condition('name', db_like($prefix) . '%', 'LIKE') ->execute(); } // Delete global variables. variable_del('diff_context_lines_trailing'); variable_del('diff_context_lines_leading'); variable_del('diff_theme'); variable_del('diff_radio_behavior', ''); foreach (field_info_fields() as $field) { variable_del("diff_{$field['module']}_field_{$field['type']}_default_options"); } } /** * Updates the existing system variables to target the entity type and bundle. */ function diff_update_7300() { $node_types = array_keys(node_type_get_types()); foreach ($node_types as $bundle) { $type_variables = array( 'show_preview_changes', 'enable_revisions_page', 'show_diff_inline', ); foreach ($type_variables as $prefix) { $setting = variable_get($prefix . '_' . $bundle, NULL); if (isset($setting)) { variable_del($prefix . '_' . $bundle); variable_set('diff_' . $prefix . '_node_' . $bundle, $setting); } } } } /** * Renames some internal settings names. */ function diff_update_7303() { // Get current values. $radio = variable_get('diff_script_revisioning', 'simple'); $leading = variable_get('diff_leading_context_lines', 2); $trailing = variable_get('diff_trailing_context_lines', 2); // Create new variable names. variable_set('diff_radio_behavior', $radio); variable_set('diff_context_lines_leading', $leading); variable_set('diff_context_lines_trailing', $trailing); // Delete old variables. variable_del('diff_script_revisioning'); variable_del('diff_leading_context_lines'); variable_del('diff_trailing_context_lines'); } /** * Removes unused variable settings and merges inline diff block settings. */ function diff_update_7304() { // This is now always applied to text fields. variable_del('diff_normalise_text'); // Merge the content type settings for the inline diff block into a single // variable. $node_types = array_keys(node_type_get_types()); $enabled_types = array(); foreach ($node_types as $node_type) { if (variable_get('diff_show_diff_inline_node_' . $node_type, FALSE)) { $enabled_types[$node_type] = $node_type; } variable_del('diff_show_diff_inline_node_' . $node_type); } variable_set('diff_show_diff_inline_node_bundles', $enabled_types); // Warn users that these settings are altered. drupal_set_message(t('Diff Inline differences content type settings are now located within the Inline differences block settings.')); } /** * Updates to normalize the new view mode settings. */ function diff_update_7305() { // Rebuild the menus. variable_set('menu_rebuild_needed', TRUE); // Removed the enforced entity view mode. db_delete('variable') ->condition('name', db_like('diff_view_mode_standard_node_') . '%', 'LIKE') ->execute(); // Removes the configurable view mode for the inline diff block, as this // is fairly meaningless and confusing to users. db_delete('variable') ->condition('name', db_like('diff_view_mode_inline_') . '%', 'LIKE') ->execute(); } /** * Sets the optional additional node properties to render so that the title * still shows by default when doing node comparisons. */ function diff_update_7306() { variable_set('diff_additional_options_node', array('title' => 'title')); } /** * Grants access to the Diff "View Changes" button permission to all users. */ function diff_update_7307() { user_role_grant_permissions(DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID, array('diff view changes')); user_role_grant_permissions(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, array('diff view changes')); }