array( // 'title' => t('add showroom localisation'), // 'description' => t('add showroom localisation'), // ), // ); // // return $perms; // } /** * Acts on a field collection item being inserted or updated. * * This hook is invoked before the field collection item is saved to the database. * * @param FieldCollectionItemEntity $field_collection_item * The field collection item that is being inserted or updated. * * @see hook_entity_presave() */ function materio_showroom_entity_presave($entity, $type) { // dsm($type); if ($type == 'field_collection_item' && $entity->field_name == 'field_showroom_localisation') { // dsm($entity); global $user; $user = user_load($user->uid); // Make sure the user object is fully loaded // dsm($user); if(isset($entity->field_showroom_localisation_loca[LANGUAGE_NONE])){ $user_showroom = $user->field_showroom[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['tid']; // dsm($user_showroom); foreach ($entity->field_showroom_localisation_loca[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $i => $loca) { if(empty($entity->field_showroom_localisation_show)){ $entity->field_showroom_localisation_show[LANGUAGE_NONE] = []; } if(empty($entity->field_showroom_localisation_show[LANGUAGE_NONE])){ $entity->field_showroom_localisation_show[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = []; } dsm($entity->field_showroom_localisation_show); if(!isset($entity->original->field_showroom_localisation_show[LANGUAGE_NONE][$i]['tid'])){ $tid = $user_showroom; }else{ $tid = $entity->original->field_showroom_localisation_show[LANGUAGE_NONE][$i]['tid']; } dsm($tid); $entity->field_showroom_localisation_show[LANGUAGE_NONE][$i]['tid'] = $tid; dsm($entity->field_showroom_localisation_show); } } } } /** * Implements hook_form_alter(). */ // function materio_showroom_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { // // dsm($form_id); // if( $form_id == "materiau_node_form" ){ // dsm($form); // // $form['account']['pass']['#type'] = 'password'; // // $form['account']['pass']['#title'] = t('Password'); // // // // $form['actions']['#type'] = "container"; // // $form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = t('Join'); // } // // }