'Ctools object cache storage', 'description' => 'Verify that objects are written, readable and lockable.', 'group' => 'ctools', ); } public function setUp() { // Additionally enable ctools module. parent::setUp('ctools'); } public function testObjectStorage() { $account1 = $this->drupalCreateUser(array()); $this->drupalLogin($account1); $data = array( 'test1' => 'foobar', ); ctools_include('object-cache'); ctools_object_cache_set('testdata', 'one', $data); $this->assertEqual($data, ctools_object_cache_get('testdata', 'one'), 'Object cache data successfully stored'); // TODO Test object locking somehow. // Object locking/testing works on session_id but simpletest uses // $this->session_id so can't be tested ATM. ctools_object_cache_clear('testdata', 'one'); $this->assertFalse(ctools_object_cache_get('testdata', 'one'), 'Object cache data successfully cleared'); // TODO Test ctools_object_cache_clear_all somehow... // ctools_object_cache_clear_all requires session_id funtionality as well. } }