<?php /** * @file * This file contains no working PHP code; it exists to provide additional * documentation for doxygen as well as to document hooks in the standard * Drupal manner. */ /** * @addtogroup hooks * @{ */ /** * Act on profiles being loaded from the database. * * This hook is invoked during profile loading, which is handled by * entity_load(), via the EntityCRUDController. * * @param $entities * An array of profile2 entities being loaded, keyed by id. * * @see hook_entity_load() */ function hook_profile2_load($entities) { $result = db_query('SELECT pid, foo FROM {mytable} WHERE pid IN(:ids)', array(':ids' => array_keys($entities))); foreach ($result as $record) { $entities[$record->pid]->foo = $record->foo; } } /** * Respond when a profile is inserted. * * This hook is invoked after the profile is inserted into the database. * * @param profile * The profile that is being inserted. * * @see hook_entity_insert() */ function hook_profile2_insert($profile) { db_insert('mytable') ->fields(array( 'pid' => $profile->pid, 'extra' => $profile->extra, )) ->execute(); } /** * Act on a profile being inserted or updated. * * This hook is invoked before the profile is saved to the database. * * @param $profile * The profile that is being inserted or updated. * * @see hook_entity_presave() */ function hook_profile2_presave($profile) { $profile->extra = 'foo'; } /** * Respond to a profile being updated. * * This hook is invoked after the profile has been updated in the database. * * @param $profile * The $profile that is being updated. * * @see hook_entity_update() */ function hook_profile2_update($profile) { db_update('mytable') ->fields(array('extra' => $profile->extra)) ->condition('pid', $profile->pid) ->execute(); } /** * Respond to profile deletion. * * This hook is invoked after the profile has been removed from the database. * * @param $profile * The profile that is being deleted. * * @see hook_entity_delete() */ function hook_profile2_delete($profile) { db_delete('mytable') ->condition('pid', $profile->pid) ->execute(); } /** * Act on a profile that is being assembled before rendering. * * @param $profile * The profile entity. * @param $view_mode * The view mode the profile is rendered in. * @param $langcode * The language code used for rendering. * * The module may add elements to $profile->content prior to rendering. The * structure of $profile->content is a renderable array as expected by * drupal_render(). * * @see hook_entity_prepare_view() * @see hook_entity_view() */ function hook_profile2_view($profile, $view_mode, $langcode) { $profile->content['my_additional_field'] = array( '#markup' => $additional_field, '#weight' => 10, '#theme' => 'mymodule_my_additional_field', ); } /** * Alter the results of entity_view() for profiles. * * @param $build * A renderable array representing the profile content. * * This hook is called after the content has been assembled in a structured * array and may be used for doing processing which requires that the complete * profile content structure has been built. * * If the module wishes to act on the rendered HTML of the profile rather than * the structured content array, it may use this hook to add a #post_render * callback. Alternatively, it could also implement hook_preprocess_profile2(). * See drupal_render() and theme() documentation respectively for details. * * @see hook_entity_view_alter() */ function hook_profile2_view_alter($build) { if ($build['#view_mode'] == 'full' && isset($build['an_additional_field'])) { // Change its weight. $build['an_additional_field']['#weight'] = -10; // Add a #post_render callback to act on the rendered HTML of the entity. $build['#post_render'][] = 'my_module_post_render'; } } /** * Act on profile type being loaded from the database. * * This hook is invoked during profile type loading, which is handled by * entity_load(), via the EntityCRUDController. * * @param $types * An array of profiles being loaded, keyed by profile type names. */ function hook_profile2_type_load($types) { if (isset($types['main'])) { $types['main']->userCategory = FALSE; $types['main']->userView = FALSE; } } /** * Respond when a profile type is inserted. * * This hook is invoked after the profile type is inserted into the database. * * @param $type * The profile type that is being inserted. */ function hook_profile2_type_insert($type) { db_insert('mytable') ->fields(array( 'id' => $type->id, 'extra' => $type->extra, )) ->execute(); } /** * Act on a profile type being inserted or updated. * * This hook is invoked before the profile type is saved to the database. * * @param $type * The profile type that is being inserted or updated. */ function hook_profile2_type_presave($type) { $type->extra = 'foo'; } /** * Respond to updates to a profile. * * This hook is invoked after the profile type has been updated in the database. * * @param $type * The profile type that is being updated. */ function hook_profile2_type_update($type) { db_update('mytable') ->fields(array('extra' => $type->extra)) ->condition('id', $type->id) ->execute(); } /** * Respond to profile type deletion. * * This hook is invoked after the profile type has been removed from the * database. * * @param $type * The profile type that is being deleted. */ function hook_profile2_type_delete($type) { db_delete('mytable') ->condition('id', $type->id) ->execute(); } /** * Define default profile type configurations. * * @return * An array of default profile types, keyed by profile type names. */ function hook_default_profile2_type() { $types['main'] = new ProfileType(array( 'type' => 'main', 'label' => t('Profile'), 'weight' => 0, 'locked' => TRUE, )); return $types; } /** * Alter default profile type configurations. * * @param $defaults * An array of default profile types, keyed by type names. * * @see hook_default_profile2_type() */ function hook_default_profile2_type_alter(&$defaults) { $defaults['main']->label = 'custom label'; } /** * Alter profile2 forms. * * Modules may alter the profile2 entity form regardless to which form it is * attached by making use of this hook or the profile type specifiy * hook_form_profile2_edit_PROFILE_TYPE_form_alter(). #entity_builders may be * used in order to copy the values of added form elements to the entity, just * as described by entity_form_submit_build_entity(). * * @param $form * Nested array of form elements that comprise the form. * @param $form_state * A keyed array containing the current state of the form. * * @see profile2_attach_form() */ function hook_form_profile2_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) { // Your alterations. } /** * Control access to profiles. * * Modules may implement this hook if they want to have a say in whether or not * a given user has access to perform a given operation on a profile. * * @param $op * The operation being performed. One of 'view', 'edit' (being the same as * 'create' or 'update') and 'delete'. * @param $profile * (optional) A profile to check access for. If nothing is given, access for * all profiles is determined. * @param $account * (optional) The user to check for. If no account is passed, access is * determined for the global user. * @return boolean * Return TRUE to grant access, FALSE to explicitly deny access. Return NULL * or nothing to not affect the operation. * Access is granted as soon as a module grants access and no one denies * access. Thus if no module explicitly grants access, access will be denied. * * @see profile2_access() */ function hook_profile2_access($op, $profile = NULL, $account = NULL) { if (isset($profile)) { // Explicitly deny access for a 'secret' profile type. if ($profile->type == 'secret' && !user_access('custom permission')) { return FALSE; } // For profiles other than the default profile grant access. if ($profile->type != 'main' && user_access('custom permission')) { return TRUE; } // In other cases do not alter access. } } /** * @} */