label = t('Maximum product quantity'); $rule->active = FALSE; $rule->event('uc_cart_item_presave') ->condition('data_is', array( 'data:select' => 'uc-cart-item:qty', 'op' => '>', 'value' => '10', )) ->action('data_set', array( 'data:select' => 'uc-cart-item:qty', 'value' => '10', )) ->action('drupal_message', array( 'message' => 'You are only allowed to order a maximum of 10 of [uc-cart-item:node:title].', 'type' => 'warning', )); $configs['uc_cart_maximum_product_qty'] = $rule; // Setup a default configuration for customer checkout notifications. $rule = rules_reaction_rule(); $rule->label = t('E-mail customer checkout notification'); $rule->active = TRUE; $rule->event('uc_checkout_complete') ->action('uc_order_email_invoice', array( 'order:select' => 'order', 'from' => uc_store_email_from(), 'addresses' => '[order:email]', 'subject' => t('Your Order at [store:name]'), 'template' => 'customer', 'view' => 'checkout-mail', )); $configs['uc_checkout_customer_notification'] = $rule; // Setup a default predicate for admin checkout notifications. $rule = rules_reaction_rule(); $rule ->label = t('E-mail admin checkout notification'); $rule->active = TRUE; $rule->event('uc_checkout_complete') ->action('uc_order_email_invoice', array( 'order:select' => 'order', 'from' => uc_store_email_from(), 'addresses' => uc_store_email(), 'subject' => t('New Order at [store:name]'), 'template' => 'admin', 'view' => 'admin-mail', )); $configs['uc_checkout_admin_notification'] = $rule; return $configs; }