If it fits, I sits
Some text about felines (the internet loves felines).
Note how the offset is negative, because we want to scroll down `100px` **less** than normal. Or in other words, we want to stop `100px` **before** the element. Positive values work the opposite way (scroll farther than usual).
Ignore links
If you want skrollr-menu to ignore some of the hash links add an empty `data-menu-ignore` attribute.
Programmatically triggering a click
If you want to click one of the menu links programmatically, simply pass the link DOM element to the `skrollr.menu.click` function. Skrollr menu has to be initialized first!
var link = document.querySelector('a');
Per-link duration
Instead of using the `duration` option, you can also specify a duration per-link by using the `data-menu-duration` attribute.