value) pairs. * - $from: The configured sender address. * - $to: The recipient email address. * - $subject: The message subject line. * - $body: The formatted message body. * - $language: The language object for this message. * - $params: An array containing the following keys: * - account: The user object whose password is being requested, which * contains the following useful properties: * - uid: The user-id number. * - name: The user login name. * - mail: The user email address. Should be the same as $to. * - theme: The user-chosen theme, or a blank string if unset. * - signature: The user signature block. * - signature_format: The text input filter used to format the signature. * - created: Account creation date, as a unix timestamp. * - access: Account access date, as a unix timestamp. * - login: Account login date, as a unix timestamp. * - status: Integer 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled. * - timezone: User timezone, or NULL if unset. * - language: User language, or blank string if unset. * - picture: Path to user picture, or blank string if unset. * - init: The email address used to initially register this account. * - data: User profile data, as a serialized string. * - roles: Array of roles assigned to this user, as (rid => role_name) * pairs. * - $template_path: The relative path to the template directory. * - $template_url: The absolute url to the template directory. * - $theme: The name of the selected Email theme. * - $theme_path: The relative path to the Email theme directory. * - $theme_url: The absolute url to the Email theme directory. */ $template_name = basename(__FILE__); $current_path = realpath(NULL); $current_len = strlen($current_path); $template_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)); if (!strncmp($template_path, $current_path, $current_len)) { $template_path = substr($template_path, $current_len + 1); } $template_url = url($template_path, array('absolute' => TRUE)); ?>

To customize your user password reset messages:

  1. Visit admin/config/system/htmlmail and select a theme to hold your custom email template files.

  2. Visit admin/build/themes to enable your selected theme.

  3. Edit your


  4. Copy


  5. For general user-module message customization, copy


  6. Copy


  7. Edit the copied file.

  8. Send a test message to make sure your customizations worked.

  9. If you think your customizations would be of use to others, please contribute your file as a feature request in the issue queue.

The user module sets the $params variable. For this message,

$params =