'"%value" is not a valid Pakistanese mobile phone number
Pakistanese phone numbers should only ...', ); } /** * Verifies that $phonenumber is valid * * @param string $phonenumber * @return boolean Returns boolean FALSE if the phone number is not valid. */ function valid_pk_phone_number($phonenumber) { // define regular expression $regex = "/^(\+)?([9]{1}[2]{1})?-? ?(\()?([0]{1})?[1-9]{2,4}(\))?-? ??(\()?[1-9]{4,7}(\))?$/i"; // return true if valid, false otherwise return (bool) preg_match($regex, $phonenumber); } /** * Formatting for Pakistan Phone Numbers. * * @param string $phonenumber * @return string Returns a string containting the phone number with some formatting. */ function format_pk_phone_number($phonenumber, $field) { //$phonenumber = trim($phonenumber); // do some formatting on the phone number /* ==> to be done ==> add the country code if ($field['phone_country_code']) { if ($matches[1] != "+39") { $phonenumber = "+39" . " " . $phonenumber; } } */ return $phonenumber; }