
 * @file
 * CCK Field for Ukrainian phone numbers.

 * Helper function knows all valid country codes.
 * @return array of stings for use in preg_match* fuunctions.
 * Return PREG string elements in array like "44\d{7}|278\d{6}" which will match
 * all nine-digit valid numbers.
 * Please note - leading zero stripped for both mobile and landline.
 * For performance reason there are a set of strings instead of single very long one.
function _phone_ua_get_valid_masks() {
  $result = cache_get('phone' . __FUNCTION__);

  if( !empty($result) ) {
    return $result->data;

  $mobiles = array(

  $landlines = array(

  $all_codes = array_merge($mobiles, $landlines);

  $counter = 0;
  $line = '';
  foreach ($all_codes as $code) {
    if (++$counter >= $ITEMS_PER_LINE) {
      $result[] = $line;
      $counter = 0;
      $line = '';
    $item = $code . '\d{' . ($TOTAL_DIGITS - strlen($code)) . '}';
    $line .= (empty($line) ? '' : '|') . $item;
  $result[] = $line;

  cache_set('phone' . __FUNCTION__, $result);
  return $result;


function phone_ua_metadata() {
  // These strings are translated using t() on output.
  return array(
    'error' => '"%value" is not a valid Ukrainian mobile phone number<br />'
      . 'Ukrainian phone numbers should only have 10 digits staring with 0 with optional country prefix +38 .<br />'
      . 'And, of course, city or mobile code - a first few digits after 0 - have to be valid.',

 * Verifies that $phonenumber is valid
 * @param string $phonenumber
 * @return boolean Returns boolean FALSE if the phone number is not valid.
function valid_ua_phone_number($phonenumber) {
  // For adressing Ukraine phones used both +38 and +380 as a prefix.
  // So lets clean up any spaces, pareenthesis, minus signs etc first.
  $cleaning_pattern = '/( |\-|\(|\))*/';
  $refined_phonenumber = preg_replace($cleaning_pattern, '', $phonenumber);

  // define regular expression
  $code_packs = _phone_ua_get_valid_masks();
  foreach ($code_packs as $codes) {
    // $regex = "/^((8|\+38)-?)?\s*(\(?044\)?)?-?\d{3}-?\d{2}-?\d{2}$/i";
    // Please note - pure 8 as a prefix is obsolete.
    $regex = "/^(\+38)?0(" . $codes . ")$/";
    if (preg_match($regex, $refined_phonenumber)) {
      return true;

  // return true if valid, false otherwise
  return false;

 * Formatting for Unkraine Phone Numbers.
 * @param string $phonenumber
 * @return string Returns a string containting the phone number with some formatting.
function format_ua_phone_number($phonenumber, $field) {

  //$phonenumber = trim($phonenumber);

   // do some formatting on the phone number

/* ==> to be done ==> add the country code
   if ($field['phone_country_code']) {
      if ($matches[1] != "+39") {
  	$phonenumber = "+39" . " " . $phonenumber;
   return $phonenumber;