'Limit on the length of each migration process, expressed in seconds or number of items', 'feedback' => 'Frequency of progress messages, in seconds or items processed', 'idlist' => 'A comma delimited list of ids to import or rollback. If unspecified, migrate imports all pending items or rolls back all items for the content set.', 'all' => 'Process all migrations that come after the specified migration. If no value is supplied, all migrations are processed.', 'instrument' => 'Capture performance information (timer, memory, or all)', 'force' => 'Force an operation to run, even if all dependencies are not satisfied', 'group' => 'Name of the migration group to run', 'notify' => 'Send email notification upon completion of operation', 'wildcard' => 'Process migrations that match a certain pattern. For example, Content*.', ); $items['migrate-status'] = array( 'description' => 'List all migrations with current status.', 'options' => array( 'refresh' => 'Recognize new migrations and update counts', 'group' => 'Name of the migration group to list', 'names-only' => 'Only return names, not all the details (faster)', ), 'arguments' => array( 'migration' => 'Restrict to a single migration. Optional', ), 'examples' => array( 'migrate-status' => 'Retrieve status for all migrations', 'migrate-status BeerNode' => 'Retrieve status for just one migration', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('ms'), ); $items['migrate-fields-destination'] = array( 'description' => 'List the fields available for mapping in a destination.', 'options' => array( 'all' => $migration_options['all'], 'group' => $migration_options['group'], ), 'arguments' => array( 'migration' => 'Name of the migration or destination class to query for fields', ), 'examples' => array( 'migrate-fields-destination MyNode' => 'List fields for the destination in the MyNode migration', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('mfd'), ); $items['migrate-fields-source'] = array( 'description' => 'List the fields available for mapping from a source.', 'arguments' => array( 'migration' => 'Name of the migration or destination class to query for fields', ), 'options' => array( 'all' => $migration_options['all'], 'group' => $migration_options['group'], ), 'examples' => array( 'migrate-fields-destination MyNode' => 'List fields in the source query for the MyNode migration', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('mfs'), ); $items['migrate-mappings'] = array( 'description' => 'View information on all field mappings in a migration.', 'options' => array( 'all' => $migration_options['all'], 'group' => $migration_options['group'], 'csv' => 'Export information as a CSV', 'full' => 'Include more information on each mapping', ), 'arguments' => array( 'migration' => 'Name of the migration', ), 'examples' => array( 'migrate-mappings MyNode' => 'Show mappings for the MyNode migration', 'migrate-mappings MyNode --csv --full' => 'Export full mapping information in CSV format', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('mm'), ); $items['migrate-messages'] = array( 'description' => 'View any messages associated with a migration.', 'options' => array( 'csv' => 'Export messages as a CSV', ), 'arguments' => array( 'migration' => 'Name of the migration', ), 'examples' => array( 'migrate-messages MyNode' => 'Show all messages for the MyNode migration', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('mmsg'), ); $items['migrate-analyze'] = array( 'description' => 'Analyze the source fields for a migration.', 'options' => array( 'all' => $migration_options['all'], 'group' => $migration_options['group'], ), 'arguments' => array( 'migration' => 'Name of the migration', ), 'examples' => array( 'migrate-analyze MyNode' => 'Report on field values for the MyNode migration', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('maz'), ); $items['migrate-audit'] = array( 'description' => 'View information on problems in a migration.', 'options' => array( 'all' => $migration_options['all'], 'group' => $migration_options['group'], ), 'arguments' => array( 'migration' => 'Name of the migration', ), 'examples' => array( 'migrate-audit MyNode' => 'Report on problems in the MyNode migration', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('ma'), ); $items['migrate-rollback'] = array( 'description' => 'Roll back the destination objects from a given migration', 'options' => $migration_options, 'arguments' => array( 'migration' => 'Name of migration(s) to roll back. Delimit multiple using commas.', ), 'examples' => array( 'migrate-rollback Article' => 'Roll back the article migration', 'migrate-rollback Article --idlist=4,9' => 'Roll back two articles. The ids refer to the value of the primary key in base table', 'migrate-rollback User --limit="50 items"' => 'Roll back up to 50 items from the migration named User', 'migrate-rollback User --feedback="60 seconds"' => 'Display a progress message every 60 seconds or less', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('mr'), ); $migration_options['update'] = 'In addition to processing unprocessed items from the source, update previously-imported items with new data'; $migration_options['needs-update'] = 'Reimport up to 10K records where needs_update=1. This option is only needed when your Drupal DB is on a different DB server from your source data. Otherwise, these records get migrated with just migrate-import.'; $migration_options['stop'] = 'Stop specified migration(s) if applicable.'; $migration_options['rollback'] = 'Rollback specified migration(s) if applicable.'; $migration_options['file_function'] = 'Override file function to use when migrating images.'; $migration_options['ignore-highwater'] = 'Ignore the highwater field during migration'; $items['migrate-import'] = array( 'description' => 'Perform one or more migration processes', 'options' => $migration_options, 'arguments' => array( 'migration' => 'Name of migration(s) to import. Delimit multiple using commas.', ), 'examples' => array( 'migrate-import Article' => 'Import new articles', 'migrate-import Article --update' => 'Import new items, and also update previously-imported items', 'migrate-import Article --idlist=4,9' => 'Import two specific articles. The ids refer to the value of the primary key in base table', 'migrate-import Article --idlist=450:pasta,451' => 'Import two specific articles. A colon can be used to separate parts of compound keys; otherwise, compound keys match by the first key field.', 'migrate-import Article --limit="60 seconds" --stop --rollback' => 'Import for up to 60 seconds after stopping and rolling back the Article migration.', 'migrate-import Article --limit="100 items"' => 'Import up to 100 items from the migration named Article.', 'migrate-import User --feedback="1000 items"' => 'Display a progress message every 1000 processed items or less', 'migrate-import --all=User' => 'Perform User migrations and all that follow it.', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('mi'), ); $items['migrate-stop'] = array( 'description' => 'Stop an active migration operation', 'options' => array( 'all' => 'Stop all active migration operations', 'group' => 'Name of a specific migration group to stop', ), 'arguments' => array( 'migration' => 'Name of migration to stop', ), 'examples' => array( 'migrate-stop Article' => 'Stop any active operation on the Article migration', 'migrate-stop --all' => 'Stop all active migration operations', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('mst'), ); $items['migrate-reset-status'] = array( 'description' => 'Reset a active migration\'s status to idle', 'options' => array('all' => 'Reset all active migration operations'), 'arguments' => array( 'migration' => 'Name of migration to reset', ), 'examples' => array( 'migrate-reset-status Article' => 'Reset any active operation on the Article migration', 'migrate-reset-status --all' => 'Reset all active migration operations', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('mrs'), ); $items['migrate-deregister'] = array( 'description' => 'Remove all tracking of a migration', 'options' => array( 'orphans' => 'Remove tracking for any migrations whose implementing class no longer exists', 'group' => 'Remove tracking of a migration group, and any migrations assigned to it', ), 'arguments' => array( 'migration' => 'Name of migration to deregister', ), 'examples' => array( 'migrate-deregister Article' => 'Deregister the Article migration', 'migrate-deregister --orphans' => 'Deregister any no-longer-implemented migrations', 'migrate-deregister --group=myblog' => 'Deregister the myblog group and all migrations within it', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('mdreg'), ); $items['migrate-auto-register'] = array( 'description' => 'Register any newly defined migration classes', 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('mar'), ); $items['migrate-register'] = array( 'description' => 'Register or reregister any statically defined migrations', 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('mreg'), ); $items['migrate-wipe'] = array( 'description' => 'Delete all nodes from specified content types.', 'examples' => array( "migrate-wipe story article" => 'Delete all story and article nodes.', ), 'arguments' => array( 'type' => 'A space delimited list of content type machine readable Ids.', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array('migrate'), 'aliases' => array('mw'), ); return $items; } /** * Get the value of all migrate related options. Used when spawning a subshell. * Don't pass along all, stop, update, and rollback options. * * @return * An array of command specific options and their values. */ function drush_migrate_get_options() { $options = array(); $blacklist = array('stop', 'rollback', 'update', 'all', 'group'); $command = drush_parse_command(); $global_options = drush_get_global_options(); $opts = array_merge($command['options'], $global_options); foreach ($opts as $key => $value) { // Strip leading -- $key = ltrim($key, '-'); if (!in_array($key, $blacklist)) { $value = drush_get_option($key); if (isset($value)) { $options[$key] = $value; } } } return $options; } /* * Spawn a subshell which runs the same command we are currently running. */ function drush_migrate_invoke_process($migrations = '') { $args = drush_get_arguments(); $options = drush_migrate_get_options(); if (intval(DRUSH_MAJOR_VERSION) < 4) { // @todo: use drush_backend_invoke_args() as per http://drupal.org/node/658420. return drush_backend_invoke(implode(' ', $args), $options); } else { // $args[0] is the command name, $args[1] is the list of migrations. if (empty($migrations)) { $command_args = array($args[1]); } else { $command_args = array($migrations); } $return = drush_invoke_process('@self', $args[0], $command_args, $options); return $return; } } /** * A simplified version of the dashboard page. */ function drush_migrate_status($name = NULL) { try { $refresh = drush_get_option('refresh'); $group_option = drupal_strtolower(drush_get_option('group')); $names_only = drush_get_option('names-only'); // Validate input and load Migration(s). if ($name) { if ($migration = MigrationBase::getInstance($name)) { $migrations = array($migration); } else { return drush_set_error(dt('Unrecognized migration: !cn', array('!cn' => $name))); } } else { $migrations = migrate_migrations(); } $groups = MigrateGroup::groups(); $table = array(); foreach ($groups as $group) { if ($group_option && drupal_strtolower($group->getName()) != $group_option) { continue; } $group_members_count = 0; foreach ($migrations as $migration) { if ($migration->getGroup() != $group) { // This migration is not from this group. continue; } ++$group_members_count; if ($group_members_count == 1) { // An empty line and the headers. $table[] = array(''); if ($names_only) { $table[] = array( dt('Group: !name', array('!name' => $group->getName())), ); } else { $table[] = array( dt('Group: !name', array('!name' => $group->getName())), dt('Total'), dt('Imported'), dt('Unprocessed'), dt('Status'), dt('Last imported'), ); } } if (!$names_only) { $has_counts = TRUE; if (method_exists($migration, 'sourceCount')) { $total = $migration->sourceCount($refresh); if ($total < 0) { $has_counts = FALSE; $total = dt('N/A'); } } else { $has_counts = FALSE; $total = dt('N/A'); } if (method_exists($migration, 'importedCount')) { $imported = $migration->importedCount(); $processed = $migration->processedCount(); } else { $has_counts = FALSE; $imported = dt('N/A'); } if ($has_counts) { $unimported = $total - $processed; } else { $unimported = dt('N/A'); } $status = $migration->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case MigrationBase::STATUS_IDLE: $status = dt('Idle'); break; case MigrationBase::STATUS_IMPORTING: $status = dt('Importing'); break; case MigrationBase::STATUS_ROLLING_BACK: $status = dt('Rolling back'); break; case MigrationBase::STATUS_STOPPING: $status = dt('Stopping'); break; case MigrationBase::STATUS_DISABLED: $status = dt('Disabled'); break; default: $status = dt('Unknown'); break; } $table[] = array( $migration->getMachineName(), $total, $imported, $unimported, $status, $migration->getLastImported(), ); } else { $table[] = array($migration->getMachineName()); } } } drush_print_table($table); } catch (MigrateException $e) { drush_print($e->getMessage()); exit; } } // TODO: Use drush_choice for detailed field info function drush_migrate_fields_destination($args = NULL) { try { $migrations = drush_migrate_get_migrations($args); foreach ($migrations as $name => $migration) { drush_print("\n" . dt('@migration Destination Fields', array('@migration' => $name)) . "\n"); $destination = $migration->getDestination(); if (method_exists($destination, 'fields')) { $table = array(); foreach ($destination->fields($migration) as $machine_name => $description) { $table[] = array(strip_tags($description), $machine_name); } drush_print_table($table); } else { drush_print(dt('No fields were found.')); } } } catch (MigrateException $e) { drush_print($e->getMessage()); exit; } } function drush_migrate_fields_source($args = NULL) { try { $migrations = drush_migrate_get_migrations($args); foreach ($migrations as $name => $migration) { drush_print("\n" . dt('@migration Source Fields', array('@migration' => $name)) . "\n"); $source = $migration->getSource(); if (method_exists($source, 'fields')) { $table = array(); foreach ($source->fields() as $machine_name => $description) { $table[] = array(strip_tags($description), $machine_name); } drush_print_table($table); } else { drush_print(dt('No fields were found.')); } } } catch (MigrateException $e) { drush_print($e->getMessage()); exit; } } /** * Display field mappings for a migration. */ function drush_migrate_mappings($args = NULL) { try { $full = drush_get_option('full'); $migrations = drush_migrate_get_migrations($args); foreach ($migrations as $name => $migration) { drush_print("\n" . dt('@migration Mappings', array('@migration' => $name)) . "\n"); // In verbose mode, we'll also get source and destination field descriptions if ($full) { $destination = $migration->getDestination(); $dest_descriptions = array(); if (method_exists($destination, 'fields')) { foreach ($destination->fields($migration) as $machine_name => $description) { if (is_array($description)) { $description = reset($description); } $dest_descriptions[$machine_name] = strip_tags($description); } } $source = $migration->getSource(); $src_descriptions = array(); if (method_exists($source, 'fields')) { foreach ($source->fields() as $machine_name => $description) { if (is_array($description)) { $description = reset($description); } $src_descriptions[$machine_name] = strip_tags($description); } } } if (method_exists($migration, 'getFieldMappings')) { // First group the mappings. We want "interesting" mappings first, so // put the boring Done and DNM mappings last. $descriptions = array(); $done = array(); $dnm = array(); foreach ($migration->getFieldMappings() as $mapping) { $group = $mapping->getIssueGroup(); $lowergroup = drupal_strtolower($group); if ($lowergroup == dt('done')) { $done[$group][] = $mapping; } elseif ($lowergroup == dt('dnm') || $lowergroup == dt('do not migrate')) { $dnm[$group][] = $mapping; } else { $descriptions[$group][] = $mapping; } } $descriptions = array_merge($descriptions, $done, $dnm); // Put out each group header $table = array(); if ($full) { $table[] = array( dt('Destination'), dt(''), dt('Source'), dt(''), dt('Default'), dt('Description'), ); } else { $table[] = array( dt('Destination'), dt('Source'), dt('Default'), dt('Description'), ); } $first = TRUE; foreach ($descriptions as $group => $mappings) { if ($first) { $first = FALSE; } else { $table[] = array(' '); } // Attempt to highlight the group header a bit so it stands out $group_header = '--- ' . drupal_strtoupper($group) . ' ---'; $table[] = array($group_header); foreach ($mappings as $mapping) { if (is_array($mapping->getDefaultValue())) { $default = implode(',', $mapping->getDefaultValue()); } else { $default = $mapping->getDefaultValue(); } $destination = $mapping->getDestinationField(); $source = $mapping->getSourceField(); if ($full) { if ($destination && $dest_descriptions[$destination]) { $dest_description = $dest_descriptions[$destination]; } else { $dest_description = ''; } if ($source && $src_descriptions[$source]) { $src_description = $src_descriptions[$source]; } else { $src_description = ''; } $table[] = array( $destination, $dest_description, $source, $src_description, $default, $mapping->getDescription(), ); } else { $table[] = array( $destination, $source, $default, $mapping->getDescription(), ); } } } if (drush_get_option('csv')) { foreach ($table as $row) { fputcsv(STDOUT, $row); } } else { drush_print_table($table, TRUE); } } } } catch (MigrateException $e) { drush_print($e->getMessage()); exit; } } /** * Display messages for a migration. */ function drush_migrate_messages($migration_name) { if (!trim($migration_name)) { drush_log(dt('You must specify a migration name'), 'status'); return; } try { $migration = MigrationBase::getInstance($migration_name); if (is_a($migration, 'Migration')) { $map = $migration->getMap(); $message_table = $map->getMessageTable(); $result = db_select($message_table, 'msg', array('fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) ->fields('msg') ->execute(); $first = TRUE; $table = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { unset($row['msgid']); unset($row['level']); if ($first) { $table[] = array_keys($row); $first = FALSE; } $table[] = $row; } } if (empty($table)) { drush_log(dt('No messages for this migration'), 'status'); } else { if (drush_get_option('csv')) { foreach ($table as $row) { fputcsv(STDOUT, $row); } } else { $widths = array(); foreach ($table[0] as $header) { $widths[] = strlen($header) + 1; } drush_print_table($table, TRUE, $widths); } } } catch (MigrateException $e) { drush_print($e->getMessage()); exit; } } /** * Analyze the source fields for any passed migrations. */ function drush_migrate_analyze($args = NULL) { $migrations = drush_migrate_get_migrations($args); foreach ($migrations as $name => $migration) { // "Migrations" derived from MigrationBase won't have an analyze method. if (method_exists($migration, 'analyze')) { drush_print("\n" . dt('Analyzing @migration', array('@migration' => $name)) . "\n"); $analysis = $migration->analyze(); if (!empty($analysis)) { foreach ($analysis as $field_name => $details) { if (!empty($details['description'])) { drush_print(dt('@name (@description):', array( '@name' => $field_name, '@description' => $details['description'], ))); } else { drush_print(dt('@name:', array('@name' => $field_name))); } // Special handling in degenerate cases if (count($details['distinct_values']) == 1) { $value = trim(reset(array_keys($details['distinct_values']))); if ($value === '') { drush_print(' ' . dt('The field is always empty')); } else { drush_print(' ' . dt('Only one value present: @value', array('@value' => $value))); } } else { if ($details['is_numeric']) { drush_print(' ' . dt('Numeric field with a range of @min to @max', array( '@min' => $details['min_numeric'], '@max' => $details['max_numeric'], ))); } else { drush_print(' ' . dt('String field with a length ranging from @min to @max', array( '@min' => $details['min_strlen'], '@max' => $details['max_strlen'], ))); } $values = array(); $header = NULL; // If the max of 10 tracked distinct values was reached, we assume // there are many values and treat them as samples. Under 10 this // may be an enumerated field, show all values with their counts. if (count($details['distinct_values']) < 10) { drush_print(' ' . dt('Distinct values:')); $header = array('', dt('Value'), dt('Count')); $values[] = $header; } else { drush_print(' ' . dt('Sample values:')); } ksort($details['distinct_values']); foreach ($details['distinct_values'] as $value => $count) { // Truncate long strings $value = substr($value, 0, 60); if (strlen($value) == 60) { $value .= dt('...'); } $row = array(' ', $value); if (count($details['distinct_values']) < 10) { $row[] = $count; } $values[] = $row; } // No header for sample values. drush_print_table($values, !is_null($header)); } } } } } } /** * Display field mappings for a migration. */ function drush_migrate_audit($args = NULL) { try { $problem_descriptions = array( 'wtf' => dt("Probably an incomplete migration:"), 'noted_issues' => dt("Noted as an issue:"), // I wish drush had dformat_plural(). 'sources_unmapped' => dt("Source(s) not used in a mapping:"), 'sources_missing' => dt("Used as source field in mapping but not in source field list:"), 'destinations_unmapped' => dt("Destination(s) not used in a mapping:"), 'destinations_missing' => dt("Used as destination field in mapping but not in destination field list:"), ); drush_print("Auditing migrations"); $migrations = drush_migrate_get_migrations($args); foreach ($migrations as $name => $migration) { $problems = array(); foreach ($problem_descriptions as $key => $description) { $problems[$key] = array(); } drush_print("\n" . dt('@migration', array('@migration' => $name)) . "\n"); if (!method_exists($migration, 'getSource') || !($source = $migration->getSource())) { $problems['wtf'][] = dt('Missing a source'); $source_fields = array(); } else { $source_fields = $source->fields(); } if (!method_exists($migration, 'getDestination') || !($destination = $migration->getDestination())) { $problems['wtf'][] = dt('Missing a destination'); $destination_fields = array(); } else { $destination_fields = $destination->fields($migration); } if (!method_exists($migration, 'getFieldMappings')) { $problems['wtf'][] = dt('Missing field mappings'); $field_mappings = array(); } else { $field_mappings = $migration->getFieldMappings(); } $used_sources = array(); $used_destinations = array(); foreach ($field_mappings as $mapping) { $source_field = $mapping->getSourceField(); $destination_field = $mapping->getDestinationField(); $used_sources[$source_field] = TRUE; $used_destinations[$destination_field] = TRUE; $issue_priority = $mapping->getIssuePriority(); if (!is_null($issue_priority) && $issue_priority != MigrateFieldMapping::ISSUE_PRIORITY_OK) { $problems['noted_issues'][] = array( dt('Source') => $source_field, dt('Destination') => $destination_field, dt('Priority') => MigrateFieldMapping::$priorities[$issue_priority], dt('Description') => $mapping->getDescription(), ); } // Validate source and destination fields actually exist if (!is_null($source_field) && !isset($source_fields[$source_field])) { $problems['sources_missing'][] = $source_field; } if (!is_null($destination_field) && !isset($destination_fields[$destination_field])) { $problems['destinations_missing'][] = $destination_field; } } foreach (array_diff_key($source_fields, $used_sources) as $name => $description) { $problems['sources_unmapped'][] = array( 'Field' => $name, 'Description' => $description, ); } foreach (array_diff_key($destination_fields, $used_destinations) as $name => $description) { $problems['destinations_unmapped'][] = array( 'Field' => $name, 'Description' => $description, ); } $problems = array_filter($problems); if (empty($problems)) { drush_print(dt('No problems found.') . "\n", 1); } else { foreach ($problems as $type => $some_problems) { drush_print($problem_descriptions[$type]); // If the contents of each row are arrays print it as a table. if (is_array($some_problems[0])) { $table = array_merge(array(array_keys($some_problems[0])), $some_problems); drush_print_table($table, TRUE); } else { foreach ($some_problems as $problem) { drush_print($problem, 1); } // Add an extra new line to keep the spacing consistent with the // tables. drush_print(); } } } } } catch (MigrateException $e) { drush_print($e->getMessage()); exit; } } /** * Roll back one specified migration */ function drush_migrate_rollback($args = NULL) { try { if (drush_get_option('notify', FALSE)) { // Capture non-informational output for mailing ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(FALSE); } $migrations = drush_migrate_get_migrations($args); // Rollback in reverse order $migrations = array_reverse($migrations, TRUE); $options = array(); if ($idlist = drush_get_option('idlist', FALSE)) { $options['idlist'] = $idlist; } if (drush_get_option('force', FALSE) == 1) { $options['force'] = TRUE; } $limit = drush_get_option('limit'); if ($limit) { $parts = explode(' ', $limit); $options['limit']['value'] = $parts[0]; $options['limit']['unit'] = $parts[1]; if (!$options['limit']['unit']) { $options['limit']['unit'] = 'items'; } elseif ($options['limit']['unit'] != 'seconds' && $options['limit']['unit'] != 'second' && $options['limit']['unit'] != 'items' && $options['limit']['unit'] != 'item') { drush_set_error(NULL, dt("Invalid limit unit '!unit'", array('!unit' => $options['limit']['unit']))); return; } } $feedback = drush_get_option('feedback'); if ($feedback) { $parts = explode(' ', $feedback); $options['feedback']['value'] = $parts[0]; $options['feedback']['unit'] = $parts[1]; if ($options['feedback']['unit'] != 'seconds' && $options['feedback']['unit'] != 'second' && $options['feedback']['unit'] != 'items' && $options['feedback']['unit'] != 'item') { drush_set_error(NULL, dt("Invalid feedback frequency unit '!unit'", array('!unit' => $options['feedback']['unit']))); return; } } $instrument = drush_get_option('instrument'); global $_migrate_track_memory, $_migrate_track_timer; switch ($instrument) { case 'timer': $_migrate_track_timer = TRUE; break; case 'memory': $_migrate_track_memory = TRUE; break; case 'all': $_migrate_track_timer = TRUE; $_migrate_track_memory = TRUE; break; } foreach ($migrations as $migration) { drush_log(dt("Rolling back '!description' migration", array('!description' => $migration->getMachineName()))); $return = $migration->processRollback($options); // If it couldn't finish (presumably because it was appraoching memory_limit), // continue in a subprocess if ($return == MigrationBase::RESULT_INCOMPLETE) { drush_migrate_invoke_process(); } // If stopped, don't process any further elseif ($return == MigrationBase::RESULT_STOPPED) { break; } elseif ($return == MigrationBase::RESULT_SKIPPED) { drush_log(dt("Skipping migration !name due to unfulfilled dependencies, use the --force option to run it anyway.", array('!name' => $migration->getMachineName())), 'warning'); } } } catch (MigrateException $e) { drush_print($e->getMessage()); exit; } if ($_migrate_track_memory) { drush_migrate_print_memory(); } if ($_migrate_track_timer && !drush_get_context('DRUSH_DEBUG')) { drush_print_timers(); } // Notify user if (drush_get_option('notify')) { _drush_migrate_notify(); } } /** * Send email notification to the user running the operation. */ function _drush_migrate_notify() { global $user; if ($user->uid) { $uid = $user->uid; } else { $uid = 1; } $account = user_load($uid); $params['account'] = $account; $params['output'] = ob_get_contents(); drush_print_r(ob_get_status()); ob_end_flush(); drupal_mail('migrate_ui', 'import_complete', $account->mail, user_preferred_language($account), $params); } function drush_migrate_get_migrations($args) { $migration_objects = migrate_migrations(); if ($start = drush_get_option('all')) { // Handle custom first migration when --all=foo is supplied. $seen = $start === TRUE ? TRUE : FALSE; foreach ($migration_objects as $name => $migration) { if (!$seen && (drupal_strtolower($start) == drupal_strtolower($name))) { // We found our starting migration. $seen is always TRUE now. $seen = TRUE; } if (!$migration->getEnabled() || !$seen) { // This migration is disabled or is before our starting migration. unset($migration_objects[$name]); } } } elseif ($group = drush_get_option('group')) { foreach ($migration_objects as $name => $migration) { if (drupal_strtolower($group) != drupal_strtolower($migration->getGroup()->getName()) || !$migration->getEnabled()) { unset($migration_objects[$name]); } } } elseif ($wildcard = drush_get_option('wildcard')) { foreach ($migration_objects as $name => $migration) { if (!fnmatch(drupal_strtolower($wildcard), drupal_strtolower($name)) || !$migration->getEnabled()) { unset($migration_objects[$name]); } } } else { $named_migrations = array(); foreach (explode(',', $args) as $name) { $found = FALSE; foreach ($migration_objects as $machine_name => $migration) { if (drupal_strtolower($name) == drupal_strtolower($machine_name)) { if ($migration->getEnabled()) { $named_migrations[$name] = $migration; $found = TRUE; break; } else { drush_log(dt('Migration !name is disabled', array('!name' => $name)), 'warning'); } } } if (!$found) { drush_log(dt('No migration with machine name !name found', array('!name' => $name)), 'error'); } } $migration_objects = $named_migrations; } return $migration_objects; } // Implement drush_hook_COMMAND_validate(). function drush_migrate_fields_destination_validate($args = NULL) { return drush_migrate_validate_common($args); } // Implement drush_hook_COMMAND_validate(). function drush_migrate_fields_source_validate($args = NULL) { return drush_migrate_validate_common($args); } // Implement drush_hook_COMMAND_validate(). function drush_migrate_mappings_validate($args = NULL) { return drush_migrate_validate_common($args); } // Implement drush_hook_COMMAND_validate(). function drush_migrate_analyze_validate($args = NULL) { return drush_migrate_validate_common($args); } // Implement drush_hook_COMMAND_validate(). function drush_migrate_audit_validate($args = NULL) { return drush_migrate_validate_common($args); } // Implement drush_hook_COMMAND_validate(). function drush_migrate_import_validate($args = NULL) { return drush_migrate_validate_common($args); } // Implement drush_hook_COMMAND_validate(). function drush_migrate_stop_validate($args = NULL) { return drush_migrate_validate_common($args); } // Implement drush_hook_COMMAND_validate(). function drush_migrate_reset_status_validate($args = NULL) { return drush_migrate_validate_common($args); } // Implement drush_hook_COMMAND_validate(). function drush_migrate_rollback_validate($args = NULL) { return drush_migrate_validate_common($args); } function drush_migrate_validate_common($args) { if (drush_get_option('all')) { if (!empty($args) || drush_get_option('group') || drush_get_option('wildcard')) { return drush_set_error(NULL, dt('You must specify exactly one of a migration name, --all, or --group, or --wildcard')); } } elseif (drush_get_option('group')) { if (!empty($args) || drush_get_option('all') || drush_get_option('wildcard')) { return drush_set_error(NULL, dt('You must specify exactly one of a migration name, --all, or --group, or --wildcard')); } } elseif (drush_get_option('wildcard')) { if (!empty($args) || drush_get_option('all') || drush_get_option('group')) { return drush_set_error(NULL, dt('You must specify exactly one of a migration name, --all, or --group, or --wildcard')); } } else { if (empty($args)) { return drush_set_error(NULL, dt('You must specify exactly one of a migration name, --all, or --group, or --wildcard')); } $machine_names = explode(',', $args); foreach ($machine_names as $machine_name) { $machine_name = trim($machine_name); $class_name = db_select('migrate_status', 'ms') ->fields('ms', array('class_name')) ->condition('machine_name', $machine_name) ->execute() ->fetchField(); if (!$class_name || !class_exists($class_name)) { drush_set_error(dt('Unrecognized migration: !name', array('!name' => $machine_name))); } } } $feedback = drush_get_option('feedback'); if ($feedback) { $parts = explode(' ', $feedback); $options['feedback']['value'] = $parts[0]; $options['feedback']['unit'] = $parts[1]; if ($options['feedback']['unit'] != 'seconds' && $options['feedback']['unit'] != 'second' && $options['feedback']['unit'] != 'items' && $options['feedback']['unit'] != 'item') { drush_set_error(NULL, dt("Invalid feedback frequency unit '!unit'", array('!unit' => $options['feedback']['unit']))); return; } } } /* * A 'pre' callback for migrate-import command. * Call migrate-stop and migrate-rollback commands if requested. */ function drush_migrate_pre_migrate_import($args = NULL) { if (drush_get_option('stop')) { drush_unset_option('stop'); try { /** @var Migration[] $migrations */ $migrations = drush_migrate_get_migrations($args); foreach ($migrations as $migration) { $status = $migration->getStatus(); if ($status == MigrationBase::STATUS_IMPORTING || $status == MigrationBase::STATUS_ROLLING_BACK) { drush_log(dt("Stopping '!description' migration", array('!description' => $migration->getMachineName()))); $migration->stopProcess(); // Give the process a chance to stop. $count = 0; while ($migration->getStatus() != MigrationBase::STATUS_IDLE && $count++ < 5) { sleep(1); } } } } catch (MigrateException $e) { drush_print($e->getMessage()); exit; } } if (drush_get_option('rollback')) { drush_unset_option('rollback'); drush_invoke('migrate-rollback', $args); } } /** * Perform import on one or more migrations. * * @param $machine_names * A comma delimited list of machine names, or the special name 'all' */ function drush_migrate_import($args = NULL) { $status = NULL; try { if (drush_get_option('notify', FALSE)) { // Capture non-informational output for mailing ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(FALSE); } $migrations = drush_migrate_get_migrations($args); $options = array(); if ($idlist = drush_get_option('idlist', FALSE)) { $options['idlist'] = $idlist; } if ($file_function = drush_get_option('file_function', '')) { $options['file_function'] = $file_function; } if (drush_get_option('force', FALSE) == 1) { $options['force'] = TRUE; } $limit = drush_get_option('limit'); if ($limit) { $parts = explode(' ', $limit); $options['limit']['value'] = $parts[0]; // Default unit. if (!isset($parts[1])) { $parts[1] = 'items'; } $options['limit']['unit'] = $parts[1]; // Validation. if (!in_array($options['limit']['unit'], array( 'seconds', 'second', 'items', 'item', ))) { drush_set_error(NULL, dt("Invalid limit unit '!unit'", array('!unit' => $options['limit']['unit']))); return; } } $feedback = drush_get_option('feedback'); if ($feedback) { $parts = explode(' ', $feedback); $options['feedback']['value'] = $parts[0]; $options['feedback']['unit'] = $parts[1]; if ($options['feedback']['unit'] != 'seconds' && $options['feedback']['unit'] != 'second' && $options['feedback']['unit'] != 'items' && $options['feedback']['unit'] != 'item') { drush_set_error(NULL, dt("Invalid feedback frequency unit '!unit'", array('!unit' => $options['feedback']['unit']))); return; } } $instrument = drush_get_option('instrument'); global $_migrate_track_memory, $_migrate_track_timer; switch ($instrument) { case 'timer': $_migrate_track_timer = TRUE; break; case 'memory': $_migrate_track_memory = TRUE; break; case 'all': $_migrate_track_timer = TRUE; $_migrate_track_memory = TRUE; break; } $stop = FALSE; foreach ($migrations as $machine_name => $migration) { drush_log(dt("Importing '!description' migration", array('!description' => $machine_name))); if (drush_get_option('update') && !$idlist) { $migration->prepareUpdate(); if (drush_get_option('ignore-highwater')) { $migration->setHighwaterField(array()); } } if (drush_get_option('needs-update')) { $map_rows = $migration->getMap()->getRowsNeedingUpdate(10000); $idlist = array(); foreach ($map_rows as $row) { $idlist[] = $row->sourceid1; } $options['idlist'] = implode(',', $idlist); } // The goal here is to do one migration in the parent process and then // spawn subshells as needed when memory is depleted. We show feedback // after each subshell depletes itself. Best we can do in PHP. if (!drush_get_context('DRUSH_BACKEND')) { // Our first pass and in the parent process. Run a migration right here. $status = $migration->processImport($options); if ($status == MigrationBase::RESULT_SKIPPED) { drush_log(dt("Skipping migration !name due to unfulfilled dependencies:\n !depends\nUse the --force option to run it anyway.", array( '!name' => $machine_name, '!depends' => implode("\n ", $migration->incompleteDependencies()), )), 'warning'); } elseif ($status == MigrationBase::RESULT_STOPPED) { break; } elseif ($status == MigrationBase::RESULT_INCOMPLETE) { $stop = TRUE; } // Subsequent run in the parent process. Spawn subshells ad infinitum. $migration_string = implode(',', array_keys($migrations)); while ($status == MigrationBase::RESULT_INCOMPLETE) { $return = drush_migrate_invoke_process($migration_string); // 'object' holds the return code we care about. $status = $return['object']['status']; $migration_string = $return['object']['migrations']; if ($status == MigrationBase::RESULT_SKIPPED) { drush_log(dt("Skipping migration !name due to unfulfilled dependencies:\n !depends\nUse the --force option to run it anyway.", array( '!name' => $machine_name, '!depends' => implode("\n ", $migration->incompleteDependencies()), )), 'warning'); } elseif ($status == MigrationBase::RESULT_STOPPED) { $stop = TRUE; break; } } } else { // I'm in a subshell. Import then set return value so parent process can respawn or move on. $status = $migration->processImport($options); if ($status == MigrationBase::RESULT_SKIPPED) { drush_log(dt("Skipping migration !name due to unfulfilled dependencies:\n !depends\n", array( '!name' => $machine_name, '!depends' => implode("\n ", $migration->incompleteDependencies()), )), 'warning'); } elseif ($status == MigrationBase::RESULT_INCOMPLETE) { $stop = TRUE; } drush_backend_set_result(array( 'status' => $status, 'migrations' => implode(',', array_keys($migrations)), )); } if ($stop) { break; } unset($migrations[$machine_name]); } } catch (MigrateException $e) { drush_print($e->getMessage()); exit; } if ($_migrate_track_memory) { drush_migrate_print_memory(); } if ($_migrate_track_timer && !drush_get_context('DRUSH_DEBUG')) { drush_print_timers(); } // Notify user if (drush_get_option('notify')) { _drush_migrate_notify(); } return $status; } /** * Stop clearing or importing a given content set. * * @param $content_set * The name of the Migration */ function drush_migrate_stop($args = NULL) { try { $migrations = drush_migrate_get_migrations($args); foreach ($migrations as $migration) { drush_log(dt("Stopping '!description' migration", array('!description' => $migration->getMachineName()))); $migration->stopProcess(); } } catch (MigrateException $e) { drush_print($e->getMessage()); exit; } } /** * Reset the status of a given migration. */ function drush_migrate_reset_status($args = NULL) { try { $migrations = drush_migrate_get_migrations($args); foreach ($migrations as $migration) { drush_log(dt("Resetting '!description' migration", array('!description' => $migration->getMachineName()))); $migration->resetStatus(); } } catch (MigrateException $e) { drush_print($e->getMessage()); exit; } } /** * Deregister a given migration, migration group, or all orphaned migrations. * Note that the migration might no longer "exist" (the class implementation * might be gone), so we can't count on being able to instantiate it, or use * migrate_migrations(). */ function drush_migrate_deregister($args = NULL) { try { $orphans = drush_get_option('orphans'); $group = drush_get_option('group'); if ($group) { MigrateGroup::deregister($group); drush_log(dt("Deregistered group '!description' and all its migrations", array('!description' => $group)), 'success'); } else { if ($orphans) { $migrations = array(); $result = db_select('migrate_status', 'ms') ->fields('ms', array('class_name', 'machine_name')) ->execute(); foreach ($result as $row) { if (!class_exists($row->class_name)) { $migrations[] = $row->machine_name; } } } else { $migrations = explode(',', $args); } foreach ($migrations as $machine_name) { drush_migrate_deregister_migration(drupal_strtolower($machine_name)); drush_log(dt("Deregistered '!description' migration", array('!description' => $machine_name)), 'success'); } } } catch (MigrateException $e) { drush_print($e->getMessage()); exit; } } /** * Given a migration machine name, remove its tracking from the database. * * @param $machine_name */ function drush_migrate_deregister_migration($machine_name) { // The class is gone, so we'll manually clear migrate_status, and make // the default assumptions about the map/message tables. db_drop_table('migrate_map_' . $machine_name); db_drop_table('migrate_message_' . $machine_name); db_delete('migrate_status') ->condition('machine_name', $machine_name) ->execute(); db_delete('migrate_field_mapping') ->condition('machine_name', $machine_name) ->execute(); } /** * Auto-registration is no longer supported. This command should be removed * entirely in a future point release. * * @deprecated */ function drush_migrate_auto_register($args = NULL) { drush_log(dt('The auto-registration feature has been removed. Migrations ' . 'must now be explicitly registered.'), 'error'); } /** * Register any migrations defined in hook_migrate_api(). */ function drush_migrate_register($args = NULL) { migrate_static_registration(); drush_log(dt('All statically defined migrations have been (re)registered.'), 'success'); } /** * A drush command callback. */ function drush_migrate_wipe() { $types = func_get_args(); $nids = db_select('node', 'n') ->fields('n', array('nid')) ->condition('type', $types, 'IN') ->execute() ->fetchCol(); $chunks = array_chunk($nids, 50); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { node_delete_multiple($chunk); } migrate_instrument_stop('node_delete'); } // Print all timers for the request. function drush_migrate_print_memory() { global $_migrate_memory; $temparray = array(); foreach ((array) $_migrate_memory as $name => $memoryrec) { // We have to use timer_read() for active timers, and check the record for others if (isset($memoryrec['start'])) { $temparray[$name] = migrate_memory_read($name); } else { $temparray[$name] = $memoryrec['bytes']; } } // Go no farther if there were no timers if (count($temparray) > 0) { // Put the highest cumulative times first arsort($temparray); $table = array(); $table[] = array('Name', 'Cum (bytes)', 'Count', 'Avg (bytes)'); foreach ($temparray as $name => $memory) { $count = $_migrate_memory[$name]['count']; if ($count > 0) { $avg = round($memory / $count, 0); } else { $avg = 'N/A'; } $table[] = array($name, $memory, $count, $avg); } drush_print_table($table, TRUE); } } /** * Command argument complete callback. * * @return * List of migrations. */ function migrate_migrate_status_complete() { return array('values' => drush_migrate_migrations()); } function migrate_migrate_import_complete() { return array('values' => drush_migrate_migrations()); } function migrate_migrate_rollback_complete() { return array('values' => drush_migrate_migrations()); } function migrate_migrate_fields_destination_complete() { return array('values' => drush_migrate_migrations()); } function migrate_migrate_fields_source_complete() { return array('values' => drush_migrate_migrations()); } function migrate_migrate_mappings_complete() { return array('values' => drush_migrate_migrations()); } function migrate_migrate_reset_status_complete() { return array('values' => drush_migrate_migrations()); } function migrate_migrate_stop_complete() { return array('values' => drush_migrate_migrations()); } function drush_migrate_migrations() { drush_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); $migrations = migrate_migrations(); foreach ($migrations as $migration) { $values[] = $migration->getMachineName(); } return $values; }