field_name)) { // Ok, we have the field name property, we can proceed and check the field's type $field_info = $this->fieldInfo(); if (!$field_info || $field_info['type'] != 'field_collection') { throw new Exception("Invalid field name given: {$this->field_name} is not a Field Collection field."); } } } /** * Provides info about the field on the host entity, which embeds this * field collection item. */ public function fieldInfo() { return field_info_field($this->field_name); } /** * Provides info of the field instance containing the reference to this * field collection item. */ public function instanceInfo() { if ($this->fetchHostDetails()) { return field_info_instance($this->hostEntityType(), $this->field_name, $this->hostEntityBundle()); } } /** * Returns the field instance label translated to interface language. */ public function translatedInstanceLabel($langcode = NULL) { if ($info = $this->instanceInfo()) { if (module_exists('i18n_field')) { return i18n_string("field:{$this->field_name}:{$info['bundle']}:label", $info['label'], array('langcode' => $langcode)); } return $info['label']; } } /** * Specifies the default label, which is picked up by label() by default. */ public function defaultLabel() { if ($this->fetchHostDetails()) { $field = $this->fieldInfo(); $label = $this->translatedInstanceLabel(); $host = $this->hostEntity(); if ($new_label = module_invoke_all('field_collection_item_label', $this, $host, $field, $label)) { return array_pop($new_label); } elseif ($field['cardinality'] == 1) { return $label; } elseif ($this->item_id) { return t('!instance_label @count', array('!instance_label' => $label, '@count' => $this->delta() + 1)); } else { return t('New !instance_label', array('!instance_label' => $label)); } } return t('Unconnected field collection item'); } /** * Returns the path used to view the entity. */ public function path() { if ($this->item_id) { return field_collection_field_get_path($this->fieldInfo()) . '/' . $this->item_id; } } /** * Returns the URI as returned by entity_uri(). */ public function defaultUri() { return array( 'path' => $this->path(), ); } /** * Sets the host entity. Only possible during creation of a item. * * @param $create_link * (optional) Whether a field-item linking the host entity to the field * collection item should be created. */ public function setHostEntity($entity_type, $entity, $langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE, $create_link = TRUE) { if (!empty($this->is_new)) { $this->hostEntityType = $entity_type; $this->hostEntity = $entity; $this->langcode = $langcode; list($this->hostEntityId, $this->hostEntityRevisionId) = entity_extract_ids($this->hostEntityType, $this->hostEntity); // If the host entity is not saved yet, set the id to FALSE. So // fetchHostDetails() does not try to load the host entity details. if (!isset($this->hostEntityId)) { $this->hostEntityId = FALSE; } // We are create a new field collection for a non-default entity, thus // set archived to TRUE. if (!entity_revision_is_default($entity_type, $entity)) { $this->hostEntityId = FALSE; $this->archived = TRUE; } if ($create_link) { $entity->{$this->field_name}[$this->langcode][] = array('entity' => $this); } } else { throw new Exception('The host entity may be set only during creation of a field collection item.'); } } /** * Updates the wrapped host entity object. * * @param object $entity * Host entity. * @param string $host_entity_type * The entity type of the entity the field collection is attached to. */ public function updateHostEntity($entity, $host_entity_type = NULL) { $this->fetchHostDetails(); // If it isn't possible to retrieve hostEntityType due to the fact that it's // not saved in the DB yet then fill in info about the hostEntity manually. // This happens when creating a new revision of a field collection entity // and it needs to relate to the new revision of the host entity. if (!$this->hostEntityType) { $this->hostEntityType = $host_entity_type; $this->hostEntity = $entity; list($this->hostEntityId, $this->hostEntityRevisionId) = entity_extract_ids($this->hostEntityType, $this->hostEntity); } list($recieved_id) = entity_extract_ids($this->hostEntityType, $entity); if ($this->isInUse()) { $current_id = $this->hostEntityId; } else { $current_host = entity_revision_load($this->hostEntityType, $this->hostEntityRevisionId); list($current_id) = entity_extract_ids($this->hostEntityType, $current_host); } if ($current_id == $recieved_id) { $this->hostEntity = $entity; $delta = $this->delta(); if (isset($entity->{$this->field_name}[$this->langcode()][$delta]['entity'])) { $entity->{$this->field_name}[$this->langcode()][$delta]['entity'] = $this; } } else { throw new Exception('The host entity cannot be changed.'); } } /** * Returns the host entity, which embeds this field collection item. */ public function hostEntity() { if ($this->fetchHostDetails()) { if (!isset($this->hostEntity) && $this->isInUse()) { $this->hostEntity = entity_load_single($this->hostEntityType, $this->hostEntityId); } elseif (!isset($this->hostEntity) && $this->hostEntityRevisionId) { $this->hostEntity = entity_revision_load($this->hostEntityType, $this->hostEntityRevisionId); } return $this->hostEntity; } } /** * Returns the entity type of the host entity, which embeds this * field collection item. */ public function hostEntityType() { if ($this->fetchHostDetails()) { return $this->hostEntityType; } } /** * Returns the id of the host entity, which embeds this field collection item. */ public function hostEntityId() { if ($this->fetchHostDetails()) { if (!$this->hostEntityId && $this->hostEntityRevisionId) { $this->hostEntityId = entity_id($this->hostEntityType, $this->hostEntity()); } return $this->hostEntityId; } } /** * Returns the bundle of the host entity, which embeds this field collection * item. */ public function hostEntityBundle() { if ($entity = $this->hostEntity()) { list($id, $rev_id, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($this->hostEntityType, $entity); return $bundle; } } protected function fetchHostDetails() { if (!isset($this->hostEntityId)) { if ($this->item_id) { // For saved field collections, query the field data to determine the // right host entity. $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->fieldCondition($this->fieldInfo(), 'revision_id', $this->revision_id); if (!$this->isInUse()) { $query->age(FIELD_LOAD_REVISION); } $result = $query->execute(); list($this->hostEntityType, $data) = each($result); if ($this->isInUse()) { $this->hostEntityId = $data ? key($data) : FALSE; $this->hostEntityRevisionId = FALSE; } // If we are querying for revisions, we get the revision ID. else { $this->hostEntityId = FALSE; $this->hostEntityRevisionId = $data ? key($data) : FALSE; } } else { // No host entity available yet. $this->hostEntityId = FALSE; } } return !empty($this->hostEntityId) || !empty($this->hostEntity) || !empty($this->hostEntityRevisionId); } /** * Determines the $delta of the reference pointing to this field collection * item. */ public function delta() { if (($entity = $this->hostEntity()) && isset($entity->{$this->field_name})) { foreach ($entity->{$this->field_name} as $langcode => &$data) { if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $delta => $item) { if (isset($item['value']) && $item['value'] == $this->item_id) { $this->langcode = $langcode; return $delta; } elseif (isset($item['entity']) && $item['entity'] === $this) { $this->langcode = $langcode; return $delta; } } } } // If we don't find the delta in the current values (cause the item // is being deleted, for example), we search the delta in the originalcontent. if (!empty($entity->original)) { foreach ($entity->original->{$this->field_name} as $langcode => &$data) { if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $delta => $item) { if (isset($item['value']) && $item['value'] == $this->item_id) { $this->langcode = $langcode; return $delta; } elseif (isset($item['entity']) && $item['entity'] === $this) { $this->langcode = $langcode; return $delta; } } } } } } } /** * Determines the language code under which the item is stored. */ public function langcode() { if ($this->delta() === NULL || empty($this->langcode)) { $this->langcode = field_collection_entity_language('field_collection_item', $this); } if (empty($this->langcode) || ($this->langcode != LANGUAGE_NONE && (!module_exists('entity_translation') || !entity_translation_enabled('field_collection_item')))) { $this->langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE; } return $this->langcode; } /** * Determines whether this field collection item revision is in use. * * Field collection items may be contained in from non-default host entity * revisions. If the field collection item does not appear in the default * host entity revision, the item is actually not used by default and so * marked as 'archived'. * If the field collection item appears in the default revision of the host * entity, the default revision of the field collection item is in use there * and the collection is not marked as archived. */ public function isInUse() { return $this->default_revision && !$this->archived; } /** * Save the field collection item. * * By default, always save the host entity, so modules are able to react * upon changes to the content of the host and any 'last updated' dates of * entities get updated. * * For creating an item a host entity has to be specified via setHostEntity() * before this function is invoked. For the link between the entities to be * fully established, the host entity object has to be updated to include a * reference on this field collection item during saving. So do not skip * saving the host for creating items. * * @param $skip_host_save * (internal) If TRUE is passed, the host entity is not saved automatically * and therefore no link is created between the host and the item or * revision updates might be skipped. Use with care. */ public function save($skip_host_save = FALSE) { // Make sure we have a host entity during creation. if (!empty($this->is_new) && !(isset($this->hostEntityId) || isset($this->hostEntity) || isset($this->hostEntityRevisionId))) { throw new Exception("Unable to create a field collection item without a given host entity."); } // Copy the values of translatable fields for a new field collection item. if (field_collection_item_is_translatable() && !empty($this->is_new) && $this->langcode() == LANGUAGE_NONE) { $this->copyTranslations(); } // Only save directly if we are told to skip saving the host entity. Else, // we always save via the host as saving the host might trigger saving // field collection items anyway (e.g. if a new revision is created). if ($skip_host_save) { return entity_get_controller($this->entityType)->save($this); } else { $host_entity = $this->hostEntity(); if (!$host_entity) { throw new Exception("Unable to save a field collection item without a valid reference to a host entity."); } // If this is creating a new revision, also do so for the host entity. if (!empty($this->revision) || !empty($this->is_new_revision)) { $host_entity->revision = TRUE; if (!empty($this->default_revision)) { entity_revision_set_default($this->hostEntityType, $host_entity); } } // Set the host entity reference, so the item will be saved with the host. // @see field_collection_field_presave() $delta = $this->delta(); if (isset($delta)) { $host_entity->{$this->field_name}[$this->langcode()][$delta] = array('entity' => $this); } else { $host_entity->{$this->field_name}[$this->langcode()][] = array('entity' => $this); } return entity_save($this->hostEntityType, $host_entity); } } /** * Deletes the field collection item and the reference in the host entity. */ public function delete() { parent::delete(); $this->deleteHostEntityReference(); } /** * Copies text to all languages the collection item has a translation for. * * @param $source_language * Language code to copy the text from. */ public function copyTranslations($source_language = NULL) { // Get a handler for Entity Translation if there is one. $host_et_handler = NULL; if (module_exists('entity_translation')) { $host_et_handler = entity_translation_get_handler($this->hostEntityType(), $this->hostEntity()); } if (is_null($host_et_handler)) { return; } $host_languages = array_keys($host_et_handler->getTranslations()->data); if (empty($host_languages)) { $host_languages = array(entity_language($this->hostEntityType(), $this->hostEntity())); } $source_language = isset($source_language) ? $source_language : $host_et_handler->getLanguage(); $target_languages = array_diff($host_languages, array($source_language)); $fields_instances = array_keys(field_info_instances('field_collection_item', $this->field_name)); $fields = field_info_fields(); foreach ($fields_instances as $translatable_field) { if ($fields[$translatable_field]['translatable'] == 1) { foreach ($target_languages as $langcode) { if (isset($this->{$translatable_field}[$source_language])) { //Source (translatable_field) is set, therefore continue processing. if(!isset($this->{$translatable_field}[$langcode])) { //Destination (translatable_field) is not set, therefore safe to copy the translation. $this->{$translatable_field}[$langcode] = $this->{$translatable_field}[$source_language]; } } } if ($source_language == LANGUAGE_NONE && count($this->{$translatable_field}) > 1) { $this->{$translatable_field}[$source_language] = NULL; } } } } /** * Deletes the host entity's reference of the field collection item. */ protected function deleteHostEntityReference() { $delta = $this->delta(); if ($this->item_id && isset($delta)) { unset($this->hostEntity->{$this->field_name}[$this->langcode()][$delta]); // Do not save when the host entity is being deleted. See // field_collection_field_delete(). if (empty($this->hostEntity->field_collection_deleting)) { entity_save($this->hostEntityType(), $this->hostEntity()); } } } /** * Intelligently delete a field collection item revision. * * If a host entity is revisioned with its field collection items, deleting * a field collection item on the default revision of the host should not * delete the collection item from archived revisions too. Instead, we delete * the current default revision and archive the field collection. */ public function deleteRevision($skip_host_update = FALSE) { if (!$this->revision_id) { return; } if (!$skip_host_update) { // Just remove the item from the host, which cares about deleting the // item (depending on whether the update creates a new revision). $this->deleteHostEntityReference(); } if (!$this->isDefaultRevision()) { entity_revision_delete('field_collection_item', $this->revision_id); } // If deleting the default revision, take care! else { $row = db_select('field_collection_item_revision', 'r') ->fields('r') ->condition('item_id', $this->item_id) ->condition('revision_id', $this->revision_id, '<>') ->execute() ->fetchAssoc(); if ($row) { // Make the other revision the default revision and archive the item. db_update('field_collection_item') ->fields(array('archived' => 1, 'revision_id' => $row['revision_id'])) ->condition('item_id', $this->item_id) ->execute(); entity_get_controller('field_collection_item')->resetCache(array($this->item_id)); entity_revision_delete('field_collection_item', $this->revision_id); } if (!$row && !isset($this->hostEntity()->{$this->field_name}[$this->langcode()][$this->delta()])) { // Delete if there is no existing revision or translation to be saved. $this->delete(); } } } /** * Export the field collection item. * * Since field collection entities are not directly exportable (i.e., do not * have 'exportable' set to TRUE in hook_entity_info()) and since Features * calls this method when exporting the field collection as a field attached * to another entity, we return the export in the format expected by * Features, rather than in the normal Entity::export() format. */ public function export($prefix = '') { // Based on code in EntityDefaultFeaturesController::export_render(). $export = "entity_import('" . $this->entityType() . "', '"; $export .= addcslashes(parent::export(), '\\\''); $export .= "')"; return $export; } /** * Generate an array for rendering the field collection item. */ public function view($view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL, $page = NULL) { // Allow modules to change the view mode. $view_mode = key(entity_view_mode_prepare($this->entityType, array($this->item_id => $this), $view_mode, $langcode)); return parent::view($view_mode, $langcode, $page); } /** * Magic method to only serialize what's necessary. */ public function __sleep() { $vars = get_object_vars($this); unset($vars['entityInfo'], $vars['idKey'], $vars['nameKey'], $vars['statusKey']); unset($vars['fieldInfo']); // Also do not serialize the host entity, but only if it has already an id. if ($this->hostEntity && ($this->hostEntityId || $this->hostEntityRevisionId)) { unset($vars['hostEntity']); } // Also key the returned array with the variable names so the method may // be easily overridden and customized. return drupal_map_assoc(array_keys($vars)); } /** * Magic method to invoke setUp() on unserialization. * * @todo: Remove this once it appears in a released entity API module version. */ public function __wakeup() { $this->setUp(); } }