<?php /** * @file * Drush integration for Libraries API. */ /** * Implements hook_drush_command(). */ function libraries_drush_command() { $items = array(); $items['libraries-list'] = array( 'description' => dt('Show a list of registered libraries.'), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL, 'aliases' => array('lls', 'lib-list'), ); $items['libraries-download'] = array( 'description' => dt('Download library files of registered libraries.'), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL, 'aliases' => array('ldl', 'lib-download'), 'arguments' => array( 'libraries' => 'A comma delimited list of library machine names.', ), 'required-arguments' => TRUE, ); return $items; } /** * Implements hook_drush_cache_clear(). * * @see drush_cache_clear_types() */ function libraries_drush_cache_clear(array &$types) { $types['libraries'] = 'libraries_drush_invalidate_cache'; } /** * Clears the library cache. */ function libraries_drush_invalidate_cache() { // @see drupal_flush_all_caches() foreach (libraries_flush_caches() as $table) { cache_clear_all('*', $table, TRUE); } } /** * Command callback. Show a list of registered libraries. */ function drush_libraries_list() { $libraries = libraries_detect(); ksort($libraries); if (empty($libraries)) { drush_print('There are no registered libraries.'); } else { module_load_include('inc', 'libraries', 'libraries.admin'); $rows = array(); // drush_print_table() automatically treats the first row as the header, if // $header is TRUE. $rows[] = array( dt('Name'), dt('Status'), dt('Version'), dt('Variants'), dt('Dependencies'), dt('Provider'), ); foreach ($libraries as $name => $library) { // Only list installed variants. $variants = array(); foreach ($library['variants'] as $variant_name => $variant) { if ($variant['installed']) { $variants[] = $variant_name; } } $rows[] = array( $name, $library['installed'] ? dt('OK') : drupal_ucfirst($library['error']), ($library['installed'] && $library['version']) ? '-' : $library['version'], $variants ? implode(', ', $variants) : '-', $library['dependencies'] ? implode(', ', $library['dependencies']) : '-', libraries_admin_get_provider($library), ); } // Make the possible values for the 'Status' column and the 'Version' header // wrap nicely. $widths = array(0, 12, 7, 0, 0, 0); drush_print_table($rows, TRUE, $widths); } } /** * Command callback. Downloads a library. * * Only libraries that provide a download file URL can be downloaded. * * @see hook_libraries_info() * @see drush_pm_download() */ function drush_libraries_download() { drush_command_include('pm-download'); $libraries = libraries_info(); // @todo Consider supporting downloading all downloadable libraries. // @todo Consider offering a selection if no library is specified. foreach (pm_parse_arguments(func_get_args(), FALSE) as $machine_name) { if (!isset($libraries[$machine_name])) { $message = dt("The !library library is not registered with Libraries API.\n", array('!library' => $machine_name)); $message .= dt("Provide an info file for it or implement hook_libraries_info().\n"); $message .= dt("See hook_libraries_info() for more information.\n"); drush_set_error('DRUSH_LIBRARY_UKNOWN', $message); continue; } $library = $libraries[$machine_name]; if (empty($library['download file url'])) { $message = dt("The !library library cannot be downloaded.\n", array('!library' => $machine_name)); $message .= dt("Libraries need to specify a download file URL to support being downloaded via Drush.\n"); $message .= dt("See hook_libraries_info() for more information.\n"); drush_set_error('DRUSH_LIBRARY_NOT_DOWNLOADABLE', $message); continue; } $download_url = $library['download file url']; drush_log(dt('Downloading library !name ...', array('!name' => $machine_name))); // @see package_handler_download_project() in wget.inc // It cannot be used directly because it will always try to extract the // archive which fails when downloading a single file. // @todo Modify upstream to be able to use // package_handler_download_project() directly. // Prepare download path. On Windows file name cannot contain '?'. // See http://drupal.org/node/1782444 $filename = str_replace('?', '_', basename($download_url)); $download_path = drush_tempdir() . '/' . $filename; // Download the tarball. // Never cache the downloaded file. The downloading relies on the fact that // different versions of the library are available under the same URL as new // versions are released. $download_path = drush_download_file($download_url, $download_path, 0); if ($download_path || drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE')) { drush_log(dt('Downloading !filename was successful.', array('!filename' => $filename))); } else { drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_DOWNLOAD_FAILED', dt('Unable to download !project to !path from !url.', array('!project' => $machine_name, '!path' => $download_path, '!url' => $download_url))); drush_log(dt('Error downloading !name', array('!name' => $machine_name)), 'error'); continue; } // @todo Suport MD5 file hashing. // Extract the tarball in place and return the full path to the untarred directory. $download_base = dirname($download_path); if (drush_file_is_tarball($download_path)) { if (!$tar_file_list = drush_tarball_extract($download_path, $download_base, TRUE)) { // An error has been logged. return FALSE; } $tar_directory = drush_trim_path($tar_file_list[0]); $download_path = $download_base . '/' . $tar_directory; } else { $download_path = $download_base; } // Determine the install location for the project. User provided // --destination has preference. $destination = drush_get_option('destination'); if (!empty($destination)) { if (!file_exists($destination)) { drush_mkdir($destination); } $install_location = realpath($destination); } else { /** @see _pm_download_destination_lookup() */ // _pm_download_destination_lookup() pluralizes the passed type by // appending an s. // This relies on the fact that there is no library named 'contrib'. // @todo Request that this be turned into a proper API upstream. $install_location = _pm_download_destination('librarie'); } // @todo Consider invoking a hook similar to // hook_drush_pm_download_destination_alter(). // @todo Consider adding version-control support similar to pm-download. $install_location .= '/' . $machine_name; // Check if install location already exists. if (is_dir($install_location)) { if (drush_confirm(dt('Install location !location already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?', array('!location' => $install_location)))) { drush_delete_dir($install_location, TRUE); } else { drush_log(dt("Skip installation of !project to !dest.", array('!project' => $library['machine name'], '!dest' => $install_location)), 'warning'); continue; } } // Copy the project to the install location. if (drush_op('_drush_recursive_copy', $download_path, $install_location)) { drush_log(dt("Library !project downloaded to !dest.", array('!project' => $machine_name, '!dest' => $install_location)), 'success'); // @todo Consider invoking a hook similar to // hook_drush_pm_post_download(). // @todo Support printing release notes. } else { // We don't `return` here in order to proceed with downloading additional projects. drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_DOWNLOAD_FAILED', dt("Project !project could not be downloaded to !dest.", array('!project' => $machine_name, '!dest' => $install_location))); } // @todo Consider adding notify support. } }