<?php /** * @file * Includes the hooks defined by diff_hook_info(). */ /** * Implements hook_entity_diff(). * * Helper function to invoke the depreciated hook_diff() for node entities. * * This manually invokes hook_diff() to avoid a function name clash with the * PHP 5 (>= 5.3.0) date_diff() function or the Dates modules implementation. * * @param object $old_entity * The older node revision. * @param object $new_entity * The newer node revision. * @param array $context * An associative array containing: * - entity_type: The entity type; e.g., 'node' or 'user'. * - old_entity: The older entity. * - new_entity: The newer entity. * - view_mode: The view mode to use. Defaults to FALSE. */ function diff_entity_diff($old_entity, $new_entity, $context) { $return = array(); $entity_type = $context['entity_type']; $info = entity_get_info($entity_type); if (!empty($info['fieldable'])) { $return = diff_entity_fields_diff($old_entity, $new_entity, $context); } return $return; } /** * Internal callback to handle fieldable entities. * * Field comparison is handled for core modules, but is expandable to any other * fields if the module defines MODULE_field_diff_view(). * * @param object $old_entity * The older entity entity revision. * @param object $new_entity * The newer entity entity revision. * @param array $context * An associative array containing: * - entity_type: The entity type; e.g., 'node' or 'user'. * - old_entity: The older entity. * - new_entity: The newer entity. * - view_mode: The view mode to use. Defaults to FALSE. * * @return array * An associative array of values keyed by the field name and delta value. */ function diff_entity_fields_diff($old_entity, $new_entity, $context) { $result = array(); $entity_type = $context['entity_type']; $view_mode = $context['view_mode']; $field_context = $context; $actual_mode = FALSE; list(,, $bundle_name) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $new_entity); $instances = field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle_name); // Some fields piggy back the display settings, so we need to fake these by // ensuring that the field mode is always set. if (empty($view_mode)) { $actual_mode = 'diff_standard'; $field_context['custom_settings'] = FALSE; } $view_mode_settings = field_view_mode_settings($entity_type, $bundle_name); $actual_mode = (!empty($view_mode_settings[$view_mode]['custom_settings'])) ? $view_mode : 'default'; if (!isset($field_context['custom_settings'])) { $field_context['custom_settings'] = $actual_mode && $actual_mode == $view_mode; } $field_context['old_entity'] = $old_entity; $field_context['new_entity'] = $new_entity; $field_context['bundle_name'] = $bundle_name; foreach ($instances as $instance) { // Any view mode is supported in relation to hiding fields, but only if // selected (todo see if this is a valid option). if ($actual_mode && $instance['display'][$actual_mode]['type'] == 'hidden') { continue; } $field_name = $instance['field_name']; $field = field_info_field($field_name); $field_context['field'] = $field; $field_context['instance'] = $instance; $field_context['display'] = $instance['display'][$actual_mode]; // We provide a loose check on the field access. if (field_access('view', $field, $entity_type) || field_access('edit', $field, $entity_type)) { $langcode = field_language($entity_type, $new_entity, $field_name); $field_context['language'] = $langcode; $field_context['field'] = $field; $field_context['instance'] = $instance; $old_items = array(); if (!empty($old_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode])) { $old_items = $old_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode]; } $new_items = array(); if (!empty($new_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode])) { $new_items = $new_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode]; } // Load files containing the field callbacks. _diff_autoload($field); $field_context['settings'] = diff_get_field_settings($field_context); // Reference fields can optionally prepare objects in bulk to reduce // overheads related to multiple database calls. If a field considers // that the delta values is meaningless, they can order and rearrange // to provide cleaner results. $func = $field['module'] . '_field_diff_view_prepare'; if (function_exists($func)) { $func($old_items, $new_items, $field_context); } // Allow other modules to act safely on behalf of the core field module. drupal_alter('field_diff_view_prepare', $old_items, $new_items, $field_context); // These functions compiles the items into comparable arrays of strings. $func = $field['module'] . '_field_diff_view'; if (!function_exists($func)) { $func = 'diff_field_diff_view'; } // These callbacks should be independent of revision. $old_context = $field_context; $old_context['entity'] = $old_entity; $old_values = $func($old_items, $old_context); $new_context = $field_context; $new_context['entity'] = $new_entity; $new_values = $func($new_items, $new_context); // Allow other modules to act safely on behalf of the core field module. drupal_alter('field_diff_view', $old_values, $old_items, $old_context); drupal_alter('field_diff_view', $new_values, $new_items, $new_context); $max = max(array(count($old_values), count($new_values))); if ($max) { $result[$field_name] = array( '#name' => $instance['label'], '#old' => array(), '#new' => array(), '#settings' => $field_context['settings'], ); for ($delta = 0; $delta < $max; $delta++) { if (isset($old_values[$delta])) { $result[$field_name]['#old'][] = is_array($old_values[$delta]) ? implode("\n", $old_values[$delta]) : $old_values[$delta]; } if (isset($new_values[$delta])) { $result[$field_name]['#new'][] = is_array($new_values[$delta]) ? implode("\n", $new_values[$delta]) : $new_values[$delta]; } } $result[$field_name]['#old'] = implode("\n", $result[$field_name]['#old']); $result[$field_name]['#new'] = implode("\n", $result[$field_name]['#new']); if ($actual_mode) { $result[$field_name]['#weight'] = $instance['display'][$actual_mode]['weight']; } } } } return $result; } /** * A generic handler for parsing field values. * * This callback can only handle the most basic of fields that populates the * safe_value during field load or use the value column for data storage. * * @param array $items * An array of field items. * @param array $context * An associative array containing: * - entity: The entity that the items belong to. * - entity_type: The entity type; e.g., 'node' or 'user'. * - bundle: The bundle name. * - field: The field that the items belong to. * - instance: The instance that the items belong to. * - language: The language associated with $items. * - old_entity: The older entity. * - new_entity: The newer entity. * * @return array * An array of strings representing the value, keyed by delta index. */ function diff_field_diff_view($items, $context) { $diff_items = array(); $entity = clone $context['entity']; $langcode = field_language($context['entity_type'], $entity, $context['field']['field_name']); $view_mode = empty($context['view_mode']) ? 'diff_standard' : $context['view_mode']; $element = field_view_field($context['entity_type'], $entity, $context['field']['field_name'], $view_mode, $langcode); foreach (element_children($element) as $delta) { $diff_items[$delta] = drupal_render($element[$delta]); } return $diff_items; } /** * Helper function to get the settings for a given field or formatter. * * @param array $context * This will get the settings for a field. * - field (required): The field that the items belong to. * - entity: The entity that we are looking up. * - instance: The instance that the items belong to. * - view_mode: The view mode to use. Defaults to FALSE. * * @return array * The settings for this field type. */ function diff_get_field_settings($field_context) { $field = $field_context['field']; // Update saved settings from the global settings for this field type. $settings = variable_get("diff_{$field['module']}_field_{$field['type']}_default_options", array()); $settings = _diff_field_default_settings($field['module'], $field['type'], $settings); // Allow modules to alter the field settings based on the current context. drupal_alter('diff_field_settings', $settings, $field_context); return $settings; } /** * Helper function to initiate any global form elements. */ function diff_global_settings_form(&$subform, $form_state, $type, $settings) { $subform['show_header'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show field title'), '#default_value' => $settings['show_header'], '#weight' => -5, ); $subform['markdown'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Markdown callback'), '#default_value' => $settings['markdown'], '#options' => array( 'drupal_html_to_text' => t('Drupal HTML to Text'), 'filter_xss' => t('Filter XSS (some tags)'), 'diff_filter_xss' => t('Filter XSS (all tags)'), ), '#description' => t('These provide ways to clean markup tags to make comparisons easier to read.'), '#empty_option' => t('- Do not process -'), ); $subform['line_counter'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Line counter'), '#default_value' => $settings['line_counter'], '#description' => t('This outputs the (approximate) line numbers as a heading before every change.'), '#options' => array( '' => t('None. Counter ignore and not incremented.'), 'hidden' => t('Count lines but do not show line headers.'), 'line' => t('Count and show lines, restarting counter at 0.'), 'line_continuous' => t('Count and show lines, incrementing counter from last item.'), ), ); /* This would be cool, but to do anything else than inline with the text appears to be very hard, requiring a refactoring of both the modules API but also the DiffFormatter and Diff classes. Diff 8.x-4.x maybe. $subform['show_delta'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show delta values'), '#default_value' => $settings['show_delta'], ); $subform['delta_format'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Delta insertion method'), '#default_value' => $settings['delta_format'], '#options' => array( 'inline' => t('Prefix to item'), 'row' => t('Individual row'), ), '#states' => array( 'invisible' => array( "input[id$='show-delta']" => array('checked' => FALSE), ), ), ); */ } /** * Helper function to populate the settings array. */ function _diff_field_default_settings($module, $field_type, $settings = array()) { // Load files containing the field callbacks. _diff_autoload($module); // Populate any missing values from CALLBACK_field_diff_default_options(). $func = $module . '_field_diff_default_options'; if (function_exists($func)) { $settings += $func($field_type); } // Check for Diff support. If it doesn't exist, the default markdown should // escape the field display, otherwise a raw format should be used. $func = $module . '_field_diff_view'; // Global settings. $settings += array( 'markdown' => function_exists($func) ? '' : 'drupal_html_to_text', 'line_counter' => '', 'show_header' => 1, // Can we? This seems too hard to track in the DiffFormatter as all we // have is a string or an array of strings. //'show_delta' => 0, //'delta_format' => 'row', ); return $settings; } /** * Private helper function to load field includes. * * @param array|string $field_or_module * The field definition array or the module that implements the field. */ function _diff_autoload($field_or_module) { $includes = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, FALSE); if (!$includes) { $includes = array( 'file' => module_exists('file'), 'image' => module_exists('image'), 'list' => module_exists('list'), 'taxonomy' => module_exists('taxonomy'), 'text' => module_exists('text'), 'number' => module_exists('number'), ); } $module = is_string($field_or_module) ? $field_or_module : $field_or_module['module']; // Since field hooks are not real hooks, we manually load the field modules // MODULE.diff.inc. We handle the five core field defining modules. if (!isset($includes[$module])) { module_load_include('diff.inc', $module); $includes[$module] = 0; } elseif (!empty($includes[$module])) { module_load_include('inc', 'diff', 'includes/' . $module); $includes[$module] = 0; } } /** * Helper function to parse out the state in the diff results. */ function diff_extract_state($diff, $state = 'raw') { $states = array( 0 => NULL, 1 => NULL, ); if (isset($diff['#states'][$state])) { if (isset($diff['#states'][$state]['#old'])) { $states[0] = $diff['#states'][$state]['#old']; } if (isset($diff['#states'][$state]['#new'])) { $states[1] = $diff['#states'][$state]['#new']; } } return $states; }