
Decompress the print-n.x-n.n.tar.gz file into your Drupal modules
directory (usually sites/all/modules, see for
more information).

Enable the print module: Administration > Modules (admin/modules)


The print_pdf module requires the use of an external PDF generation tool.
Please note that any errors/bugs in those tools need to be reported and
fixed by their maintainers.  DO NOT report bugs in those tools in the print
module's issue queue at

supported paths:
  * print module lib directory (usually sites/all/modules/print/lib)
  * libraries directory (sites/all/libraries)


When updating from a previous version, just remove the print directory and
follow the instructions above. Make sure that you backup any costumization
to the print.tpl.php and print.css files.


Even though it is possible to set per-page robots settings, the following
can be placed in your robots.txt file after the User-agent line to prevent
search engines from even asking for the page:

Disallow: /print/