/** * Base styles. * Provides sensible defaults for everything to save you time. Override * with an empty stylesheet to start over from scratch. */ /** * Skip navigation ==================================================== */ #skip-link { position:absolute; display:block; } #skip-link a, #skip-link a:link, #skip-link a:visited { position:absolute; display:block; left:-10000px; width:1px; height:1px; } #skip-link a:hover, #skip-link a:active, #skip-link a:focus { position:static; width:auto; height:auto; } /** * Page width limiter ================================================= * * Can be nested within major structural elements to allow full-width * bleeds combined with a fixed page width. Set a width on this in your * theme to get a consistent page width on major elements. */ .limiter { margin:0px auto; } /** * Links ============================================================== * * Any ul.links are given a horizontal tab-like formatting. */ ul.links li, ul.links li a { float:left; } ul.links.inline, ul.links.inline li, ul.links.inline li a { float:none; display:inline; } /** * Prose ============================================================== * * By default, any text which is suspected to have gone through an * input filter is given the 'prose' class. We want to format it with * readability and nice defaults in mind. */ .prose { line-height:20px; } .prose h1, .prose h2, .prose h3, .prose h4, .prose h5, .prose h6, .prose p, .prose ul, .prose ol, .prose pre, .prose div.codeblock, .prose blockquote { margin: 0px 0px 20px; } .prose h1, .prose h2, .prose h3, .prose h4, .prose h5, .prose h6 { font-weight:bold; } .prose h1 { font-size:18px; } .prose h2 { font-size:15px; } .prose pre, .prose code, .prose div.codeblock { font-size:11px; font-family: monospace; } .prose pre, .prose blockquote, .prose div.codeblock { line-height:20px; background:#f8f8f8; padding:4px 9px; border:1px solid #eee; border-left:5px solid #eee; } .prose ol li, .prose ul li { display:list-item; margin:0px 0px 0px 30px; padding:0px; } .prose ol li { list-style:decimal; } .prose ul li { list-style:disc; } .prose img { display:block; } /* Excluding Drupal structures */ .prose .links, .prose .links li, .prose .item-list ul, .prose .item-list li { margin:0px; padding:0px; list-style:none; } /** * Tables ============================================================= */ table { width:100%; margin:0px 0px 20px; } table th, table td { vertical-align:middle; } /** * Forms ============================================================== */ input.form-text, select, textarea { border:1px solid #ccc; } input.form-submit, label { font-weight:bold; } input.form-submit { cursor:pointer; } input.form-radio, input.form-checkbox { vertical-align:middle; } .form-item .description, .description { color:#666; font-size:11px; } fieldset.collapsible .fieldset-title { cursor:pointer; } html.js fieldset.collapsed .fieldset-content { display:none; } /** * Views ============================================================== */ table.grid-2 td { width:50%; } table.grid-3 td { width:33.3%; } table.grid-4 td { width:25%; } table.grid-5 td { width:20%; } table.grid-6 td { width:16.6%; } table.grid-7 td { width:14.2%; } table.grid-8 td { width:12.5%; }