index. $data['search_api_saved_searches_settings']['index_id']['relationship'] = array( 'base' => 'search_api_index', 'base field' => 'machine_name', 'title' => t('Search index'), 'label' => t('search index'), ); // Relationship: search => user. $data['search_api_saved_search']['uid']['relationship'] = array( 'base' => 'users', 'base field' => 'uid', 'title' => t('User'), 'label' => t('user'), ); // Relationship: search => settings. $data['search_api_saved_search']['settings_id']['relationship'] = array( 'base' => 'search_api_saved_searches_settings', 'base field' => 'delta', 'title' => t('Settings'), 'label' => t('settings'), ); // Proper field type for notify_interval. $data['search_api_saved_search']['notify_interval']['field']['handler'] = 'SearchApiSavedSearchesViewsHandlerFieldInterval'; $data['search_api_saved_search']['notify_interval']['field']['additional fields'] = array('id'); // Use our own handler so we can link the name to the search results. $data['search_api_saved_search']['name']['field']['handler'] = 'SearchApiSavedSearchesViewsHandlerFieldName'; $data['search_api_saved_search']['name']['field']['additional fields'] = array('id'); // We have to do this here, not in hook_views_data(), since the table itself // comes from another module and one definition would overwrite the other. $data['search_api_saved_search']['edit_link']['field'] = array( 'title' => t('Edit link'), 'help' => t('Display a link that allows the user to edit the saved search, if they have the necessary permissions.'), 'handler' => 'SearchApiSavedSearchesViewsHandlerFieldLink', 'additional fields' => array('id'), ); $data['search_api_saved_search']['delete_link']['field'] = array( 'title' => t('Delete link'), 'help' => t('Display a link that allows the user to delete the saved search, if they have the necessary permissions.'), 'handler' => 'SearchApiSavedSearchesViewsHandlerFieldLink', 'additional fields' => array('id'), ); $data['search_api_saved_search']['results']['field'] = array( 'title' => t('Results'), 'help' => t('The saved search results of this search.'), 'handler' => 'entity_views_handler_field_text', 'additional fields' => array('id'), 'type' => 'list', ); }