description = t('Migrate Materio Company Node'); // provide better description for source fields // and add new field source not from sql $source_fields = array( 'id_industrial' => t('Industrial id from source'), 'department'=> t('en-fr department implemented on prepare'), 'language'=> t('en-fr langauge description, used in prepare'), 'premise'=>'', 'sub_premise'=>'', ); $query = db_select(MIG_MAT_SRC_DB .'.industrial_id', 'iid'); $query->join(MIG_MAT_SRC_DB .'.industrial_info', 'iinf', 'iid.id_industrial = iinf.id_industrial'); $ilfr_select = db_select(MIG_MAT_SRC_DB .'.industrial_lang', 'ilfr_select') ->fields('ilfr_select')->condition('ilfr_select.id_locale',1)->orderBy('ilfr_select.id_industrial', 'DESC')->distinct(); $query->join($ilfr_select, 'ilfr', 'iid.id_industrial = ilfr.id_industrial'); $ilen_select = db_select(MIG_MAT_SRC_DB .'.industrial_lang', 'ilen_select') ->fields('ilen_select')->condition('ilen_select.id_locale',2)->orderBy('ilen_select.id_industrial', 'ASC')->distinct(); $query->join($ilen_select, 'ilen', 'iid.id_industrial = ilen.id_industrial'); $query ->fields('iid', array('id_industrial', 'date_creation', 'date_modif', 'memo')) ->fields('iinf', array('company', 'address', 'city', 'zip', 'web', 'ccode1', 'tel1', 'ccode2', 'tel2', 'ccode3', 'tel3')) ->orderBy('id_industrial', 'DESC'); $query->addField('ilfr', 'department', 'department_fr'); $query->addField('ilfr', 'country', 'country_fr'); $query->addField('ilen', 'department', 'department_en'); $query->addField('ilen', 'country', 'country_en'); $query->groupBy('id_industrial') ->orderBy('id_industrial', 'DESC'); $this->source = new MigrateSourceSQL($query, $source_fields); $this->destination = new MigrateDestinationNode('company'); $this->map = new MigrateSQLMap($this->machineName, array( 'id_industrial' => array( 'type' => 'int', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'not null' => TRUE, 'description' => 'OLD Unique industrial ID', 'alias' => 'iid', ) ), MigrateDestinationNode::getKeySchema() ); // Make the mappings $this->addFieldMapping('language')->defaultValue('en'); $this->addFieldMapping('is_new')->defaultValue(TRUE); $this->addFieldMapping('created', 'date_creation'); $this->addFieldMapping('changed', 'date_modif'); $this->addFieldMapping('status')->defaultValue(1); $this->addFieldMapping('promote')->defaultValue(0); $this->addFieldMapping('sticky')->defaultValue(0); $this->addFieldMapping('field_tode_company', 'company') ->arguments(array('create_term' => TRUE)); // see on prepareRow() $this->addFieldMapping('field_department', 'department'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_department:language', 'language'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'department_en'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'department_fr'); $arguments = array( 'thoroughfare' => array('source_field' => 'address'), 'premise' => array('source_field' => 'premise'), 'sub_premise' => array('source_field' => 'sub_premise'), 'locality' => array('source_field' => 'city'), 'postal_code' => array('source_field' => 'zip'), ); $this->addFieldMapping('field_public_address', 'country_en') ->arguments($arguments); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'address'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'premise'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'sub_premise'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'city'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'zip'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'country_fr'); // $arguments = MigrateLinkFieldHandler::arguments(array('source_field' => 'web_title')); $this->addFieldMapping('field_website', 'web'); // ->arguments($arguments); $this->addFieldMapping('body')->defaultValue(''); $this->addFieldMapping('field_infos_from_company')->defaultValue(''); $arguments = array( 'number' => array('source_field' => 'tel1'), ); $this->addFieldMapping('field_public_phone', 'ccode1') ->arguments($arguments); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'tel1'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'tel2'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'ccode2'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'tel3'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'ccode3'); /* TODO multiple field phone number ?? tel2 ccode2 tel3 ccode3 for now added to memo */ $this->addFieldMapping('field_note')->defaultValue(2); $this->addFieldMapping('field_memo', 'memo'); $this->addFieldMapping('pathauto')->defaultValue(1); $this->addFieldMapping('comment')->defaultValue(0); $this->addFieldMapping('revision')->defaultValue(0); } public function prepareRow($cr) { $cr->address = preg_replace('/\\n/', ', ', $cr->address); if(strlen($cr->address) > 255){ $adress = $cr->address; $cr->address = substr($adress, 0, 250); $cr->premise = substr($adress, 250, 500); $sub = substr($adress, 500, 750); $cr->sub_premise = $sub ? $sub : ''; }else{ $cr->premise = ''; $cr->sub_premise = ''; } $cr->city = preg_replace('/\\n/', ' ', $cr->city); $cr->department = array($cr->department_en, $cr->department_fr); $cr->language = array('en', 'fr'); $cr->web = str_replace('http://', '', $cr->web); /* TODO multiple company with same name how to force new term creation ? then how to recognize the right comp. with materieaux ? */ $cr->company = trim($cr->company); $same_comp = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($cr->company); if(count($same_comp)){ $cr->company .= '-'.$cr->id_industrial; $cr->memo .= "\n".'#multiple-term'; } $ccs = cck_phone_countrycodes(); $match = 0; $ccode1 = ''; foreach ($ccs as $cc => $cc_values) { if('+'.$cr->ccode1 == $cc_values['code']){ $cr->ccode1 = $cc; $ccode1 = $ccs[$cc]; $match++; } if('+'.$cr->ccode2 == $cc_values['code']){ $cr->ccode2 = $ccs[$cc]; $match++; } if('+'.$cr->ccode3 == $cc_values['code']){ $cr->ccode3 = $ccs[$cc]; $match++; } if($match == 3) break; } $cr->ccode1 = strlen($cr->ccode1) == 2 ? $cr->ccode1 : false; if(($cr->tel1 != '' && !$cr->ccode1) || strlen($cr->tel1) > 15){ $cr->tel1 = ''; $cc = is_array($ccode1) ? $ccode1['country'] . ' (' . $ccode1['code'] . ')' : ''; $cr->memo .= "\n".'tel1 : '. $cc .' '. $cr->tel1; } // do this because i don't know how to insert multiple phone fields if($cr->tel2 != ''){ $cc = is_array($cr->ccode2) ? $cr->ccode2['country'] . ' (' . $cr->ccode2['code'] . ')' : ''; $cr->memo .= "\n".'tel2 : '. $cc .' '. $cr->tel2; } if($cr->tel3 != ''){ $cc = is_array($cr->ccode3) ? $cr->ccode3['country'] . ' (' . $cr->ccode3['code'] . ')' : ''; $cr->memo .= "\n".'tel3 : '. $cc .' '. $cr->tel3; } // dsm($cr, '- - - - $cr - - - -'); return TRUE; // return FALSE if you wish to skip a particular row } public function prepare($node, stdClass $row) { // dsm('-- prepare --'); // dsm($node, '$node'); // dsm($row, '$row'); $node->workflow = 4; // $node->field_public_email = array('und'=>array($row->email_contact)); } }