$info) { // Automatically enable the controller only if the module does not implement // the hook itself. if (!isset($info['metadata controller class']) && !empty($info['base table']) && (!isset($info['module']) || !module_hook($info['module'], 'entity_property_info'))) { $info['metadata controller class'] = 'EntityDefaultMetadataController'; } if (!empty($info['metadata controller class'])) { $controller = new $info['metadata controller class']($type); $items += $controller->entityPropertyInfo(); } } // Add in info for all core entities. foreach (_entity_metadata_core_modules() as $module) { module_load_include('inc', 'entity', "modules/$module.info"); if (function_exists($function = "entity_metadata_{$module}_entity_property_info")) { if ($return = $function()) { $items = array_merge_recursive($items, $return); } } } return $items; } /** * Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter(). */ function entity_entity_property_info_alter(&$entity_info) { // Add in info for all core entities. foreach (_entity_metadata_core_modules() as $module) { module_load_include('inc', 'entity', "modules/$module.info"); if (function_exists($function = "entity_metadata_{$module}_entity_property_info_alter")) { $function($entity_info); } } } function _entity_metadata_core_modules() { return array_filter(array('book', 'comment', 'field', 'locale', 'node', 'taxonomy', 'user', 'system', 'statistics'), 'module_exists'); } /** * Default controller for generating some basic metadata for CRUD entity types. */ class EntityDefaultMetadataController { protected $type, $info; public function __construct($type) { $this->type = $type; $this->info = entity_get_info($type); } public function entityPropertyInfo() { $entity_label = drupal_strtolower($this->info['label']); // Provide defaults based on the schema. $info['properties'] = $this->convertSchema(); foreach ($info['properties'] as $name => &$property) { // Add a description. $property['description'] = t('@entity "@property" property.', array('@entity' => drupal_ucfirst($entity_label), '@property' => $name)); } // Set better metadata for known entity keys. $id_key = $this->info['entity keys']['id']; if (!empty($this->info['entity keys']['name']) && $key = $this->info['entity keys']['name']) { $info['properties'][$key]['type'] = 'token'; $info['properties'][$key]['label'] = t('Machine-readable name'); $info['properties'][$key]['description'] = t('The machine-readable name identifying this @entity.', array('@entity' => $entity_label)); $info['properties'][$id_key]['label'] = t('Internal, numeric @entity ID', array('@entity' => $entity_label)); $info['properties'][$id_key]['description'] = t('The ID used to identify this @entity internally.', array('@entity' => $entity_label)); } else { $info['properties'][$id_key]['label'] = t('@entity ID', array('@entity' => drupal_ucfirst($entity_label))); $info['properties'][$id_key]['description'] = t('The unique ID of the @entity.', array('@entity' => $entity_label)); } // Care for the bundle. if (!empty($this->info['entity keys']['bundle']) && $key = $this->info['entity keys']['bundle']) { $info['properties'][$key]['type'] = 'token'; $info['properties'][$key]['options list'] = array(get_class($this), 'bundleOptionsList'); } // Care for the label. if (!empty($this->info['entity keys']['label']) && $key = $this->info['entity keys']['label']) { $info['properties'][$key]['label'] = t('Label'); $info['properties'][$key]['description'] = t('The human readable label.'); } // Add a computed property for the entity URL and expose it to views. if (empty($info['properties']['url']) && !empty($this->info['uri callback'])) { $info['properties']['url'] = array( 'label' => t('URL'), 'description' => t('The URL of the entity.'), 'getter callback' => 'entity_metadata_entity_get_properties', 'type' => 'uri', 'computed' => TRUE, 'entity views field' => TRUE, ); } return array($this->type => $info); } /** * A options list callback returning all bundles for an entity type. */ public static function bundleOptionsList($name, $info) { if (!empty($info['parent']) && $type = $info['parent']) { $entity_info = $info['parent']->entityInfo(); $options = array(); foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $name => $bundle_info) { $options[$name] = $bundle_info['label']; } return $options; } } /** * Return a set of properties for an entity based on the schema definition */ protected function convertSchema() { return entity_metadata_convert_schema($this->info['base table']); } } /** * Converts the schema information available for the given table to property info. * * @param $table * The name of the table as used in hook_schema(). * @return * An array of property info as suiting for hook_entity_property_info(). */ function entity_metadata_convert_schema($table) { $schema = drupal_get_schema($table); $properties = array(); foreach ($schema['fields'] as $name => $info) { if ($type = _entity_metadata_convert_schema_type($info['type'])) { $properties[$name] = array( 'type' => $type, 'label' => drupal_ucfirst($name), 'schema field' => $name, // As we cannot know about any setter access, leave out the setter // callback. For getting usually no further access callback is needed. ); if ($info['type'] == 'serial') { $properties[$name]['validation callback'] = 'entity_metadata_validate_integer_positive'; } } } return $properties; } function _entity_metadata_convert_schema_type($type) { switch ($type) { case 'int': case 'serial': case 'date': return 'integer'; case 'float': case 'numeric': return 'decimal'; case 'char': case 'varchar': case 'text': return 'text'; } } /** * Interface for extra fields controller. * * Note: Displays extra fields exposed by this controller are rendered by * default by the EntityAPIController. */ interface EntityExtraFieldsControllerInterface { /** * Returns extra fields for this entity type. * * @see hook_field_extra_fields(). */ public function fieldExtraFields(); } /** * Default controller for generating extra fields based on property metadata. * * By default a display extra field for each property not being a field, ID or * bundle is generated. */ class EntityDefaultExtraFieldsController implements EntityExtraFieldsControllerInterface { /** * @var string */ protected $entityType; /** * @var array */ protected $entityInfo; /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct($type) { $this->entityType = $type; $this->entityInfo = entity_get_info($type); $this->propertyInfo = entity_get_property_info($type); } /** * Implements EntityExtraFieldsControllerInterface::fieldExtraFields(). */ public function fieldExtraFields() { $extra = array(); foreach ($this->propertyInfo['properties'] as $name => $property_info) { // Skip adding the ID or bundle. if ($this->entityInfo['entity keys']['id'] == $name || $this->entityInfo['entity keys']['bundle'] == $name) { continue; } $extra[$this->entityType][$this->entityType]['display'][$name] = $this->generateExtraFieldInfo($name, $property_info); } // Handle bundle properties. $this->propertyInfo += array('bundles' => array()); foreach ($this->propertyInfo['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $info) { foreach ($info['properties'] as $name => $property_info) { if (empty($property_info['field'])) { $extra[$this->entityType][$bundle_name]['display'][$name] = $this->generateExtraFieldInfo($name, $property_info); } } } return $extra; } /** * Generates the display field info for a given property. */ protected function generateExtraFieldInfo($name, $property_info) { $info = array( 'label' => $property_info['label'], 'weight' => 0, ); if (!empty($property_info['description'])) { $info['description'] = $property_info['description']; } return $info; } }