skrollr-menu 1.0.2 ================== skrollr plugin for hash navigation. Documentation ============= In case you want to use hash links, e.g. `About` you need to know the following: * If you animate `top`, `margin-top` or anything that moves the element up/down, the browser won't be able to jump to the correct position and you may end up somewhere else * If you're using skrollr on mobile they won't work at all, because we're not using native scrolling there **But** we've got you covered. Download the `dist/` file and include it right after the `skrollr.min.js` file. Then you need to call `` passing the skrollr instance as first parameter and optionally some options. Here's a full example. ```js var s = skrollr.init(/*other stuff*/); //The options (second parameter) are all optional. The values shown are the default values., { //skrollr will smoothly animate to the new position using `animateTo`. animate: true, //The easing function to use. easing: 'sqrt', //Multiply your data-[offset] values so they match those set in skrollr.init scale: 2, //How long the animation should take in ms. duration: function(currentTop, targetTop) { //By default, the duration is hardcoded at 500ms. return 500; //But you could calculate a value based on the current scroll position (`currentTop`) and the target scroll position (`targetTop`). //return Math.abs(currentTop - targetTop) * 10; }, //If you pass a handleLink function you'll disable `data-menu-top` and `data-menu-offset`. //You are in control where skrollr will scroll to. You get the clicked link as a parameter and are expected to return a number. handleLink: function(link) { return 400;//Hardcoding 400 doesn't make much sense. }, //By default skrollr-menu will only react to links whose href attribute contains a hash and nothing more, e.g. `href="#foo"`. //If you enable `complexLinks`, skrollr-menu also reacts to absolute and relative URLs which have a hash part. //The following will all work (if the user is on the correct page): // // ///?foo=bar#foo complexLinks: false, //This event is triggered right before we jump/animate to a new hash. change: function(newHash, newTopPosition) { //Do stuff }, //Add hash link (e.g. `#foo`) to URL or not. updateUrl: false //defaults to `true`. }); ``` And in order to fix the problem with the wrong offset, you are able to specify the target scroll position right at the link, e.g. ```html About ``` This link will cause the page to scroll to `500`. But you should let the the href point to the actual target because if skrollr or js are disabled, the links will still work. As of skrollr-menu `0.1.10` you can also use percentage offsets by appending a `p` to the number. E.g. `data-menu-top="75p"` will scroll down 75% of the viewport height. Offsets ----- When you don't want the target element to be perfectly aligned with the top of the viewport (that's what the browser does), then you can use `data-menu-offset` on the target element to specify an offset from the top. For example when you have a fixed navigation with a height of `100px`, then you probably want skrollr-menu to put the element at least 100px from the top in order to not disappear behind the nav. ```html

If it fits, I sits

Some text about felines (the internet loves felines).

``` Note how the offset is negative, because we want to scroll down `100px` **less** than normal. Or in other words, we want to stop `100px` **before** the element. Positive values work the opposite way (scroll farther than usual). Ignore links ------------ If you want skrollr-menu to ignore some of the hash links add an empty `data-menu-ignore` attribute. Programmatically triggering a click ----------------------------------- If you want to click one of the menu links programmatically, simply pass the link DOM element to the `` function. Skrollr menu has to be initialized first! ```js var link = document.querySelector('a');; ``` Per-link duration ----------------- Instead of using the `duration` option, you can also specify a duration per-link by using the `data-menu-duration` attribute. ```html #awesome over 5 seconds ``` Changelog ========= 1.0.2 (2015-04-06) ------------------ * Added `updateUrl` option (#75). 1.0.1 (2015-01-24) ------------------- * Added `data-menu-ignore` support (#7, #64). 1.0.0 (2015-01-16) ------------------- * Added a `change` event which triggers before jumping to a new position / changing the hash (#61). * Call this 1.0.0 already... 0.1.15 (2014-11-06) ------------------- * Added `data-menu-duration` attribute (#57). 0.1.14 (2014-10-03) ------------------- * Added the `complexLinks` option (#55). 0.1.13 (2014-09-26) ------------------- * Fixed issue with jumping to hash when page was loaded, but no link to the hash exists #(54) 0.1.12 (2014-05-10) ------------------- * Added `` 0.1.11 (2014-03-14) ----- * Fixed links not working inside SVG elements (#37) 0.1.10 (2013-11-21) ----- * Added support for percentage offsets in `data-menu-top` (#20) 0.1.9 (2013-11-19) ----- * Added `scale` option (#23) 0.1.8 (2013-10-28) ----- * Added `handleLink` function option (#24) 0.1.7 (2013-10-18) ----- * Use `skrollr.addEvent` instead of `addEventListener` in order to have the events removed when skrollr gets destroyed (#21) 0.1.6 (2013-10-13) ----- * Don't jump to the hash on page load, only after init is called (#8, #12, #19) 0.1.5 (2013-07-13) ----- * The `duration` option now also accepts a function to dynamically calculate the duration based on how far the animation will scroll (#9). 0.1.4 (2013-06-23) ----- * When clicking on a link, change the hash in the url (#3). With back-button functionality. * Also, when entering the website with a hash inside the url, jump to it. 0.1.3 (2013-05-21) ----- * Only listen to left click (#2). * Added `data-menu-offset` (see documentation). 0.1.2 (2013-05-21) ----- * Made the plugin work again (stupid regression from 0.1.1). 0.1.1 (2013-05-18) ----- * Handle the case when the clicked link doesn't have a `href` attribute at all. 0.1.0 (2013-05-18) ----- * Moved skrollr-menu to a dedicated repo