170, 'restore' => -170); /** * This function is called on a backup file after the backup has been completed. */ function backup($file, &$settings) { return $this->file_encrypt($file, $settings); } /** * This function is called on a backup file before importing it. */ function restore($file, &$settings) { return $this->file_decrypt($file); } /** * Get the form for the settings for this filter. */ function backup_settings_default() { return array('encryption' => 'none'); } /** * Get the form for the settings for this filter. */ function backup_settings_form($settings) { $form = array(); $options = $this->_backup_migrate_get_encryption_form_item_options(); if (count($options) > 1) { $form['file']['encryption'] = array( "#type" => "select", "#title" => t("File Encryption (EXPERIMENTAL)"), "#options" => $options, "#default_value" => @$settings['encryption'], '#description' => t('Encrypted files can only be restored by Backup and Migrate and only on sites with the same encryption key. This functionality is experimental, and should only be used for testing.'), ); } else { $form['file']['encryption'] = array( "#type" => 'item', "#title" => t("File Encryption"), "#markup" => t('Install the !link to enable backup file encryption.', array('!link' => l(t('AES Encryption Module'), 'http://drupal.org/project/aes'))), ); } return $form; } /** * Return a list of backup filetypes. */ function file_types() { return array( "aes" => array( "extension" => "aes", "filemime" => "application/octet-stream", "backup" => TRUE, "restore" => TRUE, ), ); } /** * Get the compression options as an options array for a form item. */ function _backup_migrate_get_encryption_form_item_options() { $options = array(); $options = array('' => t('No Encryption')); if (@function_exists("aes_encrypt")) { $options['aes'] = t("AES Encryption"); } return $options; } /** * AES encrypt a file. */ function aes_encrypt($source, $dest) { $success = FALSE; if (function_exists('aes_encrypt')) { if ($data = $source->get_contents()) { // Add a marker to the end of the data so we can trim the padding on decrpypt. $data = pack("a*H2", $data, "80"); if ($data = aes_encrypt($data, FALSE)) { $dest->put_contents($data); $success = TRUE; } } } return $success; } /** * Gzip decode a file. */ function aes_decrypt($source, $dest) { $success = FALSE; if (function_exists('aes_decrypt')) { if ($data = $source->get_contents()) { if ($data = aes_decrypt($data, FALSE)) { // Trim all the padding zeros plus our non-zero marker. $data = substr(rtrim($data, "\0"), 0, -1); $dest->put_contents($data); $success = TRUE; } } } return $success; } /** * Compress a file with the given settings. * Also updates settings to reflect new file mime and file extension. */ function file_encrypt($file, $settings) { if (!empty($settings->filters['encryption'])) { switch ($settings->filters['encryption']) { case "aes": $from = $file->push_type('aes'); $from = new backup_file(array('filepath' => $from)); if (!$success = $this->aes_encrypt($from, $file)) { $file = NULL; } break; } if (!$file) { _backup_migrate_message("Could not encrypt backup file. Try backing up without encryption.", array(), 'error'); } } return $file; } /** * Decompress a file with the given settings. * Also updates settings to reflect new file mime and file extension. */ function file_decrypt($file) { $success = FALSE; if ($file) { switch ($file->type_id()) { case "aes": $from = $file->pop_type(); $success = $this->aes_decrypt($from, $file); break; default: return $file; break; } if (!$success) { if (function_exists('aes_decrypt')) { _backup_migrate_message("Could not decrpyt backup file. Please check that the file is valid and that the encryption key of the server matches the server that created the backup.", array(), 'error'); } else { _backup_migrate_message('You must install the !link to restore encrypted backkups.', array('!link' => l(t('AES Encryption Module'), 'http://drupal.org/project/aes')), 'error'); } } } return $success ? $file : NULL; } }