$info) { $old_items[$delta]['entity'] = isset($entities[$info['target_id']]) ? $entities[$info['target_id']] : NULL; } foreach ($new_items as $delta => $info) { $new_items[$delta]['entity'] = isset($entities[$info['target_id']]) ? $entities[$info['target_id']] : NULL; } } /** * Diff field callback for parsing entity field comparative values. */ function entityreference_field_diff_view($items, $context) { $field = $context['field']; $instance = $context['instance']; $settings = $context['settings']; $entity_type = $field['settings']['target_type']; $diff_items = array(); // We populate as much as possible to allow the best flexability in any // string overrides. $t_args = array(); $t_args['!entity_type'] = $entity_type; $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type); $t_args['!entity_type_label'] = $entity_info['label']; foreach ($items as $delta => $item) { if (isset($item['entity'])) { $output = array(); list($id,, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $item['entity']); $t_args['!id'] = $id; $t_args['!bundle'] = $bundle; $t_args['!diff_entity_label'] = entity_label($entity_type, $item['entity']); $output['entity'] = t('!diff_entity_label', $t_args); if ($settings['show_id']) { $output['id'] = t('ID: !id', $t_args); } $diff_items[$delta] = implode('; ', $output); } } return $diff_items; } /** * Provide default field comparison options. */ function entityreference_field_diff_default_options($field_type) { return array( 'show_id' => 0, ); } /** * Provide a form for setting the field comparison options. */ function entityreference_field_diff_options_form($field_type, $settings) { $options_form = array(); $options_form['show_id'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show ID'), '#default_value' => $settings['show_id'], ); return $options_form; }