'fieldset', '#title' => t('Rubik'), ); $form['rubik']['rubik_show_branding'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show branding'), '#description' => t('Display the "branding" line at the top of the page with breadcrumbs and secondary menu.'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('rubik_show_branding', 'rubik'), ); $form['rubik']['rubik_inline_field_descriptions'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Display form field descriptions inline.'), '#description' => t("By default, each field's description is displayed in a pop-up, which is only visible when hovering over that field. Select this option to make all field descriptions visible at all times."), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('rubik_inline_field_descriptions', 'rubik'), ); $form['rubik']['rubik_disable_sticky_sidebar'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Disable sticky sidebar'), '#description' => t("By default, the sidebar will fix itself when scrolling down a form. If you have a lot of fields in the sidebar, consider disabling the sticky sidebar to view them all."), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('rubik_disable_sticky_sidebar', 'rubik'), ); $form['rubik']['rubik_disable_sidebar_in_form'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Disable sidebar in forms'), '#description' => t("By default, the sidebar is enabled for forms."), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('rubik_disable_sidebar_in_form', 'rubik'), ); $form['rubik']['rubik_sidebar_field_ui'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Display fields in the sidebar of the node edit form.'), '#description' => t("By default, each field is displayed in the main content area of the node edit form. This option allows you to move fields into the sidebar to improve user experience."), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('rubik_sidebar_field_ui', 'rubik'), '#states' => array( 'invisible' => array( ':input[name="rubik_disable_sidebar_in_form"]' => array('checked' => TRUE), ), ), ); // If the sidebar is disabled, we need to disable the sidebar field ui as well. $rubik_disable_sidebar_in_form = theme_get_setting('rubik_disable_sidebar_in_form', 'rubik'); if ($rubik_disable_sidebar_in_form == 1) { $form['rubik']['rubik_sidebar_field_ui']['#default_value'] = 0; } // Rebuild theme registry on form save. if (!empty($form_state)) { // Rebuild .info data. system_rebuild_theme_data(); // Rebuild theme registry. drupal_theme_rebuild(); } }