' . t('This module allows site administrators to grant some roles the authority to assign selected roles to users, without them needing the administer permissions permission.') . '

'; $output .= '

' . t('It provides its own tab in the user profile so that roles can be assigned without needing access to the user edit form.') . '

'; return $output; } } /** * Implements hook_theme(). */ function role_delegation_theme() { return array( 'role_delegation_delegate_roles_action_form' => array( 'render element' => 'form', ), ); }; /** * Implements hook_permission(). */ function role_delegation_permission() { $roles = _role_delegation_roles(); $perms['assign all roles'] = array( 'title' => t('Assign all roles'), 'restrict access' => TRUE, ); foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) { $perms["assign $role role"] = array( 'title' => t('Assign %role role', array('%role' => $role)), ); } return $perms; } /** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function role_delegation_menu() { $items['user/%user/roles'] = array( 'title' => 'Roles', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('role_delegation_roles_form', 1), 'access callback' => 'role_delegation_access', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, ); return $items; } /** * Helper function to create the role options. */ function _role_delegation_add_roles_to_form(&$form, $account) { $roles_current = $account->roles; $roles_delegate = array(); $roles = _role_delegation_roles(); foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) { if (user_access('assign all roles') || user_access("assign $role role")) { $roles_delegate[$rid] = isset($form['account']['roles']['#options'][$rid]) ? $form['account']['roles']['#options'][$rid] : $role; } } if (empty($roles_delegate)) { // No role can be assigned. return; } if (!isset($form['account'])) { $form['account'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $account, ); } // Generate the form items. $form['account']['roles_change'] = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#title' => isset($form['account']['roles']['#title']) ? $form['account']['roles']['#title'] : t('Roles'), '#options' => $roles_delegate, '#default_value' => array_keys(array_intersect_key($roles_current, $roles_delegate)), '#description' => isset($form['account']['roles']['#description']) ? $form['account']['roles']['#description'] : t('Change roles assigned to user.'), ); } /** * Provides a form for assigning roles to the current user. */ function role_delegation_roles_form($form, $form_state, $account) { _role_delegation_add_roles_to_form($form, $account); $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'), ); return $form; } /** * Saves the roles assigned to the account given in the form. */ function role_delegation_roles_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { if (is_array($form_state['values']['roles_change']) && isset($form_state['values']['account']->uid)) { $uid = (int)$form_state['values']['account']->uid; role_delegation_save(array($uid), $form_state['values']['roles_change']); drupal_set_message(t('The roles have been updated.')); } } function role_delegation_save($uids, $roles_change) { $rolenames = user_roles(TRUE); foreach ($roles_change as $rid => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { // Use the role name for changed roles. $roles_change[$rid] = $rolenames[$rid]; } } $accounts = user_load_multiple($uids); foreach ($accounts as $account) { $roles_current = $account->roles; $roles = array_filter($roles_change + $roles_current); user_save($account, array('roles' => $roles)); } } /** * Access callback for menu hook. */ function role_delegation_access() { // Check access to user profile page. if (!user_access('access user profiles')) { return FALSE; } // Check if they can edit users. In that case, the Roles tab is not needed. if (user_access('administer users')) { return FALSE; } // Check access to role assignment page. if (user_access('administer permissions')) { return TRUE; } $perms = array_keys(role_delegation_permission()); foreach ($perms as $perm) { if (user_access($perm)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Returns all existing roles, except anonymous and authenticated user. */ function _role_delegation_roles() { $roles = user_roles(TRUE); unset($roles[DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID]); // Do not allow to delegate users to administator role. Let's keep this // privilege to users with 'Administer permissions' permission only. unset($roles[variable_get('user_admin_role', 0)]); return $roles; } /** * Implements hook_form_alter(). */ function role_delegation_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { // Only add role delegation options to: // * Registration tab of account registration form // * Account editing tab of account editing form // These are normally the only tabs present on those forms, but other tabs may be added // by other modules, e.g. profile editing tabs by Profile 2. if (!( ($form_id == 'user_register_form' && $form['#user_category'] == 'register') || ($form_id == 'user_profile_form' && $form['#user_category'] == 'account' ) )) { return; } if (user_access('administer permissions')) { return; } $account = $form['#user']; _role_delegation_add_roles_to_form($form, $account); } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for user_admin_role(). */ function role_delegation_form_user_admin_role_alter(&$form, $form_state) { $form['#submit'][] = 'role_delegation_form_user_admin_role_submit'; } /** * Submit function for the user_admin_role form: * When a role is renamed, renames the "assign role" permission for that role. * We can't use hook_user_role_update() for this, because it doesn't have * access to the old role name. */ function role_delegation_form_user_admin_role_submit($form, $form_state) { $op = $form_state['values']['op']; if ($op != t('Save role')) { return; } $oldrole = $form_state['build_info']['args'][0]->name; $newrole = $form_state['values']['name']; if ($oldrole == $newrole) { return; } db_update('role_permission') ->condition('permission', "assign $oldrole role") ->fields(array('permission' => "assign $newrole role")) ->execute(); } /** * Implements hook_user_role_delete(). * When a role is deleted, deletes the "assign role" permission for that role. */ function role_delegation_user_role_delete($role) { db_delete('role_permission') ->condition('permission', "assign {$role->name} role") ->execute(); } /** * Implements hook_user_presave(). */ function role_delegation_user_presave(&$edit, $account, $category) { if (isset($edit['roles_change'])) { $edit['roles'] = array_filter($edit['roles_change'] + $edit['roles']); unset($edit['roles_change']); } } /** * Implements hook_user_operations(). */ function role_delegation_user_operations($form = array(), $form_state = array()) { // Only provide role add/remove operations when user can't assign permissions // without Role Delegation. if (user_access('administer permissions')) { return; } // Provide add/remove operations for delegated roles. $add_roles = array(); $remove_roles = array(); foreach (_role_delegation_roles() as $rid => $role) { if (user_access('assign all roles') || user_access("assign $role role")) { $add_roles['role_delegation_add_role-' . $rid]['label'] = t('Add role: !role', array('!role' => $role)); $remove_roles['role_delegation_remove_role-' . $rid]['label'] = t('Remove role: !role', array('!role' => $role)); } } $operations = $add_roles + $remove_roles; // If the form has been posted, insert the proper data for role editing. if (!empty($form_state['submitted'])) { $operation_rid = explode('-', $form_state['values']['operation']); $operation = $operation_rid[0]; if ($operation == 'role_delegation_add_role' || $operation == 'role_delegation_remove_role') { if (array_key_exists($form_state['values']['operation'], $operations)) { $rid = $operation_rid[1]; $operations[$form_state['values']['operation']] += array( // use the standard add_role and remove_role operations: 'callback' => 'user_multiple_role_edit', 'callback arguments' => array(str_replace('role_delegation_', '', $operation), $rid), ); } else { watchdog('security', 'Detected malicious attempt to alter protected user fields.', array(), WATCHDOG_WARNING); return; } } } return $operations; } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for user_admin_account(). * * In the user bulk update form, separates out the role delegation operations * and groups and relabels them under 'Add a role' and 'Remove a role' optgroups. */ function role_delegation_form_user_admin_account_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { $options = $form['options']['operation']['#options']; $roles = _role_delegation_roles(); $add_roles = array(); $remove_roles = array(); foreach ($options as $option => $label) { $operation_rid = explode('-', $option); $operation = $operation_rid[0]; if ($operation == 'role_delegation_add_role') { $rid = $operation_rid[1]; $add_roles[$option] = $roles[$rid]; unset($options[$option]); } elseif ($operation == 'role_delegation_remove_role') { $rid = $operation_rid[1]; $remove_roles[$option] = $roles[$rid]; unset($options[$option]); } } if (count($add_roles)) { $form['options']['operation']['#options'] = $options + array( t('Add a role to the selected users') => $add_roles, t('Remove a role from the selected users') => $remove_roles, ); } } /** * Implements hook_action_info(). */ function role_delegation_action_info() { return array( 'role_delegation_delegate_roles_action' => array( 'type' => 'user', 'label' => t('Delegate roles'), 'configurable' => TRUE, 'triggers' => array(), ), ); } function role_delegation_delegate_roles_action_form($context) { $form['#tree'] = TRUE; $form['#theme'] = 'role_delegation_delegate_roles_action_form'; foreach (_role_delegation_roles() as $rid => $role_name) { $form['role_change'][$rid] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => check_plain($role_name), '#default_value' => isset($context['roles_change'][$rid]) ? $context['roles_change'][$rid] : -1, '#options' => array( -1 => t('Do not change'), 1 => t('Add this role'), 0 => t('Remove this role'), ), ); } return $form; } function theme_role_delegation_delegate_roles_action_form($variables) { $form = $variables['form']; $rows = array(); $header = array( t('Role'), t('Operation'), ); foreach (element_children($form['role_change']) as $key) { $role = $form['role_change'][$key]['#title']; unset($form['role_change'][$key]['#title']); $operation = drupal_render($form['role_change'][$key]); $row = array( array('data' => $role), array('data' => $operation), ); $rows[] = $row; } $output = drupal_render($form['actions_label']); $output .= theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, 'attributes' => array('id' => 'role-delegation-table'))); $output .= drupal_render_children($form); return $output; } function role_delegation_delegate_roles_action_submit($form, $form_state) { $roles_change = array(); foreach ($form_state['values']['role_change'] as $rid => $value) { if ($value > -1) { $roles_change[$rid] = $value; } } return array('roles_change' => $roles_change); } function role_delegation_delegate_roles_action(&$user, $context) { $roles_current = $user->roles; $roles_change = $context['roles_change']; role_delegation_save(array($user->uid), $roles_change); }