'"%value" is not a valid Costa Rican phone number!
Costa Rican phone numbers should contain only numbers and spaces be like 99 99 99 99 with an optional prefix of "+506" or "00506".', ); } /** * Verifies that $phonenumber is a valid eight-digit Costa Rican phone number * * @param string $phonenumber * @return boolean Returns boolean FALSE if the phone number is not valid. */ function valid_cr_phone_number($phonenumber) { //$phonenumber = trim($phonenumber); // define regular expression $regex = "/(00)?[\s|-]?((\+)?[\s|-]?[0-9]{3})?[\s|-]?([0-9]{2})[\s|-]?([0-9]{2})[\s|-]?([0-9]{2})[\s|-]?([0-9]{2})[\s|-]?/"; // return true if valid, false otherwise return (bool) preg_match($regex, $phonenumber); } /** * Convert a valid Costa Rican phone number into standard (+506) 5555 55 55 format * * @param $phonenumber must be a valid eight-digit number (with optional international prefix) * */ /* Accepts: +506 88798857 +506 88-79-88-57 00506 88798857 00506 88-79-88-57 Rejects: +506 8 8798857 +506 8 8-79-88-57 00506 8 8798857 00506 8 8-79-88-57 */ function format_cr_phone_number($phonenumber, $field = FALSE) { // define regular expression $regex = "/(00)?[\s|-]?((\+)?[\s|-]?[0-9]{3})?[\s|-]?([0-9]{2})[\s|-]?([0-9]{2})[\s|-]?([0-9]{2})[\s|-]?([0-9]{2})[\s|-]?/"; // get digits of phone number //dprint_r($matches); preg_match($regex, $phonenumber, $matches); // construct eight-digit phone number //dprint_r($matches); $phonenumber = $matches[4] . '-' . $matches[5] . '-' . $matches[6] . '-' . $matches[7]; if($matches[2]){ if($matches[1]) $phonenumber = "+" . $matches[2] . " " . $phonenumber; else $phonenumber = $matches[2] . " " . $phonenumber; } return $phonenumber; }