<?php /** * @file * Test the Reroute Email module. */ /** * Provides common functionality for the Reroute Email test classes. */ class RerouteEmailTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase { /** * User object to perform site browsing * @var object */ protected $adminUser; /** * Reroute email destination address used for the tests. * @var string */ protected $rerouteDestination = "rerouted@example.com"; /** * Original email address used for the tests. * @var string */ protected $originalDestination = "original@example.com"; /** * Permissions required by the user to perform the tests. * @var array */ protected $permissions = array( 'administer reroute email', ); /** * Enable modules and create user with specific permissions. */ public function setUp() { // Merge inherited classes modules, see FieldUITestCase for an example. $modules = func_get_args(); if (isset($modules[0]) && is_array($modules[0])) { $modules = $modules[0]; } $modules[] = 'reroute_email'; parent::setUp($modules); // Authenticate test user. $this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser($this->permissions); $this->drupalLogin($this->admin_user); } /** * Helper function to configure Reroute Email Settings. * * @param string $reroute_destination * (optional) The email address to which emails should be rerouted. * Defaults to $this->rerouteDestination if set to NULL. * @param bool $reroute_email_enable * (optional) Set to TRUE to enable email Rerouting, defaults to TRUE. * @param bool $reroute_email_enable_message * (optional) Set to TRUE to show rerouting description, defaults to TRUE. */ public function configureRerouteEmail($reroute_destination = NULL, $reroute_email_enable = TRUE, $reroute_email_enable_message = TRUE) { // Initialize $reroute_destination by default if no value is provided. if (!isset($reroute_destination)) { $reroute_destination = $this->rerouteDestination; } // Configure to Reroute Email settings form. $post = array( 'reroute_email_address' => $reroute_destination, 'reroute_email_enable' => $reroute_email_enable, 'reroute_email_enable_message' => $reroute_email_enable_message, ); // Submit Reroute Email Settings form and check if it was successful. $this->drupalPost("admin/config/development/reroute_email", $post, t('Save configuration')); $this->assertText(t("The configuration options have been saved.")); } /** * Assert whether the text "Originally to: @to_email" is found in email body. * * @param string $mail_body * The email body in which the line of text should be searched for. * @param bool $message * Message to display in test case results. * @param bool $original_destination * (optional) The original email address to be found in rerouted email * body. Defaults to $this->originalDestination if set to NULL. */ public function assertOriginallyTo($mail_body, $message, $original_destination = NULL) { // Initialize $original_destination by default if no value is provided. if (!isset($original_destination)) { $original_destination = $this->originalDestination; } // Search in $mailbody for "Originally to: $original_destination". $search_for = t("Originally to: @to", array('@to' => $original_destination)); $has_info = preg_match("/$search_for/", $mail_body); // Asserts whether searched text was found. $this->assertTrue($has_info, $message); $this->verbose(t('Email body was: <pre>@mail_body</pre>', array('@mail_body' => $mail_body))); } } /** * Tests email rerouting for the site-wide Core Contact form. */ class RerouteEmailContactTestCase extends RerouteEmailTestCase { /** * Implements DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo(). */ public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Site-wide Core Contact form email rerouting', 'description' => "Test Reroute Email module's ability to reroute mail sent from the Core Contact module forms.", 'group' => 'Reroute Email', ); } /** * Enable modules and create user with specific permissions. */ public function setUp() { // Add more permissions to be able to manipulate the contact forms. $this->permissions[] = 'administer contact forms'; $this->permissions[] = 'access site-wide contact form'; // Include Core Contact module. parent::setUp('contact'); } /** * Basic tests of email rerouting for emails sent through the Contact forms. * * The Core Contact email form is submitted several times with different * Email Rerouting settings: Rerouting enabled or disabled, Body injection * enabled or disabled, several recipients with or without whitelist. */ public function testBasicNotification() { // Additional destination email address used for testing the whitelist. $additional_destination = "additional@example.com"; // Configure to reroute normally to rerouted@example.com. $this->configureRerouteEmail(); // Configure the contact settings to send to $original_destination. $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/contact/edit/1', array('recipients' => $this->originalDestination), t('Save')); // Go to the contact page and send an email. $post = array('subject' => "Test test test", 'message' => 'This is a test'); $this->drupalPost("contact", $post, t("Send message")); $this->assertText(t("Your message has been sent")); $mails = $this->drupalGetMails(); $mail = end($mails); $this->assertMail('to', $this->rerouteDestination, format_string("Email was rerouted to @address", array('@address' => $this->rerouteDestination))); // Check if original destination email address is in rerouted email body. $this->assertOriginallyTo($mail['body'], 'Found the correct "Originally to" line in the body'); $this->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], 'Originally to') !== FALSE, 'Body does contain "Originally to"'); // Now try sending to one of the additional email addresses that should // not be rerouted. Configure two email addresses in reroute form. // Body injection is still turned on. $this->configureRerouteEmail("{$this->rerouteDestination}, $additional_destination"); // Configure the contact settings to point to the additional recipient. $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/contact/edit/1', array('recipients' => $additional_destination), t('Save')); // Go to the contact page and send an email. $post = array('subject' => "Test test test", 'message' => 'This is a test'); $this->drupalPost("contact", $post, t("Send message")); $this->assertText(t("Your message has been sent")); $mails = $this->drupalGetMails(); $mail = end($mails);; $this->assertMail('to', $additional_destination, 'Email was not rerouted because destination was in whitelist'); // Now change the configuration to disable reroute and set the original // email recipients. $this->configureRerouteEmail(NULL, FALSE); // Set the contact form to send to original_destination. $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/contact/edit/1', array('recipients' => $this->originalDestination), t('Save')); // Go to the contact page and send an email. $post = array('subject' => "Test test test", 'message' => 'This is a test'); $this->drupalPost("contact", $post, t("Send message")); $this->assertText(t("Your message has been sent")); $mails = $this->drupalGetMails(); $mail = end($mails); // Mail should not be rerouted - should go to $original_destination. $this->assertMail('to', $this->originalDestination, 'Mail not rerouted - sent to original destination.'); $this->verbose(t("Email 'to' was: <pre>@mail_to</pre>", array('@mail_to' => $mail['to']))); // Configure to reroute without body injection. $this->configureRerouteEmail(NULL, TRUE, FALSE); // Go to the contact page and send an email. $post = array('subject' => "Test test test", 'message' => 'This is a test'); $this->drupalPost("contact", $post, t("Send message")); $this->assertText(t("Your message has been sent")); $mails = $this->drupalGetMails(); $mail = end($mails); // There should be nothing in the body except the contact message - no // body injection like 'Originally to'. $this->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], 'Originally to') === FALSE, 'Body does not contain "Originally to"'); $this->assertTrue($mail['headers']['X-Rerouted-Original-To'] == $this->originalDestination, 'X-Rerouted-Original-To is correctly set to the original destination email'); } } /** * Tests email rerouting for the Test Email form. */ class RerouteEmailTestEmailTestCase extends RerouteEmailTestCase { /** * Implements DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo(). */ public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Test Email form', 'description' => "Test Reroute Email's form for sending a test email.", 'group' => 'Reroute Email', ); } /** * Basic tests for reroute_email Test Email form. * * Check if submitted form values are properly submitted and rerouted. * Test Subject, To, Cc, Bcc and Body submitted values, form validation, * default values, and submission with invalid email addresses. */ public function testFormTestEmail() { // Configure to reroute normally to rerouted@example.com. $this->configureRerouteEmail(); // Check Subject field default value. $this->drupalGet("admin/config/development/reroute_email/test"); $this->assertFieldByName('subject', t("Reroute Email Test"), 'The expected default value was found for the Subject field.'); // Submit the Test Email form to send an email to be rerouted. $post = array( 'to' => "to@example.com", 'cc' => "cc@example.com", 'bcc' => "bcc@example.com", 'subject' => "Test Reroute Email Test Email Form", 'body' => 'Testing email rerouting and the Test Email form', ); $this->drupalPost("admin/config/development/reroute_email/test", $post, t("Send email")); $this->assertText(t("Test email submitted for delivery.")); $mails = $this->drupalGetMails(); $mail = end($mails); // Check rerouted email to. $this->assertMail('to', $this->rerouteDestination, format_string('To email address was rerouted to @address.', array('@address' => $this->rerouteDestination))); // Check the To passed through the Test Email Form. $this->assertOriginallyTo($mail['body'], 'Found submitted "To" email address in the body', $post['to']); // Check the Cc and Bcc headers are the ones submitted through the form. $this->assertTrue($mail['headers']['X-Rerouted-Original-Cc'] == $post['cc'], format_string('X-Rerouted-Original-Cc is correctly set to submitted value: @address', array('@address' => $post['cc']))); $this->assertTrue($mail['headers']['X-Rerouted-Original-Bcc'] == $post['bcc'], format_string('X-Rerouted-Original-Cc is correctly set to submitted value: @address', array('@address' => $post['bcc']))); // Check the Subject and Body field values can be found in rerouted email. $this->assertMail('subject', $post['subject'], format_string('Subject is correctly set to submitted value: @subject', array('@subject' => $post['subject']))); $this->assertFalse(strpos($mail['body'], $post['body']) === FALSE, 'Body contains the value submitted through the form'); // Check required To field. $this->drupalPost("admin/config/development/reroute_email/test", array('to' => ''), t("Send email")); $this->assertText(t("To field is required.")); // Test form submission with email rerouting and invalid email addresses. $post = array( 'to' => "To address invalid format", 'cc' => "Cc address invalid format", 'bcc' => "Bcc address invalid format", ); $this->drupalPost("admin/config/development/reroute_email/test", $post, t("Send email")); // Successful submission with email rerouting enabled. $this->assertText(t("Test email submitted for delivery.")); $mails = $this->drupalGetMails(); $mail = end($mails); // Check rerouted email to. $this->assertMail('to', $this->rerouteDestination, format_string('To email address was rerouted to @address.', array('@address' => $this->rerouteDestination))); // Check the To passed through the Test Email Form. $this->assertOriginallyTo($mail['body'], 'Found submitted "To" email address in the body', $post['to']); // Check the Cc and Bcc headers are the ones submitted through the form. $this->assertTrue($mail['headers']['X-Rerouted-Original-Cc'] == $post['cc'], format_string('X-Rerouted-Original-Cc is correctly set to submitted value: @address', array('@address' => $post['cc']))); $this->assertTrue($mail['headers']['X-Rerouted-Original-Bcc'] == $post['bcc'], format_string('X-Rerouted-Original-Cc is correctly set to submitted value: @address', array('@address' => $post['bcc']))); // Now change the configuration to disable reroute and submit the Test // Email form with the same invalid email address values. $this->configureRerouteEmail(NULL, FALSE); // Submit the test email form again with previously used invalid addresses. $this->drupalPost("admin/config/development/reroute_email/test", $post, t("Send email")); // Check invalid email addresses are still passed to the mail system. $mails = $this->drupalGetMails(); $mail = end($mails); // Check rerouted email to. $this->assertMail('to', $post['to'], format_string('To email address is correctly set to submitted value: @address.', array('@address' => $post['to']))); $this->verbose(t('Sent email values: <pre>@mail</pre>', array('@mail' => var_export($mail, TRUE)))); // Check the Cc and Bcc headers are the ones submitted through the form. $this->assertTrue($mail['headers']['Cc'] == $post['cc'], format_string('Cc is correctly set to submitted value: @address', array('@address' => $post['cc']))); $this->assertTrue($mail['headers']['Bcc'] == $post['bcc'], format_string('Bcc is correctly set to submitted value: @address', array('@address' => $post['bcc']))); } } /** * Test handling of special cases for body as a string and Cc/Bcc robustness. */ class RerouteEmailSpecialTestCase extends RerouteEmailTestCase { /** * Implements DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo(). */ public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Body as a string and robust headers', 'description' => "Support message's body passed as a string and Cc/Bcc header keys with an unexpected case.", 'group' => 'Reroute Email', ); } /** * Enable modules and create user with specific permissions. */ public function setUp() { // Add more permissions to access recent log messages in test. $this->permissions[] = 'access site reports'; // Include hidden test helper sub-module. parent::setUp('reroute_email_test'); } /** * Test handling of message body as a string and header keys' robustness. * * A test email is sent by the reroute_email_test module with a string for * the body of the email message and Cc/Bcc header keys with an unexpected * case. Test if Reroute Email handles message's body properly when it is a * string and captures all Cc/Bcc header keys independently of the case. */ public function testBodyStringRobustHeaders() { // Initialize Cc and Bcc keys with a special case. $test_cc_key = 'cC'; $test_bcc_key = 'bCc'; // Configure to reroute normally to rerouted@example.com. $this->configureRerouteEmail(); // Print test email values for comparing values on test results page. $test_message = array( 'to' => $this->originalDestination, 'params' => array( 'body' => "Test Message body is a string.", 'headers' => array( 'test_cc_key' => $test_cc_key, 'test_bcc_key' => $test_bcc_key, $test_cc_key => "test_cc_key@example.com", $test_bcc_key => "test_bcc_key@example.com", ), ), ); // Send test helper sub-module's email. drupal_mail('reroute_email_test', 'test_reroute_email', $test_message['to'], language_default(), $test_message['params']); $this->verbose(t('Test email message values: <pre>@test_message</pre>', array('@test_message' => var_export($test_message, TRUE)))); $mails = $this->drupalGetMails(); $mail = end($mails); // Check rerouted email to. $this->assertMail('to', $this->rerouteDestination, format_string('To email address was rerouted to @address.', array('@address' => $this->rerouteDestination))); // Check if original destination email address is in rerouted email body. $this->assertOriginallyTo($mail['body'], 'Found the correct "Originally to" line in the body'); // Check if test message body is found although provided as a string. $this->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], $test_message['params']['body']) !== FALSE, 'Email body contains original message body although it was provided as a string.'); // Check the watchdog entry logged by reroute_email_test_mail_alter. $this->drupalGet('admin/reports/dblog'); $this->assertRaw(t('A String was detected in the body'), 'Recorded in recent log messages: a String was detected in the body.'); // Test the robustness of the CC and BCC keys in headers. $this->assertTrue($mail['headers']['X-Rerouted-Original-Cc'] == $test_message['params']['headers'][$test_cc_key], format_string('X-Rerouted-Original-Cc is correctly set to @test_cc_address, although Cc header message key provided was: @test_cc_key', array('@test_cc_address' => $test_message['params']['headers'][$test_cc_key], '@test_cc_key' => $test_cc_key))); $this->assertTrue($mail['headers']['X-Rerouted-Original-Bcc'] == $test_message['params']['headers'][$test_bcc_key], format_string('X-Rerouted-Original-Bcc is correctly set to @test_bcc_address, although Bcc header message key provided was: @test_bcc_key', array('@test_bcc_address' => $test_message['params']['headers'][$test_bcc_key], '@test_bcc_key' => $test_bcc_key))); } } /** * Test default reroute destination email address when it is not configured. */ class RerouteEmailDefaultAddressTestCase extends RerouteEmailTestCase { /** * Implements DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo(). */ public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Default reroute destination email address', 'description' => "When reroute email addresses field is not configured, attempt to use the site email address, otherwise use sendmail_from system variable.", 'group' => 'Reroute Email', ); } /** * Test default destination address is set to site_mail or sendmail_from. * * When reroute email addresses field is not configured and settings haven't * been configured yet, check if the site email address or the sendmail_from * system variable are properly used a fallbacks. */ public function testRerouteDefaultAddress() { // Check default value for reroute_email_address when not configured. // If Site email is not empty, it should be the default value. $default_destination = variable_get('site_mail', NULL); $this->assertTrue(isset($default_destination), format_string('Site mail is not empty: @default_destination', array('@default_destination' => $default_destination))); // Load the Reroute Email Settings form page. $this->drupalGet("admin/config/development/reroute_email/reroute_email"); // Check Email addresses field default value. $this->assertFieldByName(REROUTE_EMAIL_ADDRESS, $default_destination, format_string('Site email address is configured and is the default value of the Email addresses field: @default_destination', array('@default_destination' => $default_destination))); // Now unset site_mail to check if system sendmail_from is properly used. variable_del('site_mail'); $default_destination = ini_get('sendmail_from'); // Reload the Reroute Email Settings form page. $this->drupalGet("admin/config/development/reroute_email/reroute_email"); // Check Email addresses field default value. $this->assertFieldByName('reroute_email_address', $default_destination, format_string('Site email address is not configured, Email addresses field defaults to system sendmail_from: @default_destination', array('@default_destination' => $default_destination))); } }