(function($) { $(document).bind('cobalt-load', function(evt, cobalt) { var plugin = { 'version': 0, 'catalogs': {}, 'handlers': [] }; plugin['catalogs']['menu'] = { 'update': function(last_update, callback) { $.getJSON(Drupal.settings.basePath + 'cobalt/data/menu_json', {}, function (data) { cobalt.emptyCatalog('menu'); for (var id in data) { cobalt.addEntry({id:id, name:data[id][1], extra:data[id][0], information: data[id][0], catalog:'menu', classname:'url_data'}); } callback(false); }); }, 'install': function() { }, 'uninstall': function() { }, 'item_formatter': function(item) { return item.name + ' <small>' + item.information + '</small>'; }, 'update_rate': 60000 }; var uri_from_item = function(item, omitDestination) { var path = item.information; var destination = Drupal.settings.cobalt.path; if (typeof(path) == 'object') { destination = path.destination; path = path.path; } if (path=='<front>') { path = ''; } if (destination && !omitDestination) { path = path + '?destination=' + destination; } return Drupal.settings.basePath + path; }; plugin['handlers'].push({ 'id': 'menu_goto', 'name': Drupal.t('Go to and return'), 'data_class': 'url_data', 'handler': function(text, item) { window.location.href = uri_from_item(item); } }); plugin['handlers'].push({ 'id': 'menu_goto_stay', 'name': Drupal.t('Go to'), 'data_class': 'url_data', 'handler': function(text, item) { window.location.href = uri_from_item(item, true); } }); plugin['handlers'].push({ 'id': 'menu_open_in_new_window', 'name': Drupal.t('Open in new window'), 'data_class': 'url_data', 'handler': function(text, item) { var form = document.createElement("form"); $(form).attr({ 'method': 'GET', 'action': uri_from_item(item), 'target': '_blank' }).appendTo('body'); try { form.submit(); } catch(e) { var message = $('<div></div>'); message.append('<h1>' + Drupal.t('Could not open window') + '</h1>'); message.append('<p>' + Drupal.t('You might be using a popup blocker, which stopped Cobalt from opening a new window.') + '</p>'); cobalt.showHtml(message); } $(form).remove(); } }); cobalt.registerPlugin('cobalt_menu', plugin); }); })(jQuery);