<?php /** * @file * Functionality tests for Pathauto. * * @ingroup pathauto */ /** * Helper test class with some added functions for testing. */ class PathautoTestHelper extends DrupalWebTestCase { function setUp(array $modules = array()) { $modules[] = 'path'; $modules[] = 'token'; $modules[] = 'pathauto'; $modules[] = 'taxonomy'; parent::setUp($modules); } function assertToken($type, $object, $token, $expected) { $tokens = token_generate($type, array($token => $token), array($type => $object)); $tokens += array($token => ''); $this->assertIdentical($tokens[$token], $expected, t("Token value for [@type:@token] was '@actual', expected value '@expected'.", array('@type' => $type, '@token' => $token, '@actual' => $tokens[$token], '@expected' => $expected))); } function saveAlias($source, $alias, $language = LANGUAGE_NONE) { $alias = array( 'source' => $source, 'alias' => $alias, 'language' => $language, ); path_save($alias); return $alias; } function saveEntityAlias($entity_type, $entity, $alias, $language = LANGUAGE_NONE) { $uri = entity_uri($entity_type, $entity); return $this->saveAlias($uri['path'], $alias, $language); } function assertEntityAlias($entity_type, $entity, $expected_alias, $language = LANGUAGE_NONE) { $uri = entity_uri($entity_type, $entity); $this->assertAlias($uri['path'], $expected_alias, $language); } function assertEntityAliasExists($entity_type, $entity) { $uri = entity_uri($entity_type, $entity); return $this->assertAliasExists(array('source' => $uri['path'])); } function assertNoEntityAlias($entity_type, $entity, $language = LANGUAGE_NONE) { $uri = entity_uri($entity_type, $entity); $this->assertEntityAlias($entity_type, $entity, $uri['path'], $language); } function assertNoEntityAliasExists($entity_type, $entity, $alias = NULL) { $uri = entity_uri($entity_type, $entity); $path = array('source' => $uri['path']); if (!empty($alias)) { $path['alias'] = $alias; } $this->assertNoAliasExists($path); } function assertAlias($source, $expected_alias, $language = LANGUAGE_NONE) { drupal_clear_path_cache($source); $alias = drupal_get_path_alias($source, $language); $this->assertIdentical($alias, $expected_alias, t("Alias for %source with language '@language' was %actual, expected %expected.", array('%source' => $source, '%actual' => $alias, '%expected' => $expected_alias, '@language' => $language))); } function assertAliasExists($conditions) { $path = path_load($conditions); $this->assertTrue($path, t('Alias with conditions @conditions found.', array('@conditions' => var_export($conditions, TRUE)))); return $path; } function assertNoAliasExists($conditions) { $alias = path_load($conditions); $this->assertFalse($alias, t('Alias with conditions @conditions not found.', array('@conditions' => var_export($conditions, TRUE)))); } function deleteAllAliases() { db_delete('url_alias')->execute(); drupal_clear_path_cache(); } function addVocabulary(array $vocabulary = array()) { $name = drupal_strtolower($this->randomName(5)); $vocabulary += array( 'name' => $name, 'machine_name' => $name, 'nodes' => array('article' => 'article'), ); $vocabulary = (object) $vocabulary; taxonomy_vocabulary_save($vocabulary); return $vocabulary; } function addTerm(stdClass $vocabulary, array $term = array()) { $term += array( 'name' => drupal_strtolower($this->randomName(5)), 'vocabulary_machine_name' => $vocabulary->machine_name, 'vid' => $vocabulary->vid, ); $term = (object) $term; taxonomy_term_save($term); return $term; } function assertEntityPattern($entity_type, $bundle, $language = LANGUAGE_NONE, $expected) { drupal_static_reset('pathauto_pattern_load_by_entity'); $this->refreshVariables(); $pattern = pathauto_pattern_load_by_entity($entity_type, $bundle, $language); $this->assertIdentical($expected, $pattern); } function drupalGetTermByName($name, $reset = FALSE) { $terms = entity_load('taxonomy_term', array(), array('name' => $name), $reset); return !empty($terms) ? reset($terms) : FALSE; } } /** * Unit tests for Pathauto functions. */ class PathautoUnitTestCase extends PathautoTestHelper { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Pathauto unit tests', 'description' => 'Unit tests for Pathauto functions.', 'group' => 'Pathauto', 'dependencies' => array('token'), ); } function setUp(array $modules = array()) { parent::setUp($modules); module_load_include('inc', 'pathauto'); } /** * Test _pathauto_get_schema_alias_maxlength(). */ function testGetSchemaAliasMaxLength() { $this->assertIdentical(_pathauto_get_schema_alias_maxlength(), 255); } /** * Test pathauto_pattern_load_by_entity(). */ function testPatternLoadByEntity() { variable_set('pathauto_node_story_en_pattern', ' story/en/[node:title] '); variable_set('pathauto_node_story_pattern', 'story/[node:title]'); variable_set('pathauto_node_pattern', 'content/[node:title]'); variable_set('pathauto_user_pattern', 'users/[user:name]'); $tests = array( array('entity' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'story', 'language' => 'fr', 'expected' => 'story/[node:title]'), array('entity' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'story', 'language' => 'en', 'expected' => 'story/en/[node:title]'), array('entity' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'story', 'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE, 'expected' => 'story/[node:title]'), array('entity' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'page', 'language' => 'en', 'expected' => 'content/[node:title]'), array('entity' => 'user', 'bundle' => 'user', 'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE, 'expected' => 'users/[user:name]'), array('entity' => 'invalid-entity', 'bundle' => '', 'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE, 'expected' => ''), ); foreach ($tests as $test) { $actual = pathauto_pattern_load_by_entity($test['entity'], $test['bundle'], $test['language']); $this->assertIdentical($actual, $test['expected'], t("pathauto_pattern_load_by_entity('@entity', '@bundle', '@language') returned '@actual', expected '@expected'", array('@entity' => $test['entity'], '@bundle' => $test['bundle'], '@language' => $test['language'], '@actual' => $actual, '@expected' => $test['expected']))); } } /** * Test pathauto_cleanstring(). */ function testCleanString() { $tests = array(); variable_set('pathauto_ignore_words', ', in, is,that, the , this, with, '); variable_set('pathauto_max_component_length', 35); // Test the 'ignored words' removal. $tests['this'] = 'this'; $tests['this with that'] = 'this-with-that'; $tests['this thing with that thing'] = 'thing-thing'; // Test length truncation and duplicate separator removal. $tests[' - Pathauto is the greatest - module ever in Drupal history - '] = 'pathauto-greatest-module-ever'; // Test that HTML tags are removed. $tests['This <span class="text">text</span> has <br /><a href="http://example.com"><strong>HTML tags</strong></a>.'] = 'text-has-html-tags'; $tests[check_plain('This <span class="text">text</span> has <br /><a href="http://example.com"><strong>HTML tags</strong></a>.')] = 'text-has-html-tags'; foreach ($tests as $input => $expected) { $output = pathauto_cleanstring($input); $this->assertEqual($output, $expected, t("pathauto_cleanstring('@input') expected '@expected', actual '@output'", array('@input' => $input, '@expected' => $expected, '@output' => $output))); } } /** * Test pathauto_clean_alias(). */ function testCleanAlias() { $tests = array(); $tests['one/two/three'] = 'one/two/three'; $tests['/one/two/three/'] = 'one/two/three'; $tests['one//two///three'] = 'one/two/three'; $tests['one/two--three/-/--/-/--/four---five'] = 'one/two-three/four-five'; $tests['one/-//three--/four'] = 'one/three/four'; foreach ($tests as $input => $expected) { $output = pathauto_clean_alias($input); $this->assertEqual($output, $expected, t("pathauto_clean_alias('@input') expected '@expected', actual '@output'", array('@input' => $input, '@expected' => $expected, '@output' => $output))); } } /** * Test pathauto_path_delete_multiple(). */ function testPathDeleteMultiple() { $this->saveAlias('node/1', 'node-1-alias'); $this->saveAlias('node/1/view', 'node-1-alias/view'); $this->saveAlias('node/1', 'node-1-alias-en', 'en'); $this->saveAlias('node/1', 'node-1-alias-fr', 'fr'); $this->saveAlias('node/2', 'node-2-alias'); pathauto_path_delete_all('node/1'); $this->assertNoAliasExists(array('source' => "node/1")); $this->assertNoAliasExists(array('source' => "node/1/view")); $this->assertAliasExists(array('source' => "node/2")); } /** * Test the different update actions in pathauto_create_alias(). */ function testUpdateActions() { // Test PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_NO_NEW with unaliased node and 'insert'. variable_set('pathauto_update_action', PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_NO_NEW); $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('title' => 'First title')); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'content/first-title'); // Default action is PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_DELETE. variable_set('pathauto_update_action', PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_DELETE); $node->title = 'Second title'; pathauto_node_update($node); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'content/second-title'); $this->assertNoAliasExists(array('alias' => 'content/first-title')); // Test PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_LEAVE variable_set('pathauto_update_action', PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_LEAVE); $node->title = 'Third title'; pathauto_node_update($node); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'content/third-title'); $this->assertAliasExists(array('source' => "node/{$node->nid}", 'alias' => 'content/second-title')); variable_set('pathauto_update_action', PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_DELETE); $node->title = 'Fourth title'; pathauto_node_update($node); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'content/fourth-title'); $this->assertNoAliasExists(array('alias' => 'content/third-title')); // The older second alias is not deleted yet. $older_path = $this->assertAliasExists(array('source' => "node/{$node->nid}", 'alias' => 'content/second-title')); path_delete($older_path); variable_set('pathauto_update_action', PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_NO_NEW); $node->title = 'Fifth title'; pathauto_node_update($node); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'content/fourth-title'); $this->assertNoAliasExists(array('alias' => 'content/fifth-title')); // Test PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_NO_NEW with unaliased node and 'update'. $this->deleteAllAliases(); pathauto_node_update($node); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'content/fifth-title'); // Test PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_NO_NEW with unaliased node and 'bulkupdate'. $this->deleteAllAliases(); $node->title = 'Sixth title'; pathauto_node_update_alias($node, 'bulkupdate'); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'content/sixth-title'); } /** * Test that pathauto_create_alias() will not create an alias for a pattern * that does not get any tokens replaced. */ function testNoTokensNoAlias() { $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('title' => '')); $this->assertNoEntityAliasExists('node', $node); $node->title = 'hello'; pathauto_node_update($node); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'content/hello'); } /** * Test the handling of path vs non-path tokens in pathauto_clean_token_values(). */ function testPathTokens() { variable_set('pathauto_taxonomy_term_pattern', '[term:parent:url:path]/[term:name]'); $vocab = $this->addVocabulary(); $term1 = $this->addTerm($vocab, array('name' => 'Parent term')); $this->assertEntityAlias('taxonomy_term', $term1, 'parent-term'); $term2 = $this->addTerm($vocab, array('name' => 'Child term', 'parent' => $term1->tid)); $this->assertEntityAlias('taxonomy_term', $term2, 'parent-term/child-term'); $this->saveEntityAlias('taxonomy_term', $term1, 'My Crazy/Alias/'); pathauto_taxonomy_term_update($term2); $this->assertEntityAlias('taxonomy_term', $term2, 'My Crazy/Alias/child-term'); } /** * Test using fields for path structures. */ function testParentChildPathTokens() { // First create a field which will be used to create the path. It must // begin with a letter. $fieldname = 'a' . drupal_strtolower($this->randomName()); field_create_field(array('field_name' => $fieldname, 'type' => 'text')); field_create_instance(array('field_name' => $fieldname, 'entity_type' => 'taxonomy_term', 'bundle' => 'tags')); // Make the path pattern of a field use the value of this field appended // to the parent taxonomy term's pattern if there is one. variable_set('pathauto_taxonomy_term_tags_pattern', '[term:parents:join-path]/[term:' . $fieldname . ']'); // Start by creating a parent term. $parent = new stdClass(); $parent->$fieldname = array(LANGUAGE_NONE => array(array('value' => $parent->name = $this->randomName()))); $parent->vid = 1; taxonomy_term_save($parent); // Create the child term. $child = new stdClass(); $child->name = $this->randomName(); $child->$fieldname = array(LANGUAGE_NONE => array(array('value' => $child->name = $this->randomName()))); $child->vid = 1; $child->parent = $parent->tid; taxonomy_term_save($child); $this->assertEntityAlias('taxonomy_term', $child, drupal_strtolower($parent->name . '/' . $child->name)); // Re-saving the parent term should not modify the child term's alias. taxonomy_term_save($parent); $this->assertEntityAlias('taxonomy_term', $child, drupal_strtolower($parent->name . '/' . $child->name)); } function testEntityBundleRenamingDeleting() { // Create a vocabulary and test that it's pattern variable works. $vocab = $this->addVocabulary(array('machine_name' => 'old_name')); variable_set('pathauto_taxonomy_term_pattern', 'base'); variable_set("pathauto_taxonomy_term_old_name_pattern", 'bundle'); $this->assertEntityPattern('taxonomy_term', 'old_name', LANGUAGE_NONE, 'bundle'); // Rename the vocabulary's machine name, which should cause its pattern // variable to also be renamed. $vocab->machine_name = 'new_name'; taxonomy_vocabulary_save($vocab); $this->assertEntityPattern('taxonomy_term', 'new_name', LANGUAGE_NONE, 'bundle'); $this->assertEntityPattern('taxonomy_term', 'old_name', LANGUAGE_NONE, 'base'); // Delete the vocabulary, which should cause its pattern variable to also // be deleted. taxonomy_vocabulary_delete($vocab->vid); $this->assertEntityPattern('taxonomy_term', 'new_name', LANGUAGE_NONE, 'base'); } function testNoExistingPathAliases() { variable_set('pathauto_node_page_pattern', '[node:title]'); variable_set('pathauto_punctuation_period', PATHAUTO_PUNCTUATION_DO_NOTHING); // Check that Pathauto does not create an alias of '/admin'. $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('title' => 'Admin', 'type' => 'page')); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'admin-0'); // Check that Pathauto does not create an alias of '/modules'. $node->title = 'Modules'; node_save($node); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'modules-0'); // Check that Pathauto does not create an alias of '/index.php'. $node->title = 'index.php'; node_save($node); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'index.php-0'); // Check that a safe value gets an automatic alias. This is also a control // to ensure the above tests work properly. $node->title = 'Safe value'; node_save($node); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'safe-value'); } function testPathAliasUniquifyWordsafe() { variable_set('pathauto_max_length', 25); $node_1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('title' => 'thequick brownfox jumpedover thelazydog', 'type' => 'page')); $node_2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('title' => 'thequick brownfox jumpedover thelazydog', 'type' => 'page')); // Check that pathauto_alias_uniquify is calling truncate_utf8 with $wordsafe param set to TRUE. // If it doesn't path alias result would be content/thequick-brownf-0 $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node_1, 'content/thequick-brownfox'); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node_2, 'content/thequick-0'); } } /** * Helper test class with some added functions for testing. */ class PathautoFunctionalTestHelper extends PathautoTestHelper { protected $admin_user; function setUp(array $modules = array()) { parent::setUp($modules); // Set pathauto settings we assume to be as-is in this test. variable_set('pathauto_node_page_pattern', 'content/[node:title]'); // Allow other modules to add additional permissions for the admin user. $permissions = array( 'administer pathauto', 'administer url aliases', 'create url aliases', 'administer nodes', 'bypass node access', 'access content overview', 'administer taxonomy', 'administer users', ); $args = func_get_args(); if (isset($args[1]) && is_array($args[1])) { $permissions = array_merge($permissions, $args[1]); } $this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser($permissions); $this->drupalLogin($this->admin_user); } } /** * Test basic pathauto functionality. */ class PathautoFunctionalTestCase extends PathautoFunctionalTestHelper { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Pathauto basic tests', 'description' => 'Test basic pathauto functionality.', 'group' => 'Pathauto', 'dependencies' => array('token'), ); } /** * Basic functional testing of Pathauto. */ function testNodeEditing() { // Delete the default node pattern. Only the page content type will have a pattern. variable_del('pathauto_node_pattern'); // Ensure that the Pathauto checkbox is checked by default on the node add form. $this->drupalGet('node/add/page'); $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-path-pathauto'); // Create node for testing by previewing and saving the node form. $title = ' Testing: node title ['; $automatic_alias = 'content/testing-node-title'; $this->drupalPost(NULL, array('title' => $title), 'Preview'); $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), 'Save'); $node = $this->drupalGetNodeByTitle($title); // Look for alias generated in the form. $this->drupalGet("node/{$node->nid}/edit"); $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-path-pathauto'); $this->assertFieldByName('path[alias]', $automatic_alias, 'Generated alias visible in the path alias field.'); // Check whether the alias actually works. $this->drupalGet($automatic_alias); $this->assertText($title, 'Node accessible through automatic alias.'); // Disable the update action. The checkbox should not be visible. variable_set('pathauto_update_action', 0); $this->drupalGet("node/{$node->nid}/edit"); $this->assertNoFieldById('edit-path-pathauto'); // Reset the update action back to default. The checkbox should be visible. variable_del('pathauto_update_action'); $this->drupalGet("node/{$node->nid}/edit"); $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-path-pathauto'); // Manually set the node's alias. $manual_alias = 'content/' . $node->nid; $edit = array( 'path[pathauto]' => FALSE, 'path[alias]' => $manual_alias, ); $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save')); $this->assertText("Basic page $title has been updated."); // Check that the automatic alias checkbox is now unchecked by default. $this->drupalGet("node/{$node->nid}/edit"); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-path-pathauto'); $this->assertFieldByName('path[alias]', $manual_alias); // Submit the node form with the default values. $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Save')); $this->assertText("Basic page $title has been updated."); // Test that the old (automatic) alias has been deleted and only accessible // through the new (manual) alias. $this->drupalGet($automatic_alias); $this->assertResponse(404, 'Node not accessible through automatic alias.'); $this->drupalGet($manual_alias); $this->assertText($title, 'Node accessible through manual alias.'); // Now attempt to create a node that has no pattern (article content type). // The Pathauto checkbox should not exist. $this->drupalGet('node/add/article'); $this->assertNoFieldById('edit-path-pathauto'); $this->assertFieldByName('path[alias]', ''); $edit = array(); $edit['title'] = 'My test article'; $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save')); $node = $this->drupalGetNodeByTitle($edit['title']); // Pathauto checkbox should still not exist. $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit'); $this->assertNoFieldById('edit-path-pathauto'); $this->assertFieldByName('path[alias]', ''); $this->assertNoEntityAlias('node', $node); // Set the page pattern to use only tokens so we can test the checkbox // behavior if none of the tokens have a value currently. variable_set('pathauto_node_page_pattern', '[node:title]'); // Create a node with an empty title. The Pathauto checkbox should still be // visible but unchecked. $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'page', 'title' => '')); $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit'); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-path-pathauto'); $this->assertFieldByName('path[alias]', ''); $this->assertNoEntityAlias('node', $node); $edit = array(); $edit['title'] = 'Valid title'; $edit['path[pathauto]'] = TRUE; $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save')); $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit'); $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-path-pathauto'); $this->assertFieldByName('path[alias]', 'valid-title'); } /** * Test node operations. */ function testNodeOperations() { $node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('title' => 'node1')); $node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('title' => 'node2')); // Delete all current URL aliases. $this->deleteAllAliases(); $edit = array( 'operation' => 'pathauto_update_alias', "nodes[{$node1->nid}]" => TRUE, ); $this->drupalPost('admin/content', $edit, t('Update')); $this->assertText('Updated URL alias for 1 node.'); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node1, 'content/' . $node1->title); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node2, 'node/' . $node2->nid); } /** * @todo Merge this with existing node test methods? */ public function testNodeState() { $nodeNoAliasUser = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('bypass node access')); $nodeAliasUser = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('bypass node access', 'create url aliases')); $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array( 'title' => 'Node version one', 'type' => 'page', 'path' => array( 'pathauto' => FALSE, ), )); $this->assertNoEntityAlias('node', $node); // Set a manual path alias for the node. $node->path['alias'] = 'test-alias'; node_save($node); // Ensure that the pathauto field was saved to the database. $node = node_load($node->nid, NULL, TRUE); $this->assertFalse($node->path['pathauto']); // Ensure that the manual path alias was saved and an automatic alias was not generated. $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'test-alias'); $this->assertNoEntityAliasExists('node', $node, 'content/node-version-one'); // Save the node as a user who does not have access to path fieldset. $this->drupalLogin($nodeNoAliasUser); $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit'); $this->assertNoFieldByName('path[pathauto]'); $edit = array('title' => 'Node version two'); $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, 'Save'); $this->assertText('Basic page Node version two has been updated.'); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'test-alias'); $this->assertNoEntityAliasExists('node', $node, 'content/node-version-one'); $this->assertNoEntityAliasExists('node', $node, 'content/node-version-two'); // Load the edit node page and check that the Pathauto checkbox is unchecked. $this->drupalLogin($nodeAliasUser); $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit'); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-path-pathauto'); // Edit the manual alias and save the node. $edit = array( 'title' => 'Node version three', 'path[alias]' => 'manually-edited-alias', ); $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, 'Save'); $this->assertText('Basic page Node version three has been updated.'); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'manually-edited-alias'); $this->assertNoEntityAliasExists('node', $node, 'test-alias'); $this->assertNoEntityAliasExists('node', $node, 'content/node-version-one'); $this->assertNoEntityAliasExists('node', $node, 'content/node-version-two'); $this->assertNoEntityAliasExists('node', $node, 'content/node-version-three'); // Programatically save the node with an automatic alias. $node = node_load($node->nid, NULL, TRUE); $node->path['pathauto'] = TRUE; node_save($node); // Ensure that the pathauto field was saved to the database. $node = node_load($node->nid, NULL, TRUE); $this->assertTrue($node->path['pathauto']); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'content/node-version-three'); $this->assertNoEntityAliasExists('node', $node, 'manually-edited-alias'); $this->assertNoEntityAliasExists('node', $node, 'test-alias'); $this->assertNoEntityAliasExists('node', $node, 'content/node-version-one'); $this->assertNoEntityAliasExists('node', $node, 'content/node-version-two'); } /** * Basic functional testing of Pathauto with taxonomy terms. */ function testTermEditing() { $this->drupalGet('admin/structure'); $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/taxonomy'); // Create term for testing. $name = ' Testing: term name [ '; $automatic_alias = 'tags/testing-term-name'; $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/taxonomy/tags/add', array('name' => $name), 'Save'); $name = trim($name); $this->assertText("Created new term $name."); $term = $this->drupalGetTermByName($name); // Look for alias generated in the form. $this->drupalGet("taxonomy/term/{$term->tid}/edit"); $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-path-pathauto'); $this->assertFieldByName('path[alias]', $automatic_alias, 'Generated alias visible in the path alias field.'); // Check whether the alias actually works. $this->drupalGet($automatic_alias); $this->assertText($name, 'Term accessible through automatic alias.'); // Manually set the term's alias. $manual_alias = 'tags/' . $term->tid; $edit = array( 'path[pathauto]' => FALSE, 'path[alias]' => $manual_alias, ); $this->drupalPost("taxonomy/term/{$term->tid}/edit", $edit, t('Save')); $this->assertText("Updated term $name."); // Check that the automatic alias checkbox is now unchecked by default. $this->drupalGet("taxonomy/term/{$term->tid}/edit"); $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-path-pathauto'); $this->assertFieldByName('path[alias]', $manual_alias); // Submit the term form with the default values. $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Save')); $this->assertText("Updated term $name."); // Test that the old (automatic) alias has been deleted and only accessible // through the new (manual) alias. $this->drupalGet($automatic_alias); $this->assertResponse(404, 'Term not accessible through automatic alias.'); $this->drupalGet($manual_alias); $this->assertText($name, 'Term accessible through manual alias.'); } /** * Basic functional testing of Pathauto with users. */ function testUserEditing() { // There should be no Pathauto checkbox on user forms. $this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->admin_user->uid . '/edit'); $this->assertNoFieldById('edit-path-pathauto'); } /** * Test user operations. */ function testUserOperations() { $account = $this->drupalCreateUser(); // Delete all current URL aliases. $this->deleteAllAliases(); $edit = array( 'operation' => 'pathauto_update_alias', "accounts[{$account->uid}]" => TRUE, ); $this->drupalPost('admin/people', $edit, t('Update')); $this->assertText('Updated URL alias for 1 user account.'); $this->assertEntityAlias('user', $account, 'users/' . drupal_strtolower($account->name)); $this->assertEntityAlias('user', $this->admin_user, 'user/' . $this->admin_user->uid); } function testSettingsValidation() { $edit = array(); $edit['pathauto_max_length'] = 'abc'; $edit['pathauto_max_component_length'] = 'abc'; $this->drupalPost('admin/config/search/path/settings', $edit, 'Save configuration'); $this->assertText('The field Maximum alias length is not a valid number.'); $this->assertText('The field Maximum component length is not a valid number.'); $this->assertNoText('The configuration options have been saved.'); $edit['pathauto_max_length'] = '0'; $edit['pathauto_max_component_length'] = '0'; $this->drupalPost('admin/config/search/path/settings', $edit, 'Save configuration'); $this->assertText('The field Maximum alias length cannot be less than 1.'); $this->assertText('The field Maximum component length cannot be less than 1.'); $this->assertNoText('The configuration options have been saved.'); $edit['pathauto_max_length'] = '999'; $edit['pathauto_max_component_length'] = '999'; $this->drupalPost('admin/config/search/path/settings', $edit, 'Save configuration'); $this->assertText('The field Maximum alias length cannot be greater than 255.'); $this->assertText('The field Maximum component length cannot be greater than 255.'); $this->assertNoText('The configuration options have been saved.'); $edit['pathauto_max_length'] = '50'; $edit['pathauto_max_component_length'] = '50'; $this->drupalPost('admin/config/search/path/settings', $edit, 'Save configuration'); $this->assertText('The configuration options have been saved.'); } function testPatternsValidation() { $edit = array(); $edit['pathauto_node_pattern'] = '[node:title]/[user:name]/[term:name]'; $edit['pathauto_node_page_pattern'] = 'page'; $this->drupalPost('admin/config/search/path/patterns', $edit, 'Save configuration'); $this->assertText('The Default path pattern (applies to all content types with blank patterns below) is using the following invalid tokens: [user:name], [term:name].'); $this->assertText('The Pattern for all Basic page paths cannot contain fewer than one token.'); $this->assertNoText('The configuration options have been saved.'); $edit['pathauto_node_pattern'] = '[node:title]'; $edit['pathauto_node_page_pattern'] = 'page/[node:title]'; $edit['pathauto_node_article_pattern'] = ''; $this->drupalPost('admin/config/search/path/patterns', $edit, 'Save configuration'); $this->assertText('The configuration options have been saved.'); } /** * Test programmatic entity creation for aliases. */ function testProgrammaticEntityCreation() { $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('title' => 'Test node', 'path' => array('pathauto' => TRUE))); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'content/test-node'); $vocabulary = $this->addVocabulary(array('name' => 'Tags')); $term = $this->addTerm($vocabulary, array('name' => 'Test term', 'path' => array('pathauto' => TRUE))); $this->assertEntityAlias('taxonomy_term', $term, 'tags/test-term'); $edit['name'] = 'Test user'; $edit['mail'] = 'test-user@example.com'; $edit['pass'] = user_password(); $edit['path'] = array('pathauto' => TRUE); $edit['status'] = 1; $account = user_save(drupal_anonymous_user(), $edit); $this->assertEntityAlias('user', $account, 'users/test-user'); } } class PathautoLocaleTestCase extends PathautoFunctionalTestHelper { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Pathauto localization tests', 'description' => 'Test pathauto functionality with localization and translation.', 'group' => 'Pathauto', 'dependencies' => array('token'), ); } function setUp(array $modules = array()) { $modules[] = 'locale'; $modules[] = 'translation'; parent::setUp($modules, array('administer languages')); // Add predefined French language and reset the locale cache. require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/locale.inc'; locale_add_language('fr', NULL, NULL, LANGUAGE_LTR, '', 'fr'); drupal_language_initialize(); } /** * Test that when an English node is updated, its old English alias is * updated and its newer French alias is left intact. */ function testLanguageAliases() { $node = array( 'title' => 'English node', 'language' => 'en', 'body' => array('en' => array(array())), 'path' => array( 'alias' => 'english-node', 'pathauto' => FALSE, ), ); $node = $this->drupalCreateNode($node); $english_alias = path_load(array('alias' => 'english-node', 'language' => 'en')); $this->assertTrue($english_alias, 'Alias created with proper language.'); // Also save a French alias that should not be left alone, even though // it is the newer alias. $this->saveEntityAlias('node', $node, 'french-node', 'fr'); // Add an alias with the soon-to-be generated alias, causing the upcoming // alias update to generate a unique alias with the '-0' suffix. $this->saveAlias('node/invalid', 'content/english-node', LANGUAGE_NONE); // Update the node, triggering a change in the English alias. $node->path['pathauto'] = TRUE; pathauto_node_update($node); // Check that the new English alias replaced the old one. $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'content/english-node-0', 'en'); $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'french-node', 'fr'); $this->assertAliasExists(array('pid' => $english_alias['pid'], 'alias' => 'content/english-node-0')); // Create a new node with the same title as before but without // specifying a language. $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('title' => 'English node')); // Check that the new node had a unique alias generated with the '-1' // suffix. $this->assertEntityAlias('node', $node, 'content/english-node-1'); } } /** * Bulk update functionality tests. */ class PathautoBulkUpdateTestCase extends PathautoFunctionalTestHelper { private $nodes; public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Pathauto bulk updating', 'description' => 'Tests bulk updating of URL aliases.', 'group' => 'Pathauto', 'dependencies' => array('token'), ); } function testBulkUpdate() { // Create some nodes. $this->nodes = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(); $this->nodes[$node->nid] = $node; } // Clear out all aliases. $this->deleteAllAliases(); // Bulk create aliases. $edit = array( 'update[node_pathauto_bulk_update_batch_process]' => TRUE, 'update[user_pathauto_bulk_update_batch_process]' => TRUE, ); $this->drupalPost('admin/config/search/path/update_bulk', $edit, t('Update')); $this->assertText('Generated 7 URL aliases.'); // 5 nodes + 2 users // Check that aliases have actually been created. foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $this->assertEntityAliasExists('node', $node); } $this->assertEntityAliasExists('user', $this->admin_user); // Add a new node. $new_node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('path' => array('alias' => '', 'pathauto' => FALSE))); // Run the update again which should not run against any nodes. $this->drupalPost('admin/config/search/path/update_bulk', $edit, t('Update')); $this->assertText('No new URL aliases to generate.'); $this->assertNoEntityAliasExists('node', $new_node); } } /** * Token functionality tests. */ class PathautoTokenTestCase extends PathautoFunctionalTestHelper { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Pathauto tokens', 'description' => 'Tests tokens provided by Pathauto.', 'group' => 'Pathauto', 'dependencies' => array('token'), ); } function testPathautoTokens() { $array = array( 'test first arg', 'The Array / value', ); $tokens = array( 'join-path' => 'test-first-arg/array-value', ); $data['array'] = $array; $replacements = $this->assertTokens('array', $data, $tokens); // Ensure that the pathauto_clean_token_values() function does not alter // this token value. module_load_include('inc', 'pathauto'); pathauto_clean_token_values($replacements, $data, array()); $this->assertEqual($replacements['[array:join-path]'], 'test-first-arg/array-value'); } /** * Function copied from TokenTestHelper::assertTokens(). */ function assertTokens($type, array $data, array $tokens, array $options = array()) { $input = $this->mapTokenNames($type, array_keys($tokens)); $replacements = token_generate($type, $input, $data, $options); foreach ($tokens as $name => $expected) { $token = $input[$name]; if (!isset($expected)) { $this->assertTrue(!isset($values[$token]), t("Token value for @token was not generated.", array('@type' => $type, '@token' => $token))); } elseif (!isset($replacements[$token])) { $this->fail(t("Token value for @token was not generated.", array('@type' => $type, '@token' => $token))); } elseif (!empty($options['regex'])) { $this->assertTrue(preg_match('/^' . $expected . '$/', $replacements[$token]), t("Token value for @token was '@actual', matching regular expression pattern '@expected'.", array('@type' => $type, '@token' => $token, '@actual' => $replacements[$token], '@expected' => $expected))); } else { $this->assertIdentical($replacements[$token], $expected, t("Token value for @token was '@actual', expected value '@expected'.", array('@type' => $type, '@token' => $token, '@actual' => $replacements[$token], '@expected' => $expected))); } } return $replacements; } function mapTokenNames($type, array $tokens = array()) { $return = array(); foreach ($tokens as $token) { $return[$token] = "[$type:$token]"; } return $return; } }