Search API autocomplete ----------------------- Adds autocomplete capabilities for Search API searches. Information for users --------------------- - Necessary server feature The server on which the search will be executed has to support the "search_api_autocomplete" feature in order for autocompletion to work. Searches on other servers won't be affected by this module. Currently, only the Solr service class [1] is known to support this feature. [1] - Necessary setup After having installed and enabled the module, you have to do some administrative steps to activate the autocomplete functionality. Autocompletion can be enabled and configured for each search separately. To activate autocompletion for an index's searches, go to the index's „Autocomplete“ tab. There, you see all available searches for the index and can enable (and afterwards configure) autocompletion for each of them. All fulltext key fields on the searches should then become autocompletion fields. - Supported searches Currently, only search forms built by search pages or search views are supported directly. However, other modules can easily also use this functionality. See the "Information for developers" for details. Information for developers -------------------------- - Supporting autocompletion with a service class To support autocompletion with a service class, the class has to support the "search_api_autocomplete" feature. This will necessitate the service class to have a getAutocompleteSuggestions() method as detailed in the interface in search_api_autocomplete.interface.php. - Supporting autocompletion on a search form If you have a search form not generated by the Search views or Search pages modules, you can use hook_search_api_autocomplete_types() to tell this module about it. For details, see the hook documentation in the search_api_autocomplete.api.php file, or look at the existing implementations in and