'UI tests', 'description' => 'Test the Field Group UI.', 'group' => 'Field Group', ); } function setUp() { parent::setUp('field_test', 'field_group', 'field_group_test'); // Create test user. $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer content types', 'administer nodes', 'access administration pages', 'bypass node access')); $this->drupalLogin($admin_user); } /** * Test the creation a group on the article content type. */ function createGroup() { // Create random group name. $this->group_label = $this->randomName(8); $this->group_name_input = drupal_strtolower($this->randomName(8)); $this->group_name = 'group_' . $this->group_name_input; // Setup new group. $group = array( 'fields[_add_new_group][label]' => $this->group_label, 'fields[_add_new_group][group_name]' => $this->group_name_input, ); // Add new group on the 'Manage fields' page. $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields', $group, t('Save')); $this->assertRaw(t('New group %label successfully created.', array('%label' => $this->group_label)), t('Group message displayed on screen.')); // Test if group is in the $groups array. $groups = field_group_info_groups('node', 'article', 'form', TRUE); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists($this->group_name, $groups), t('Group found in groups array')); // Add new group on the 'Manage display' page. $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/manage/article/display', $group, t('Save')); $this->assertRaw(t('New group %label successfully created.', array('%label' => $this->group_label)), t('Group message displayed on screen.')); // Test if group is in the $groups array. $groups = field_group_info_groups('node', 'article', 'default', TRUE); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists($this->group_name, $groups), t('Group found in groups array')); } /** * Delete a group. */ function deleteGroup() { $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/manage/article/groups/' . $this->group_name . '/delete/form', array(), t('Delete')); $this->assertRaw(t('The group %label has been deleted from the %article content type.', array('%label' => $this->group_label, '%article' => 'Article')), t('Group removal message displayed on screen.')); // Test that group is not in the $groups array. $groups = field_group_info_groups('node', 'article', 'form', TRUE); $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists($this->group_name, $groups), t('Group not found in groups array while deleting')); $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/manage/article/groups/' . $this->group_name . '/delete/default', array(), t('Delete')); $this->assertRaw(t('The group %label has been deleted from the %article content type.', array('%label' => $this->group_label, '%article' => 'Article')), t('Group removal message displayed on screen.')); // Test that group is not in the $groups array. $groups = field_group_info_groups('node', 'article', 'default', TRUE); $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists($this->group_name, $groups), t('Group not found in groups array while deleting')); } /** * General CRUD. */ function testCRUDGroup() { $this->createGroup(); $this->deleteGroup(); } /** * Nest a field underneath a group. */ function testNestField() { $this->createGroup(); $edit = array( 'fields[field_image][parent]' => $this->group_name, ); $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields', $edit, t('Save')); $this->assertRaw(t('Your settings have been saved.'), t('Settings saved')); $groups = field_group_info_groups('node', 'article', 'form', TRUE); $this->assertTrue(in_array('field_image', $groups[$this->group_name]->children), t('Image is a child of %group', array('%group' => $this->group_name))); } }