The hook_cron_alter(&$hooks) allows you to change the cron hooks defined by hook_cron() and hook_cronapi().


Change default rules for the Node modules cron hook and hi-jack system cron:

function hook_cron_alter(&$hooks) {
  $hooks['node_cron']['settings']['rules'] = array('0 * * * *');
  $hooks['system_cron']['module'] = 'mymodule';
  $hooks['system_cron']['callback'] = 'mymodule_new_system_cron';
  $hooks['system_cron']['file'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'mymodule') . '/';

Example of the Node modules cron hook data:

    [unsafe] =>
    [description] => Default cron handler
    [module] => node
    [configure] =>
    [settings] => Array
            [enabled] => 1
            [rules] => Array
                    [0] => * * * * *

            [catch_up] => 300

    [function] => node_cron
    [callback] => node_cron

Description of data structure

unsafeIf true, then the cron hook is considered unsafe, meaning that Ultimate Cron will not execute it. This value is set by Ultimate Cron when determining which hooks are unsafe. A hook is considered unsafe, if the function resides in a module with a weight lower than Ultimate Cron.
descriptionThe description of the cron hook, usally defined in hook_cronapi(). The core modules description are added through a hook_cron_alter() in Ultimate Cron.
moduleName of the module in which the cron hook lives
configureLink to module settings page
settingsArray with settings data, contains enabled, rules and catch_up by default, provided by Ultimate Cron
functionName of function for the cron hook. Note: This is unsafe to change
callbackName of callback to use when executing cron. This is set to the cron hooks function by default
filePath to file (including filename) where callback is defined.