxotree1, 'taxotree1'); $level_1_ops = array(); foreach ($taxotree1 as $index => $term) { // TODO: get translated tag name // $term = taxonomy_term_load($tid); $level_1_ops[$term->tid] = $term->name; } // get the default value // from from_state values if ajax // or from url args // or 0 $default1 = null; if(isset($values['filter-'.$l.'-1']) && $values['filter-'.$l.'-1']){ $default1 = $values['filter-'.$l.'-1']; }elseif(isset($args_values[$l][1])){ $default1 = $args_values[$l][1]; } // dsm($default1, "default 1"); // form select element for second level $form['filters']['filters-table']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-1'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $level_1_ops, '#name' => 'filter-'.$ll.'-1', '#empty_option' => t("Choose a main filter"), // '#empty_values' => 0, '#default_value' => $default1, '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'materio_search_api_advanced_search_select_callback', 'wrapper' => 'advancedsearch-filters-wrapper', ), ); // without this line, form api will mess with default values $form_state["input"]['filter-'.$ll.'-1'] = $default1; // add level 2 filter if level 1 chosen if(is_null($default1)){ $form['filters']['filters-table']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-2'] = array( '#markup' => t("Child Filter"), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); }else{ // build second level taxonomy tree and select options $taxotree2 = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, $default1, 1, true); if(!count($taxotree2)){ $form['filters']['filters-table']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-2'] = array( '#markup' => t("No Child"), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); }else{ // $default2 = isset($args_values[$l][2]) ? $args_values[$l][2] : 0; $default2 = null; if(isset($values['filter-'.$l.'-2']) && $values['filter-'.$l.'-2']){ $default2 = $values['filter-'.$l.'-2']; }elseif(isset($args_values[$l][2])){ $default2 = $args_values[$l][2]; } // dsm($default2, "default 2"); $level_2_ops = array(); foreach ($taxotree2 as $index => $term) { // TODO: get translated tag name $level_2_ops[$term->tid] = t($term->name); } // form select element for third level $form['filters']['filters-table']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-2'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $level_2_ops, '#name' => 'filter-'.$ll.'-2', '#empty_option' => t("Refine with a child filter"), // '#empty_values' => 0, '#default_value' => $default2, ); // without this line, form api will mess with default values $form_state["input"]['filter-'.$ll.'-2'] = $default2; } } } // add remove the line button $form['filters']['filters-table']['filterline-'.$ll]['rm-filter-'.$ll] = array( '#type' => 'image_button', '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api') . '/images/rmfilter.png', '#title' => t('Remove this filter line'), '#name' => 'rm-filter-'.$ll, '#return_value' => $ll, '#executes_submit_callback' => false, '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'materio_search_api_advanced_search_rmline_callback', 'wrapper' => 'advancedsearch-filters-wrapper', // 'trigger_as' => array("name"=>"rmfilters".$l), ), // "#attributes" => array('class'=>array('rm-btn')), '#prefix'=> '
', '#suffix'=> '
', ); } // end of lines loop if($rmline !== false){ $form_state['filterlines'] = $form_state['filterlines']-1; } // button to add a new line of criterias $form['filters']['addfilters'] = array( '#type' => 'image_button', '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api') . '/images/addfilter.png', '#title' => t('Add a filter line'), '#name' => "addfilters", '#return_value' => "add", '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'materio_search_api_advanced_search_addfilter_callback', 'wrapper' => 'advancedsearch-filters-wrapper', ), '#executes_submit_callback' => false, '#attributes' => array('class'=>array('add-filter')) ); // buttons form container $form['rightcol'] = array( '#type' => 'container', "#attributes" => array('class'=>array('right-col')), ); // add a back to search/base home bouton if on explore/foo if ($path == 'explore' || $path == 'explore/filters' || $path == 'bookmarks' || $path == 'lists' ) { $link = l('', base_path().'actuality', array( 'html'=>true, 'attributes'=>array('class'=>'back-search-home') )); $form['rightcol']['actu'] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => $link, ); } // submit the search $form['rightcol']['search'] = array( '#type' => 'image_button', '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api') . '/images/search.png', '#title' => t('Search'), '#name' => "search", '#return_value' => "search", '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix'=> '
' ); }else{ $form['novoc'] = array( '#markup' => "Please choose a vocabulary to search from in materio search api settings" ); } // dsm($form, 'form'); return $form; } function msa_get_taxo_tree($vid, $parent, $depth){ $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'taxonomy_term') ->propertyCondition('vid', $vid); // ->propertyCondition('parent', $parent); // ->propertyCondition('status', 1); // ->entityCondition('bundle', $voc_machinename) $result = $query->execute(); if (isset($result['taxonomy_term'])) { $terms = $result['taxonomy_term']; // At first we need to get field's id. If you already know field id, you can ommit this step // Get all fields attached to a given node type $fields = field_info_instances('taxonomy_term'); // Get id of body field // $field_id = $fields['name']['field_id']; // Attach a field of selected id only to get value for it field_attach_load('taxonomy_term', $terms, FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT, array('field_id' => 'name')); // Get values of our node field // $output = field_get_items('node', $stories, 'field_story_image'); } return $terms; } function materio_search_api_advanced_search_select_callback($form, &$form_state) { return $form['filters']; } function materio_search_api_advanced_search_addfilter_callback($form, &$form_state) { $commands = array(); $commands[] = ajax_command_replace('#advancedsearch-filters-wrapper', render($form['filters'])); $commands[] = array('command'=>'ajaxAfterAddedFilterLine'); return array("#type"=>'ajax', "#commands"=>$commands); // return $form['filters']; } function materio_search_api_advanced_search_rmline_callback($form, &$form_state) { $commands = array(); $commands[] = ajax_command_replace('#advancedsearch-filters-wrapper', render($form['filters'])); $commands[] = array('command'=>'ajaxAfterRemovedFilterLine'); return array("#type"=>'ajax', "#commands"=>$commands); // return $form['filters']; } function materio_search_api_advanced_search_form_validate($form, &$form_state){ if($form_state['triggering_element']['#name'] == 'search'){ // dsm($form, '$form'); dsm($form_state, 'form_state'); if (!isset($form_state['values']['filter-0-1']) || $form_state['values']['filter-0-1'] == '') { form_set_error('filters', 'Please choose at least 1 keyword.'); } } } function materio_search_api_advanced_search_form_submit($form, &$form_state){ // dsm($form_state, 'form_state'); $values = $form_state['values']; $filterlines = isset($form_state['filterlines']) ? $form_state['filterlines'] : 0; // $keywords = array(); // extract last tag of each lines for ($l=0; $l < $filterlines ; $l++) { for ($i=2; $i > 0 ; $i--) { if(isset($values['filter-'.$l.'-'.$i]) && $values['filter-'.$l.'-'.$i]){ // $term = taxonomy_term_load($values['filter-'.$l.'-'.$i]); // $keywords[$term->tid] = '"'.$term->name.'"'; // $tids[] = '"'.$values['filter-'.$l.'-'.$i].'"'; $tids[] = $values['filter-'.$l.'-'.$i]; continue 2; }else{ continue; } } } // dsm($keywords, 'keywordstid'); $keywords_str = implode("+", $tids); // dsm($keywords_str); $form_state['redirect'] = 'explore/filters/'.$keywords_str; //rawurlencode($keywords_str); } /** * viewmode */ function _materio_search_api_change_viewmode($vm){ // dsm($vm, '_materio_search_api_change_viewmode'); global $user; // dsm($user, 'user'); $entity_infos = entity_get_info(); // dsm($entity_infos, 'entity_infos'); if (in_array($vm, variable_get('availableviewmodes', array()))) { user_save($user, array("data"=>array('materiosearchapi_viewmode' => $vm))); $rep = array('statut'=>'saved'); }else{ $rep = array('statut'=>'viewmode not allowed'); } return $rep; } /** * - - - - - - - - - - - - THEME - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /** * Implements hook_theme(). */ function materio_search_api_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) { return array( 'materio_search_api_search_block' => array( 'arguments' => array(), 'template' => 'materio-search-api-search-block', 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates', ), 'materio_search_api_advanced_search_block' => array( 'arguments' => array(), 'template' => 'materio-search-api-advanced-search-block', 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates', ), 'materio_search_api_double_search_block' => array( 'arguments' => array(), 'template' => 'materio-search-api-double-search-block', 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates', ), 'materio_search_api_select_viewmode_block' => array( 'arguments' => array(), 'template' => 'materio-search-api-select-viewmode-block', 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates', ), // 'materio_search_api_filters_block' => array( // 'arguments' => array(), // 'template' => 'materio-search-api-filters-block', // 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates', // ), 'materio_search_api_results' => array( 'arguments' => array(), 'template' => 'materio-search-api-results', 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates', 'variables' => array( 'index' => NULL, 'results' => array('result count' => 0), 'items' => array(), 'view_mode' => 'teaser', 'keys' => '', // 'page_machine_name' => NULL, 'spellcheck' => NULL, 'pager' => NULL, ), ), // 'materio_search_api_performance' => array( // 'render element' => 'element', // ), 'materio_search_api_actuality' => array( 'template' => 'materio-search-api-actuality', 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates', 'arguments' => array( 'items' => array(), 'view_mode' => "teaser", 'pager' => NULL, 'count' => 0, ) ), 'materio_search_api_form_element' => array( 'render element' => 'element', ), ); } /** * Implements theme for rendering search-performance */ // function theme_materio_search_api_performance($variables) { // $element = array_shift($variables); // return $element['#markup']; // } /** * template_preprocess_materiobase_advanced_search_block(); */ function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_search_block(&$vars){ // dsm($vars, '$vars'); $vars['searchform'] = drupal_get_form("materio_search_api_search_form"); } /** * template_preprocess_materiobase_advanced_search_block(); */ function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_advanced_search_block(&$vars){ // dsm($vars, '$vars'); $vars['searchform'] = drupal_get_form("materio_search_api_advanced_search_form"); } /** * template_preprocess_materiobase_search_block(); */ function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_double_search_block(&$vars){ // dsm($vars, '$vars'); $vars['search_title'] = t("Text search"); $vars['searchform'] = drupal_get_form("materio_search_api_search_form"); $vars['advanced_search_title'] = t("Filtered search"); $vars['advanced_searchform'] = drupal_get_form("materio_search_api_advanced_search_form"); } function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_select_viewmode_block(&$vars){ global $user; $active = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode']) ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode'] : variable_get('defaultviewmode', 'full'); $availableviewmodes = variable_get('availableviewmodes', -1); // dsm($availableviewmodes); $entity_infos = entity_get_info(); // dsm($entity_infos, 'entity_infos'); $content = '
'; foreach ($entity_infos['node']['view modes'] as $viewmode => $value) { if(in_array($viewmode, $availableviewmodes)){ $link = l( ''.$value['label'].'', 'materiosearchapi/viewmode/change/'.$viewmode, array( 'query' => drupal_get_destination(), 'html' => true, 'attributes' => array( 'class' => array( 'viewmode-link', 'viewmode-'.$viewmode, $active == $viewmode ? " active" : '' ), 'rel' => $viewmode ) ) ); $content .= $link; } } $content .= '
'; $vars['content'] = $content; } // function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_filters_block(&$vars){ // $index_machine_name = variable_get('mainsearchindex', -1); // $index = search_api_index_load($index_machine_name); // dsm($index, 'index'); // // $entity_infos = entity_get_info($index->item_type); // // dsm($entity_infos, 'entity_infos'); // $indexed_bundles = $index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles']; // dsm($indexed_bundles, 'indexed_bundles'); // $vars['content'] = drupal_get_form('materio_search_api_filters_form', $indexed_bundles); // } // function materio_search_api_filters_form($form, $form_state, $bundles){ // $form = array(); // dsm($bundles, 'bundles'); // foreach ($bundles as $bundle) { // $form[$bundle . '_filter'] = array( // '#type'=>'checkbox', // '#default_value' => -1, // '#title' => $bundle, // ); // } // return $form; // } /** * Function for preprocessing the variables for the search_api_page_results * template. * * @param array $variables * An associative array containing: * - $index: The index this search was executed on. * - $results: An array of search results, as returned by * SearchApiQueryInterface::execute(). * - $keys: The keywords of the executed search. * * @see materio-search-api-results.tpl.php */ function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_results(array &$vars) { // dsm($vars, 'vars'); $results = $vars['results']; if(isset($results['result count'])){ $vars['result_count'] = $results['result count']; $vars['sec'] = round($results['performance']['complete'], 3); $vars['keywords'] = $vars['keys']; if(isset($results['breves count'])){ // for free users // dsm("free users"); $vars['perfascard'] = true; $perfoutput = format_plural( $results['breves count'], 'The search found 1 news ', 'The search found @count news ' ); $perfoutput .= format_plural( $vars['result_count'] - $results['breves count'], 'with 1 associated matter.', 'with @count associated matters.' ); $perfoutput .= '
'; $perfoutput .= format_plural( $results['could results']['result count'], ' You could have found 1 result with a ', ' You could have found @count results with a ' ); $perfoutput .= l(t('full access to materiO\'.'), 'node/11187'); $perfoutput .= l(t('Pricing'), 'node/11187', array("attributes"=>array("class"=>array('button')))); $vars['search_performance'] = $perfoutput; }else{ // for members $vars['perfascard'] = false; // $vars['search_performance'] = format_plural( // // $results['result count'], // $vars['result_count'], // 'The search found 1 result ', // 'The search found @count results ' // ) $vars['search_performance'] = t('The search found @count result(s) with keywords @keys.', array( "@count"=>$vars['result_count'], "@keys"=>$vars['keywords']) ); // TODO indicate how many materials and how many news // $vars['search_performance'] = t('The search found @count result(s) with keywords @keys. @mat materials and @new news.', array( // "@count"=>$vars['result_count'], // "@keys"=>$vars['keywords'], // "@mat"=>4, // "@new"=>7) // ); } }else{ //for anonymous $vars['perfascard'] = true; $perfoutput = t('You can\'t access to the materiO\' search tool without an account.').'
'; $perfoutput .= format_plural( $results['could results']['result count'], ' You could have found 1 result with a ', ' You could have found @count results with a ' ); $perfoutput .= l(t('full access to materiO\'.'), 'node/11187'); $perfoutput .= l(t('Pricing'), 'node/11187', array("attributes"=>array("class"=>array('button')))); $vars['search_performance'] = $perfoutput; } //dsm($vars, '$vars'); } function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_actuality(&$vars){ // dsm($vars, 'template_preprocess_materio_search_api_actuality | vars'); // $vars['actualities_infos'] = t('Actualities by materiO\''); $vars['actualities_infos'] = t(''); } function theme_materio_search_api_form_element($variables) { // dsm($variables, 'variables'); $element = &$variables['element']; // This function is invoked as theme wrapper, but the rendered form element // may not necessarily have been processed by form_builder(). $element += array( '#title_display' => 'before', ); // Add element #id for #type 'item'. if (isset($element['#markup']) && !empty($element['#id'])) { $attributes['id'] = $element['#id']; } // Add element's #type and #name as class to aid with JS/CSS selectors. $attributes['class'] = array('form-item'); if (!empty($element['#type'])) { $attributes['class'][] = 'form-type-' . strtr($element['#type'], '_', '-'); } if (!empty($element['#name'])) { $attributes['class'][] = 'form-item-' . strtr($element['#name'], array(' ' => '-', '_' => '-', '[' => '-', ']' => '')); } // Add a class for disabled elements to facilitate cross-browser styling. if (!empty($element['#attributes']['disabled'])) { $attributes['class'][] = 'form-disabled'; } # adding element class to wrapper foreach ($element['#attributes']['class'] as $value) { $attributes['class'][] = $value; } foreach ($element['#attributes'] as $attr => $value) { if(!in_array($attr, array('class', 'multiple', 'id', 'type', 'name'))){ $attributes[$attr] = $value; } } $output = '' . "\n"; // If #title is not set, we don't display any label or required marker. if (!isset($element['#title'])) { $element['#title_display'] = 'none'; } $prefix = isset($element['#field_prefix']) ? '' . $element['#field_prefix'] . ' ' : ''; $suffix = isset($element['#field_suffix']) ? ' ' . $element['#field_suffix'] . '' : ''; switch ($element['#title_display']) { case 'before': case 'invisible': $output .= ' ' . theme('form_element_label', $variables); $output .= ' ' . $prefix . $element['#children'] . $suffix . "\n"; break; case 'after': $output .= ' ' . $prefix . $element['#children'] . $suffix; $output .= ' ' . theme('form_element_label', $variables) . "\n"; break; case 'none': case 'attribute': // Output no label and no required marker, only the children. $output .= ' ' . $prefix . $element['#children'] . $suffix . "\n"; break; } if (!empty($element['#description'])) { $output .= '
' . $element['#description'] . "
\n"; } $output .= "\n"; return $output; } /** * - - - - - - - - - - - - SEARCH API PAGE - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /** * Implements hook_block_view_alter(). */ function materio_search_api_block_view_alter(&$data, $block) { // this alter prepopulate the search form provide by search_api_page if ($block->module == 'search_api_page') { $page = search_api_page_load($block->delta); $item = menu_get_item(); if (isset($page->path) && $page->path == $item['path']) { $keys = arg(count(arg(NULL, $page->path))); if ($keys) { $data['content']['keys_' . $page->id]['#default_value'] = $keys; $data['content']['keys_' . $page->id]['#value'] = $keys; } } } }