$node), array('clear' => TRUE)); } else { $pdf_filename = token_replace($pdf_filename, array('site'), array('clear' => TRUE)); if (empty($pdf_filename)) { // If empty, use a fallback solution $pdf_filename = str_replace('/', '_', $path); } } } else { $pdf_filename = 'page'; } if (function_exists('transliteration_clean_filename')) { $pdf_filename = transliteration_clean_filename($pdf_filename, language_default('language')); } drupal_alter('print_pdf_filename', $pdf_filename, $path); $pdf = print_pdf_generate_path($path, $query, $cid, $pdf_filename . '.pdf'); if ($pdf == NULL) { drupal_goto($path); exit; } $nodepath = (isset($node->nid)) ? 'node/' . $node->nid : drupal_get_normal_path($path); db_merge('print_pdf_page_counter') ->key(array('path' => $nodepath)) ->fields(array( 'totalcount' => 1, 'timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME, )) ->expression('totalcount', 'totalcount + 1') ->execute(); drupal_exit(); } /** * Gennerate a PDF for a given Drupal path. * * @param string $path * path of the page to convert to PDF * @param array $query * (optional) array of key/value pairs as used in the url() function for the * query * @param int $cid * (optional) comment ID of the comment to render. * @param string $pdf_filename * (optional) filename of the generated PDF * @param string $view_mode * (optional) view mode to be used when rendering the content * * @return * generated PDF page, or NULL in case of error * * @see print_pdf_controller() */ function print_pdf_generate_path($path, $query = NULL, $cid = NULL, $pdf_filename = NULL, $view_mode = PRINT_VIEW_MODE) { global $base_url; $link = print_pdf_print_link(); $node = print_controller($path, $link['format'], $cid, $view_mode); if ($node) { // Call the current tool's hook_pdf_tool_info(), to see if we need to expand CSS $pdf_tool = explode('|', variable_get('print_pdf_pdf_tool', PRINT_PDF_PDF_TOOL_DEFAULT)); $cache_enabled = variable_get('print_pdf_cache_enabled', PRINT_PDF_CACHE_ENABLED_DEFAULT); $function = $pdf_tool[0] . '_pdf_tool_info'; if (function_exists($function)) { $info = $function(); } $expand = isset($info['expand_css']) ? $info['expand_css'] : FALSE; $html = theme('print', array('node' => $node, 'query' => $query, $expand, 'format' => $link['format'])); // Img elements must be set to absolute $pattern = '!<(img\s[^>]*?)>!is'; $html = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_print_rewrite_urls', $html); // Convert the a href elements, to make sure no relative links remain $pattern = '!<(a\s[^>]*?)>!is'; $html = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_print_rewrite_urls', $html); // And make anchor links relative again, to permit in-PDF navigation $html = preg_replace("!${base_url}/" . $link['path'] . '/.*?#!', '#', $html); $meta = array( 'node' => $node, 'url' => url(drupal_get_path_alias(empty($node->nid) ? $node->path : "node/$node->nid"), array('absolute' => TRUE)), ); if (isset($node->name)) $meta['name'] = $node->name; if (isset($node->title)) $meta['title'] = $node->title; $paper_size = isset($node->print_pdf_size) ? $node->print_pdf_size : NULL; $page_orientation = isset($node->print_pdf_orientation) ? $node->print_pdf_orientation : NULL; $pdf = ''; $cachemiss = FALSE; if ($cache_enabled && isset($node->nid)) { // See if the file exists in the cache $cachefile = drupal_realpath(print_pdf_cache_dir()) . '/' . $node->nid . '.pdf'; if (is_readable($cachefile)) { // Get the PDF content from the cached file $pdf = file_get_contents($cachefile); if ($pdf === FALSE) { watchdog('print_pdf', 'Failed to read from cached file %file', array('%file' => $cached), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } } else { $cachemiss = TRUE; } } // If cache is off or file is not cached, generate one from scratch if (empty($pdf)) { $pdf = print_pdf_generate_html($html, $meta, NULL, $paper_size, $page_orientation); } if (!empty($pdf)) { // A PDF was created, save it to cache if configured if ($cachemiss) { if (file_unmanaged_save_data($pdf, $cachefile, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE) == FALSE) { watchdog('print_pdf', 'Failed to write to "%f".', array('%f' => $filename), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } } return $pdf_filename ? print_pdf_dispose_content($pdf, $pdf_filename) : $pdf; } } else { return NULL; } }