CHANGELOG for Diff 7.x-2.0+13-dev to 7.x-3.x

1) System variable names have been changed

Considerable changes have occurred.

2) hook_diff() was removed

This has been replaced by hook_entity_diff() as of Diff 7.x-3.x.

3) Field diffs are handled independently by Diff and the field module

Field modules SHOULD NOT implement hook_entity_diff().

This is complicated and costly in terms of performance.

Two new field callbacks are defined to handle these.

  a) MODULE_field_diff_view_prepare()

  Optional: If you need to load data, use MODULE_field_diff_view_prepare().

  b) MODULE_field_diff_view()

  Recommended: You should implement this to generate the compared data.

If there is no corresponding hook for a field, the field comparison will try
to guess the value using $item['safe_value'] or $item['value'] properties.

If you need to make this configurable, there are two additional hooks:

  c) MODULE_field_diff_default_options($field_type)
  You should define any additioal settings here. This shares a global namespace
  of the diff module, so you can overwrite core Diff settings here too.
  In saying that, take care not to accidentially do this.
  d) MODULE_field_diff_options_form($field_type, $settings)
  This is where you insert Form API elements to configure your option settings.

4) Field diffs are now configurable

Each field type defined by core have configurable settings to control the
rendering of the comparison.

  a) Global configuration

  An administration page has been added to handle field type default settings.
  This is the preferred way to configure field settings are these are global to
  all fields of this type.

  b) View mode display options

  The display "Diff comparison" is used to control the fields that are displayed 
  when comparing different revisions.

  The following is a walk-through on how you would configure the Basic page
  (page) content types field configuration.

  - Enable "Diff comparison" custom view mode

    Navigate to admin/structure/types/manage/page/display and look at the
    Custom Display Settings for this view mode. Check and save.

  - Configure the display

    After Saving this page, a new tab appears "Diff comparison", click this or
    navigate directly to admin/structure/types/manage/page/display/diff_standard

    - You can hide or show the fields that you want to display when doing 
    - If the field has no inbuilt diff support, then the renderred field items
      will be compared.

5) Standard comparison preview / Inline diff view setting

You can set the view modes used to compare the rendered node. This can be found
in the Diff settings in the Content Type settings page.

6) Optional CSS and new Boxes styles

This takes the styles from WikiPedia to really spice up the diff page.

7) Optional JScript extras

This spices up the revision checkboxes on the revisions page.

8) Simple past revision token support

Use-case, email notifications when content has changes. If these support tokens,
then you can embed Diffs into these emails.

9) Extensive string review

10) Inline block settings changes
The inline block settings are now in the block configuration page.

11) And much more...

The complete change log follows:

Diff 7.x-2.x
    o #888680 by Deciphered, Alan D.: Allow modules to interact via drupal_alter()
    o #1280892 by Alan D., crea: Diff should track the variables that it defines
    o #1304658 by Alan D., kari.kaariainen: Remove links and comments from the comparison preview
    o #1122206 by binford2k, Alan D.: Notices thrown by DiffEngine::process_chunk()
    o #1175064 by zilverdistel, Alan D.: Provide variables for leading and trailing context
    o #1673864 by Alan D.: Allow users to bypass the admin theme when viewing comparisons
    o #1673876 by Alan D.: Use Drupal autoloading for classes
    o #1673856 by Alan D.: Use hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter() rather than hook_form_alter()
    o #1673856 by Alan D.: Normalise line endings
    o #114308 by Alan D.: add jQuery for hiding radios that shouldn't show diffs
    o #1688840 by Alan D.: Enable new JScript behaviour by default
    o #372957 by erykmynn, JuliaKM, lsrzj, andrew_rs, alexpott, et al: HTML Strip for Diff, WYSIWYG Friendly
      (This was refactored in the 7.x-3.x branch from the commited 7.x-2.x code)    
    o #521212 by Alan D., blakehall: Make diff comparison page themable
    o #1671484 by Alan D.: Show number of lines changed on revisions page
    o #114699 by smokris, Alan D.: Diff module should support Token
    o #372957 by c31ck: display either Hide or Show based on what clicking it will do at any time (HTML Strip for Diff)
      This was altered for the 7.x-3.x branch.
    o #1807510 & #1825202: Simplify Diff administration
    o #1812162 by mitchell, Alan D.: 'Highlight changes' block appears on edit form

    Node to Entity changes
    These are roughly tracked in the meta issue #1365750 Generalize API and Integrate with core field types

    o (no issue) by Alan D.: Use entity specific system variables.
    o (no issue) by Alan D.: View mode code, new hooks, new API. Massive patch!

    o #248778: Taxonomy diff
    o #1550698: Diff of "select from list" fields shows change in key, not change in value
    o #1458814: File (and image) field support
    o #1418760: Optional setting to honour the display settings
    o #1347316: Selectable view mode for inline diffs and "Current revision" display view mode
    o #1458906: Improve performances (of existing 7.x-2.x field rendering)
    o #1424162: Diff in Taxonomy term description
    o #1211282: Image diff support

The following patches will be posted in the corresponding project queues once
the 7.x-3.x branch is released:
    o #1595702 by Alan D., mbilbille: Support of field collection module
    o #1350604 by Alan D., johaziel: Datetime diff
    o (no issue) by Alan D.: Email field Diff support
    o (no issue) by Alan D.: Countries Diff support
    o (no issue) by Alan D.: Name field Diff support
    o (no issue) by Alan D.: Link field Diff support