set_properties($data); } // Attempt to re-build the data from the persistent cache. $this->rebuild_from_cache($data); } /** * Rebuild the object data based on the persistent cache. * * Since the textgroup defines if a string is cacheable or not the caching * of the string objects happens in the textgroup handler itself. * * @see i18n_string_textgroup_cached::__destruct() */ protected function rebuild_from_cache($data = NULL) { // Check if we've the required information to repopulate the cache and do so // if possible. $meta_data_exist = isset($this->textgroup) && isset($this->type) && isset($this->objectid) && isset($this->property); if ($meta_data_exist && ($cache = cache_get($this->get_cid())) && !empty($cache->data)) { // Re-spawn the cached data. // @TODO do we need a array_diff to ensure we don't overwrite the data // provided by the $data parameter? $this->set_properties($cache->data); } } /** * Reset cache, needed for tests. */ public function cache_reset() { $this->translations = array(); // Ensure a possible persistent cache of this object is cleared too. cache_clear_all($this->get_cid(), 'cache', TRUE); } /** * Returns the caching id for this object. * * @return string * The caching id. */ public function get_cid() { return 'i18n:string:obj:' . $this->get_name(); } /** * Get message parameters from context and string. */ public function get_args() { return array( '%location' => $this->location, '%textgroup' => $this->textgroup, '%string' => ($string = $this->get_string()) ? $string : t('[empty string]'), ); } /** * Set context properties */ public function set_context($context) { $parts = is_array($context) ? $context : explode(':', $context); $this->context = is_array($context) ? implode(':', $context) : $context; // Location will be the full string name $this->location = $this->textgroup . ':' . $this->context; $this->type = array_shift($parts); $this->objectid = $parts ? array_shift($parts) : ''; $this->objectkey = (int)$this->objectid; // Remaining elements glued again with ':' $this->property = $parts ? implode(':', $parts) : ''; // Attempt to re-build the other data from the persistent cache. $this->rebuild_from_cache(); return $this; } /** * Get string name including textgroup and context */ public function get_name() { return $this->textgroup . ':' . $this->type . ':' . $this->objectid . ':' . $this->property; } /** * Get source string */ public function get_string() { if (isset($this->string)) { return $this->string; } elseif (isset($this->source)) { return $this->source; } elseif ($this->textgroup()->debug) { return empty($this->lid) ? t('[Source not found]') : t('[String not found]'); } else { return ''; } } /** * Set source string * * @param $string * Plain string or array with 'string', 'format', etc... */ public function set_string($string) { if (is_array($string)) { $this->string = isset($string['string']) ? $string['string'] : NULL; if (isset($string['format'])) { $this->format = $string['format']; } if (isset($string['title'])) { $this->title = $string['title']; } } else { $this->string = $string; } return $this; } /** * Get string title. */ public function get_title() { return isset($this->title) ? $this->title : t('String'); } /** * Get translation to language from string object */ public function get_translation($langcode) { if (!isset($this->translations[$langcode])) { $translation = $this->textgroup()->load_translation($this, $langcode); if ($translation && isset($translation->translation)) { $this->set_translation($translation, $langcode); } else { // No source, no translation $this->translations[$langcode] = FALSE; } } // Which doesn't mean we've got a translation, only that we've got the result cached return $this->translations[$langcode]; } /** * Set translation for language * * @param $translation * Translation object (from database) or string */ public function set_translation($translation, $langcode = NULL) { if (is_object($translation)) { $langcode = $langcode ? $langcode : $translation->language; $string = isset($translation->translation) ? $translation->translation : FALSE; $this->set_properties($translation); } else { $string = $translation; } $this->translations[$langcode] = $string; return $this; } /** * Format the resulting translation or the default string applying callbacks * * There's a hidden variable, 'i18n_string_debug', that when set to TRUE will display additional info */ public function format_translation($langcode, $options = array()) { $options += array('langcode' => $langcode, 'sanitize' => TRUE, 'cache' => FALSE, 'debug' => $this->textgroup()->debug); if ($translation = $this->get_translation($langcode)) { $string = $translation; if (isset($options['filter'])) { $string = call_user_func($options['filter'], $string); } } else { // Get default source string if no translation. $string = $this->get_string(); $options['sanitize'] = !empty($options['sanitize default']); } if (!empty($this->format)) { $options += array('format' => $this->format); } // Add debug information if enabled if ($options['debug']) { $info = array($langcode, $this->textgroup, $this->context); if (!empty($this->format)) { $info[] = $this->format; } $options += array('suffix' => ''); $options['suffix'] .= ' [' . implode(':', $info) . ']'; } // Finally, apply options, filters, callback, etc... return i18n_string_format($string, $options); } /** * Get source string provided a string object. * * @return * String object if source exists. */ public function get_source() { // If already searched and not found we don't have a source, if (isset($this->lid) && !$this->lid) { return NULL; } elseif (!isset($this->lid) || !isset($this->source)) { // We may have lid from loading a translation but not loaded the source yet. if ($source = $this->textgroup()->load_source($this)) { // Set properties but don't override existing ones $this->set_properties($source, FALSE, FALSE); if (!isset($this->string)) { $this->string = $source->source; } return $this; } else { $this->lid = FALSE; return NULL; } } else { return $this; } } /** * Set properties from object or array * * @param $properties * Obejct or array of properties * @param $set_null * Whether to set null properties too * @param $override * Whether to set properties that are already set in this object */ public function set_properties($properties, $set_null = TRUE, $override = TRUE) { foreach ((array)$properties as $field => $value) { if (property_exists($this, $field) && ($set_null || isset($value)) && ($override || !isset($this->$field))) { $this->$field = $value; } } return $this; } /** * Access textgroup object */ protected function textgroup() { if (!isset($this->_textgroup)) { $this->_textgroup = i18n_string_textgroup($this->textgroup); } return $this->_textgroup; } /** * Update this string. */ public function update($options = array()) { return $this->textgroup()->string_update($this, $options); } /** * Delete this string. */ public function remove($options = array()) { return $this->textgroup()->string_remove($this, $options); } /** * Check whether there is any problem for the user to translate a this string. * * @param $account * Optional user account, defaults to current user. * * @return * None if the user has access to translate the string. * Error message if the user cannot translate that string. */ public function check_translate_access($account = NULL) { return i18n_string_translate_check_string($this, $account); } } /** * Textgroup handler for i18n_string API */ class i18n_string_textgroup_default { // Text group name public $textgroup; // Debug flag, set to true to print out more information. public $debug; // Cached or preloaded string objects public $strings = array(); // Multiple translations search map protected $cache_multiple = array(); /** * Class constructor. * * There are to hidden variables to produce debugging information: * - 'i18n_string_debug', generic for all text groups. * - 'i18n_string_debug_TEXTGROUP', enable debug only for TEXTGROUP. */ public function __construct($textgroup) { $this->textgroup = $textgroup; $this->debug = variable_get('i18n_string_debug', FALSE) || variable_get('i18n_string_debug_' . $textgroup, FALSE); } /** * Build string object * * @param $context * Context array or string * @param $string string * Current value for string source */ public function build_string($context, $string = NULL) { // First try to locate string on cache $context = is_array($context) ? implode(':', $context) : $context; if ($cached = $this->cache_get($context)) { $i18nstring = $cached; } else { $i18nstring = new i18n_string_object(); $i18nstring->textgroup = $this->textgroup; $i18nstring->set_context($context); $this->cache_set($context, $i18nstring); } if (isset($string)) { $i18nstring->set_string($string); } return $i18nstring; } /** * Add source string to the locale tables for translation. * * It will also add data into i18n_string table for faster retrieval and indexing of groups of strings. * Some string context doesn't have a numeric oid (I.e. content types), it will be set to zero. * * This function checks for already existing string without context for this textgroup and updates it accordingly. * It is intended for backwards compatibility, using already created strings. * * @param $i18nstring * String object * @param $format * Text format, for strings that will go through some filter * @return * Update status. */ protected function string_add($i18nstring, $options = array()) { $options += array('watchdog' => TRUE); // Default return status if nothing happens $status = -1; $source = NULL; $location = $i18nstring->location; // The string may not be allowed for translation depending on its format. if (!$this->string_check($i18nstring, $options)) { // The format may have changed and it's not allowed now, delete the source string return $this->string_remove($i18nstring, $options); } elseif ($source = $i18nstring->get_source()) { if ($source->source != $i18nstring->string || $source->location != $location) { $i18nstring->location = $location; // String has changed, mark translations for update $status = $this->save_source($i18nstring); db_update('locales_target') ->fields(array('i18n_status' => I18N_STRING_STATUS_UPDATE)) ->condition('lid', $source->lid) ->execute(); } elseif (empty($source->version)) { // When refreshing strings, we've done version = 0, update it $this->save_source($i18nstring); } } else { // We don't have the source object, create it $status = $this->save_source($i18nstring); } // Make sure we have i18n_string part, create or update // This will also create the source object if doesn't exist $this->save_string($i18nstring); if ($options['watchdog']) { switch ($status) { case SAVED_UPDATED: watchdog('i18n_string', 'Updated string %location for textgroup %textgroup: %string', $i18nstring->get_args()); break; case SAVED_NEW: watchdog('i18n_string', 'Created string %location for text group %textgroup: %string', $i18nstring->get_args()); break; } } return $status; } /** * Check if string is ok for translation */ protected static function string_check($i18nstring, $options = array()) { $options += array('messages' => FALSE, 'watchdog' => TRUE); if (!empty($i18nstring->format) && !i18n_string_allowed_format($i18nstring->format)) { // This format is not allowed, so we remove the string, in this case we produce a warning drupal_set_message(t('The string %location for textgroup %textgroup is not allowed for translation because of its text format.', $i18nstring->get_args()), 'warning'); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } /** * Filter array of strings * * @param array $string_list * Array of strings to be filtered. * @param array $filter * Array of name value conditions. * * @return array * Strings from $string_list that match the filter conditions. */ protected static function string_filter($string_list, $filter) { // Remove 'language' and '*' conditions. if (isset($filter['language'])) { unset($filter['language']); } while ($field = array_search('*', $filter)) { unset($filter[$field]); } foreach ($string_list as $key => $string) { foreach ($filter as $field => $value) { if ($string->$field != $value) { unset($string_list[$key]); break; } } } return $string_list; } /** * Build query for i18n_string table */ protected static function string_query($context, $multiple = FALSE) { // Search the database using lid if we've got it or textgroup, context otherwise $query = db_select('i18n_string', 's')->fields('s'); if (!empty($context->lid)) { $query->condition('s.lid', $context->lid); } else { $query->condition('s.textgroup', $context->textgroup); if (!$multiple) { $query->condition('s.context', $context->context); } else { // Query multiple strings foreach (array('type', 'objectid', 'property') as $field) { if (!empty($context->$field)) { $query->condition('s.' . $field, $context->$field); } } } } return $query; } /** * Remove string object. * * @return * SAVED_DELETED | FALSE (If the operation failed because no source) */ public function string_remove($i18nstring, $options = array()) { $options += array('watchdog' => TRUE, 'messages' => $this->debug); if ($source = $i18nstring->get_source()) { db_delete('locales_target')->condition('lid', $source->lid)->execute(); db_delete('i18n_string')->condition('lid', $source->lid)->execute(); db_delete('locales_source')->condition('lid', $source->lid)->execute(); $this->cache_set($source->context, NULL); if ($options['watchdog']) { watchdog('i18n_string', 'Deleted string %location for text group %textgroup: %string', $i18nstring->get_args()); } if ($options['messages']) { drupal_set_message(t('Deleted string %location for text group %textgroup: %string', $i18nstring->get_args())); } return SAVED_DELETED; } else { if ($options['messages']) { drupal_set_message(t('Cannot delete string, not found %location for text group %textgroup: %string', $i18nstring->get_args())); } return FALSE; } } /** * Translate string object * * @param $i18nstring * String object * @param $options * Array with aditional options */ protected function string_translate($i18nstring, $options = array()) { $langcode = isset($options['langcode']) ? $options['langcode'] : i18n_langcode(); // Search for existing translation (result will be cached in this function call) $i18nstring->get_translation($langcode); return $i18nstring; } /** * Update / create / remove string. * * @param $name * String context. * @pram $string * New value of string for update/create. May be empty for removing. * @param $format * Text format, that must have been checked against allowed formats for translation * @param $options * Processing options, the ones used here are: * - 'watchdog', whether to produce watchdog messages. * - 'messages', whether to produce user messages. * - 'check', whether to check string format and then update/delete if not allowed. * @return status * SAVED_UPDATED | SAVED_NEW | SAVED_DELETED | FALSE (If the string is to be removed but has no source) */ public function string_update($i18nstring, $options = array()) { $options += array('watchdog' => TRUE, 'messages' => $this->debug, 'check' => TRUE); if ((!$options['check'] || $this->string_check($i18nstring, $options)) && $i18nstring->get_string()) { // String is ok, has a value so we store it into the database. $status = $this->string_add($i18nstring, $options); } elseif ($i18nstring->get_source()) { // Just remove it if we already had a source created before. $status = $this->string_remove($i18nstring, $options); } else { // String didn't pass validation or we have an empty string but was not stored anyway. $status = FALSE; } if ($options['messages']) { switch ($status) { case SAVED_UPDATED: drupal_set_message(t('Updated string %location for text group %textgroup: %string', $i18nstring->get_args())); break; case SAVED_NEW: drupal_set_message(t('Created string %location for text group %textgroup: %string', $i18nstring->get_args())); break; } } if ($options['watchdog']) { switch ($status) { case SAVED_UPDATED: watchdog('i18n_string', 'Updated string %location for text group %textgroup: %string', $i18nstring->get_args()); break; case SAVED_NEW: watchdog('i18n_string', 'Created string %location for text group %textgroup: %string', $i18nstring->get_args()); break; } } return $status; } /** * Set string object into cache */ protected function cache_set($context, $string) { $this->strings[$context] = $string; } /** * Get translation from cache */ protected function cache_get($context) { return isset($this->strings[$context]) ? $this->strings[$context] : NULL; } /** * Reset cache, needed for tests */ public function cache_reset() { $this->strings = array(); $this->string_format = array(); // Reset the persistent caches. cache_clear_all('i18n:string:tgroup:' . $this->textgroup , 'cache', TRUE); // Reset the complete string object cache too. cache_clear_all('i18n:string:obj:', 'cache', TRUE); } /** * Load multiple strings. * * @return array * List of strings indexed by full string name. */ public function load_strings($conditions = array()) { // Add textgroup condition and load all $conditions['textgroup'] = $this->textgroup; $list = array(); foreach (i18n_string_load_multiple($conditions) as $string) { $list[$string->get_name()] = $string; $this->cache_set($string->context, $string); } return $list; } /** * Load string source from db */ public static function load_source($i18nstring) { // Search the database using lid if we've got it or textgroup, context otherwise $query = db_select('locales_source', 's')->fields('s'); $query->leftJoin('i18n_string', 'i', 's.lid = i.lid'); $query->fields('i', array('format', 'objectid', 'type', 'property', 'objectindex')); if (!empty($i18nstring->lid)) { $query->condition('s.lid', $i18nstring->lid); } else { $query->condition('s.textgroup', $i18nstring->textgroup); $query->condition('s.context', $i18nstring->context); } // Speed up the query, we just need one row return $query->range(0, 1)->execute()->fetchObject(); } /** * Load translation from db * * @todo Optimize when we've already got the source string */ public static function load_translation($i18nstring, $langcode) { // Search the database using lid if we've got it or textgroup, context otherwise if (!empty($i18nstring->lid)) { // We've already got lid, we just need translation data $query = db_select('locales_target', 't'); $query->condition('t.lid', $i18nstring->lid); } else { // Still don't have lid, load string properties too $query = db_select('i18n_string', 's')->fields('s'); $query->leftJoin('locales_target', 't', 's.lid = t.lid'); $query->condition('s.textgroup', $i18nstring->textgroup); $query->condition('s.context', $i18nstring->context); } // Add translation fields $query->fields('t', array('translation', 'i18n_status')); $query->condition('t.language', $langcode); // Speed up the query, we just need one row $query->range(0, 1); return $query->execute()->fetchObject(); } /** * Save / update string object * * There seems to be a race condition sometimes so skip errors, #277711 * * @param $string * Full string object to be saved * @param $source * Source string object */ protected function save_string($string, $update = FALSE) { if (!$string->get_source()) { // Create source string so we get an lid $this->save_source($string); } if (!isset($string->objectkey)) { $string->objectkey = (int)$string->objectid; } if (!isset($string->format)) { $string->format = ''; } $status = db_merge('i18n_string') ->key(array('lid' => $string->lid)) ->fields(array( 'textgroup' => $string->textgroup, 'context' => $string->context, 'objectid' => $string->objectid, 'type' => $string->type, 'property' => $string->property, 'objectindex' => $string->objectkey, 'format' => $string->format, )) ->execute(); return $status; } /** * Save translation to the db * * @param $string * Full string object with translation data (language, translation) */ protected function save_translation($string, $langcode) { db_merge('locales_target') ->key(array('lid' => $string->lid, 'language' => $langcode)) ->fields(array('translation' => $string->get_translation($langcode))) ->execute(); } /** * Save source string (create / update) */ protected static function save_source($source) { if (isset($source->string)) { $source->source = $source->string; } if (empty($source->version)) { $source->version = 1; } return drupal_write_record('locales_source', $source, !empty($source->lid) ? 'lid' : array()); } /** * Remove source and translations for user defined string. * * Though for most strings the 'name' or 'string id' uniquely identifies that string, * there are some exceptions (like profile categories) for which we need to use the * source string itself as a search key. * * @param $context * Textgroup and location glued with ':'. * @param $string * Optional source string (string in default language). */ public function context_remove($context, $string = NULL, $options = array()) { $options += array('messages' => $this->debug); $i18nstring = $this->build_string($context, $string); $status = $this->string_remove($i18nstring, $options); return $this; } /** * Translate source string */ public function context_translate($context, $string, $options = array()) { $i18nstring = $this->build_string($context, $string); return $this->string_translate($i18nstring, $options); } /** * Update / create translation source for user defined strings. * * @param $name * Textgroup and location glued with ':'. * @param $string * Source string in default language. Default language may or may not be English. * @param $options * Array with additional options: * - 'format', String format if the string has text format. * - 'messages', Whether to print out status messages. * - 'check', whether to check string format and then update/delete if not allowed. */ public function context_update($context, $string, $options = array()) { $options += array('format' => FALSE, 'messages' => $this->debug, 'watchdog' => TRUE, 'check' => TRUE); $i18nstring = $this->build_string($context, $string); $i18nstring->format = $options['format']; $this->string_update($i18nstring, $options); return $this; } /** * Build combinations of an array of arrays respecting keys. * * Example: * array(array(a,b), array(1,2)) will translate into * array(a,1), array(a,2), array(b,1), array(b,2) */ protected static function multiple_combine($properties) { $combinations = array(); // Get first key, value. We need to make sure the array pointer is reset. $value = reset($properties); $key = key($properties); array_shift($properties); $values = is_array($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { if ($properties) { foreach (self::multiple_combine($properties) as $merge) { $combinations[] = array_merge(array($key => $value), $merge); } } else { $combinations[] = array($key => $value); } } return $combinations; } /** * Get multiple translations with search conditions. * * @param $translations * Array of translation objects as loaded from the db. * @param $langcode * Language code, array of language codes or * to search all translations. * * @return array * Array of i18n string objects. */ protected function multiple_translation_build($translations, $langcode) { $strings = array(); foreach ($translations as $translation) { // The string object may be already in list if (isset($strings[$translation->context])) { $string = $strings[$translation->context]; } else { $string = $this->build_string($translation->context); $string->set_properties($translation); $strings[$string->context] = $string; } // If this is a translation we set it there too if ($translation->language && $translation->translation) { $string->set_translation($translation); } elseif ($langcode) { // This may only happen when we have a source string but not translation. $string->set_translation(FALSE, $langcode); } } return $strings; } /** * Load multiple translations from db * * @todo Optimize when we've already got the source object * * @param $conditions * Array of field values to use as query conditions. * @param $langcode * Language code to search. * @param $index * Field to use as index for the result. * @return array * Array of string objects with translation set. */ protected function multiple_translation_load($conditions, $langcode) { $conditions += array( 'language' => $langcode, 'textgroup' => $this->textgroup ); // We may be querying all translations at the same time or just one language. // The language field needs some special treatment though. $query = db_select('i18n_string', 's')->fields('s'); $query->leftJoin('locales_target', 't', 's.lid = t.lid'); $query->fields('t', array('translation', 'language', 'i18n_status')); foreach ($conditions as $field => $value) { // Single array value, reduce array if (is_array($value) && count($value) == 1) { $value = reset($value); } if ($value === '*') { continue; } elseif ($field == 'language') { $query->condition('t.language', $value); } else { $query->condition('s.' . $field, $value); } } return $this->multiple_translation_build($query->execute()->fetchAll(), $langcode); } /** * Search multiple translations with key combinations. * * Each $context field may be a single value, an array of values or '*'. * Example: * array('term', array(1,2), '*') * This will be mapped into the following conditions (provided language code is 'es') * array('type' => 'term', 'objectid' => array(1,2), 'property' => '*', 'language' => 'es') * And will result in these combinations to search for * array('type' => 'term', 'objectid' => 1, 'property' => '*', 'language' => 'es') * array('type' => 'term', 'objectid' => 2, 'property' => '*', 'language' => 'es') * * @param $context array * Array with String context conditions. * * @return * Array of translation objects indexed by context. */ public function multiple_translation_search($context, $langcode) { // First, build conditions and identify the variable field. $keys = array('type', 'objectid', 'property'); $conditions = array_combine($keys, $context) + array('language' => $langcode); // Find existing searches in cache, compile remaining ones. $translations = $search = array(); foreach ($this->multiple_combine($conditions) as $combination) { $cached = $this->multiple_cache_get($combination); if (isset($cached)) { // Cache hit. Merge and remove value from search. $translations += $cached; } else { // Not in cache, add to search conditions skipping duplicated values. // As array_merge_recursive() has some bug in PHP 5.2, // we use our simplified version here, instead of $search = array_merge_recursive($search, $combination); foreach ($combination as $key => $value) { if (!isset($search[$key]) || !in_array($value, $search[$key], TRUE)) { $search[$key][] = $value; } } } } // If we've got any search values left, find translations. if ($search) { // Load translations for conditions and set them to the cache $loaded = $this->multiple_translation_load($search, $langcode); if ($loaded) { $translations += $loaded; } // Set cache for each of the multiple search keys. foreach ($this->multiple_combine($search) as $combination) { $list = $loaded ? $this->string_filter($loaded, $combination) : array(); $this->multiple_cache_set($combination, $list); } } return $translations; } /** * Set multiple cache. * * @param $context * String context with language property at the end. * @param $strings * Array of strings (may be empty) to cache. */ protected function multiple_cache_set($context, $strings) { $cache_key = implode(':', $context); $this->cache_multiple[$cache_key] = $strings; } /** * Get strings from multiple cache. * * @param $context array * String context as array with language property at the end. * * @return mixed * Array of strings (may be empty) if we've got a cache hit. * Null otherwise. */ protected function multiple_cache_get($context) { $cache_key = implode(':', $context); if (isset($this->cache_multiple[$cache_key])) { return $this->cache_multiple[$cache_key]; } else { // Now we try more generic keys. For instance, if we are searching 'term:1:*' // we may try too 'term:*:*' and filter out the results. foreach ($context as $key => $value) { if ($value != '*') { $try = array_merge($context, array($key => '*')); $cache_key = implode(':', $try); if (isset($this->cache_multiple[$cache_key])) { // As we've found some more generic key, we need to filter using original conditions. $strings = $this->string_filter($this->cache_multiple[$cache_key], $context); return $strings; } } } // If we've reached here, we didn't find any cache match. return NULL; } } /** * Translate array of source strings * * @param $context * Context array with placeholders (*) * @param $strings * Optional array of source strings indexed by the placeholder property * * @return array * Array of string objects (with translation) indexed by the placeholder field */ public function multiple_translate($context, $strings = array(), $options = array()) { // First, build conditions and identify the variable field $search = $context = array_combine(array('type', 'objectid', 'property'), $context); $langcode = isset($options['langcode']) ? $options['langcode'] : i18n_langcode(); // If we've got keyed source strings set the array of keys on the placeholder field // or if not, remove that condition so we search all strings with that keys. foreach ($search as $field => $value) { if ($value === '*') { $property = $field; if ($strings) { $search[$field] = array_keys($strings); } } } // Now we'll add the language code to conditions and get the translations indexed by the property field $result = $this->multiple_translation_search($search, $langcode); // Remap translations using property field. If we've got strings it is important that they are in the same order. $translations = $strings; foreach ($result as $key => $i18nstring) { $translations[$i18nstring->$property] = $i18nstring; } // Set strings as source or create foreach ($strings as $key => $source) { if (isset($translations[$key]) && is_object($translations[$key])) { $translations[$key]->set_string($source); } else { // Not found any string for this property, create it to map in the response // But make sure we set this language's translation to FALSE so we don't search again $newcontext = $context; $newcontext[$property] = $key; $translations[$key] = $this->build_string($newcontext) ->set_string($source) ->set_translation(FALSE, $langcode); } } return $translations; } /** * Update string translation, only if source exists. * * @param $context * String context as array * @param $langcode * Language code to create the translation for * @param $translation * String translation for this language */ function update_translation($context, $langcode, $translation) { $i18nstring = $this->build_string($context); if ($source = $i18nstring->get_source()) { $source->set_translation($translation, $langcode); $this->save_translation($source, $langcode); return $source; } } /** * Recheck strings after update */ public function update_check() { // Find strings in locales_source that have no data in i18n_string $query = db_select('locales_source', 'l') ->fields('l') ->condition('l.textgroup', $this->textgroup); $alias = $query->leftJoin('i18n_string', 's', 'l.lid = s.lid'); $query->isNull('s.lid'); foreach ($query->execute()->fetchAll() as $string) { $i18nstring = $this->build_string($string->context, $string->source); $this->save_string($i18nstring); } } } /** * String object wrapper */ class i18n_string_object_wrapper extends i18n_object_wrapper { // Text group object protected $textgroup; // Properties for translation protected $properties; /** * Get object strings for translation * * This will return a simple array of string objects, indexed by full string name. * * @param $options * Array with processing options. * - 'empty', whether to return empty strings, defaults to FALSE. */ public function get_strings($options = array()) { $options += array('empty' => FALSE); $strings = array(); foreach ($this->get_properties() as $textgroup => $textgroup_list) { foreach ($textgroup_list as $type => $type_list) { foreach ($type_list as $object_id => $object_list) { foreach ($object_list as $key => $string) { if ($options['empty'] || !empty($string['string'])) { // Build string object, that will trigger static caches everywhere. $i18nstring = i18n_string_textgroup($textgroup) ->build_string(array($type, $object_id, $key)) ->set_string($string); $strings[$i18nstring->get_name()] = $i18nstring; } } } } } return $strings; } /** * Get object translatable properties * * This will return a big array indexed by textgroup, object type, object id and string key. * Each element is an array with string information, and may have these properties: * - 'string', the string itself, will be NULL if the object doesn't have that string * - 'format', string format when needed * - 'title', string readable name */ public function get_properties() { if (!isset($this->properties)) { $this->properties = $this->build_properties(); // Call hook_i18n_string_list_TEXTGROUP_alter(), last chance for modules drupal_alter('i18n_string_list_' . $this->get_textgroup(), $this->properties, $this->type, $this->object); } return $this->properties; } /** * Build properties from object. */ protected function build_properties() { list($string_type, $object_id) = $this->get_string_context(); $object_keys = array( $this->get_textgroup(), $string_type, $object_id, ); $strings = array(); foreach ($this->get_string_info('properties', array()) as $field => $info) { $info = is_array($info) ? $info : array('title' => $info); $field_name = isset($info['field']) ? $info['field'] : $field; $value = $this->get_field($field_name); $strings[$this->get_textgroup()][$string_type][$object_id][$field] = array( 'string' => is_array($value) || isset($info['empty']) && $value === $info['empty'] ? NULL : $value, 'title' => $info['title'], 'format' => isset($info['format']) ? $this->get_field($info['format']) : NULL, 'name' => array_merge($object_keys, array($field)), ); } return $strings; } /** * Get string context */ public function get_string_context() { return array($this->get_string_info('type'), $this->get_key()); } /** * Get translate path for object * * @param $langcode * Language code if we want ti for a specific language */ public function get_translate_path($langcode = NULL) { $replacements = array('%i18n_language' => $langcode ? $langcode : ''); if ($path = $this->get_string_info('translate path')) { return $this->path_replace($path, $replacements); } elseif ($path = $this->get_info('translate tab')) { // If we've got a translate tab path, we just add language to it return $this->path_replace($path . '/%i18n_language', $replacements); } } /** * Translation mode for object */ public function get_translate_mode() { return !$this->get_langcode() ? I18N_MODE_LOCALIZE : I18N_MODE_NONE; } /** * Get textgroup name */ public function get_textgroup() { return $this->get_string_info('textgroup'); } /** * Get textgroup object */ protected function textgroup() { if (!isset($this->textgroup)) { $this->textgroup = i18n_string_textgroup($this->get_textgroup()); } return $this->textgroup; } /** * Translate object. * * Translations are cached so it runs only once per language. * * @return object/array * A clone of the object with its properties translated. */ public function translate($langcode, $options = array()) { // We may have it already translated. As objects are statically cached, translations are too. if (!isset($this->translations[$langcode])) { $this->translations[$langcode] = $this->translate_object($langcode, $options); } return $this->translations[$langcode]; } /** * Translate access (localize strings) */ protected function localize_access() { // We could check also whether the object has strings to translate: // && $this->get_strings(array('empty' => TRUE)) // However it may be better to display the 'No available strings' message // for the user to have a clue of what's going on. See i18n_string_translate_page_object() return user_access('translate interface') && user_access('translate user-defined strings'); } /** * Translate all properties for object. * * On top of object strings we search for all textgroup:type:objectid:* properties * * @param $langcode * A clone of the object or array */ protected function translate_object($langcode, $options) { // Clone object or array so we don't affect the original one. $object = is_object($this->object) ? clone $this->object : $this->object; // Get object strings for translatable properties. if ($strings = $this->get_strings()) { // We preload some of the property translations with a single query. if ($context = $this->get_translate_context($langcode, $options)) { $found = $this->textgroup()->multiple_translation_search($context, $langcode); } // Replace all strings in object. foreach ($strings as $i18nstring) { $this->translate_field($object, $i18nstring, $langcode, $options); } } return $object; } /** * Context to be pre-loaded before translation. */ protected function get_translate_context($langcode, $options) { // One-query translation of all textgroup:type:objectid:* properties $context = $this->get_string_context(); $context[] = '*'; return $context; } /** * Translate object property. * * Mot often, this is a direct field set, but sometimes fields may have different formats. */ protected function translate_field(&$object, $i18nstring, $langcode, $options) { $field_name = $i18nstring->property; $translation = $i18nstring->format_translation($langcode, $options); if (is_object($object)) { $object->$field_name = $translation; } elseif (is_array($object)) { $object[$field_name] = $translation; } } /** * Remove all strings for this object. */ public function strings_remove($options = array()) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->load_strings() as $key => $string) { $result[$key] = $string->remove($options); } return _i18n_string_result_count($result); } /** * Update all strings for this object. */ public function strings_update($options = array()) { $options += array('empty' => TRUE, 'update' => TRUE); $result = array(); $existing = $this->load_strings(); // Update object strings foreach ($this->get_strings($options) as $key => $string) { $result[$key] = $string->update($options); unset($existing[$key]); } // Delete old existing strings. foreach ($existing as $key => $string) { $result[$key] = $string->remove($options); } return _i18n_string_result_count($result); } /** * Load all existing strings for this object. */ public function load_strings() { list($type, $id) = $this->get_string_context(); return $this->textgroup()->load_strings(array('type' => $type, 'objectid' => $id)); } } /** * Textgroup handler for i18n_string API which integrated persistent caching. */ class i18n_string_textgroup_cached extends i18n_string_textgroup_default { /** * Defines the timeout for the persistent caching. * @var int */ public $caching_time = CACHE_TEMPORARY; /** * Extends the existing constructor with a cache handling. * * @param string $textgroup * The name of this textgroup. */ public function __construct($textgroup) { parent::__construct($textgroup); // Fetch persistent caches, the persistent caches contain only metadata. // Those metadata are processed by the related cache_get() methods. foreach (array('cache_multiple', 'strings') as $caches_type) { if (($cache = cache_get('i18n:string:tgroup:' . $this->textgroup . ':' . $caches_type)) && !empty($cache->data)) { $this->{$caches_type} = $cache->data; } } } /** * Class destructor. * * Updates the persistent caches for the next usage. * This function not only stores the data of the textgroup objects but also * of the string objects. That way we ensure that only cacheable string object * go into the persistent cache. */ public function __destruct() { // Reduce size to cache by removing NULL values. $this->strings = array_filter($this->strings); $strings_to_cache = array(); // Store the persistent caches. We just store the metadata the translations // are stored by the string object itself. However storing the metadata // reduces the number of DB queries executed during runtime. $cache_data = array(); foreach ($this->strings as $context => $i18n_string_object) { $cache_data[$context] = $context; $strings_to_cache[$context] = $i18n_string_object; } cache_set('i18n:string:tgroup:' . $this->textgroup . ':strings', $cache_data, 'cache', $this->caching_time); $cache_data = array(); foreach ($this->cache_multiple as $pattern => $strings) { foreach ($strings as $context => $i18n_string_object) { $cache_data[$pattern][$context] = $context; $strings_to_cache[$context] = $i18n_string_object; } } cache_set('i18n:string:tgroup:' . $this->textgroup . ':cache_multiple', $cache_data, 'cache', $this->caching_time); // Cache the string objects related to this textgroup. // Store only the public visible data into the persistent cache. foreach ($strings_to_cache as $i18n_string_object) { // If this isn't an object it's an unprocessed cache item and doesn't need // to be stored again. if (is_object($i18n_string_object)) { cache_set($i18n_string_object->get_cid(), get_object_vars($i18n_string_object), 'cache', $this->caching_time); } } } /** * Reset cache, needed for tests. * * Takes care of the persistent caches. */ public function cache_reset() { // Reset the persistent caches. cache_clear_all('i18n:string:tgroup:' . $this->textgroup , 'cache', TRUE); // Reset the complete string object cache too. This will affect string // objects of other textgroups as well. cache_clear_all('i18n:string:obj:', 'cache', TRUE); return parent::cache_reset(); } /** * Get translation from cache. * * Extends the original handler with persistent caching. * * @param string $context * The context to look out for. * @return i18n_string_object|NULL * The string object if available or NULL otherwise. */ protected function cache_get($context) { if (isset($this->strings[$context])) { // If the cache contains a string re-build i18n_string_object. if (is_string($this->strings[$context])) { $i8n_string_object = new i18n_string_object(array('textgroup' => $this->textgroup)); $i8n_string_object->set_context($context); $this->strings[$context] = $i8n_string_object; } // Now run the original handling. return parent::cache_get($context); } return NULL; } /** * Get strings from multiple cache. * * @param $context array * String context as array with language property at the end. * * @return mixed * Array of strings (may be empty) if we've got a cache hit. * Null otherwise. */ protected function multiple_cache_get($context) { // Ensure the values from the persistent cache are properly re-build. $cache_key = implode(':', $context); if (isset($this->cache_multiple[$cache_key])) { foreach ($this->cache_multiple[$cache_key] as $cached_context) { if (is_string($cached_context)) { $i8n_string_object = new i18n_string_object(array('textgroup' => $this->textgroup)); $i8n_string_object->set_context($cached_context); $this->cache_multiple[$cache_key][$cached_context] = $i8n_string_object; } } } else { // Now we try more generic keys. For instance, if we are searching 'term:1:*' // we may try too 'term:*:*' and filter out the results. foreach ($context as $key => $value) { if ($value != '*') { $try = array_merge($context, array($key => '*')); return $this->multiple_cache_get($try); } } } return parent::multiple_cache_get($context); } public function string_update($i18nstring, $options = array()) { // Flush persistent cache. cache_clear_all($i18nstring->get_cid(), 'cache', TRUE); return parent::string_update($i18nstring, $options); } public function string_remove($i18nstring, $options = array()) { // Flush persistent cache. cache_clear_all($i18nstring->get_cid(), 'cache', TRUE); return parent::string_remove($i18nstring, $options); } }