drupalGet("user/{$user->uid}/edit"); if (count($this->xpath("//input[@name='roles[$rid]']"))) { $name = "roles[$rid]"; } elseif (count($this->xpath("//input[@name='roles_change[$rid]']"))) { $name = "roles_change[$rid]"; } else { return FALSE; } $this->drupalPost(NULL, array($name => $assign), t('Save')); $elements = $this->xpath("//input[@name='$name']"); return isset($elements[0]) && ($assign XOR empty($elements[0]['checked'])); } /** * Assign or remove one permission to/from one role, and assert * that the result succeeded. * * @param $permission * The name of the permission to assign or remove. * @param $rid * The role id of the role to assign/remove the permission to/from. * @param $assign * TRUE (the default) to assign the permission, or * FALSE to remove it. * * @return * TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the permission was * successfully assigned or removed. */ protected function assignPermissionToRole($permission, $rid, $assign = TRUE) { $name = "{$rid}[{$permission}]"; $this->drupalPost("admin/people/permissions/$rid", array($name => $assign), t('Save permissions')); $elements = $this->xpath("//input[@name='$name']"); $this->assertTrue( isset($elements[0]) && ($assign XOR empty($elements[0]['checked'])), ($assign ? 'Assign' : 'Remove') . ' permission "' . $permission . '" ' . ($assign ? 'to' : 'from') . " role $rid." ); } public function setUp() { // Enable modules parent::setUp('role_delegation'); // Create roles $this->rid_high = $this->drupalCreateRole(array(), 'high'); $this->rid_low = $this->drupalCreateRole(array(), 'low' ); // Create users $this->user_high = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer users')); $this->user_low = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer users')); // Create privileged user and log in $this->drupalLogin($this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer users', 'administer permissions'))); // Assign permissions to roles $this->assignPermissionToRole('assign low role', $this->rid_high); // 'high' can assign 'low' // Assign roles to users $this->assertTrue( $this->assignRoleToUser($this->rid_high, $this->user_high), 'Assign high role to high user' ); } } /** * Functional tests for permissions. */ class RoleDelegationPermissionsTestCase extends RoleDelegationTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('Permissions'), 'description' => t('Check that role assignment permissions are enforced.'), 'group' => t('Role Delegation'), ); } /** * Check that high role can assign low role. */ public function testHighLow() { $this->drupalLogin($this->user_high); $this->assertTrue( $this->assignRoleToUser($this->rid_low, $this->user_low), // could be any user t('!role1 role can assign !role2 role.', array('!role1' => 'High', '!role2' => 'low')), t('Role Delegation') ); } /** * Check that high role can't assign high role. */ public function testHighHigh() { $this->drupalLogin($this->user_high); // Just check that no option is presented to the user. $this->assertFalse( $this->assignRoleToUser($this->rid_high, $this->user_high), // could be any user t("!role1 role can't assign !role2 role.", array('!role1' => 'High', '!role2' => 'high')), t('Role Delegation') ); } /** * Check that roles can't be assigned by forgery. */ public function testRoleForgery() { $this->drupalLogin($this->user_high); // Have the nefarious high user forge an option to assign the high role... $this->drupalGet("user/{$this->user_low->uid}/edit"); $name = "roles_change[{$this->rid_low}]"; $input = $this->xpath("//input[@name='$name']"); $dome = dom_import_simplexml($input[0]); $dome->setAttribute('value', $this->rid_high); // ... then submit the form, and check that he didn't get the role. $this->drupalPost(NULL, array($name => TRUE), t('Save')); $this->assertRaw( t('An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator.'), t('Role assignment forgery is blocked.') . ' (#1)', t('Role Delegation') ); $this->assertFieldByName( $name, $this->rid_low, t('Role assignment forgery is blocked.') . ' (#2)', t('Role Delegation') ); } } /** * Functional tests for operations. */ class RoleDelegationOperationsTestCase extends RoleDelegationTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('Operations'), 'description' => t('Check that role assignment bulk operations are available and work as intended.'), 'group' => t('Role Delegation'), ); } /** * Check that the right combination of Add and Remove role * operations is present in the user bulk update form. */ public function testOperationsExist() { $this->drupalLogin($this->user_high); $this->drupalGet('admin/people'); $this->assertFieldByXPath( '//select[@name="operation"]//option', "role_delegation_add_role-{$this->rid_low}", t("!user user can use Add !role role operation.", array('!user' => 'High', '!role' => 'low')), t('Role Delegation') ); $this->assertFieldByXPath( '//select[@name="operation"]//option', "role_delegation_remove_role-{$this->rid_low}", t("!user user can use Remove !role role operation.", array('!user' => 'High', '!role' => 'low')), t('Role Delegation') ); $this->assertNoFieldByXPath( '//select[@name="operation"]//option', "role_delegation_add_role-{$this->rid_high}", t("!user user can't use Add !role role operation.", array('!user' => 'High', '!role' => 'high')), t('Role Delegation') ); $this->assertNoFieldByXPath( '//select[@name="operation"]//option', "role_delegation_remove_role-{$this->rid_high}", t("!user user can't use Remove !role role operation.", array('!user' => 'High', '!role' => 'high')), t('Role Delegation') ); } /** * Check that Add and Remove role operations work as intended. */ public function testOperationsWork() { $uids_to_test = array($this->user_high->uid, $this->user_low->uid); $edit = array(); foreach ($uids_to_test as $uid) { $edit["accounts[$uid]"] = TRUE; } $this->drupalLogin($this->user_high); $this->drupalGet('admin/people'); // Add low role $edit['operation'] = "role_delegation_add_role-{$this->rid_low}"; $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Update')); foreach ($uids_to_test as $uid) { $this->assertFieldByXPath( "//tbody/tr[$uid]/td[4]//li", 'low', t('!user user assigned !role role to user !uid.', array('!user' => 'High', '!role' => 'low', '!uid' => $uid)), t('Role Delegation') ); } // Remove low role $edit['operation'] = "role_delegation_remove_role-{$this->rid_low}"; $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Update')); foreach ($uids_to_test as $uid) { $this->assertNoFieldByXPath( "//tbody/tr[$uid]/td[4]//li", 'low', t('!user user removed !role role from user !uid.', array('!user' => 'High', '!role' => 'low', '!uid' => $uid)), t('Role Delegation') ); } } /** * Check that operations can't be forged. */ public function testOperationsForgery() { $this->drupalLogin($this->user_high); $this->drupalGet('admin/people'); // Forge an operation to add the high role... $option = $this->xpath("//select[@name='operation']//option[@value='role_delegation_add_role-{$this->rid_low}']"); if (count($option)==0) { return; } $dome = dom_import_simplexml($option[0]); $dome->setAttribute('value', "role_delegation_add_role-{$this->rid_high}"); // ... then submit the form, and check that it wasn't granted. $edit = array( "accounts[{$this->user_low->uid}]" => TRUE, "operation" => "role_delegation_add_role-{$this->rid_high}", ); $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Update')); $this->assertRaw( t('An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator.'), t('Role assignment forgery is blocked.') . ' (#1)', t('Role Delegation') ); $this->assertNoFieldByXPath( "//tbody/tr[{$this->user_high->uid}]/td[4]//li", 'high', t('Role assignment forgery is blocked.') . ' (#2)', t('Role Delegation') ); } } /** * Functional tests for editing roles. */ class RoleDelegationRoleEditingTestCase extends RoleDelegationTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('Role editing'), 'description' => t('Check that role assignment permissions are updated correctly when roles are renamed or deleted.'), 'group' => t('Role Delegation'), ); } /** * Rename a role, and check that users that had permission to assign * the old role now have permission to assign the new one. */ public function testRenameRole() { $this->drupalPost("admin/people/permissions/roles/edit/{$this->rid_low}", array('name' => 'new low'), t('Save role')); $this->drupalGet('admin/people/permissions'); $this->assertFieldChecked( "edit-{$this->rid_high}-assign-new-low-role", t('Permissions are updated when role is renamed.'), t('Role Delegation') ); } /** * Delete a role, then create a new one with the same name. * Check that no users have permission to assign the new role. */ public function testDeleteRole() { $this->drupalPost("admin/people/permissions/roles/delete/{$this->rid_low}", NULL, t('Delete')); $this->drupalPost('admin/people/permissions/roles', array('name' => 'low'), t('Add role')); $this->drupalGet('admin/people/permissions'); $this->assertNoFieldChecked( "edit-{$this->rid_high}-assign-low-role", t('Permissions are updated when role is deleted.'), t('Role Delegation') ); } }