 * UI enhancements for the imagecache edit form

   * Check if independent corners are enabled and disable other fields in the UI
  Drupal.canvasactions_roundedcorners_form_disable_fields = function () {
    // To get the right effect, we have to set the 'disabled' attribute on the 
    // field, but set the class on the container item. Tedious.
    if (!$(":checkbox#edit-data-independent-corners-set-independent-corners").attr("checked")){
      $(".form-item-data-radius input").attr("disabled", false);
      $("#independent-corners-set .form-item").addClass("form-disabled");
      $("#independent-corners-set input").attr("disabled", true);
    else {
      $(".form-item-data-radius input").attr("disabled", true);
      $("#independent-corners-set .form-item").removeClass("form-disabled");
      $("#independent-corners-set input").attr("disabled", false);
   * Trigger the update when the form is ready, and add listener to the checkbox
  Drupal.behaviors.canvasactions_roundedcorners = {
    attach: function (context, settings) {
        function() {
