'Search API', 'description' => 'Create and configure search engines.', 'page callback' => 'search_api_admin_overview', 'access arguments' => array('administer search_api'), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', ); $items[$pre . '/overview'] = array( 'title' => 'Overview', 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, 'weight' => -10, ); $items[$pre . '/add_server'] = array( 'title' => 'Add server', 'description' => 'Create a new search server.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('search_api_admin_add_server'), 'access arguments' => array('administer search_api'), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', 'weight' => -1, 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_ACTION, ); $items[$pre . '/add_index'] = array( 'title' => 'Add index', 'description' => 'Create a new search index.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('search_api_admin_add_index'), 'access arguments' => array('administer search_api'), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_ACTION, ); $items[$pre . '/server/%search_api_server'] = array( 'title' => 'View server', 'title callback' => 'search_api_admin_item_title', 'title arguments' => array(5), 'description' => 'View server details.', 'page callback' => 'search_api_admin_server_view', 'page arguments' => array(5), 'access arguments' => array('administer search_api'), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', ); $items[$pre . '/server/%search_api_server/view'] = array( 'title' => 'View', 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, 'weight' => -10, ); $items[$pre . '/server/%search_api_server/edit'] = array( 'title' => 'Edit', 'description' => 'Edit server details.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('search_api_admin_server_edit', 5), 'access arguments' => array('administer search_api'), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', 'weight' => -1, 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE | MENU_CONTEXT_PAGE, ); $items[$pre . '/server/%search_api_server/disable'] = array( 'title' => 'Disable', 'description' => 'Disable index.', 'page callback' => 'search_api_admin_server_view', 'page arguments' => array(5, 6), 'access callback' => 'search_api_access_disable_page', 'access arguments' => array(5), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE, 'weight' => 8, ); $items[$pre . '/server/%search_api_server/delete'] = array( 'title' => 'Delete', 'title callback' => 'search_api_title_delete_page', 'title arguments' => array(5), 'description' => 'Delete server.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('search_api_admin_confirm', 'server', 'delete', 5), 'access callback' => 'search_api_access_delete_page', 'access arguments' => array(5), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE, 'weight' => 10, ); $items[$pre . '/index/%search_api_index'] = array( 'title' => 'View index', 'title callback' => 'search_api_admin_item_title', 'title arguments' => array(5), 'description' => 'View index details.', 'page callback' => 'search_api_admin_index_view', 'page arguments' => array(5), 'access arguments' => array('administer search_api'), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', ); $items[$pre . '/index/%search_api_index/view'] = array( 'title' => 'View', 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, 'weight' => -10, ); $items[$pre . '/index/%search_api_index/edit'] = array( 'title' => 'Edit', 'description' => 'Edit index settings.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('search_api_admin_index_edit', 5), 'access arguments' => array('administer search_api'), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE | MENU_CONTEXT_PAGE, 'weight' => -6, ); $items[$pre . '/index/%search_api_index/fields'] = array( 'title' => 'Fields', 'description' => 'Select indexed fields.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('search_api_admin_index_fields', 5), 'access arguments' => array('administer search_api'), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE | MENU_CONTEXT_PAGE, 'weight' => -4, ); $items[$pre . '/index/%search_api_index/workflow'] = array( 'title' => 'Filters', 'description' => 'Edit indexing workflow.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('search_api_admin_index_workflow', 5), 'access arguments' => array('administer search_api'), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE | MENU_CONTEXT_PAGE, 'weight' => -2, ); $items[$pre . '/index/%search_api_index/disable'] = array( 'title' => 'Disable', 'description' => 'Disable index.', 'page callback' => 'search_api_admin_index_view', 'page arguments' => array(5, 6), 'access callback' => 'search_api_access_disable_page', 'access arguments' => array(5), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE, 'weight' => 8, ); $items[$pre . '/index/%search_api_index/delete'] = array( 'title' => 'Delete', 'title callback' => 'search_api_title_delete_page', 'title arguments' => array(5), 'description' => 'Delete index.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('search_api_admin_confirm', 'index', 'delete', 5), 'access callback' => 'search_api_access_delete_page', 'access arguments' => array(5), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE, 'weight' => 10, ); return $items; } /** * Implements hook_help(). */ function search_api_help($path) { switch ($path) { case 'admin/help#search_api': $classes = array(); foreach (search_api_get_service_info() as $id => $info) { $id = drupal_clean_css_identifier($id); $name = check_plain($info['name']); $description = isset($info['description']) ? $info['description'] : ''; $classes[] = "


\n$description"; } $output = ''; if ($classes) { $output .= '

' . t('The following service classes are available for creating a search server.') . "

\n"; $output .= implode("\n\n", $classes); } return $output; case 'admin/config/search/search_api': return '

' . t('A search server and search index are used to execute searches. Several indexes can exist per server.
You need at least one server and one index to create searches on your site.') . '

'; } } /** * Implements hook_hook_info(). */ function search_api_hook_info() { // We use the same group for all hooks, so save code lines. $hook_info = array( 'group' => 'search_api', ); return array( 'search_api_service_info' => $hook_info, 'search_api_service_info_alter' => $hook_info, 'search_api_item_type_info' => $hook_info, 'search_api_item_type_info_alter' => $hook_info, 'search_api_data_type_info' => $hook_info, 'search_api_data_type_info_alter' => $hook_info, 'search_api_alter_callback_info' => $hook_info, 'search_api_alter_callback_info_alter' => $hook_info, 'search_api_processor_info' => $hook_info, 'search_api_processor_info_alter' => $hook_info, 'search_api_index_items_alter' => $hook_info, 'search_api_items_indexed' => $hook_info, 'search_api_query_alter' => $hook_info, 'search_api_results_alter' => $hook_info, 'search_api_server_load' => $hook_info, 'search_api_server_insert' => $hook_info, 'search_api_server_update' => $hook_info, 'search_api_server_delete' => $hook_info, 'default_search_api_server' => $hook_info, 'default_search_api_server_alter' => $hook_info, 'search_api_index_load' => $hook_info, 'search_api_index_insert' => $hook_info, 'search_api_index_update' => $hook_info, 'search_api_index_reindex' => $hook_info, 'search_api_index_delete' => $hook_info, 'default_search_api_index' => $hook_info, 'default_search_api_index_alter' => $hook_info, ); } /** * Implements hook_theme(). */ function search_api_theme() { $themes['search_api_dropbutton'] = array( 'variables' => array( 'links' => array(), ), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', ); $themes['search_api_server'] = array( 'variables' => array( 'id' => NULL, 'name' => '', 'machine_name' => '', 'description' => NULL, 'enabled' => NULL, 'class_id' => NULL, 'class_name' => NULL, 'class_description' => NULL, 'indexes' => array(), 'options' => array(), 'status' => ENTITY_CUSTOM, 'extra' => array(), ), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', ); $themes['search_api_index'] = array( 'variables' => array( 'id' => NULL, 'name' => '', 'machine_name' => '', 'description' => NULL, 'item_type' => NULL, 'datasource_config' => NULL, 'enabled' => NULL, 'server' => NULL, 'options' => array(), 'fields' => array(), 'indexed_items' => 0, 'on_server' => NULL, 'total_items' => 0, 'status' => ENTITY_CUSTOM, 'read_only' => 0, ), 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', ); $themes['search_api_admin_item_order'] = array( 'render element' => 'element', 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', ); $themes['search_api_admin_fields_table'] = array( 'render element' => 'element', 'file' => 'search_api.admin.inc', ); return $themes; } /** * Implements hook_permission(). */ function search_api_permission() { return array( 'administer search_api' => array( 'title' => t('Administer Search API'), 'description' => t('Create and configure Search API servers and indexes.'), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_cron(). * * This will first execute any pending server tasks. After that, items will * be indexed on all enabled indexes with a non-zero cron limit. Indexing will * run for the time set in the search_api_index_worker_callback_runtime variable * (defaulting to 15 seconds), but will at least index one batch of items on * each index. * * @see search_api_server_tasks_check() */ function search_api_cron() { // Execute pending server tasks. search_api_server_tasks_check(); // Load all enabled, not read-only indexes. $conditions = array( 'enabled' => TRUE, 'read_only' => 0 ); $indexes = search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, $conditions); if (!$indexes) { return; } // Remember servers which threw an exception. $ignored_servers = array(); // Continue indexing, one batch from each index, until the time is up, but at // least index one batch per index. $end = time() + variable_get('search_api_index_worker_callback_runtime', 15); $first_pass = TRUE; while (TRUE) { if (!$indexes) { break; } foreach ($indexes as $id => $index) { if (!$first_pass && time() >= $end) { break 2; } if (!empty($ignored_servers[$index->server])) { continue; } $limit = isset($index->options['cron_limit']) ? $index->options['cron_limit'] : SEARCH_API_DEFAULT_CRON_LIMIT; $num = 0; if ($limit) { try { $num = search_api_index_items($index, $limit); if ($num) { $variables = array( '@num' => $num, '%name' => $index->name ); watchdog('search_api', 'Indexed @num items for index %name.', $variables, WATCHDOG_INFO); } } catch (SearchApiException $e) { // Exceptions will probably be caused by the server in most cases. // Therefore, don't index for any index on this server. $ignored_servers[$index->server] = TRUE; $vars['%index'] = $index->name; watchdog_exception('search_api', $e, '%type while trying to index items on %index: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $vars); } } if (!$num) { // Couldn't index any items => stop indexing for this index in this // cron run. unset($indexes[$id]); } } $first_pass = FALSE; } } /** * Implements hook_entity_info(). */ function search_api_entity_info() { $info['search_api_server'] = array( 'label' => t('Search server'), 'controller class' => 'EntityAPIControllerExportable', 'metadata controller class' => FALSE, 'entity class' => 'SearchApiServer', 'base table' => 'search_api_server', 'uri callback' => 'search_api_server_url', 'access callback' => 'search_api_entity_access', 'module' => 'search_api', 'exportable' => TRUE, 'entity keys' => array( 'id' => 'id', 'label' => 'name', 'name' => 'machine_name', ), ); $info['search_api_index'] = array( 'label' => t('Search index'), 'controller class' => 'EntityAPIControllerExportable', 'metadata controller class' => FALSE, 'entity class' => 'SearchApiIndex', 'base table' => 'search_api_index', 'uri callback' => 'search_api_index_url', 'access callback' => 'search_api_entity_access', 'module' => 'search_api', 'exportable' => TRUE, 'entity keys' => array( 'id' => 'id', 'label' => 'name', 'name' => 'machine_name', ), ); return $info; } /** * Implements hook_entity_property_info(). */ function search_api_entity_property_info() { $info['search_api_server']['properties'] = array( 'id' => array( 'label' => t('ID'), 'type' => 'integer', 'description' => t('The primary identifier for a server.'), 'schema field' => 'id', 'validation callback' => 'entity_metadata_validate_integer_positive', ), 'name' => array( 'label' => t('Name'), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => t('The displayed name for a server.'), 'schema field' => 'name', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'machine_name' => array( 'label' => t('Machine name'), 'type' => 'token', 'description' => t('The internally used machine name for a server.'), 'schema field' => 'machine_name', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'description' => array( 'label' => t('Description'), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => t('The displayed description for a server.'), 'schema field' => 'description', 'sanitize' => 'filter_xss', ), 'class' => array( 'label' => t('Service class'), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => t('The ID of the service class to use for this server.'), 'schema field' => 'class', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'enabled' => array( 'label' => t('Enabled'), 'type' => 'boolean', 'description' => t('A flag indicating whether the server is enabled.'), 'schema field' => 'enabled', ), 'status' => array( 'label' => t('Status'), 'type' => 'integer', 'description' => t('Search API server status property'), 'schema field' => 'status', 'options list' => 'search_api_status_options_list', ), 'module' => array( 'label' => t('Module'), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => t('The name of the module from which this server originates.'), 'schema field' => 'module', ), ); $info['search_api_index']['properties'] = array( 'id' => array( 'label' => t('ID'), 'type' => 'integer', 'description' => t('An integer identifying the index.'), 'schema field' => 'id', 'validation callback' => 'entity_metadata_validate_integer_positive', ), 'name' => array( 'label' => t('Name'), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => t('A name to be displayed for the index.'), 'schema field' => 'name', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'machine_name' => array( 'label' => t('Machine name'), 'type' => 'token', 'description' => t('The internally used machine name for an index.'), 'schema field' => 'machine_name', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'description' => array( 'label' => t('Description'), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => t("A string describing the index' use to users."), 'schema field' => 'description', 'sanitize' => 'filter_xss', ), 'server' => array( 'label' => t('Server ID'), 'type' => 'token', 'description' => t('The machine name of the search_api_server with which data should be indexed.'), 'schema field' => 'server', ), 'server_entity' => array( 'label' => t('Server'), 'type' => 'search_api_server', 'description' => t('The search_api_server with which data should be indexed.'), 'getter callback' => 'search_api_index_get_server', ), 'item_type' => array( 'label' => t('Item type'), 'type' => 'token', 'description' => t('The type of items stored in this index.'), 'schema field' => 'item_type', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'enabled' => array( 'label' => t('Enabled'), 'type' => 'boolean', 'description' => t('A flag indicating whether the index is enabled.'), 'schema field' => 'enabled', ), 'read_only' => array( 'label' => t('Read only'), 'type' => 'boolean', 'description' => t('A flag indicating whether the index is read-only.'), 'schema field' => 'read_only', ), 'status' => array( 'label' => t('Status'), 'type' => 'integer', 'description' => t('Search API index status property'), 'schema field' => 'status', 'options list' => 'search_api_status_options_list', ), 'module' => array( 'label' => t('Module'), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => t('The name of the module from which this index originates.'), 'schema field' => 'module', ), ); return $info; } /** * Implements hook_search_api_server_insert(). * * Calls the postCreate() method for the server. */ function search_api_search_api_server_insert(SearchApiServer $server) { // Check whether this is actually part of a revert. $reverts = &drupal_static('search_api_search_api_server_delete', array()); if (isset($reverts[$server->machine_name])) { $server->original = $reverts[$server->machine_name]; unset($reverts[$server->machine_name]); search_api_search_api_server_update($server); unset($server->original); return; } $server->postCreate(); } /** * Implements hook_search_api_server_update(). * * Calls the server's postUpdate() method and marks all of this server's indexes * for reindexing, if necessary. */ function search_api_search_api_server_update(SearchApiServer $server) { if ($server->postUpdate()) { foreach (search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, array('server' => $server->machine_name)) as $index) { $index->reindex(); } } if (!empty($server->original) && $server->enabled != $server->original->enabled) { if ($server->enabled) { search_api_server_tasks_check($server); } else { foreach (search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, array('server' => $server->machine_name)) as $index) { $index->update(array('enabled' => 0, 'server' => NULL)); } } } } /** * Implements hook_search_api_server_delete(). * * Calls the preDelete() method for the server. */ function search_api_search_api_server_delete(SearchApiServer $server) { // Only react on real delete, not revert. if ($server->hasStatus(ENTITY_IN_CODE)) { $reverts = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array()); $reverts[$server->machine_name] = $server; return; } $server->preDelete(); foreach (search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, array('server' => $server->machine_name)) as $index) { $index->update(array('server' => NULL, 'enabled' => FALSE)); } search_api_server_tasks_delete(NULL, $server); } /** * Implements hook_search_api_index_insert(). * * Adds the index to its server (if any) and starts tracking indexed items (if * the index is enabled). */ function search_api_search_api_index_insert(SearchApiIndex $index) { // Check whether this is actually part of a revert. $reverts = &drupal_static('search_api_search_api_index_delete', array()); if (isset($reverts[$index->machine_name])) { $index->original = $reverts[$index->machine_name]; unset($reverts[$index->machine_name]); search_api_search_api_index_update($index); unset($index->original); return; } $index->postCreate(); } /** * Implements hook_search_api_index_update(). */ function search_api_search_api_index_update(SearchApiIndex $index) { // Call the datasource update function with the tables this module provides. search_api_index_update_datasource($index, 'search_api_item'); search_api_index_update_datasource($index, 'search_api_item_string_id'); // If the server was changed, we have to call the appropriate service class // hook methods. if ($index->server != $index->original->server) { // Server changed - inform old and new ones. if ($index->original->server) { $old_server = search_api_server_load($index->original->server); // The server might have changed because the old one was deleted: if ($old_server) { $old_server->removeIndex($index); } } if ($index->server) { try { $new_server = $index->server(TRUE); // If the server is enabled, we call addIndex(); otherwise, we save the task. $new_server->addIndex($index); } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); // If the new server doesn't exist, we remove the index from all // servers. Note that saving an entity in its own update hook is usually // a recipe for disaster, but since we are only doing this if a server // is set and remove the server here before saving, it should be safe // enough. $index->server = NULL; $index->save(); } } // We also have to re-index all content. _search_api_index_reindex($index); } // If the fields were changed, call the appropriate service class hook method // and re-index the content, if necessary. $old_fields = $index->original->options + array('fields' => array()); $old_fields = $old_fields['fields']; $new_fields = $index->options + array('fields' => array()); $new_fields = $new_fields['fields']; if ($old_fields != $new_fields) { if ($index->server) { $index->server()->fieldsUpdated($index); } } // If the index's enabled or read-only status is being changed, queue or // dequeue items for indexing. if (!$index->read_only && $index->enabled != $index->original->enabled) { if ($index->enabled) { $index->queueItems(); } else { $index->dequeueItems(); } } elseif ($index->read_only != $index->original->read_only) { if ($index->read_only) { $index->dequeueItems(); } else { $index->queueItems(); } } } /** * Implements hook_search_api_index_delete(). * * Removes all data for indexes not available any more. */ function search_api_search_api_index_delete(SearchApiIndex $index) { // Only react on real delete, not revert. if ($index->hasStatus(ENTITY_IN_CODE)) { $reverts = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array()); $reverts[$index->machine_name] = $index; return; } cache_clear_all($index->getCacheId(''), 'cache', TRUE); $index->postDelete(); } /** * Implements hook_features_export_alter(). * * Adds dependency information for exported servers. */ function search_api_features_export_alter(&$export) { if (isset($export['features']['search_api_server'])) { // Get a list of the modules that provide storage engines. $hook = 'search_api_service_info'; $classes = array(); foreach (module_implements('search_api_service_info') as $module) { $function = $module . '_' . $hook; $engines = $function(); foreach ($engines as $service => $specs) { $classes[$service] = $module; } } // Check all of the exported server specifications. foreach ($export['features']['search_api_server'] as $server_name) { // Load the server's object. $server = search_api_server_load($server_name); $module = $classes[$server->class]; // Ensure that the module responsible for the server object is listed as // a dependency. if (!isset($export['dependencies'][$module])) { $export['dependencies'][$module] = $module; } } // Ensure the dependencies list is still sorted alphabetically. ksort($export['dependencies']); } } /** * Implements hook_system_info_alter(). * * Checks if the module provides any search item types or service classes. If it * does, and there are search indexes using those item types, respectively * servers using those service classes, the module is set to "required". * * Heavily borrowed from field_system_info_alter(). * * @see hook_search_api_item_type_info() */ function search_api_system_info_alter(&$info, $file, $type) { if ($type != 'module' || $file->name == 'search_api' || !module_exists($file->name)) { return; } // Check for defined item types. if (module_hook($file->name, 'search_api_item_type_info')) { $types = array(); foreach (search_api_get_item_type_info() as $type => $type_info) { if ($type_info['module'] == $file->name) { $types[] = $type; } } if ($types) { $sql = 'SELECT machine_name, name FROM {search_api_index} WHERE item_type IN (:types)'; $indexes = db_query($sql, array(':types' => $types))->fetchAllKeyed(); if ($indexes) { $info['required'] = TRUE; $links = array(); foreach ($indexes as $id => $name) { $url = url("admin/config/search/search_api/index/$id"); $links[] = '' . check_plain($name) . ''; } $args = array('!indexes' => implode(', ', $links)); $info['explanation'] = format_plural(count($indexes), 'Item type in use by the following index: !indexes.', 'Item type(s) in use by the following indexes: !indexes.', $args); } } } // Check for defined service classes. if (module_hook($file->name, 'search_api_service_info')) { $classes = array(); foreach (search_api_get_service_info() as $class => $class_info) { if ($class_info['module'] == $file->name) { $classes[] = $class; } } if ($classes) { $sql = 'SELECT machine_name, name FROM {search_api_server} WHERE class IN (:classes)'; $servers = db_query($sql, array(':classes' => $classes))->fetchAllKeyed(); if ($servers) { $info['required'] = TRUE; $links = array(); foreach ($servers as $id => $name) { $url = url("admin/config/search/search_api/server/$id"); $links[] = '' . check_plain($name) . ''; } $args = array('!servers' => implode(', ', $links)); $explanation = format_plural(count($servers), 'Service class in use by the following server: !servers.', 'Service class(es) in use by the following servers: !servers.', $args); $info['explanation'] = (!empty($info['explanation']) ? $info['explanation'] . ' ' : '') . $explanation; } } } } /** * Implements hook_entity_insert(). * * This is implemented on behalf of the SearchApiEntityDataSourceController * datasource controller and calls search_api_track_item_insert() for the * inserted items. * * @see search_api_search_api_item_type_info() */ function search_api_entity_insert($entity, $type) { // When inserting a new search index, the new index was already inserted into // the tracking table. This would lead to a duplicate-key issue, if we would // continue. // We also only react on entity operations for types with property // information, as we don't provide search integration for the others. if ($type == 'search_api_index' || !entity_get_property_info($type)) { return; } list($id) = entity_extract_ids($type, $entity); if (isset($id)) { search_api_track_item_insert($type, array($id)); $combined_id = $type . '/' . $id; search_api_track_item_insert('multiple', array($combined_id)); } } /** * Implements hook_entity_update(). * * This is implemented on behalf of the SearchApiEntityDataSourceController * datasource controller and calls search_api_track_item_change() for the * updated items. * * It also checks whether the entity's bundle changed and acts accordingly. * * @see search_api_search_api_item_type_info() */ function search_api_entity_update($entity, $type) { // We only react on entity operations for types with property information, as // we don't provide search integration for the others. if (!entity_get_property_info($type)) { return; } list($id, , $new_bundle) = entity_extract_ids($type, $entity); // Check if the entity's bundle changed. if (!empty($entity->original)) { list(, , $old_bundle) = entity_extract_ids($type, $entity->original); if ($new_bundle != $old_bundle) { _search_api_entity_datasource_bundle_change($type, $id, $old_bundle, $new_bundle); } } if (isset($id)) { search_api_track_item_change($type, array($id)); $combined_id = $type . '/' . $id; search_api_track_item_change('multiple', array($combined_id)); } } /** * Implements hook_entity_delete(). * * This is implemented on behalf of the SearchApiEntityDataSourceController * datasource controller and calls search_api_track_item_delete() for the * deleted items. * * @see search_api_search_api_item_type_info() */ function search_api_entity_delete($entity, $type) { // We only react on entity operations for types with property information, as // we don't provide search integration for the others. if (!entity_get_property_info($type)) { return; } list($id) = entity_extract_ids($type, $entity); if (isset($id)) { search_api_track_item_delete($type, array($id)); $combined_id = $type . '/' . $id; search_api_track_item_delete('multiple', array($combined_id)); } } /** * Implements hook_node_access_records_alter(). * * Marks the node as "changed" in indexes that use the "Node access" data * alteration. Also marks the node's comments as changed in indexes that use the * "Comment access" data alteration. */ function search_api_node_access_records_alter(&$grants, $node) { foreach (search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE) as $index) { $item_ids = array(); if (!empty($index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_node_access']['status'])) { $item_id = $index->datasource()->getItemId($node); if ($item_id !== NULL) { $item_ids = array($item_id); } } elseif (!empty($index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_comment_access']['status'])) { if (!isset($comments)) { $comments = comment_load_multiple(FALSE, array('nid' => $node->nid)); } foreach ($comments as $comment) { $item_ids[] = $index->datasource()->getItemId($comment); } } if ($item_ids) { $indexes = array($index->machine_name => $index); search_api_track_item_change_for_indexes($index->item_type, $item_ids, $indexes); } } } /** * Implements hook_field_attach_rename_bundle(). * * This is implemented on behalf of the SearchApiEntityDataSourceController * datasource controller, to update any bundle settings that contain the changed * bundle. */ function search_api_field_attach_rename_bundle($entity_type, $bundle_old, $bundle_new) { foreach (search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, array('item_type' => $entity_type)) as $index) { $bundles = &$index->options['datasource']['bundles']; if (isset($bundles) && ($pos = array_search($bundle_old, $bundles)) !== FALSE) { $bundles[$pos] = $bundle_new; $index->save(); // Clear all caches that could contain the bundle information. $index->resetCaches(); drupal_static_reset('search_api_get_datasource_controller'); } } } /** * Implements hook_field_update_field(). * * Recalculates fields settings if the cardinality of the field has changed from * or to 1. */ function search_api_field_update_field($field, $prior_field) { $before = $prior_field['cardinality']; $after = $field['cardinality']; if ($before != $after && ($before == 1 || $after == 1)) { // Unfortunately, we cannot call this right away since the field information // is only stored after the hook is called. drupal_register_shutdown_function('search_api_index_recalculate_fields'); } } /** * Implements hook_flush_caches(). * * Recalculates fields settings in case the schema (in most cases: the * multiplicity) of a property has changed. */ function search_api_flush_caches() { search_api_index_recalculate_fields(); } /** * Implements hook_search_api_item_type_info(). * * Adds item types for all entity types with property information. */ function search_api_search_api_item_type_info() { $types = array(); foreach (search_api_entity_type_options_list() as $type => $label) { $types[$type] = array( 'name' => $label, 'datasource controller' => 'SearchApiEntityDataSourceController', 'entity_type' => $type, ); } $types['multiple'] = array( 'name' => t('Multiple types'), 'datasource controller' => 'SearchApiCombinedEntityDataSourceController', ); return $types; } /** * Implements hook_modules_enabled(). */ function search_api_modules_enabled() { // New modules might offer additional item types or service classes, // invalidating the cached information. drupal_static_reset('search_api_get_item_type_info'); drupal_static_reset('search_api_get_service_info'); } /** * Implements hook_modules_disabled(). */ function search_api_modules_disabled() { // The disabled modules might have offered item types or service classes, // invalidating the cached information. drupal_static_reset('search_api_get_item_type_info'); drupal_static_reset('search_api_get_service_info'); } /** * Implements hook_search_api_alter_callback_info(). */ function search_api_search_api_alter_callback_info() { $callbacks['search_api_alter_bundle_filter'] = array( 'name' => t('Bundle filter'), 'description' => t('Exclude items from indexing based on their bundle (content type, vocabulary, …).'), 'class' => 'SearchApiAlterBundleFilter', // Filters should be executed first. 'weight' => -10, ); $callbacks['search_api_alter_role_filter'] = array( 'name' => t('Role filter'), 'description' => t('Exclude users from indexing based on their role.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiAlterRoleFilter', // Filters should be executed first. 'weight' => -10, ); $callbacks['search_api_alter_add_url'] = array( 'name' => t('URL field'), 'description' => t("Adds the item's URL to the indexed data."), 'class' => 'SearchApiAlterAddUrl', ); $callbacks['search_api_alter_add_aggregation'] = array( 'name' => t('Aggregated fields'), 'description' => t('Gives you the ability to define additional fields, containing data from one or more other fields.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiAlterAddAggregation', ); $callbacks['search_api_alter_add_viewed_entity'] = array( 'name' => t('Complete entity view'), 'description' => t('Adds an additional field containing the whole HTML content of the entity when viewed.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiAlterAddViewedEntity', ); $callbacks['search_api_alter_add_hierarchy'] = array( 'name' => t('Index hierarchy'), 'description' => t('Allows to index hierarchical fields along with all their ancestors.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiAlterAddHierarchy', ); $callbacks['search_api_alter_language_control'] = array( 'name' => t('Language control'), 'description' => t('Lets you determine the language of items in the index.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiAlterLanguageControl', ); $callbacks['search_api_alter_node_access'] = array( 'name' => t('Node access'), 'description' => t('Add node access information to the index. Caution: This only affects the indexed nodes themselves, not any node reference fields that are indexed with them, or displayed in search results.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiAlterNodeAccess', ); $callbacks['search_api_alter_comment_access'] = array( 'name' => t('Access check'), 'description' => t('Add node access information to the index. Caution: This only affects the indexed nodes themselves, not any node reference fields that are indexed with them, or displayed in search results.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiAlterCommentAccess', ); $callbacks['search_api_alter_node_status'] = array( 'name' => t('Exclude unpublished nodes'), 'description' => t('Exclude unpublished nodes from the index. Caution: This only affects the indexed nodes themselves. If an enabled node has references to disabled nodes, those will still be indexed (or displayed) normally.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiAlterNodeStatus', ); $callbacks['search_api_alter_user_status'] = array( 'name' => t('Exclude blocked users'), 'description' => t('Exclude blocked users from the index. Caution: This only affects the indexed users themselves. If an active user account includes a reference to a disabled user, that reference will still be indexed (or displayed) normally.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiAlterUserStatus', ); return $callbacks; } /** * Implements hook_search_api_processor_info(). */ function search_api_search_api_processor_info() { $processors['search_api_case_ignore'] = array( 'name' => t('Ignore case'), 'description' => t('This processor will make searches case-insensitive for fulltext or string fields.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiIgnoreCase', ); $processors['search_api_html_filter'] = array( 'name' => t('HTML filter'), 'description' => t('Strips HTML tags from fulltext fields and decodes HTML entities. ' . 'Use this processor when indexing HTML data, e.g., node bodies for certain text formats.
' . 'The processor also allows to boost (or ignore) the contents of specific elements.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiHtmlFilter', 'weight' => 10, ); if (module_exists('transliteration')) { $processors['search_api_transliteration'] = array( 'name' => t('Transliteration'), 'description' => t('This processor will make searches insensitive to accents and other non-ASCII characters.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiTransliteration', 'weight' => 15, ); } $processors['search_api_tokenizer'] = array( 'name' => t('Tokenizer'), 'description' => t('Tokenizes fulltext data by stripping whitespace. ' . 'This processor allows you to specify which characters make up words and which characters should be ignored, using regular expression syntax. ' . 'Otherwise it is up to the search server implementation to decide how to split indexed fulltext data.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiTokenizer', 'weight' => 20, ); $processors['search_api_stopwords'] = array( 'name' => t('Stopwords'), 'description' => t('This processor prevents certain words from being indexed and removes them from search terms. ' . 'For best results, it should only be executed after tokenizing.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiStopWords', 'weight' => 30, ); $processors['search_api_porter_stemmer'] = array( 'name' => t('Stem words'), 'description' => t('This processor reduces words to a stem (e.g., "talking" to "talk"). For best results, it should only be executed after tokenizing.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiPorterStemmer', 'weight' => 35, ); $processors['search_api_highlighting'] = array( 'name' => t('Highlighting'), 'description' => t('Adds highlighting for search results.'), 'class' => 'SearchApiHighlight', 'weight' => 40, ); return $processors; } /** * Inserts new unindexed items for all indexes on the specified type. * * @param string $type * The item type of the new items. * @param array $item_ids * The IDs of the new items. */ function search_api_track_item_insert($type, array $item_ids) { $conditions = array( 'enabled' => 1, 'item_type' => $type, 'read_only' => 0, ); $indexes = search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, $conditions); if (!$indexes) { return; } try { $returned_indexes = search_api_get_datasource_controller($type)->trackItemInsert($item_ids, $indexes); if (isset($returned_indexes)) { $indexes = $returned_indexes; } } catch (SearchApiException $e) { $vars['%item_type'] = $type; watchdog_exception('search_api', $e, '%type while inserting items of type %item_type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $vars); return; } foreach ($indexes as $index) { if (!empty($index->options['index_directly'])) { search_api_index_specific_items_delayed($index, $item_ids); } } } /** * Mark the items with the specified IDs as "dirty", i.e., as needing to be reindexed. * * For indexes for which items should be indexed immediately, the items are * indexed directly, instead. * * @param $type * The type of items, specific to the data source. * @param array $item_ids * The IDs of the items to be marked dirty. */ function search_api_track_item_change($type, array $item_ids) { $conditions = array( 'enabled' => 1, 'item_type' => $type, 'read_only' => 0, ); $indexes = search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, $conditions); if (!$indexes) { return; } search_api_track_item_change_for_indexes($type, $item_ids, $indexes); } /** * Marks the items with the specified IDs as "dirty" for the given indexes. * * @param string $type * The item type of the items. * @param array $item_ids * The item IDs. * @param SearchApiIndex[] $indexes * The indexes for which to mark the items as "dirty". */ function search_api_track_item_change_for_indexes($type, array $item_ids, $indexes) { try { $returned_indexes = search_api_get_datasource_controller($type)->trackItemChange($item_ids, $indexes); if (isset($returned_indexes)) { $indexes = $returned_indexes; } foreach ($indexes as $index) { if (!empty($index->options['index_directly'])) { // For indexes with the index_directly option set, queue the items to be // indexed at the end of the request. try { search_api_index_specific_items_delayed($index, $item_ids); } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); } } } } catch (SearchApiException $e) { $vars['%item_type'] = $type; watchdog_exception('search_api', $e, '%type while updating items of type %item_type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $vars); } } /** * Marks items as queued for indexing for the specified index. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index on which items were queued. * @param array $item_ids * The ids of the queued items. * * @deprecated * As of Search API 1.10, the cron queue is not used for indexing anymore, * therefore this function has become useless. It will, along with * SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::trackItemQueued(), be removed in * the Drupal 8 version of this module. */ function search_api_track_item_queued(SearchApiIndex $index, array $item_ids) { try { $index->datasource()->trackItemQueued($item_ids, $index); } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); } } /** * Marks items as successfully indexed for the specified index. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index on which items were indexed. * @param array $item_ids * The ids of the indexed items. */ function search_api_track_item_indexed(SearchApiIndex $index, array $item_ids) { $index->datasource()->trackItemIndexed($item_ids, $index); module_invoke_all('search_api_items_indexed', $index, $item_ids); } /** * Removes items from all indexes. * * @param $type * The type of the items. * @param array $item_ids * The IDs of the deleted items. */ function search_api_track_item_delete($type, array $item_ids) { // First, delete the item from the tracking table. $conditions = array( 'enabled' => 1, 'item_type' => $type, 'read_only' => 0, ); $indexes = search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, $conditions); if ($indexes) { try { $changed_indexes = search_api_get_datasource_controller($type)->trackItemDelete($item_ids, $indexes); if (isset($changed_indexes)) { $indexes = $changed_indexes; } } catch (SearchApiException $e) { $vars['%item_type'] = $type; watchdog_exception('search_api', $e, '%type while deleting items of type %item_type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $vars); } } // Then, delete it from all servers. Servers of disabled indexes have to be // considered, too! $conditions['enabled'] = 0; $indexes = array_merge($indexes, search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, $conditions)); foreach ($indexes as $index) { try { if ($server = $index->server()) { $server->deleteItems($item_ids, $index); } } catch (Exception $e) { $vars['%item_type'] = $type; watchdog_exception('search_api', $e, '%type while deleting items of type %item_type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $vars); } } } /** * Checks for pending tasks on one or all enabled search servers. * * @param SearchApiServer|null $server * (optional) The server whose tasks should be checked. If not given, the * tasks for all enabled servers are checked. * * @return bool * TRUE if all tasks (for the specific server, if $server was given) were * executed successfully, or if there were no tasks. FALSE if there are still * pending tasks. */ function search_api_server_tasks_check(SearchApiServer $server = NULL) { $select = db_select('search_api_task', 't') ->fields('t') // Only retrieve tasks we can handle. ->condition('t.type', array('addIndex', 'fieldsUpdated', 'removeIndex', 'deleteItems')); if ($server) { $select->condition('t.server_id', $server->machine_name); } else { $select->innerJoin('search_api_server', 's', 't.server_id = s.machine_name AND s.enabled = 1'); // By ordering by the server, we can later just load them when we reach them // while looping through the tasks. It is very unlikely there will be tasks // for more than one or two servers, so a *_load_multiple() probably // wouldn't bring any significant advantages, but complicate the code. $select->orderBy('t.server_id'); } // Store a count query for later checking whether all tasks were processed // successfully. $count_query = $select->countQuery(); // Sometimes the order of tasks might be important, so make sure to order by // the task ID (which should be in order of insertion). $select->orderBy('t.id'); $tasks = $select->execute(); $executed_tasks = array(); foreach ($tasks as $task) { if (!$server || $server->machine_name != $task->server_id) { $server = search_api_server_load($task->server_id); if (!$server) { continue; } } switch ($task->type) { case 'addIndex': $index = search_api_index_load($task->index_id); if ($index) { $server->addIndex($index); } break; case 'fieldsUpdated': $index = search_api_index_load($task->index_id); if ($index) { if ($task->data) { $index->original = unserialize($task->data); } $server->fieldsUpdated($index); } break; case 'removeIndex': $index = search_api_index_load($task->index_id); if ($index) { $server->removeIndex($index ? $index : $task->index_id); } break; case 'deleteItems': $ids = $task->data ? unserialize($task->data) : 'all'; $index = $task->index_id ? search_api_index_load($task->index_id) : NULL; // Since a failed load returns (for stupid menu handler reasons) FALSE, // not NULL, we have to make doubly sure here not to pass an invalid // value (and cause a fatal error). $index = $index ? $index : NULL; $server->deleteItems($ids, $index); break; default: // This should never happen. continue; } $executed_tasks[] = $task->id; } // If there were no tasks (we recognized), return TRUE. if (!$executed_tasks) { return TRUE; } // Otherwise, delete the executed tasks and check if new tasks were created. search_api_server_tasks_delete($executed_tasks); return $count_query->execute()->fetchField() === 0; } /** * Adds an entry into a server's list of pending tasks. * * @param SearchApiServer $server * The server for which a task should be remembered. * @param $type * The type of task to perform. * @param SearchApiIndex|string|null $index * (optional) If applicable, the index to which the task pertains (or its * machine name). * @param mixed $data * (optional) If applicable, some further data necessary for the task. */ function search_api_server_tasks_add(SearchApiServer $server, $type, $index = NULL, $data = NULL) { db_insert('search_api_task') ->fields(array( 'server_id' => $server->machine_name, 'type' => $type, 'index_id' => $index ? (is_object($index) ? $index->machine_name : $index) : NULL, 'data' => isset($data) ? serialize($data) : NULL, )) ->execute(); } /** * Removes pending server tasks from the list. * * @param array|null $ids * (optional) The IDs of the pending server tasks to delete. Set to NULL * to not filter by IDs. * @param SearchApiServer|null $server * (optional) A server for which the tasks should be deleted. Set to NULL to * delete tasks from all servers. * @param SearchApiIndex|string|null $index * (optional) An index (or its machine name) for which the tasks should be * deleted. Set to NULL to delete tasks for all indexes. */ function search_api_server_tasks_delete(array $ids = NULL, SearchApiServer $server = NULL, $index = NULL) { $delete = db_delete('search_api_task'); if ($ids) { $delete->condition('id', $ids); } if ($server) { $delete->condition('server_id', $server->machine_name); } if ($index) { $delete->condition('index_id', $index->machine_name); } $delete->execute(); } /** * Recalculates the saved fields of an index. * * This is mostly necessary when the multiplicity of the underlying properties * change. The method will re-examine the data structure of the entities in each * index and, if a discrepancy is spotted, re-save that index with updated * fields options (thus, of course, also triggering a re-indexing operation). * * @param SearchApiIndex[]|false $indexes * An array of SearchApiIndex objects on which to perform the operation, or * FALSE to perform it on all indexes. */ function search_api_index_recalculate_fields($indexes = FALSE) { if (!is_array($indexes)) { $indexes = search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE); } $stored_keys = drupal_map_assoc(array('type', 'entity_type', 'real_type', 'boost')); foreach ($indexes as $index) { if (empty($index->options['fields'])) { continue; } // We have to clear the cache, both static and stored, before using // getFields(). Otherwise, we'd just use the stale data which the fields // options are probably already based on. cache_clear_all($index->getCacheId() . '-1-0', 'cache'); $index->resetCaches(); // getFields() automatically uses the actual data types to correct possible // stale data. $fields = $index->getFields(); foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { $fields[$key] = array_intersect_key($field, $stored_keys); if (isset($fields[$key]['boost']) && $fields[$key]['boost'] == '1.0') { unset($fields[$key]['boost']); } } // Use a more accurate method of determining if the fields settings are // equal to avoid needlessly re-indexing the whole index. if ($fields != $index->options['fields']) { $options = $index->options; $options['fields'] = $fields; $index->update(array('options' => $options)); } } } /** * Test two setting arrays (or individual settings) for equality. * * @param mixed $setting1 * The first setting (array). * @param mixed $setting2 * The second setting (array). * * @return bool * TRUE if both settings are identical, FALSE otherwise. * * @deprecated The simple "==" operator will achieve the same. */ function _search_api_settings_equals($setting1, $setting2) { if (!is_array($setting1) || !is_array($setting2)) { return $setting1 == $setting2; } foreach ($setting1 as $key => $value) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $setting2)) { return FALSE; } if (!_search_api_settings_equals($value, $setting2[$key])) { return FALSE; } unset($setting2[$key]); } // If any keys weren't unset previously, they are not present in $setting1 and // the two are different. return !$setting2; } /** * Indexes items for the specified index. * * Only items marked as changed are indexed, in their order of change (if * known). * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index on which items should be indexed. * @param int $limit * (optional) The number of items which should be indexed at most. Defaults to * -1, which means that all changed items should be indexed. * * @return int * Number of successfully indexed items. * * @throws SearchApiException * If any error occurs during indexing. */ function search_api_index_items(SearchApiIndex $index, $limit = -1) { // Don't try to index on read-only indexes. if ($index->read_only) { return 0; } $ids = search_api_get_items_to_index($index, $limit); return $ids ? count(search_api_index_specific_items($index, $ids)) : 0; } /** * Indexes the specified items on the given index. * * Items which were successfully indexed are marked as such afterwards. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index on which items should be indexed. * @param array $ids * The IDs of the items which should be indexed. * * @return array * The IDs of all successfully indexed items. * * @throws SearchApiException * If any error occurs during indexing. */ function search_api_index_specific_items(SearchApiIndex $index, array $ids) { // Before doing anything else, check whether there are pending tasks that need // to be executed on the server. It might be important that they are executed // before any indexing occurs. if (!search_api_server_tasks_check($index->server())) { throw new SearchApiException(t('Could not index items since important pending server tasks could not be performed.')); } $items = $index->loadItems($ids); // Clone items because data alterations may alter them. $cloned_items = array(); foreach ($items as $id => $item) { if (is_object($item)) { $cloned_items[$id] = clone $item; } else { // Normally, items that can't be loaded shouldn't be returned by // entity_load (and other loadItems() implementations). Therefore, this is // an extremely rare case, which seems to happen during installation for // some specific setups. $type = search_api_get_item_type_info($index->item_type); $type = $type ? $type['name'] : $index->item_type; watchdog('search_api', "Error during indexing: invalid item loaded for @type with ID @id.", array('@id' => $id, '@type' => $type), WATCHDOG_WARNING); } } $indexed = $items ? $index->index($cloned_items) : array(); if ($indexed) { search_api_track_item_indexed($index, $indexed); // If some items could not be indexed, we don't want to try re-indexing // them right away, so we mark them as "freshly" changed. Sadly, there is // no better way than to mark them as indexed first... if (count($indexed) < count($ids)) { // Believe it or not but this is actually quite faster than the equivalent // $diff = array_diff($ids, $indexed); $diff = array_keys(array_diff_key(array_flip($ids), array_flip($indexed))); $index->datasource()->trackItemIndexed($diff, $index); $index->datasource()->trackItemChange($diff, array($index)); } } return $indexed; } /** * Queues items for indexing at the end of the page request. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index on which items should be indexed. * @param array $ids * The IDs of the items which should be indexed. * * @return array * The current contents of the queue, as a reference. * * @see search_api_index_specific_items() * @see _search_api_index_queued_items() */ function &search_api_index_specific_items_delayed(SearchApiIndex $index = NULL, array $ids = array()) { // We cannot use drupal_static() here because the static cache is reset during // batch processing, which breaks batch handling. static $queue = array(); static $registered = FALSE; // Only register the shutdown function once. if (empty($registered)) { drupal_register_shutdown_function('_search_api_index_queued_items'); $registered = TRUE; } // Allow for empty call to just retrieve the queue. if ($index && $ids) { $index_id = $index->machine_name; $queue += array($index_id => array()); $queue[$index_id] += drupal_map_assoc($ids); } return $queue; } /** * Returns a list of items that need to be indexed for the specified index. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index for which items should be retrieved. * @param $limit * The maximum number of items to retrieve. -1 means no limit. * * @return array * An array of IDs of items that need to be indexed. */ function search_api_get_items_to_index(SearchApiIndex $index, $limit = -1) { if ($limit == 0) { return array(); } return $index->datasource()->getChangedItems($index, $limit); } /** * Creates a search query on a specified search index. * * @param $id * The ID or machine name of the index to execute the search on. * @param $options * An associative array of options to be passed to * SearchApiQueryInterface::__construct(). * * @return SearchApiQueryInterface * An object for searching on the specified index. * * @throws SearchApiException * If the index is unknown or disabled, or some other error was encountered. */ function search_api_query($id, array $options = array()) { $index = search_api_index_load($id); if (!$index) { throw new SearchApiException(t('Unknown index with ID @id.', array('@id' => $id))); } return $index->query($options); } /** * Stores or retrieves a search executed in this page request. * * Static storage for the searches executed during the current page request. Can * used to store an executed search, or to retrieve a previously stored search. * * @param $search_id * For pages displaying multiple searches, an optional ID identifying the * search in questions. When storing a search, this is filled automatically, * unless it is manually set. * @param SearchApiQuery $query * When storing an executed search, the query that was executed. NULL * otherwise. * @param array $results * When storing an executed search, the returned results as specified by * SearchApiQueryInterface::execute(). An empty array, otherwise. * * @return array * If a search with the specified ID was executed, an array containing * ($query, $results) as used in this function's parameters. If $search_id is * NULL, an array of all executed searches will be returned, keyed by ID. */ function search_api_current_search($search_id = NULL, SearchApiQuery $query = NULL, array $results = array()) { $searches = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array()); if (isset($query)) { if (!isset($search_id)) { $search_id = $query->getOption('search id'); } $base = $search_id; $i = 0; while (isset($searches[$search_id])) { $search_id = $base . '-' . ++$i; } $searches[$search_id] = array($query, $results); } if (isset($search_id)) { return isset($searches[$search_id]) ? $searches[$search_id] : NULL; } return $searches; } /** * Returns all field types recognized by the Search API framework. * * @return array * An associative array with all recognized types as keys, mapped to their * translated display names. * * @see search_api_default_field_types() * @see search_api_get_data_type_info() */ function search_api_field_types() { $types = search_api_default_field_types(); foreach (search_api_get_data_type_info() as $id => $type) { $types[$id] = $type['name']; } return $types; } /** * Returns the default field types recognized by the Search API framework. * * @return array * An associative array with the default types as keys, mapped to their * translated display names. */ function search_api_default_field_types() { return array( 'text' => t('Fulltext'), 'string' => t('String'), 'integer' => t('Integer'), 'decimal' => t('Decimal'), 'date' => t('Date'), 'duration' => t('Duration'), 'boolean' => t('Boolean'), 'uri' => t('URI'), ); } /** * Returns either all custom field type definitions, or a specific one. * * @param $type * If specified, the type whose definition should be returned. * * @return array * If $type was not given, an array containing all custom data types, in the * format specified by hook_search_api_data_type_info(). * Otherwise, the definition for the given type, or NULL if it is unknown. * * @see hook_search_api_data_type_info() */ function search_api_get_data_type_info($type = NULL) { $types = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($types)) { $default_types = search_api_default_field_types(); $types = module_invoke_all('search_api_data_type_info'); $types = $types ? $types : array(); foreach ($types as &$type_info) { if (!isset($type_info['fallback']) || !isset($default_types[$type_info['fallback']])) { $type_info['fallback'] = 'string'; } } drupal_alter('search_api_data_type_info', $types); } if (isset($type)) { return isset($types[$type]) ? $types[$type] : NULL; } return $types; } /** * Returns either a list of all available service infos, or a specific one. * * @see hook_search_api_service_info() * * @param string|null $id * The ID of the service info to retrieve. * * @return array * If $id was not specified, an array of all available service classes. * Otherwise, either the service info with the specified id (if it exists), * or NULL. Service class information is formatted as specified by * hook_search_api_service_info(), with the addition of a "module" key * specifying the module that adds a certain class. */ function search_api_get_service_info($id = NULL) { $services = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($services)) { // Inlined version of module_invoke_all() to add "module" keys. $services = array(); foreach (module_implements('search_api_service_info') as $module) { $function = $module . '_search_api_service_info'; if (function_exists($function)) { $new_services = $function(); if (isset($new_services) && is_array($new_services)) { foreach ($new_services as $service => $info) { $new_services[$service] += array('module' => $module); } } $services += $new_services; } } // Same for drupal_alter(). foreach (module_implements('search_api_service_info_alter') as $module) { $function = $module . '_search_api_service_info_alter'; if (function_exists($function)) { $old = $services; $function($services); if ($new_services = array_diff_key($services, $old)) { foreach ($new_services as $service => $info) { $services[$service] += array('module' => $module); } } } } } if (isset($id)) { return isset($services[$id]) ? $services[$id] : NULL; } return $services; } /** * Returns information for either all item types, or a specific one. * * @param string|null $type * If set, the item type whose information should be returned. * * @return array|null * If $type is given, either an array containing the information of that item * type, or NULL if it is unknown. Otherwise, an array keyed by type IDs * containing the information for all item types. Item type information is * formatted as specified by hook_search_api_item_type_info(), with the * addition of a "module" key specifying the module that adds a certain type. * * @see hook_search_api_item_type_info() */ function search_api_get_item_type_info($type = NULL) { $types = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($types)) { // Inlined version of module_invoke_all() to add "module" keys. $types = array(); foreach (module_implements('search_api_item_type_info') as $module) { $function = $module . '_search_api_item_type_info'; if (function_exists($function)) { $new_types = $function(); if (isset($new_types) && is_array($new_types)) { foreach ($new_types as $id => $info) { $new_types[$id] += array('module' => $module); } } $types += $new_types; } } // Same for drupal_alter(). foreach (module_implements('search_api_item_type_info_alter') as $module) { $function = $module . '_search_api_item_type_info_alter'; if (function_exists($function)) { $old = $types; $function($types); if ($new_types = array_diff_key($types, $old)) { foreach ($new_types as $id => $info) { $types[$id] += array('module' => $module); } } } } } if (isset($type)) { return isset($types[$type]) ? $types[$type] : NULL; } return $types; } /** * Get a data source controller object for the specified type. * * @param $type * The type whose data source controller should be returned. * * @return SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface * The type's data source controller. * * @throws SearchApiException * If the type is unknown or specifies an invalid data source controller. */ function search_api_get_datasource_controller($type) { $datasources = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array()); if (empty($datasources[$type])) { $info = search_api_get_item_type_info($type); if (isset($info['datasource controller']) && class_exists($info['datasource controller'])) { $datasources[$type] = new $info['datasource controller']($type); } if (empty($datasources[$type]) || !($datasources[$type] instanceof SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface)) { unset($datasources[$type]); throw new SearchApiException(t('Unknown or invalid item type @type.', array('@type' => $type))); } } return $datasources[$type]; } /** * Returns a list of all available data alter callbacks. * * @see hook_search_api_alter_callback_info() * * @return array * An array of all available data alter callbacks, keyed by function name. */ function search_api_get_alter_callbacks() { $callbacks = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($callbacks)) { $callbacks = module_invoke_all('search_api_alter_callback_info'); // Fill optional settings with default values. foreach ($callbacks as $id => $callback) { $callbacks[$id] += array('weight' => 0); } // Invoke alter hook. drupal_alter('search_api_alter_callback_info', $callbacks); } return $callbacks; } /** * Returns a list of all available pre- and post-processors. * * @see hook_search_api_processor_info() * * @return array * An array of all available processors, keyed by id. */ function search_api_get_processors() { $processors = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($processors)) { $processors = module_invoke_all('search_api_processor_info'); // Fill optional settings with default values. foreach ($processors as $id => $processor) { $processors[$id] += array('weight' => 0); } // Invoke alter hook. drupal_alter('search_api_processor_info', $processors); } return $processors; } /** * Implements hook_search_api_query_alter(). * * Adds node access to the query, if enabled. * * @param SearchApiQueryInterface $query * The SearchApiQueryInterface object representing the search query. */ function search_api_search_api_query_alter(SearchApiQueryInterface $query) { global $user; $index = $query->getIndex(); // Only add node access if the necessary fields are indexed in the index, and // unless disabled explicitly by the query. $type = $index->getEntityType(); if (!empty($index->options['data_alter_callbacks']["search_api_alter_{$type}_access"]['status']) && !$query->getOption('search_api_bypass_access')) { $account = $query->getOption('search_api_access_account', $user); if (is_numeric($account)) { $account = user_load($account); } if (is_object($account)) { try { _search_api_query_add_node_access($account, $query, $type); } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); } } else { $account = $query->getOption('search_api_access_account', '(' . t('none') . ')'); if (is_object($account)) { $account = $account->uid; } if (!is_scalar($account)) { $account = var_export($account, TRUE); } watchdog('search_api', 'An illegal user UID was given for node access: @uid.', array('@uid' => $account), WATCHDOG_WARNING); } } } /** * Adds a node access filter to a search query, if applicable. * * @param object $account * The user object, who searches. * @param SearchApiQueryInterface $query * The query to which a node access filter should be added, if applicable. * @param string $type * (optional) The type of search – either "node" or "comment". Defaults to * "node". * * @throws SearchApiException * If not all necessary fields are indexed on the index. */ function _search_api_query_add_node_access($account, SearchApiQueryInterface $query, $type = 'node') { // Don't do anything if the user can access all content. if (user_access('bypass node access', $account)) { return; } $is_comment = ($type == 'comment'); // Check whether the necessary fields are indexed. $fields = $query->getIndex()->options['fields']; $required = array('search_api_access_node', 'status'); if (!$is_comment) { $required[] = 'author'; } foreach ($required as $field) { if (empty($fields[$field])) { $vars['@field'] = $field; $vars['@index'] = $query->getIndex()->name; throw new SearchApiException(t('Required field @field not indexed on index @index. Could not perform access checks.', $vars)); } } // If the user cannot access content/comments at all, return no results. if (!user_access('access content', $account) || ($is_comment && !user_access('access comments', $account))) { // Simple hack for returning no results. $query->condition('status', 0); $query->condition('status', 1); watchdog('search_api', 'User @name tried to execute a search, but cannot access content.', array('@name' => theme('username', array('account' => $account))), WATCHDOG_NOTICE); return; } // Filter by the "published" status. $published = $is_comment ? COMMENT_PUBLISHED : NODE_PUBLISHED; if (!$is_comment && user_access('view own unpublished content')) { $filter = $query->createFilter('OR'); $filter->condition('status', $published); $filter->condition('author', $account->uid); $query->filter($filter); } else { $query->condition('status', $published); } // Filter by node access grants. $filter = $query->createFilter('OR'); $grants = node_access_grants('view', $account); foreach ($grants as $realm => $gids) { foreach ($gids as $gid) { $filter->condition('search_api_access_node', "node_access_$realm:$gid"); } } $filter->condition('search_api_access_node', 'node_access__all'); $query->filter($filter); } /** * Determines whether a field of the given type contains text data. * * Can also be used to find other types. * * @param string $type * The type for which to check. * @param array $allowed * Optionally, an array of allowed types. * * @return bool * TRUE if $type is either one of the specified types or a list of such * values. FALSE otherwise. * * @see search_api_extract_inner_type() */ function search_api_is_text_type($type, array $allowed = array('text')) { return array_search(search_api_extract_inner_type($type), $allowed) !== FALSE; } /** * Utility function for determining whether a field of the given type contains * a list of any kind. * * @param $type * A string containing the type to check. * * @return bool * TRUE iff $type is a list type ("list<*>"). */ function search_api_is_list_type($type) { return substr($type, 0, 5) == 'list<'; } /** * Utility function for determining the nesting level of a list type. * * @param $type * A string containing the type to check. * * @return int * The nesting level of the type. 0 for singular types, 1 for lists of * singular types, etc. */ function search_api_list_nesting_level($type) { $level = 0; while (search_api_is_list_type($type)) { $type = substr($type, 5, -1); ++$level; } return $level; } /** * Utility function for nesting a type to the same level as another type. * I.e., after $t = search_api_nest_type($type, $nested_type); is * executed, the following statements will always be true: * @code * search_api_list_nesting_level($t) == search_api_list_nesting_level($nested_type); * search_api_extract_inner_type($t) == search_api_extract_inner_type($type); * @endcode * * @param $type * The type to wrap. * @param $nested_type * Another type, determining the nesting level. * * @return string * A list version of $type, as specified above. */ function search_api_nest_type($type, $nested_type) { while (search_api_is_list_type($nested_type)) { $nested_type = substr($nested_type, 5, -1); $type = "list<$type>"; } return $type; } /** * Utility function for extracting the contained primitive type of a list type. * * @param $type * A string containing the list type to process. * * @return string * A string containing the primitive type contained within the list, e.g. * "text" for "list" (or for "list>"). If $type is no list * type, it is returned unchanged. */ function search_api_extract_inner_type($type) { while (search_api_is_list_type($type)) { $type = substr($type, 5, -1); } return $type; } /** * Helper function for reacting to index updates with regards to the datasource. * * When an overridden index is reverted, its numerical ID will sometimes change. * Since the default datasource implementation uses that for referencing * indexes, the index ID in the items table must be updated accordingly. This is * implemented in this function. * * Modules implementing other datasource controllers, that use a table other * than {search_api_item}, can use this function, too. It should be called * unconditionally in a hook_search_api_index_update() implementation. If this * function isn't used, similar code should be added there. * * However, note that this is only necessary (and this function should only be * called) if the indexes are referenced by numerical ID in the items table. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index that was changed. * @param string $table * The table containing items information, analogous to {search_api_item}. * @param string $column * The column in $table that holds the index's numerical ID. */ function search_api_index_update_datasource(SearchApiIndex $index, $table, $column = 'index_id') { if ($index->id != $index->original->id) { db_update($table) ->fields(array($column => $index->id)) ->condition($column, $index->original->id) ->execute(); } } /** * Extracts specific field values from an EntityMetadataWrapper object. * * @param EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper * The wrapper from which to extract fields. * @param array $fields * The fields to extract, as stored in an index. I.e., the array keys are * field names, the values are arrays with at least a "type" key present. * @param array $value_options * An array of options that should be passed to the * EntityMetadataWrapper::value() method (see there). * * @return array * The $fields array with additional "value" and "original_type" keys set. */ function search_api_extract_fields(EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper, array $fields, array $value_options = array()) { $value_options += array( 'identifier' => TRUE, ); // If $wrapper is a list of entities, we have to aggregate their field values. $wrapper_info = $wrapper->info(); if (search_api_is_list_type($wrapper_info['type'])) { foreach ($fields as &$info) { $info['value'] = array(); $info['original_type'] = $info['type']; } unset($info); try { foreach ($wrapper as $w) { $nested_fields = search_api_extract_fields($w, $fields, $value_options); foreach ($nested_fields as $field => $info) { if (isset($info['value'])) { $fields[$field]['value'][] = $info['value']; } if (isset($info['original_type'])) { $fields[$field]['original_type'] = $info['original_type']; } } } } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) { // Catch exceptions caused by not set list values. } return $fields; } $nested = array(); $entity_infos = entity_get_info(); foreach ($fields as $field => &$info) { $pos = strpos($field, ':'); if ($pos === FALSE) { // Set "defaults" in case an error occurs later. $info['value'] = NULL; $info['original_type'] = $info['type']; if (isset($wrapper->$field)) { try { // Set the original type according to the field wrapper's info. $property_info = $wrapper->$field->info(); $info['original_type'] = $property_info['type']; // Extract the basic value from the field wrapper. $info['value'] = $wrapper->$field->value($value_options); // For entities, we need to take care to differentiate between // entities with ID 0 and empty fields. In the latter case, the // wrapper's value() method returns, when called with "identifier = // TRUE", FALSE instead of the (more logical) NULL. $is_entity = isset($entity_infos[search_api_extract_inner_type($property_info['type'])]); if ($is_entity && $info['value'] === FALSE) { $info['value'] = NULL; } // If we index the field as fulltext, we also include the entity label // or option list label, if applicable. if (search_api_is_text_type($info['type']) && isset($info['value'])) { if ($wrapper->$field->optionsList('view')) { _search_api_add_option_values($info['value'], $wrapper->$field->optionsList('view')); } elseif ($is_entity) { $info['value'] = _search_api_extract_entity_value($wrapper->$field, TRUE); } } } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) { // This might happen for entity-typed properties that are NULL, e.g., // for comments without parent. } } } else { list($prefix, $key) = explode(':', $field, 2); $nested[$prefix][$key] = $info; } } unset($info); foreach ($nested as $prefix => $nested_fields) { if (isset($wrapper->$prefix)) { $nested_fields = search_api_extract_fields($wrapper->$prefix, $nested_fields, $value_options); foreach ($nested_fields as $field => $info) { $fields["$prefix:$field"] = $info; } } else { foreach ($nested_fields as &$info) { $info['value'] = NULL; $info['original_type'] = $info['type']; } } } return $fields; } /** * Helper method for adding additional text data to fields with an option list. */ function _search_api_add_option_values(&$value, array $options) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as &$v) { _search_api_add_option_values($v, $options); } return; } if (is_scalar($value) && isset($options[$value])) { $value .= ' ' . $options[$value]; } } /** * Helper method for extracting the ID (and possibly label) of an entity-valued field. */ function _search_api_extract_entity_value(EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper, $fulltext = FALSE) { $v = $wrapper->value(); if (is_array($v)) { $ret = array(); foreach ($wrapper as $item) { $values = _search_api_extract_entity_value($item, $fulltext); if ($values) { $ret[] = $values; } } return $ret; } if ($v) { $ret = $wrapper->getIdentifier(); if ($fulltext && ($label = $wrapper->label())) { $ret .= ' ' . $label; } return $ret; } return NULL; } /** * Load the search server with the specified id. * * @param $id * The search server's id. * @param $reset * Whether to reset the internal cache. * * @return SearchApiServer * An object representing the server with the specified id. */ function search_api_server_load($id, $reset = FALSE) { $ret = search_api_server_load_multiple(array($id), array(), $reset); return $ret ? reset($ret) : FALSE; } /** * Load multiple servers at once, determined by IDs or machine names, or by * other conditions. * * @see entity_load() * * @param array|false $ids * An array of server IDs or machine names, or FALSE to load all servers. * @param array $conditions * An array of conditions on the {search_api_server} table in the form * 'field' => $value. * @param bool $reset * Whether to reset the internal entity_load cache. * * @return SearchApiServer[] * An array of server objects keyed by machine name. */ function search_api_server_load_multiple($ids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) { $servers = entity_load('search_api_server', $ids, $conditions, $reset); return entity_key_array_by_property($servers, 'machine_name'); } /** * Entity uri callback. */ function search_api_server_url(SearchApiServer $server) { return array( 'path' => 'admin/config/search/search_api/server/' . $server->machine_name, 'options' => array(), ); } /** * Title callback for viewing or editing a server or index. */ function search_api_admin_item_title($object) { return $object->name; } /** * Title callback for determining which title should be displayed for the * "delete" local task. * * @param Entity $entity * The server or index for which the menu link is displayed. * * @return string * A translated version of either "Delete" or "Revert". */ function search_api_title_delete_page(Entity $entity) { return $entity->hasStatus(ENTITY_OVERRIDDEN) ? t('Revert') : t('Delete'); } /** * Determines whether the current user can disable a server or index. * * @param Entity $entity * The server or index for which the access to the "disable" page is checked. * * @return bool * TRUE if the "disable" page can be accessed by the user, FALSE otherwise. */ function search_api_access_disable_page(Entity $entity) { return user_access('administer search_api') && !empty($entity->enabled); } /** * Access callback for determining if a server's or index' "delete" page should * be accessible. * * @param Entity $entity * The server or index for which the access to the delete page is checked. * * @return bool * TRUE if the delete page can be accessed by the user, FALSE otherwise. */ function search_api_access_delete_page(Entity $entity) { return user_access('administer search_api') && $entity->hasStatus(ENTITY_CUSTOM); } /** * Determines whether a user can access a certain search server or index. * * Used as an access callback in search_api_entity_info(). */ function search_api_entity_access() { return user_access('administer search_api'); } /** * Inserts a new search server into the database. * * @param array $values * An array containing the values to be inserted. * * @return * The newly inserted server's id, or FALSE on error. */ function search_api_server_insert(array $values) { $server = entity_create('search_api_server', $values); $server->is_new = TRUE; $server->save(); return $server->id; } /** * Changes a server's settings. * * @param string|int $id * The ID or machine name of the server whose values should be changed. * @param array $fields * The new field values to set. The enabled field can't be set this way, use * search_api_server_enable() and search_api_server_disable() instead. * * @return int|false * 1 if fields were changed, 0 if the fields already had the desired values. * FALSE on failure. */ function search_api_server_edit($id, array $fields) { $server = search_api_server_load($id, TRUE); $ret = $server->update($fields); return $ret ? 1 : $ret; } /** * Enables a search server. * * Will also check for remembered tasks for this server and execute them. * * @param string|int $id * The ID or machine name of the server to enable. * * @return int|false * 1 on success, 0 or FALSE on failure. */ function search_api_server_enable($id) { $server = search_api_server_load($id, TRUE); $ret = $server->update(array('enabled' => 1)); return $ret ? 1 : $ret; } /** * Disables a search server. * * Will also disable all associated indexes and remove them from the server. * * @param string|int $id * The ID or machine name of the server to disable. * * @return int|false * 1 on success, 0 or FALSE on failure. */ function search_api_server_disable($id) { $server = search_api_server_load($id, TRUE); $ret = $server->update(array('enabled' => 0)); return $ret ? 1 : $ret; } /** * Clears a search server. * * Will delete all items stored on the server and mark all associated indexes * for re-indexing. * * @param int|string $id * The ID or machine name of the server to clear. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ function search_api_server_clear($id) { $server = search_api_server_load($id); $success = TRUE; foreach (search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, array('server' => $server->machine_name)) as $index) { $success &= $index->reindex(); } if ($success) { $server->deleteItems(); } return $success; } /** * Deletes a search server and disables all associated indexes. * * @param $id * The ID or machine name of the server to delete. * * @return int|false * 1 on success, 0 or FALSE on failure. */ function search_api_server_delete($id) { $server = search_api_server_load($id, TRUE); $server->delete(); return 1; } /** * Loads the Search API index with the specified id. * * @param $id * The index' id. * @param $reset * Whether to reset the internal cache. * * @return SearchApiIndex|false * A completely loaded index object, or FALSE if no such index exists. */ function search_api_index_load($id, $reset = FALSE) { $ret = search_api_index_load_multiple(array($id), array(), $reset); return reset($ret); } /** * Load multiple indexes at once, determined by IDs or machine names, or by * other conditions. * * @see entity_load() * * @param array|false $ids * An array of index IDs or machine names, or FALSE to load all indexes. * @param array $conditions * An array of conditions on the {search_api_index} table in the form * 'field' => $value. * @param bool $reset * Whether to reset the internal entity_load cache. * * @return SearchApiIndex[] * An array of index objects keyed by machine name. */ function search_api_index_load_multiple($ids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) { // This line is a workaround for a weird PDO bug in PHP 5.2. // See http://drupal.org/node/889286. new SearchApiIndex(); $indexes = entity_load('search_api_index', $ids, $conditions, $reset); return entity_key_array_by_property($indexes, 'machine_name'); } /** * Determines a search index' indexing status. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index whose indexing status should be determined. * * @return array * An associative array containing two keys (in this order): * - indexed: The number of items already indexed in their latest version. * - total: The total number of items that have to be indexed for this index. */ function search_api_index_status(SearchApiIndex $index) { return $index->datasource()->getIndexStatus($index); } /** * Entity uri callback. */ function search_api_index_url(SearchApiIndex $index) { return array( 'path' => 'admin/config/search/search_api/index/' . $index->machine_name, 'options' => array(), ); } /** * Returns an index's server. * * Used as a property getter callback for the index's "server_entity" prioperty * in search_api_entity_property_info(). * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index whose server should be returned. * * @return SearchApiServer|null * The server this index currently resides on, or NULL if the index is * currently unassigned. */ function search_api_index_get_server(SearchApiIndex $index) { try { return $index->server(); } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); return NULL; } } /** * Returns an options list for the "status" property. * * Used as an options list callback in search_api_entity_property_info(). * * @return array * An array of options, as defined by hook_options_list(). */ function search_api_status_options_list() { return array( ENTITY_CUSTOM => t('Custom'), ENTITY_IN_CODE => t('Default'), ENTITY_OVERRIDDEN => t('Overridden'), ENTITY_FIXED => t('Fixed'), ); } /** * Inserts a new search index into the database. * * @param array $values * An array containing the values to be inserted. * * @return * The newly inserted index' id, or FALSE on error. */ function search_api_index_insert(array $values) { $index = entity_create('search_api_index', $values); $index->is_new = TRUE; $index->save(); return $index->id; } /** * Changes an index' settings. * * @param int|string $id * The edited index' ID or machine name. * @param array $fields * The new field values to set. * * @return int|false * 1 if fields were changed, 0 if the fields already had the desired values. * FALSE on failure. */ function search_api_index_edit($id, array $fields) { $index = search_api_index_load($id, TRUE); $ret = $index->update($fields); return $ret ? 1 : $ret; } /** * Changes an index' indexed field settings. * * @param int|string $id * The ID or machine name of the index whose fields should be changed. * @param array $fields * The new indexed field settings. * * @return int|false * 1 if the field settings were changed, 0 if they already had the desired * values. FALSE on failure. */ function search_api_index_edit_fields($id, array $fields) { $index = search_api_index_load($id, TRUE); $options = $index->options; $options['fields'] = $fields; $ret = $index->update(array('options' => $options)); return $ret ? 1 : $ret; } /** * Enables a search index. * * @param string|int $id * The ID or machine name of the index to enable. * * @return int|false * 1 on success, 0 or FALSE on failure. * * @throws SearchApiException * If the index's server doesn't exist. */ function search_api_index_enable($id) { $index = search_api_index_load($id, TRUE); $ret = $index->update(array('enabled' => 1)); return $ret ? 1 : $ret; } /** * Disables a search index. * * @param string|int $id * The ID or machine name of the index to disable. * * @return int|false * 1 on success, 0 or FALSE on failure. * * @throws SearchApiException * If the index's server doesn't exist. */ function search_api_index_disable($id) { $index = search_api_index_load($id, TRUE); $ret = $index->update(array('enabled' => 0)); return $ret ? 1 : $ret; } /** * Schedules a search index for re-indexing. * * @param $id * The ID or machine name of the index to re-index. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ function search_api_index_reindex($id) { $index = search_api_index_load($id); return $index->reindex(); } /** * Helper method for marking all items on an index as needing re-indexing. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index whose items should be re-indexed. */ function _search_api_index_reindex(SearchApiIndex $index) { $index->datasource()->trackItemChange(FALSE, array($index), TRUE); } /** * Clears a search index and schedules all of its items for re-indexing. * * @param $id * The ID or machine name of the index to clear. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ function search_api_index_clear($id) { $index = search_api_index_load($id); return $index->clear(); } /** * Deletes a search index. * * @param $id * The ID or machine name of the index to delete. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ function search_api_index_delete($id) { $index = search_api_index_load($id); if (!$index) { return FALSE; } $index->delete(); return TRUE; } /** * Sanitizes field values returned from the server. * * @param array $values * The field values, as returned from the server. See * SearchApiQueryInterface::execute() for documentation on the structure. * * @return array * An associative array of field IDs mapped to their sanitized values (scalar * or array-valued). */ function search_api_get_sanitized_field_values(array $values) { // Sanitize the field values returned from the server. Usually we use // check_plain(), but this can be overridden by setting the field value to // an array with "#value" and "#sanitize_callback" keys. foreach ($values as $field_id => $field_value) { if (is_array($field_value) && isset($field_value['#sanitize_callback']) && ($field_value['#sanitize_callback'] === FALSE || is_callable($field_value['#sanitize_callback'])) && array_key_exists('#value', $field_value) ) { $sanitize_callback = $field_value['#sanitize_callback']; $field_value = $field_value['#value']; } else { $sanitize_callback = 'check_plain'; } if ($sanitize_callback !== FALSE) { $field_value = search_api_sanitize_field_value($field_value, $sanitize_callback); } $values[$field_id] = $field_value; } return $values; } /** * Sanitizes the given field value(s). * * @param mixed $field_value * A scalar field value, or an array of field values. * @param callable $sanitize_callback * (optional) The callback to use for sanitizing a scalar value. * * @return mixed * The sanitized field value(s). */ function search_api_sanitize_field_value($field_value, $sanitize_callback = 'check_plain') { if ($field_value === NULL) { return $field_value; } if (is_scalar($field_value)) { return call_user_func($sanitize_callback, $field_value); } foreach ($field_value as &$nested_value) { $nested_value = search_api_sanitize_field_value($nested_value, $sanitize_callback); } return $field_value; } /** * Options list callback for search indexes. * * @return array * An array of search index machine names mapped to their human-readable * names. */ function search_api_index_options_list() { $ret = array( NULL => '- ' . t('All') . ' -', ); foreach (search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE) as $id => $index) { $ret[$id] = $index->name; } return $ret; } /** * Options list callback for entity types. * * Will only include entity types which specify entity property information. * * @return string[] * An array of entity type machine names mapped to their human-readable * names. */ function search_api_entity_type_options_list() { $types = array(); foreach (array_keys(entity_get_property_info()) as $type) { $info = entity_get_info($type); if ($info) { $types[$type] = $info['label']; } } return $types; } /** * Options list callback for entity type bundles. * * Will include all bundles for all entity types which specify entity property * information, in a format combining both entity type and bundle. * * @return string[] * An array of bundle identifiers mapped to their human-readable names. */ function search_api_combined_bundle_options_list() { $types = array(); foreach (array_keys(entity_get_property_info()) as $type) { $info = entity_get_info($type); if (!empty($info['bundles'])) { foreach ($info['bundles'] as $bundle => $bundle_info) { $types["$type:$bundle"] = $bundle_info['label']; } } } return $types; } /** * Retrieves a human-readable label for a multi-type index item. * * Provided as a non-object alternative to * SearchApiCombinedEntityDataSourceController::getItemLabel() so it can be used * as a getter callback. * * @param object $item * An item of the "multiple" item type. * * @return string|null * Either a human-readable label for the item, or NULL if none is available. */ function search_api_get_multi_type_item_label($item) { $label = entity_label($item->item_type, $item->{$item->item_type}); return $label ? $label : NULL; } /** * Shutdown function which indexes all queued items, if any. */ function _search_api_index_queued_items() { $queue = &search_api_index_specific_items_delayed(); try { if ($queue) { $indexes = search_api_index_load_multiple(array_keys($queue)); foreach ($indexes as $index_id => $index) { search_api_index_specific_items($index, $queue[$index_id]); } } // Reset the queue so we don't index the items twice by accident. $queue = array(); } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); } } /** * Helper function to be used as a "property info alter" callback. * * If a wrapped entity is passed to this function, all its available properties * and fields, regardless of bundle, are added to the wrapper. */ function _search_api_wrapper_add_all_properties(EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper, array $property_info) { if ($properties = entity_get_all_property_info($wrapper->type())) { $property_info['properties'] = $properties; } return $property_info; } /** * Helper function for converting data to a custom type. */ function _search_api_convert_custom_type($callback, $value, $original_type, $type, $nesting_level) { if ($nesting_level == 0) { return call_user_func($callback, $value, $original_type, $type); } if (!is_array($value)) { return NULL; } --$nesting_level; $values = array(); foreach ($value as $v) { $v = _search_api_convert_custom_type($callback, $v, $original_type, $type, $nesting_level); if (isset($v) && !(is_array($v) && !$v)) { $values[] = $v; } } return $values; } /** * Determines the number of items indexed on a server for a certain index. * * Used as a helper function in search_api_admin_index_view(). * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index * * @return int * The number of items found on the server for this index, if the latter is * enabled. 0 otherwise. * * @throws SearchApiException * If an error prevented the search from completing. */ function _search_api_get_items_on_server(SearchApiIndex $index) { if (!$index->enabled) { return 0; } // We want the raw count, without facets or other filters. Therefore we don't // use the query's execute() method but pass it straight to the server for // evaluation. Since this circumvents the normal preprocessing, which sets the // fields (on which some service classes might even rely when there are no // keywords), we set them manually here. $query = $index->query() ->fields(array()) ->range(0, 0); $response = $index->server()->search($query); return $response['result count']; } /** * Returns a deep copy of the input array. * * The behavior of PHP regarding arrays with references pointing to it is rather * weird. Therefore, we use this helper function in theme_search_api_index() to * create safe copies of such arrays. * * @param array $array * The array to copy. * * @return array * A deep copy of the array. */ function _search_api_deep_copy(array $array) { $copy = array(); foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { $copy[$k] = _search_api_deep_copy($v); } elseif (is_object($v)) { $copy[$k] = clone $v; } elseif ($v) { $copy[$k] = $v; } } return $copy; } /** * Reacts to a change in the bundle of an entity. * * Used as a helper function in search_api_entity_update(). * * @param $type * The entity's type. * @param $id * The entity's ID. * @param $old_bundle * The entity's previous bundle. * @param $new_bundle * The entity's new bundle. */ function _search_api_entity_datasource_bundle_change($type, $id, $old_bundle, $new_bundle) { $controller = search_api_get_datasource_controller($type); $conditions = array( 'enabled' => 1, 'item_type' => $type, 'read_only' => 0, ); foreach (search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, $conditions) as $index) { if (!empty($index->options['datasource']['bundles'])) { $bundles = drupal_map_assoc($index->options['datasource']['bundles']); if (empty($bundles[$new_bundle]) != empty($bundles[$old_bundle])) { if (empty($bundles[$new_bundle])) { $controller->trackItemDelete(array($id), array($index)); } else { $controller->trackItemInsert(array($id), array($index)); } } } } } /** * Creates and sets a batch for indexing items. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index for which items should be indexed. * @param int $batch_size * Number of items to index per batch. * @param int $limit * Maximum number of items to index. Negative values mean "no limit". * @param int $remaining * Remaining items to index. * @param bool $drush * Boolean specifying whether this was called from drush or not. * * @return bool * Whether the batch was created and set successfully. */ function _search_api_batch_indexing_create(SearchApiIndex $index, $batch_size, $limit, $remaining, $drush = FALSE) { if ($limit !== 0 && $batch_size !== 0) { $t = !empty($drush) ? 'dt' : 't'; if ($limit < 0 || $limit > $remaining) { $limit = $remaining; } if ($batch_size < 0) { $batch_size = $remaining; } $batch = array( 'title' => $t('Indexing items'), 'operations' => array( array('_search_api_batch_indexing_callback', array($index, $batch_size, $limit, $drush)), ), 'progress_message' => $t('Completed about @percentage% of the indexing operation.'), 'finished' => '_search_api_batch_indexing_finished', 'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'search_api') . '/search_api.module', ); batch_set($batch); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Batch API callback for the indexing functionality. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index for which items should be indexed. * @param integer $batch_size * Number of items to index per batch. * @param integer $limit * Maximum number of items to index. * @param boolean $drush * Boolean specifying whether this was called from drush or not. * @param $context * An array (or object implementing ArrayAccess) containing the batch context. */ function _search_api_batch_indexing_callback(SearchApiIndex $index, $batch_size, $limit, $drush = FALSE, &$context) { // Persistent data among batch runs. if (!isset($context['sandbox']['limit'])) { $context['sandbox']['limit'] = $limit; $context['sandbox']['batch_size'] = $batch_size; $context['sandbox']['progress'] = 0; } // Persistent data for results. if (!isset($context['results']['indexed'])) { $context['results']['indexed'] = 0; $context['results']['not indexed'] = 0; $context['results']['drush'] = $drush; } // Number of items to index for this run. $to_index = min($context['sandbox']['limit'] - $context['sandbox']['progress'], $context['sandbox']['batch_size']); // Index the items. try { $indexed = search_api_index_items($index, $to_index); $context['results']['indexed'] += $indexed; } catch (SearchApiException $e) { watchdog_exception('search_api', $e); $vars['@message'] = $e->getMessage(); $context['message'] = t('An error occurred during indexing: @message.', $vars); $context['finished'] = 1; $context['results']['not indexed'] += $context['sandbox']['limit'] - $context['sandbox']['progress']; return; } // Display progress message. if ($indexed > 0) { $format_plural = $context['results']['drush'] === TRUE ? '_search_api_drush_format_plural' : 'format_plural'; $context['message'] = $format_plural($context['results']['indexed'], 'Successfully indexed 1 item.', 'Successfully indexed @count items.'); } // Some items couldn't be indexed. if ($indexed !== $to_index) { $context['results']['not indexed'] += $to_index - $indexed; } $context['sandbox']['progress'] += $to_index; // Everything has been indexed. if ($indexed === 0 || $context['sandbox']['progress'] >= $context['sandbox']['limit']) { $context['finished'] = 1; } else { $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['progress'] / $context['sandbox']['limit']; } } /** * Batch API finishing callback for the indexing functionality. * * @param boolean $success * Whether the batch finished successfully. * @param array $results * Detailed information about the result. */ function _search_api_batch_indexing_finished($success, $results) { // Check if called from drush. if (!empty($results['drush'])) { $drupal_set_message = 'drush_log'; $format_plural = '_search_api_drush_format_plural'; $t = 'dt'; $success_message = 'success'; } else { $drupal_set_message = 'drupal_set_message'; $format_plural = 'format_plural'; $t = 't'; $success_message = 'status'; } // Display result messages. if ($success) { if (!empty($results['indexed'])) { $drupal_set_message($format_plural($results['indexed'], 'Successfully indexed 1 item.', 'Successfully indexed @count items.'), $success_message); if (!empty($results['not indexed'])) { $drupal_set_message($format_plural($results['not indexed'], '1 item could not be indexed. Check the logs for details.', '@count items could not be indexed. Check the logs for details.'), 'warning'); } } else { $drupal_set_message($t("Couldn't index items. Check the logs for details."), 'error'); } } else { $drupal_set_message($t("An error occurred while trying to index items. Check the logs for details."), 'error'); } }