$path)), 'notice'); } // Chdir to the download location. $olddir = getcwd(); drush_op('chdir', $path); // Warn about an existing dir. if (is_dir($library)) { drush_log(dt('An existing @library was overwritten at @path', array('@library' => $library, '@path' => $path . '/' . $library)), 'notice'); } if (preg_match('!api.github.com/repos/.*/releases/latest!', $url)) { $url = _print_drush_github_latest_url($url); } // Download the archive. $filename = _print_drush_download_file($url); if ($filename) { $extract_ret = _print_drush_download_extract($filename); if ($extract_ret) { // Remove the archive. drush_op('unlink', $filename); drush_log(dt('@file has been downloaded and extracted in @path', array('@file' => $filename, '@path' => $path)), 'success'); } else { drush_log(dt('@file has been downloaded to @path, but extract failed. Check that you have the necessary program installed, and if necessary extract it manually.', array('@file' => $filename, '@path' => $path)), 'warning'); } } else { drush_log(dt('Drush was unable to download @library to @path', array('@library' => $library, '@path' => $path)), 'error'); } // Set working directory back to the previous working directory. drush_op('chdir', $olddir); } /** * Get filename of latest from github. * * @param string $github_url * The github URL to the latest project release. * * @return string * The URL to the latest file release. */ function _print_drush_github_latest_url($github_url) { $filename = _print_drush_download_file($github_url); $contents = file_get_contents($filename); drush_op('unlink', $filename); $json = json_decode($contents); if (isset($json->assets[0])) { $download_url = $json->assets[0]->browser_download_url; } else { // Try the zipball_url. $download_url = $json->zipball_url; } return $download_url; } /** * Download a file using wget or curl. * * Adapted from a function in drush/includes/drush.inc to support 302 redirects. * * @param string $download_url * The path to the file to download. * * @return string * The filename that was downloaded, or NULL if the file could not be * downloaded. */ function _print_drush_download_file($download_url) { if (!drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE')) { $wget_ret = drush_shell_exec("wget -nv --content-disposition %s", $download_url); if ($wget_ret) { // Get the filename of the saved file from the output. $wget_out = explode('"', array_shift(drush_shell_exec_output())); $filename = $wget_out[1]; } else { $tempnam = uniqid('print_drush_'); $curl_ret = drush_shell_exec("curl -s -L -o %s %s -w '%%{url_effective}'", $tempnam, $download_url); if ($curl_ret) { // File was downloaded with the temporary name. // Find the effective name. $filename = explode('/', array_shift(drush_shell_exec_output())); $filename = array_pop($filename); // Rename file from tempname to effective name. if (!drush_op('rename', $tempnam, './' . $filename)) { $filename = $tempnam; } } else { $filename = FALSE; } } } else { $filename = basename($download_url); } return $filename; } /** * Helper to extract the downloaded zip/tar archive. * * @param string $filename * Filename of the file to extract. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ function _print_drush_download_extract($filename) { $arch_ret = FALSE; if (drush_op('is_file', $filename)) { $mime_type = drush_op('mime_content_type', $filename); switch ($mime_type) { case 1: $arch_ret = TRUE; break; case 'application/zip': // Decompress the zip archive. $arch_ret = drush_shell_exec('unzip -qq -o %s', $filename); // ZIP archives usually get the access rights wrong. drush_log(dt('@filename is a Zip file. Check the access permissions of the extracted files.', array('@filename' => $filename)), 'warning'); break; case 'application/x-gzip': // Decompress the tar gz archive. $arch_ret = drush_shell_exec('tar xzf %s', $filename); break; case 'application/x-bzip2': // Decompress the tar bz2 archive. $arch_ret = drush_shell_exec('tar xjf %s', $filename); break; case 'application/x-xz': // Decompress the tar xz archive. $arch_ret = drush_shell_exec('tar xJf %s', $filename); break; default: drush_log(dt('Unknown MIME type: @type', array('@type' => $mime_type)), 'error'); } } else { drush_log(dt('@filename not found.', array('@filename' => $filename)), 'error'); } return $arch_ret; }